So here's the underlying point about Twitter having no monetization path under current management. They INTEND to ban anyone who thinks the election was stolen, who is skeptical of coronahoax, who supports Trump and who rejects pedotranny ideology. THEY AREN'T DONE BANNING YET. The process of eradication will take time as they want to avoid false positives to the degree that they can. Also it is a form of conditioning. If you cuck to the tranny shit it is a win. That's why they make you delete your own words to reactivate a suspended account. But at the end of the road their constituency is miniscule and it cannot sustain the cash burn. ---- Things that won't happen anytime soon: Mass gun confiscation Ban on homeschooling Legalization of pedophilia ---- The 4000% increase in teen girls thinking they are 'really boys' in the last decade proves it is a memetic plague. Teen girls are as status conscious as any life form in the universe, so perfect victims of these spiteful freaks. ---- Jewish opinion runs the gamut from 'Why are critics of Israel allowed to speak?' to 'Why are the goyim not our slaves?' ---- As a closely held private company run by the richest man on Earth none of that would matter. It would revert to 2014 Twitter, shitposter paradise. It would provide an interesting test for just how popular free expression is. ---- Colonel Bustard: It began with the forging of the Great Slurs. Three letters were given to the Homos, gayest of all beings. Four to the Jew-Lords, great financiers and bankers of the mountain halls. And six, six letters were gifted to the race of Blacks, who above all else desire bicycles. ---- Fags aren't merely a genetic dead end, they're geneline terminators who infect others. ---- Drudge is a fag. Google showed him their projections. It was fear of the bog not cash that flipped him. ---- Twitter's engagement is way down as they're banning normies who think the election was stolen. Only US based users can be monetized effectively. The 1% of US citizens who are antifa aligned can't sustain a platform. ---- Remember, not everyone with money knows the shot. A lot of these funds might be happy to take their profits on Twitter rather than risk hodling and having it implode forever once Musk walks. ---- I have written vast walls of words on this subject. Anonymity + no single chokepoint + monetization + no bots Very difficult problem. ---- The structural problem is that minions have egos. The delta between the rhetoric of diversity and the reality that all competence chokepoints had some smug White man making a hefty salary became more than the mutants could bear. ---- All straight White men hate cultural Marxism. ---- The merchant mindset is baked into the US from day one. Opportunistic infections are taking advantage, certainly, but they did not create the culture in which they thrive. ---- Being the largest shareholder doesn't give you control. Elon needs a coalition of large funds. If the high table doesn't want it he won't get it. But I reiterate, the slow walk faction might WANT to ease back on the panoptic tyranny. Because Elon's roll your own Twitter clone will be six gorillion times worse. ---- Elon Musk marries actress cast as the ideal sex robot. Divorces. 'What I really need is her, but as a robot.' ---- If Twitter doesn't eradicate cell phone account verification it will remain extremely censored by terror. ---- A White nationalist breakaway republic in North America is more likely than preventing biological upgrades to man worldwide. Transhumanism is just advanced medicine. ---- There is a faction of the enemy ruling stratum that believes they've pushed too far too fast. If they let Elon Musk buy Twitter, and they are in a position to do so, that is a sign they're reverting to the slow walk genocide plan. ---- The FCC was created to censor Father Coughlin and facilitate FDR railroading the US into fighting Germany. ---- The subtlety of Jew schemes to wipe out free speech is astonishing. All were ongoing in the heydey of ACLU 'free speech absolutism' as the FCC used supreme federal power to abolish ALL political advocacy on radio and television. ---- I can think of four targets for the Russian atomic rocket forces that would be substantially more effective. NYC, LA, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Stretch goals: Chicago and Philadelphia. ---- The debate among the demons is whether they can slow walk us to oblivion or need to kill us all ASAP. ---- Talking points from the emergency virtual Prague Cemetery zioom call: We can outbid Musk but that rewards investors in a fundamentally toxic business. Also reveal our hand, particularly if we use Blackrock to front the bid. If we win Musk still has the option of creating his own Twitter, which is a lot easier than you think. What about the jackal? If we terminate they'll be talking about it 59 years from now, just like JFK, and some of them will know we did it. ---- Goldman Sachs isn't trying to veto Elon Musk buying Twitter because Elon is false opposition. Just sayin. ---- Free speech absolutism is not a threat to majority rule, so the line that it threatens 'democracy' is horseshit. The marching morons will always want to retain their ability to vote stupidly. ---- Elon Musk has never made a racist statement. He is a transhumanist. That is an acceptable ideology in the current year. He's also a globalist in terms of skilled labor, wanting foreign scabs to steal American jobs. HOWEVER... he is against the Jew plot to scuttle civilization to get revenge for the Nazi thing. He probably does not understand the motives driving this. Like many technophile types he thinks it's some kind of psychotic cult. Which is it, but it does have an internal logic if you break through the taboos and look at it without obfuscation. ---- Biden's puppet masters have not one practical man among them. A GOP megalandslide is not something that can be easily controlled. The top priority should be getting gasoline prices down and completely eliminating the last traces of covid restrictions so they can be forgotten by November. Instead they're doubling down on castrating little boys and cutting off little girls' tits. ---- Free speech online won't necessarily lead to fascism. Libertarians can make Jews uncomfortable using the same methods Jews use to ban their critics from everything - codes of conduct, restrictive covenants, boycotts, bans. 2% can't control 98% unless there is considerable manufactured consent. ---- I maintain that Torba is a FBI CI and he cripples Gab on purpose under constant monitoring. He's allowed side hustles with GOP grifts like Kyle Rittenhouse fundraising and such, but he is strictly forbidden from enabling far right networking and content discovery. Also notice still no livestreaming which is the far right killer app and has been since internet bloodsports became a thing. ---- [on Musk] He knows tranny psychosis and coronahoax are existential threats to civilization, and he suspects more are coming. It is unlikely that someone who has done so well within the pig system is ready to face just how evil it is. So, for example, I doubt he knows that pedophiles are installed in most power chokepoints because Mossad can blackmail them. But he does want more free speech than exists under the panopticon today. ---- Only for esoteric researchers. Iraq war was right out there, and so chutzpahriffic that it shook a lot of people, not just far right types. Most leftists were stunned how the US went from post-Vietnam pacifism to warmongering in a matter of weeks. ---- Cornelius Rye: you know how when it’s dark out and you’re trying to see the landscape in a thunderstorm, and you’re blundering along trying to feel your way, and the only time you can see what’s in front of you is by sudden bolts of lightning? there are a few of those moments in politics too, a handful in the past 7 years, where the actual power structure reveals itself in a sudden bolt of lightning, only briefly, and this Twitter thing is one of those times when it flexes and reveals itself to those paying attention, it really helps to illuminate everything when a seemingly random, unrelated set of random people and organizations all start screaming at once Dread: First Iraq war was one of those. The one that woke me up to the malign influence of right wing Jews. ---- Victoria Nuland gave the game away when she said the upside of sanctions was less Europeans. Analyze every leftist policy with this lens: How will it weaken, kill or prevent Europeans from being born? ---- Teenagers are easily influenced by status signals. That's why all cultures executed homosexuals who attempted to convert children. Usually by torture. ---- A meritocratic technological society will continue to humiliate everyone but Europeans and Asians, so it has to go. ---- Elon's generous offer creates a problem. Twitter was never sold to Disney because the ADL stepped in and alerted the Jews who can hit the brakes as to what sort of fun Twitter had yet to wipe out. Twitter will never solve this computationally intractable problem to the ADL's satisfaction so Elon's is, barring a shift in Elders of Zion policy, the best offer Twitter stockholders will ever get. That means the high table will have to reverse course and offer more money if they can't stop the deal any other way. Most likely source of such an offer? Larry Fink with laundered Fed money. Which might draw some attention to the entire faggot tranny racket. ---- So free speech will increase tranny suicide. WHERE'S THE DOWNSIDE? ---- So Elon Musk's second wife was that incredibly hot actress who greets the guests in Westworld. Nice. ---- Knowing that Twitter was an unplanned market phenomenon is just as important as knowing Google was created by the NSA and CIA. ---- Pretty much everyone who matters knows if I get iced it will be the work of commies. Make sure your dead man switch is in working order. ---- I agree Elon has a good chance of pulling it off. Only a cash offer from the demons of the transcend can instantly veto it. But that will reveal a great deal. Also won't stop Elon from starting his own Twitter clone. ---- Social media has no third party auditing. It has been manipulated with both internal trickery (shadowbanning, entirely fake trending, most favored account biasing) from day one, in addition to third party manipulation by clickbot swarms. That's why 50% of Gab traffic originates in India. Every bit of it fake. ---- My code of conduct is to maximize tranny suicide. Thank you for attending my TED Talk. ---- Steve Sailer has lots of obscure but useless insights but all his salient political analysis aside from the big one - Sailer Strategy - is deradicalization civnat pap. Of course the Democrats are working to legalize raping children. That's what faggots do. Oh, and the GOP wants it too. ---- Christian polling outfit Barna estimates that 7% of Americans are real Christians. That's 23 million people. Their cultural power? Negligible. ---- I suppose the decades of Christians tolerating blasphemy against Christ should have been a clue that they would capitulate entirely to faggot groomers. ---- In 2015 you had to root a pure enemy device to have an open source smartphone. Now you can buy them. Pig system must ban us from its evil platforms, and that is forcing evolution. ---- Where are the churches that preach faggots are hellbound sinners? Never mind this tranny lunacy, what happened to your basic Jerry Falwell fire and brimstone preaching? ---- Trump shows many signs of psychopathy, multiple divorces, adultery, whoremongering, a grandiose view of himself, cheating business associates and a complete lack of honor. ---- Ukraine bullshit is worse bullshit than covid in that Russia invading Ukraine would have no negative impact on the US at all if we kept out of it, whereas covid at least killed some old fat Americans. ---- Truth Social isn't the last straw, that was betraying the January 6 protesters. But Truth Social is ongoing proof that Trump is a psychopath. A more forgiving person might wrongly forgive Trump for caving under pressure on January 6, but what is Truth Social other than an open money grab and attempt to truckle to the Jews by not providing any free expression? ---- If an idea inherently requires the dismantling of industrial civilization it's the work of spiteful mutants who know they can't beat us in a straight up fight so they try to get us to slice our own throats. ---- Cultural relativism was the original political correctness. The laughable notion that bushmen have a culture just as good as renaissance Italy. ---- If poverty is proof of low quality inceldom is even more definitive proof of same. From a Darwinian perspective it is the worst possible fail. A poor man with a woman is richer than a millionaire incel. ---- The fall of Mic dot com and Gawker with no replacements emerging provides more evidence that the antifa doxxing strategy is in decline. Remember, Gawker justified posting the Hulk Hogan porn video because Hogan did a racism. ---- Your strategy is metaphysically certain to fail. The system will, even if it falls, use its last technological resources to exterminate White nationalists in their compounds. My strategy of embracing technology at least assures that White men retain their sole superpower, which is the long term thinking strategy of technology. Brown people can easily exceed our birthrate so we need some other edge. ---- I think they pulled the plug on signal boosting doxxing with billionaire cash for three reasons: It's an obvious lawfare vector that will eventually cause them trouble, as in cost them lots of money in civil judgments. It didn't stop Trump from being reelected so it failed in its primary goal, forcing the pig system to steal the election which caused even more problems. It doesn't work. Every person they doxx becomes a greater enemy and a certain number become full time professional enemies. The last is interesting because it implies that without antifa doxxing there would be no professional far right. ---- Why did Twitter ban doxxing? You assume 2015-2020 trend will continue forever. Elon Musk is one sign of the evolutionary forces that are going to make leftist control much harder, as the leftist goal is constant horror and torment. Therefore some people with intellect, money and power are going to push back. Keep in mind the invisible to the internet people exist in vast numbers. I have many old frens who I can duckduckgo and not find a trace of their real life. ---- I have interacted with a lot of well meaning people who don't understand the problem of maintaining free expression against a leftist swarm intelligence funded by billionaires and backed by the US and EU governments. It's a lot less simple than it appears. One of the most severe errors is lack of appreciation for robust anonymity. A free expression platform should require zero personally tracable info to register, and should have a pure anon posting option. ---- Almost certainly if Elon took over Twitter and reinstated Trump and as many shitlords as he could the SJW-antifa contingent would NOT quit. They would stick around and run covert shadowban operations with the help of the NSA, Google and all other entities of the panopticon. ---- Nature and Race: Anywhere you find calls for freedom to be taken away, there you will find Jews leading those calls. So long as Jews have influence in White countries, our freedom will always be under threat. ---- Jews are wailing and gnashing their teeth about Russia because they're losing and there is no way out. US and EU won't send ground troops. Ukraine as faggot paradise is done. ---- If you want my posts to be nothing but hating Jews start another Jew war. Don't test me. ---- The Israel lobby wants a draft to get Americans to fight wars for Israel more than anything but they can't get it. That is an encouraging sign. ---- You need to look deeper. Not being on the board means he said NO DEAL for restrictions on how much stock he can buy. That means he can buy enough to fire the CEO if he is so inclined. The seat on the board would have neutralized him as he is outnumbered there and always would be. ---- Hostility to Russia among Americans rose 29 points in three months. That gives a baseline for the percentage of Americans who will believe any damn fool thing the TV says. ---- Norm MacDonald's hobby was making Jewish comedians feel as uncomfortable as they enjoyed making their audiences feel. ---- Based on coronahoax about 50% of Americans would allow themselves to have their brains dissolved by Facebook and a copy of their personality imprisoned in Meta Jew torture chamber forever. ---- If you're not a Norm MacDonald appreciator we aren't going to get along. ---- I see no sign that the enemy has made their Elon Musk shutdown move... yet. ---- Founders tried to create a system where men like them would stay in charge. It was immediately subverted by letting veterans vote. ---- I don't think the panopticon will reveal its hand regarding their ability to kill crypto until crypto begins killing them. I mean literally. ---- Global temperatures aren't rising significantly. Same leftists who say trans women are women promote climate horseshit. If you believe in climate horseshit you should shut up in my comments. I have zero interest in your moronic words. ---- All nations have at least some people who know that the globalist plan for them is the same as what was done to the US, to import infinity Africans and swamp them with humanoid yeast. ---- Of course Putin demonstrates that the only approach is victory through accepting the consequences, which are not as severe as you might think to hear all the shrieking. For example Mossad death squad killing Elon Musk is a very low probability, and he could brazen out a SEC indictment from a secure location without extradition. Perhaps one closer to the equator. ---- Consider that a guy with $10 million liquid assets could create such an explosion culturally that it would require trillions to suppress. Now why don't they? Because every man with a few million knows about the Jews, probably better than you do. ---- If state nullification of fed law became possible due to a delegitimization preference cascade we could unfuck things very quickly. We have more knowledge and power than ever before. A benign dictatorship would eliminate the national saboteurs in short order. ---- Coronahoax, among its many side effects, has broken the spell of 'the social benefits of the office' among managers who now see these vague penumbras as the vapor they always were. Bad news for urban office space owners. And for all cities. ---- We'd be better off if the constitution were burned. It might break the spell that useless parchment covered in lying words has over dimwits. But probably not. ---- Robert Reich: "Only fascist dictators want Free Speech," explained the Jew. Judge Dread: And yet he is right, because what the people want is a strongman to crush the plutocrats under an iron boot and if the man of destiny could reach his people and take donations he would quickly become what everyone wished Trump was. ---- The Elon Musk Twitter story shows how the system maintains terror. Elon has done nothing. The massive wave of hysteria is intended to intimidate him from making even the slightest move. If he does take some utterly impotent action every Jew on Earth will shriek as if they were being murdered. Proceed boldly is the only option. ---- If the feds start kidnapping children and subjecting them to genital mutilation surgery on the word of groomers things could heat up fast. Every single groomer is now an enemy of the republic. ---- Memetics is more an art than a science because lies are powerful. Atheist George Will pretended to be a Christian while not quite stating that he was one for forty years. ---- The Wikipedia version of everything contains nothing that threatens the legitimacy of the antifa terror state. ---- 30 AD Christianity founded by rogue rabbi 40 AD Christianity retconned and stripped for export to the gentiles 300 AD - 1000 AD Becomes an almost entirely European faith, interpreted by an all European priesthood and propagated by rituals which present a stripped down version of the story, one where Jews do not come off well. That's how Christianity can be originated by Jews yet be hated by most Jews for most of its history. ---- Dread: Social Security destroyed the extended family. Doc Holliday: Social Security was Rosenveldt's offload of pensions from private companies into a tax-transfer Ponzi scheme to help out his friends in big business and their bottom line. Dread: There are levels. That's a second level rationale. The psychohistorians intended it to destroy the family and to buy votes. Doc Holliday: How was it intended to destroy the family? I can agree that, for instance, welfare programs which paid out more if a father wasn't present would do so. Dread: By making parents less reliant on their children for care in their old age. ---- 'Christianity was started by a rogue rabbi' is not the same assertion as 'all Jews support Christianity because they made it', you fucking retards. ---- If you're a low status rabbi starting your own version where you're number one not a bad option. Many, many cults are founded by alienated Jews. Church of Satan being the most notorious recent example. ---- I've been against neocon wars since the first Bush administration. ---- I don't regard the New Testament as a scheme by the elders, I regard it as a fork. ---- You assume the parasite has unity of purpose. It's more like the morphing xenomorph in The Thing (AKA Who Goes There?) ---- Q died on Gab because Q is a neocon Jew. We even have a name, Ezra Cohen Watnick. All Trump aligned Jews were super neocon warmongers, thus the otherwise inexplicable John Bolton appointment. ---- The default assumption should be that strangers after your money are not to be trusted. Not faith. 'All strangers are enemies' is a pretty good rule of thumb. ---- I can't get past the fact that the Bible was written by people whose most notable attribute is a talent for deception. The whole structure of Christian apologetics is evasive dishonesty. Plantinga is a psychopath. ---- Google's purpose would be totalitarian even if it hadn't been founded by the CIA and NSA. Arrange and catalog all information? Why should you have that information at all? ---- Where is that prosperity the open society promised? ---- I'm hearing an important leaked recording. It's recorded by a couple during the visit of either a policeman or a CCP agent, his identity was not disclosed, from Shanghai's disease control center. I know none of you understands Chinese so Imma describe the whole thing to you: The CCP agent comes in and tells the couple they are going to be quarantined, the couple refuse. The couple say they have the report from the hospital beforehand to prove themselves Covid-negative, which is legit, but the CCP agent dismisses the report and insists on taking the couple out of their home. The CCP agent starts to intimidate the couple: "I don't give a damn if you are negative or positive, if we say you are positive, you are positive!" "I don't care about your report. I got a call from the center just now they said you are positive." "You must come with us, that's the ORDER we got!" "If you don't come with us you will face criminal charges!" ----------------------------------------- Han Chinese Dissident Right: This whole Shanghai new wave of the CCP virus was artificially spread by the CCP to lockdown the city. Shanghai is the richest and the most Libertarian-minded city in China. The CCP fears this, they fear the rising number of dissidents among the Shanghai people. They want to arrest and ABDUCT the entire city and make a display of power to scare the Shanghaiese into submission. Staying home has nothing to do with Covid. The whole thing is planned. The Shanghai lockdown was NEVER about Covid, THIS IS A STATE-TERRORIST EXPERIMENT. ---- If there is no strong central state there are no Zuckerbergs. He wouldn't last an hour in an honor culture. ---- Coronahoax revived my appreciation for Ludwig von Mises. ---- A state strong enough to provide health services is a state that can kill everyone with ease. ---- There are levels. You're describing the outer party rationale. At the George Soros level the plan is to destroy White civilization and exterminate all White men as revenge for Nazi Germany having existed for 12 years. That's why every leftist policy reduces productivity. Technology is our superpower. ---- No one over age 30 today will ever be uploaded. Nick Bostrom goes into the gory details in his AI opus Superintelligence. Uploading an accurate brain copy is a much more difficult technical problem than building an AI. A destructive scan the more likely first generation technique than a passive scan. So it's a one way trip. Once the technology exists it will be a method for backing up what you learned and leaving some trace of yourself behind, at least for the philosophically aware. Naturally that wretched scifi writer John Scalzi skips right over this issue in Old Man's War. ---- Why didn't we follow the PNAC plan which was absolutely essential to Israel's long term survival? Because in fact Jews do not fully control the US. Same goes for the 1st Amendment. They have to do the most convoluted culture hacks to suppress speech they don't like, and pretty much the entire library of Jew critical material is now available in a few clicks if you're looking for it. All those swarm tactics raiding libraries and controlling used bookstores for nothing. ---- (rolling eyes) The constitution is useless at defending freedom or we wouldn't have 1/3rd of income stolen by the government. Not to mention two years of tyranny based on a bad flu. ---- A king is hard to bribe because he personally has the power to tax. He can always take your money and give you nothing. ---- Elections must be abolished or parasite load will kill civilization. Democracy is the easiest form of government to subvert. ---- Once I saw that two Jew hedge funds combined have almost double Elon's share I knew it was meaningless. Also Musk could end Twitter by putting up a transcendently immense Mastodon instance in a few weeks, assuming he could hire the best coders on Earth to make it scalable at speed. He has no interest in being killed by a Mossad hit team or put in prison for securities manipulation. Obviously the first option would be indicting Elon Musk. The Mossad hit team would be a last resort, and they'd use the heart attack gun or some other deniable method. Stay out of private planes and helicopters, be my advice. Elon Musk is smarter than most Gab posters. Certainly smarter than me. But he has not figured out any way of effectively pushing back against the forces trying to scuttle the West. Or he is afraid to make use of what he's cooked up, which amounts to the same thing. I guarantee a South African man who married a blonde blue eyed woman and fathered multiple White children with her and wants to colonize Mars and create cyborg supermen does not want every White country to become a housing project full of Africans. But he is powerless to stop it because he is at heart a merchant. ---- You can't stop coronahoax without mentioning that there are people who want the White world to die. Most of those people with any talent, wealth or intelligence are Jews. ---- Reaganism has always been permissable opposition. Reaganism is a semi-neocon keep the dog alive so the ticks can drink policy. ---- I'm sure he can push through immensely popular non-PC related bread and butter stuff like keeping American gas guzzlers on the road. It's anything analogous to civil rights where the Jews have set up a massive planetary death machine to crush any opposition. That's how insanely unpopular shit like trannies have been inflicted on us. It will take a superman, a Napoleon of the right, to engage that demonic mechanism of the abyss. ---- I'd prefer DeSantis to Trump because the GOP normie stuff is still useful to me personally and Trump is less effective at getting that than a normal hack. For one thing we need someone to ram through anti-climate bullshit legislation to prevent the outlawing of gas powered cars. ---- Why would you pin such a stupid post? Thomas Jefferson and George Washington weren't Christians. Most of the errors in the US founding are due to the merchant mindset more than Christianity. France, a secular republic founded around the same time, has similar problems. The meme malware attacks all societies with mass media. Hmm... ---- But really it is the brute force annihilation of anyone who crosses the Jews that's the magic polonium pellet in the secret sauce. ---- HBatakus: I almost never use the word "hate" when referring to a collective. But if you are trans, I fucking hate you. I hate you first and foremost because you are viscerally repulsive. Your presence fucks up my day. I wish you could know that there are two types of people; those who openly feel the same way I do and those who are good at hiding it. When I walk into a public place, if I see one of you I walk out. Hearing you talk is like nails on a fucking chalkboard. It's like the gut punch sensation you get when you witness a terrible car crash. I hate you because you are sick fucking people that are so deeply in denial about your sickness that you want to spread it to others just to validate yourself. I hate you because you are trying to undo civilization to accommodate your sickness. You greedy, disgusting, insidious, sick, sick pieces of shit. ---- Anglin: Currently, I am the only one facing this level of censorship. I support @RealAlexJones, but I do feel frustrated when he claims that he is the canary in the coal mine. He has not suffered anywhere near the censorship I have suffered. All of this stuff came down on me in 2017, and it hasn't been used against anyone else to this degree. The closest anyone has come to my level of censorship is 8chan, following someone doing a thing in New Zealand. It should be understood, however, that when people saying that such and such a website - substack, Rumble, whatever - "can't be censored," they are lying or misinformed. What has been done to me can be done to anyone. What they did to me was proof of concept that you can completely remove legal speech from the normal internet. ---- While on a per post basis GOOG can't yet automate moderation if you are relying on them to distribute your videos they can easily detect enemies within a few uploads and either shadowban or ban outright. Proof? No pro-White person of any note can do anything other than hit and run Youtube uploads with burner channels. ---- Disney is in trouble as a viable business. From 2012 to 2019 Disney had the highest grossing movie of the year, usually along with a few others in the top ten. Coronahoax destroyed that revenue stream. 2019-2020 Disney's theatrical revenue declined by 95%. The groomer meme hits right at the heart of their business, parks, children's films and toys. It's afraid. ---- If your dog can eat your skull like an orange it should be in an enclosure with an electric fence. ---- Reminder: There are two sexes. Sex evolved 700 million years ago. The ability to detect a real member of the opposite sex is vital for survival. The human brain is the most powerful pattern recognition system known, so we are very, very good at spotting fakes. That's why trannies exist in the uncanny valley of the shadow of death. ---- Some men are going to modify themselves to be more powerful. The trick is being the group that wins. ---- The barrier to almost any plan remains the same: Not enough men. Not enough to obtain funding to create an alt-media site, not enough to run crypto-nationalist candidates in GOP primaries, not enough for the sample size to be large enough to produce a Napoleon. ---- Things must be done in the correct order. Break up the union and the enemy will have fifty sovereign state governments to deal with, all of which can decide issues of citizenship. ---- Membership organizations need layers of defense, and one of those layers is crypsis maintained with total disconnection from the GOOG matrix for inner party discussions. Also DNA tests. ---- My novelty take remains that high population is interpreted by instinct as 'shortages incoming' and causes reduced birthrates, at least for Asians and Europeans. This is even happening in Iran. ---- NAXALT works no better for dogs than it does for bipeds. ---- The meme of 'only the quarterly profits matter' is tricknology to take over companies that are run by White men on the grounds that their long term thinking is leaving money on the table, thus decreasing value for the stockholders. ---- It can't be overstated just how successful Disney was before it was taken over and subverted. The entire 'Disney was failing' story is a lie cooked up by the hostile Jews who took it over and eventually destroyed it. Disney's son in law initiated the digital research program that made 'cel' animation financially viable again. He greenlit Tron, the first major use of CG in a feature. And the parks never stopped making money. ---- 'Veteran owned' usually a sign of an affinity scam. I know quite a few veterans with businesses. They don't announce the fact in their ads. ---- Even Biden's puppetmasters aren't dumb enough to risk a nuclear war over Ukraine. ---- If your world model is 'GOP is exactly the same as Democrats but with a mask on' then it's done. You need to go swamp fox now. That isn't how it works. A few key players - Bush, Romney, Graham, McConnell - are ringers and are 99% on board with pure evil. But the rank and file members are not. They don't have blackmail material on them or they aren't particularly leftist. So the massive GOP landslide incoming will cause a great deal of trouble for the groomers, who will find themselves outlawed across the nation just as faggot rights got rolled back hard 1978-1984. ---- At first the source was not available. Gargron's complaint forced them to release it. Since then there have been various tricks used to limit access, including making you email them to be sent a copy. Google pulls the same thing with Android source which is always out of date. ---- In the 1970s homosexuality was effectively legalized, including an end to police preventing public hookups, in the most liberal states. Shortly afterwards a series of plagues began to manifest among the fag population. Then GRIDS broke out. God's judgment... or Darwin's? Does it matter? ---- Persuading a woman to marry you is necessary to perpetuate the species in a civilized manner. Thank you for attending my TED Talk. ---- Q advocated regime change in Iran, as called out by Wikileaks. That fits with it being a work by Ezra Cohen Watnick, a dirty little ratfuck Jew working for Trump. ---- Tranny psychosis is different in kind from every other enemy op. It's even more vile than faggotry. The moment someone starts taking the wrong hormones they begin causing damage, and soon they are irreparably destroyed. ---- Groomer meme is the real shit. All the puppet masters are pro-faggot, whether they are fags themselves or not. You probably have some dumbfuck novelty take. If you ever get more than 12 followers maybe someone will care. ---- So now zoomers and millenials are retconning the right into never having fought faggots. Listen up, you young punks, until 2010 or so most Democrats were against faggot marriage. The right wing view was they were hellbound sinners or plague carriers. ---- Christians did fight against the faggots and the faggots just used raw power to defeat them. Now admittedly real power must be used. Is your podcast real power? Are your posts? No. We all know what real power is. Until you use it don't put on any airs that you are better than Jerry Falwell. ---- Oh look, some fucktard who does not know that faggot marriage was banned in most states by fucking law and it was faggot SCOTUS that overturned it. So if internet fucktard faggot isn't out there 'doing something' he can keep his little cunt mouth shut because we are all in the same boat, with not a countermeasure in sight. ---- Nope. The whole scam is inflicted by brute power. Tranny psychosis proved that. 99% of people don't believe trans women are women, but they are coerced to go along with it by the money power, which is about 50% Jews, 25% fags and 25% plutocrats who want one neck to strangle. ---- US is the least historical nation. Everyone thinks they can reinvent themselves, that history is bunk. Delegitimizing the regime using present day examples is the most powerful tactic. That means abandoning any effort to install historical context or perspective. ---- The TRS novelty take comes down to 'stop falling for these emotionally compelling memes and start promoting holocaust revisionism because that is the foundation of the postwar ideology' Nope. Media control is the foundation of the postwar ideology, and that was bought with money. There are no more arguments. You get power with money or... other methods. ---- Groomer is a meme that could break globopedo. Get with the po... program. ---- Hey, faggot, what happens to a genetic trait that ultra-decimates inclusive fitness not just over centuries but with each generation? Faggots are an abomination against the manifold. ---- AngeloJohnGage: Leo Frank was a groomer, and he got what he deserved. ---- Correct. Two possible mechanisms. One is the molestation is so traumatic that it permanantly warps the victim's mind. The other is that it is a literal disease, the groomer infects them with the homosexual disease, which is a virus or microorganism as yet unidentified. It can also be some combination of the two. ---- My effortposts are external monologues. They require nothing more than 'hear, hear', 'indeed!', and '5/5 would read again' from the proles. ---- The interstitial hyperstimulation problem is underestimated. Sesame Street was using this one simple trick to brainwash kids... in 1969. ---- Then when SCOTUS nullifies arrest any feds that come to inflict this abomination. This is worth fighting a civil war over. ---- NPC meme is real, simple as. 1000 NPCs look to a sentient controller to direct them. The brain bugs were replaced by hostile invaders by 1933. ---- Really getting evolution requires at least an intuitive grasp of statistics. That over a few generations slight disadvantages compound to erase maladaptive traits. Like not knowing that you need to mate with the opposite sex, or not wanting to. ---- That not one biologist dares say that shows how censored the scientific world is. If I didn't have other reasons to believe the Earth is a sphere I'd listen to flat earthers a bit simply because the premise that science is self correcting has been entirely deboonked by the triumph of the fags. ---- The enemy floods the zone with false opposition so random chance alone assures that most people end up duped by some fake. ---- The nomination of McCain revealed the preference of the GOP. Rick Santorum was hardcore on social issues and trade. Not sure how good he was on immigration. GOP establishment united to scuttle his nomination. Bush coasted to nomination in 2000 without even that much opposition because there are so few conservatives in the party. ---- If you make enough enemies they can throw more bodies at you than you have bullets. You can't use nukes to defend your own cities. ---- The problem of the money power has yet to be solved. Non market societies underperform badly. Therefore rootless cosmopolitan societies end up having a huge edge in the ability to project power. It is only in their terminal phase that this ability starts to erode due to total depravity at all levels of society. ---- They tried to stop it. Faggot marriage was illegal. SCOTUS flipped it by fiat. All of this is inflicted by pure power. No one is given a choice. If you aren't acting effectively to overthrow it you are just as worthless as they are. ---- Team B is going to take charge because rich Jews don't want US to collapse and force them to move to Israel, which ain't looking so secure at the moment. ---- The enemy ruling stratum is not united. I don't believe Klaus Schwab honestly wants transhuman technology. He uses that as bait to keep the dangerous Elon Musk types from opposing him. His primary motive is extermination of the White race. Yes, the Davos ruling stratum wants all outside their class to be enslaved or deceased. It's just that they regard White men as the most dangerous obstacle to that end. It's too late to back down. Klaus Schwab knows billions hate him. It's him or us. ---- Life extension is how you bootstrap to immortality. Look at it from their perspective. They believe life extension is possible. If they reduce the barriers to human experimentation they might get it before they die of old age. That's why the risk averse default of the health bureaucracy was inverted. Those with power now consider caution to be more risky PERSONALLY than reckless experimentation. After all, they are dead within 10-15 years regardless, and there is no god or punishment, so why not? ---- Keep calling them what they are - groomers. There is no marketing strategy that's going to get parents to accept geneline meta-annihilation. ---- Pundit types, which includes most of us OP generators, are the only people whose memes are the product of a logical pathway. Given certain premises about how the world works we end up following them to their logical conclusion. That's why there is this eternal quest for the perfect fact that will unmake the enemy control grid. That is not how most people get their ideas. NPCs pick them up directly from their trusted installer, which is selected based on status display. Since 1955 that has been television. Player characters with ambition are more calculated, repeating the control commands but not necessarily believing them. But so long as the power structure exists no player character will stick their neck out for an idea. ---- This is dumb. Britain had a global empire with zero tolerance of immigration. You can trade in goods not people. How many western infiltrators does China tolerate in exchange for their vast flood of goods? Almost none. Indeed those Europeans who attempt to do business in China find themselves facing a great wall of implicit nationalism. Nationalism is organic. Technology does not require it be abandoned. In fact the US, as it has abandoned nationalism, has become less technologically innovative. ---- Covid as bullshit to get rid of Trump is less scary than the possibility that the video where Fauci discusses the need for a new plague to get the population to submit to experimental medical treatments reveals the true motive. These 70 to 80 year old plutocrats may simply wish to fast track everything, throwing caution to the wind because they know their time is short. ---- The US surpassed Europe industrially when it was behind a tariff wall. Technology does not require globalism, nor does it encourage it. It's spiteful mutants who do that. ---- High courts in all globopedo aligned nations are rigged. In the US the rigging was done by installing faggot John Roberts as a ringer. That's how Obamacare was saved and how the election was stolen. No doubt there are additional forms of intimidation applied, but fag Roberts is the most provable sign. So when New Zealand's high court ends the death shot mandate that's the ruling stratum throwing in the towel. ---- Opposing blackpill memes reduces Jewish power. The blackpill is a despair op. They want everyone to give up and go back to playing video games. ---- China, as far as I can discern, is a completely closed society. They don't want any non-Han immigrants and western infiltrators thinking they can profit usually don't. ---- If you have money and power you can accomplish simple tasks. Want more kids? Pay couples to have them. You already pay them? Pay them more. ---- If you are approaching someone who is right leaning but not religious stick to the science. Sex has existed for 700 million years. Male and female are fundamental biological types. One cannot change into the other. Homosexuality is evolutionary suicide. Therefore it must be some kind of defect or disease. This logic is irrefutable. ---- My specialized knowledge of shitposting technics is superior to your 20 years of networking experience. Don't test me. ---- Canvas machine fingerprinting If you load javascript it can run that CSS machine fingerprinting is more mysterious, only hinted at in the Tor documentation as a, at this time, IMPOSSIBLE to prevent method Naturally almost all Neo Nazi sites load GOOG JEW CSS COINCIDENCE? ---- BTC and other crypto where all transactions are visible are the opposite of useful to dissidents without a lot of cognitively difficult trickery. Antifa have been using BTC blockchain analysis to doxx 'nazis' for years. ---- In the days of IRC we protected women from abuse by keeping the internet really hard to use. ---- The best thing about Russia invading Ukraine is it proves that someone hates and fears globalism enough to kill to stop it. ---- After Passion of the Christ Mel Gibson was taken down by two system ops, pulling him over and reporting on his comments when he was driving drunk and leaking the audio of him telling off his mistress. The cop who pulled Mel over was Jewish. Ever hear of a Jewish highway patrol cop? I haven't. Other than this one. ---- It's going to take some serious chedder to stop Elon Musk from taking over Twitter if he's determined to do so. Which means Jews going mask off, because big stock transactions are a matter of public record. If Blackrock faggot Larry Fink steps in Elon might shine a light on how this groomer fiend is, with Paul Singer, the puppet master behind the campaign to legalize faggot kid raping. ---- People who set up monopolies and cartels aren't your friends. ---- It would be cool if Elon Musk did a Putin and after talking a lot of shit followed through. ---- PA prosecutor just let a whole slew of ballot stuffers off on the ludicrous grounds that since he can't get them all he should not prosecute any. Try that logic with rape and murder cases. Transparent chutzpah, and I don't think he's Jewish. ---- The fact of grooming being how these fiends reproduce brought me from libertarian who cares to we're gonna need a bigger bog. ---- They alienated the most patriotic Americans just in time for their mobilization to get revenge on Russia. And they say Jews are smart! ---- Regime legitimacy is completely invisible to these blackpill alienated spiteful dissidents. Gary North called them gravediggers because they are like the prisoner who digs his own grave to save his executioners the trouble. WEF nonsense died with coronahoax. Many still believe coronahoax is gonna make a comeback like Fast and Furious. Klaus Squab is no Vin Diesel, that I can tell you. ---- Right now the 5D chess move is to cheer on anything that weakens the American empire because the US is the most anti-White great power. The goal is not to be absorbed into some other universalist empire. ---- If any power that attempted to conquer other nations found that its capitol was disintegrated there would be no more great powers. ---- That all with power feel obligated to repeat Marxist lies is very bad, but it is not credible that they believe them. The earlier version of Marxist lies got repeated right up to the moment when communism fell. ---- National Review was founded by a homosexual. Few know this! Don't take my word for it. He was outed by the most trusted source on the internet, the anonymous Hollywood lawyer. ---- Ottoman empire in its boy raping phase had infinite hegemony over its subjects, who were of course disarmed. I tried to explain to these dummies that if open boy rape commenced in the US open heads on pikes would shortly follow, and it would not be our heads decorating the battlements. ---- Robby: Some truths about programming: If it's not documented, it's not useful. To write fast software, use a slow computer. Premature optimization is the root of all evil. Shared mutable state is the root of all evil. The user is always right. Software that is designed for someone is more useful than software that is designed for everyone. Good software can be declared complete in a finite amount of time. Text is the universal interface. Software should be able to outlive the author. I might add more. Feel free to share your own thoughts too. ---- The pig system lost at least 25 points of legitimacy in 24 hours when it stole the election. That means 1/4 of the adult population now considers DC to be occupied by an evil usurper. It has continued to bleed legitimacy each and every day since. ---- Twitter reached diminishing returns some time ago. I date it to the suppression of the NPC meme. Once they rolled out AI autocensorship and network analysis to shadowban emergent memes and required all US based accounts to provide a real cell number it was done. ---- Globalism can pick off individuals. Libertarian individualism is widely promoted, what do you think tranny psychosis is? It is the most radical of individualist philosophies, one that asserts the individual's ability to alter metaphysical reality by a pure act of will. The pig system will let you be a furry, fuck a horse, cut off your balls, mutilate your flesh and wallow in filth. It won't permit men to form collective defense organizations. ---- Faggots know that the groomer meme could end them. I mean that very existentially. ---- Europeans have a high investment parenting strategy which requires extreme self control. Rootless cosmopolitans trash everything and leave. ---- Alex Jones carries the false opposition meme malware from earlier versions of the control matrix. That is the John Birch Society line that vague 'insiders' and 'illuminati' are the puppet masters. ---- Tranny insanity is a litmus test. If someone can't oppose that without compromise they are utterly worthless. Ben Shapiro got caught asking that some tranny related thing be edited from the archived version of a stream he did, proving he is with the pedos. ---- Peterson works for the other side. I am pretty sure Alex Jones does not. That's the difference. ---- Unlike hundreds of other wealthy men who threatened to leave California if it didn't stop abusing him he moved at least some of his business to Texas. Leaving California is what's called revealed preference. ---- Specify the problem with living in a nice White neighborhood. Is it that kids can play outside unsupervised without worrying about POC predators beating, robbing or raping them? Is it that you can leave valuables unattended and come back an hour later and they will be undisturbed? Is it the friendly clerks and waitstaff? Is it the lack of stress? The lack of tyranny? Tell me about these problems. ---- I suspect network shatter is a more significant career problem than GOOG results. Once a typical friend network realizes you're a thought criminal they cut you loose, and that's it for being given an inside track. ---- They co-founded Paypal, so a lot. Remember, Thiel is only evil because he's a faggot. That is the vice singularity that draws him away from the light. So he is not a pure entity of the abyss like Zuckerberg or Brin. ---- In the nineties the notion that every teenager should work a shit job at least for a while to learn what real suffering is ended among the upper middle class and above. Probably after a slew of clerks got shot. ---- The invasion of Iraq was when I became a hardcore isolationist. Of course I voted for Bush in 2000. Not in 2004. ---- It doesn't apply to most industries. Comics are, believe it or not, considered a power chokepoint and are well guarded, just like movies and television. ---- The one and only memorable thing Ted Kaczynski wrote in his manifesto was his description of liberals and leftists as oversocialized bootlickers. And that was in the 1960s when speech was a billion times freer than today. ---- George W. Bush is a leftist on all important issues. ---- The big picture of politics is that the left seeks to destroy everything, while the right is aligned with life. Therefore you must maintain as much distance as possible between yourself and the left, at least until a force is assembled to take them on. ---- It is true that most people who get 'redpilled' gain absolutely nothing from what they learn, but most people refuse to submit to facts. They require harsher lessons. ---- There aren't many Jewish plumbers, but there are a few. Same for electricians, auto repairmen, carpenters and other skilled trades. Not everyone wants to be a bureaucrat. The common factor is you won't be poor. THAT is unacceptable. No Jewish fry cooks. ---- Knowledge is worthless without organization. The pig system snuffs out all organizations with potential in the cradle. They have trillions - literal trillions - to spend on these operations. That's why I anticipate forgiving student loans, and perhaps even UBI before this is over. But mostly they generate endless waves of false opposition. Trump is now one of those direct system controlled fronts, having made a deal to avoid going to prison over January 6. The technical-social problem that must be solved, well, it ain't easy. My own recommendation is to generate the broadest possible set of propaganda platforms and generate content in hopes that the leaders of the future will have good information. The US is beyond saving, it must be delegitimized and dissolved - in that order. ---- Elon doesn't want people talking about race. He's probably not that goncerned about tranny shit. Coronahoax is what spooked him. He saw the pig system attempt to collapse civilization over a nothingburger virus. He wants to prevent another go round so he can continue to work on his immortal robot body. ---- If the pig system has the ability to prevent Elon Musk from substantively improving Twitter what chance do your 200 guys have? I think Elon or 200 guys you never heard of each have a shot, provided the latter are the right guys. ---- You might not take the January 6 capitol stormers seriously, but the system does. Congressmen were pissing themselves. ---- Trump not posting even once to Truth social indicates trouble in the Trump camp. If Trump has a stake he would be highly motivated to post. Yet he does not. Is there some contract dispute? Does Trump have no direct stake? He could just post contentless MAGA drivel if he's under some secret orders to remain silent on certain topics. ---- DeSantis, Cruz or some normie conservative to be named later would be far superior to Trump. But if Trump is allowed to run he will be nominated. His cult guarantees that. ---- If Trump didn't have those Jewish connections he wouldn't have had the money and power to become president. You don't get on television without extreme vetting. I knew that in 2016. That's the facts on the ground. Deal with it. ---- All highly capable men in the US have connections to Jews and do favors for Jews. That is not a disqualifying attribute. Or if it is just give up on anything in North America because you aren't gonna move the needle without getting help from the top. ---- In evolutionary terms liberalism as it has been known since the 'Scottish enlightenment' has no future whatsoever. The pitiful end of the US, its main product, will see to that. Reactionaries proven right across the board. The future will be a battle between ethnic nationalism, theocracy and various Marxist heresies. ---- To overcome enemy meme interception systems is the absolute bare minimum. Anyone relying on Telegram hasn't got the first clue what's required. Each time you get drawn into one of these roach motels you dissipate another cohort of potential converts as they disperse when the banhammer comes down, never to return. They've pulled this on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Parler, Gettr, and countless microsites. When will the right learn? ---- Trump is a coward and a traitor. Yet he is still not Joe Biden or Kamala and most people reading this will be better off with him as president in 2025. Or with DeSantis. ---- If only full '1488 GAS THE KIKES' will do... it's over. That is not going to happen in any known timeline. Not in the US. Not in the EU. Amusingly enough those who want it say it never even happened before in this one. ---- The strongest American religion today is anti-White pedo Satanic Marxism. Prove me wrong. I'm not saying Judeo-Satanic-Marxism has the most followers, I'm saying it has the most power. ---- The dirty secret of Jews is they are extremely reactionary. To dissolve anti-semitism they would only need to abandon their faith and culture and be absorbed into the McWorld blob, as they command everyone else to do. ---- If we use open source techniques we can be immortal robot gods and retain freedom. ---- Memetic distance sets limits on how far a society can pivot. You can't make the US Islamic any more than you could get Americans to accept nationwide house arrest covid lockdowns. ---- Basic problem is tolerance. If you tolerate enemies they win. Secular societies need the courage to be intolerant of destructive middle eastern cults, in other words Islam and Judaism. Watered down Christianity is fine. ---- Elon Musk attempting to buy Twitter is the only motivation sufficient to overcome the desire to make an example of Twitter by refusing to buy it. In other words, it's very good news for Jack either way. ---- When I sound like a neoreactionary bear in mind that shifting the focus of human effort from piety to making life easier made life a lot easier and more pleasant for centuries. Even with all the downsides of materialism do you want to go back to total theocratic domination where at least one friend would get railroaded by the authorities and tortured to death for having the wrong theory about Jesus' nature? ---- The subtext of the US 1st Amendment is 'Can't we put aside our trivial differences over the purpose of life and focus on making money?' ---- My thesis is you don't even reach the point where The Beatles or paganism or porn are allowed to be popular until Christianity is on the brink of death. A truly Christian people would have revolted against the 1st Amendment and demanded only Christians be permitted to run for office, and Jefferson would never have been president. So this has been a long time coming. ---- When John Lennon said that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus (in context he meant with teenagers) was he wrong? ---- Amazon did fight them or they wouldn't have had confederate flags on sale to begin with. It may seem to be a distinction without a difference, but a construct of the panopticon like Google NEVER signal boosted Christianity, let alone the confederacy, whereas Amazon was a real business for decades before it was compromised. It only banned holocaust skeptic books about five years ago. ---- Telegram will end up just like Twitter. They'll trick you into putting years of effort growing channels and then pull the rug out from under you at the worst possible moment. ---- People underestimate how much censorship it would take to elevate the church. Not only would you have to ban wily atheists like Isaac Asimov whose kid friendly fiction constantly undermined theism, you'd have to ban all the otherwise neutral entertainments that are so much more exciting. Watching the worst Lost in Space rerun was more interesting than sitting through the best sermon. Never mind competing with the best Bugs Bunny cartoon! ---- If Christians had been serious they either would have banned cinema entirely or produced their own version of Warner Bros. cartoons. ---- mRNA shots remind me of all the 'virtual reality' tech from the 1990s. A not ready for primetime product rushed out to cash in. That's the best case. Worst case they did it to us on purpose. ---- Google is more evil than Facebook because the NSA and CIA are more evil than Naval Intelligence. ---- I doubt it. Television seems magical yet it is very simple. If you are on the screen you are rubbing elbows with the rich and powerful. That is the perception and it is not far off when it comes to the public figures, stars and major hosts, pundits and anchormen. Therefore people obey the commands issued by the rich powerful icons on the screen and uncritically absorb the implicit messages of the narratives scripted by the meme malware coders. ---- I look at the world as it is. You believe magic will intervene. Well, we'll see. I believe Jesus is going the way of Thor and Apollo. The religion is dying in the White world. I don't think China will let it take over. Africa look promising. They will die by the hundreds of millions in the famines, but lots of them will go to heaven if they're right. ---- Notice how Hollywood skewed casting to make Italians look like a bigger part of the US population than they are. Particularly in the before time. ---- Pale Rider: I always assumed it was a reference to the DC alphabet soup that sponsored Google. Sergey Brin's father was an outright communist, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. That he had the inside track on developing and profiting from the tech tells us all we need to know. The first mention I ever heard of Google as a search engine was from a northern Virginia DC swamp turd who said Google was great for searching government sites. This was at a time when Lycos was far superior in the results it returned. Dread: My first clue they were evil came from the lack of a Christmas doodle. I knew firsthand that anyone who hated Christmas was a bad actor. Only later did I discover the underlying motivation. ---- GOOG changing their name to Alphabet is revelation of the method. That's the Jew taking a big shit in your mouth and laughing about it. What possible connection does the word Alphabet have to Google's core businesses other than the fact they were founded by fedgov alphabet agencies? I can't believe I only just figured out what Alphabet means. Revelation of the method is a powerful tricknology. Revelation of the method is a flex and a mystical ritual. The enemy admits to their crime and dares you to do something about it. ---- People of all races attend public schools, but 70% of White men vote GOP, 65% of hispanics and 95% of blacks vote Democrat. So education has its limits. ---- William F. Buckley Jr. is now known to have worked for the CIA. National Review was a CIA op to neutralize the anti-government anti-war isolationist right. ---- Knowledge is worthless without organization. The pig system snuffs out all organizations with potential in the cradle. They have trillions - literal trillions - to spend on these operations. That's why I anticipate forgiving student loans, and perhaps even UBI before this is over. But mostly they generate endless waves of false opposition. Trump is now one of those direct system controlled fronts, having made a deal to avoid going to prison over January 6. The technical-social problem that must be solved, well, it ain't easy. My own recommendation is to generate the broadest possible set of propaganda platforms and generate content in hopes that the leaders of the future will have good information. The US is beyond saving, it must be delegitimized and dissolved - in that order. ---- 70 million Americans, minimum, know the election was stolen. And you think if you can convince enough people your conspiracy narrative is true there will be a revolution. smdh ---- Exploiting the disorientation caused by pig system flip flops is far more potent than trying to rehabilitate your taboo memeplex. In other words people will fight coronahoax in the name of liberty before they'll fight for the right to question the holocaust. ---- Disneyworld 1972: 'It's a good thing we run this county, security can keep the park free of scum with administrative hippie beatings.' Disneyworld 2022: 'It's a good thing we're above the law. Let the ritual to the unspeakable demons begin!' ---- Doctor Who used to be based on a classic mentor - student relationship, whatever the sex of his young passenger along for the ride in the time machine. They destroyed it first by making the doctor a simp for some dim chav bitch, then by changing the doctor's sex. You can't alter fundamental characteristics and maintain a franchise. Switch some White tough guy for a black tough guy and it might work, there are some tough black guys. Swap sexes - never works. Make the tough guy a pussy - fail again. ---- The strongest Doctor Whos got their start as villains. Christopher Eccelson in 28 Days Later and, less well known, Tom Baker in Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger. ---- You outlaw what people do in the bedroom to stop them from blabbing about it constantly. ---- How worried is the pig system about people unplugging? They had taxpayers foot the bill for HD to NTSC converters so people with old sets wouldn't miss a single minute of the propaganda drip. ---- Google took over search because it always loaded and returned results fast, not because of the confabulated 'algorithm' fairy tale. Its algorithm was ass from day one. It loaded and returned fast results because the NSA black budget is without limit. In 2008 the enabling act passed to allow the feds to pull this trick with every publicly traded corporation, regardless of NSA or other fed agency interest. ---- Blackrock injecting Federal Reserve money to prop up weak companies explains why going woke never leads to going broke. Very little survey data exists on the demographics of SJWs. But what does shows that the ideology has very little support on the ground. Less than 2%. Yet this hated ideology is now the mandatory policy of all large corporations. US government generated money - money they summoned out of nothing by hitting a few buttons on a Fed computer - has bought everything. In this sense ending the Fed is important. But it can't be ended without first breaking enemy power. Catch 22. ---- Covid wouldn't have happened without laundered Federal Reserve money propping up the stock prices of the entire Fortune 500 via Blackrock Jew faggot Larry Fink to prevent Wall Street from pushing back against lockdowns. ---- Twitter fail whale was proof it did not start out as a deep state front. Few understand this! ---- How can you follow me and still be this stupid? If your platform has funding to allow 2GB file attachments it is a deep state front just like all the other inexplicable 'give shit away' platforms before it. Pleroma and Mastodon are different in kind. ---- The purpose of all 'illuminati' type conspiracy theories is to avoid mentioning the conspirators with names and addresses. ---- Corporate hegemony is grooming children and causing them to agree to mutilate themselves with the assistance of malign faggots who inject them with sex hormones, sterilizing them for life in many cases. Disney being the most prominent example. Corporations are psychopathic, so their alliance with psychotic tranny freaks is no surprise. ---- If a service requires a cell number to register they want to be able to ban people easily. That is not a service you want to use. ---- If transhuman power is possible it will happen. You can't prevent it any more than you could prevent gunpowder or powered flight. ---- The old system prevented homosexuals from getting rich with a series of defensive barriers. If you were busted you'd be kicked out of college, blacklisted and shunned. This also applied if you managed to slip through and get a degree. One arrest and you were done. Now we know why. The groomer problem not only explains the laws suppressing homosexuality, it explains the lack of strong punishments for lesbians. The low lesbian sex drive limits the vampirism, whereas one unchecked faggot can infect and corrupt hundreds of boys. ---- High effort fanatics think nothing for respawning endlessly no matter how difficult it becomes. These are the people who reset their android tablet to generate a new gmail address and get endless goog burner numbers to register. Of course goog knows exactly who they are and can shut them down whenever they choose to, and their respawns get fewer followers with each iteration because sane people won't waste that effort... but they're still on Twitter. ---- You don't have to convince me. I've been telling people to use big computer with all GOOG domains in your hosts file for five years on Gab. No smartphones. If a service doesn't have a website fuck it. ---- For many purposes a blog, Pleroma or Mastodon instance would do just as well. Or a RSS feed, though those are out of fashion. If you have a podcast have a domain and host the MP3 files yourself encoded at low quality for maximum cost savings. If you're talking monophonic is good enough. ---- Lifelog was Naval Intelligence not FBI. ---- I'm sure Wuhan was doing gain of function research and that is the origin of the virus. Whether it was intended to be a weapon is less certain... but that's the way to bet. ---- I refer to the increasing awareness. Of course the vampire theory is correct. It was funny when some fag used that metaphor to 'discredit' the gay germ theory, because the moment I heard it I was all, 'Yes.' ---- All women are born evil so no mods are required. ---- You let enemies inject a immune destroying weapon into your body. Your argument is invalid. ---- I prefer GAE because far more people hate trannies and faggots than hate zionism. ---- Madison Cawthorn spilling the beans about dirty old GOP congressmen inviting him to cocaine fueled orgies is interesting in what it reveals about the recklessness of the current year crop of depraved ruling front men. Not only can't they keep it in their pants, they can't shut up about it in front of an obvious naive idiot who is likely to repeat it. ---- Christians have a mighty zeal for settling refugees and opposing hate... and not much else. ---- The cleverness of these various copes is the conservative is by his nature a timid fellow who doesn't want to rock the boat. All leftists have to do to control him is make a ruckus anytime he steps outside the endlessly shrinking borders of acceptable opinion. ---- Plz no talking about shooting people in my comments. Shooting people is illegal. ---- Maintaining that delusion is why conservatives are fed a slow copium drip of 'hispanics are natural conservatives' and other fairy tales. It's why they didn't pressure Trump hard to build the wall. They didn't realize it was the last hope for the union. ---- [on Yarvin] Also he's a Jew who does not mean well. ---- This is why you never go full Goebbels, even in the most dire circumstance. There is always hope. ---- Vox Day not only shilled for Qanon for over a year, he banned anyone who called him out on his retardation from his blog after Biden took office without patriots taking control and Trump crawled off with his tail between his legs. Avoid Vox Day, all I can say. ---- You've never heard of the Institute for Sex Research? Of the rampant faggotry of the Weimer Republic? As previously noted... it didn't last. ---- 7% of Americans have any kind of serious Christian belief. Now, are they an army who can impose that policy by force? If so maybe you've got something. I have my doubts. ---- Trouble_Man: If you’re wondering why there aren’t entire divisions of government dedicated to hunting pedophiles it’s because pedophiles run the government. ---- Dangerous assumption that corporations are anything other than scams. ---- At this stage I suspect that every accusation of racism leftists ever made has been programmed into the panoptic filter and excessive admiration for John Wayne gets you shadowbanned. ---- Wall Street parasites swooped in and bought up all the movie studios after television softened them up by cutting theatrical revenues permanantly. Paramount was bought by an auto parts company. ---- Television shows are still produced in the old movie studio manner, ironically they are the last remnants of the system that television itself helped destroy. ---- Norman Podhoretz and company bet everything on getting millions of Americans to fight and die to secure a greater Israeli empire. So much for their high IQs. ---- Jews could stop a Nazi revolution if they would read my posts. That is, if they were willing to back down on legalizing pedophilia and crack down on negro crime. ---- FYI, you have biological enemies within the White race. In case you haven't met anyone from Minnesota. ---- They're shutting down sites like Liveleak to prevent a nexus of dissident video. Imagine if the Eyes Wide Shut ritual, the one with human sacrifice, were to be recorded and released. ---- I always said if enough of the Qtards could pivot to a real right wing position it would present an existential threat to the system. That's why CIA catspaw Bellingcat did an article debunking it. ---- The reason why the left might crash is their capacity for stealing elections may not be up to the challenge of containing a 60% popular vote landslide. ---- The more you look into the science the more sane traditional sexual morality looks. I mean if AIDS didn't convince you. ---- Hedonistic anti-natalist premises inevitably lead in this direction. If sex is no big deal, if it has no purpose beyond pleasure, what objections can be raised? To take into account the severe psychological damage (never mind the physical) would require taking sex seriously, which of course is correct. Sex is about vital things, literally. That's why children must be protected from evil adults. ---- Putin showing how building an alt-economy is done. ---- It's tough to come up with eighties references that haven't been rebooted. ---- Election fraud won't save them the House. Which ends any chance of leftist laws being passed for the next six years, as GOP will take the White House with some halfass cuck moderate (that includes Trump) ---- I know an account is not worth following if they downplay the tranny issue. Tranny psychosis is a massive system error. It should be exploited without mercy. ---- Bankers often lose. Not lately, but often. ---- I have a theory. If you cut off vital bits of your body you're out of your fucking mind. That is my theory which is mine. ---- If a site is specialized it's not a platform. I don't go promoting esoteric Star Trek forums on Gab. Don't waste my time on esoteric legal forums. ---- My metric is seemingly unmotivated hate. If someone instantly hates me without knowing anything but my tone of voice and appearance they are a biological enemy. People from Minnesota have always hated me. I give off a signal that means 'fascist' for some reason. ---- I don't have time for something even smaller than Gab. Also I bet they'd ban me. I got IP banned dozens of times by 4chan before they got ahold of a total list of open proxies. ---- You should not allow any Google product into your home. ---- Debt means nothing if you have power. You default on what you owe, you write off what is owed to you, and what do you know? Your factories are still churning out stuff. ---- Anyone using their name provides a bad example at this time. We are well into the samizdat phase. ---- The corporations that try to keep the hate for normal White people low key tell their insane faggot employees that it's a slow walk tactic to bring the people of Walmart around by persuasion. ---- Probably anyone under 40 with a college degree is either Marxist or pretends to be. The nodal tipping point hit around 2012. ---- The notion that NSA front GOOG is not archiving your posts and giving antifa full access anyway is naive. Most important opsec technique is to assume enemies read every word and give them nothing to work with. ---- Disney was bought by Jews in the early eighties. It was always full of fags because fags love fantasy and childish things, but of course Walt and even Michael Eisner kept that shit well in check, Walt for moral and financial reasons, Eisner for the money. In 2008 the bankster bailout enabled the Federal Reserve to buy up any asset to prop up the markets. The job was delegated to homosexual Jew Larry Fink of Blackrock. The Fink Put has since enabled all of corporate America to go full mask of for perversion, just short of pedophilia, which is next. Yes. Disney was not only not Jewish, he was a notorious anti-semite to the point where the US Army occupied his studio at the outbreak of World War II just to make sure he understood his America First stance would not be tolerated. Disney submitted to this, otherwise he would have been arrested and his studio nationalized. None of this is official history, you have to read between the lines. His studio was occupied by the army though, that really happened. ---- If they backed off on nuclear holocaust and pedophilia I'd go easier on the Jews. ---- Yeah, they come to snuff the booster. Ya know he ain't gonna die! ---- Judging by the results none of the men in the vast Christian leadership of the US 1945-1970 truly believed in their religion. Instead they believed a heretical 'civil religion' that commanded they bow down before Moloch. ---- Christians with any public platform are now so cowed they will not even assert the fundamental dogma of their religion, that all who aren't with Christ are against him and are doomed. They won't make that assertion because it obviously means Jews are damned, not just those alive now, but all who died without being saved after hearing the gospel, which is 99% or more. ---- So many guaranteed one meme shot stops are excluded in advance by taboos. If just one Christian had gone on a wide live broadcast in 1970 and told a Jew he was a hellbound sinner unless he accepted Christ, well, I won't say it would have shifted the timeline for good, but people would still be talking about it. Repeat that enough and you'd see some serious shit. ---- Comments are parasitic. I post for my loyal followers to enjoy my wisdom, not to wallow in the unseen depths of useless hellthreads full of life unworthy of life. ---- It's a sad commentary that Gab is the largest single place where I can post without getting banned. I love FSE and all but so many instances defederated it that its reach is probably similar to Gab, but with a lot more actual shitlibs who are memetically beyond any help. ---- Any pundit claiming that gasoline prices reveal the 'true inflation rate' or that it's even worse than that is a retard and should be disregarded. ---- Media power is in part based on its big swinging dick gangsta rap style POWER. Any covert media loses status with NPCs by being covert. It's not like a speakeasy, where the cops are paid off. Globohomo ain't taking our payoffs. We build an openly oppositional media they can't shut down because of a combined memetic - lawfare - logistical storm of defense preventing shutdown or we lose. Collapse is losing. Highest odds of White extinction are in a technological collapse scenario. ---- Only during certain eras. The meme that everything is a front is a pointless blackpill. If you truly believe it stop posting. In fact, give up politics and other measures entirely, because a few scattered conspiracy theorists aren't going to beat such a world striding collosus. If, on the other hand, I am correct and there are teams playing that are at least partially on another side, then there is hope. ---- Leftists could see that Blade Runner, in the tradition of film noir, was about the battle between men with women existing as prizes to be defended or won. ---- If you want to understand memetic space do not read Twitter. It represents the opinions of the half a percent or so of trannies and faggots who want to rape kids, no one else. ---- US and EU impotence in the face of Putin grabbing chunks of Ukraine is what makes it interesting. If US and EU didn't care I wouldn't either. ---- You mean pirate radio? If it carried our message the source would get a cruise missile. Keep in mind rock and roll pirate radio was doing the system's bidding. ---- Time to cancel Disney+ and never buy any of their products again. Note that it is an utterly evil corporation that will laugh at your complaints. Blackrock has trillions in QE money to prop up their stock price. Money doesn't mean anything to them, and nothing gives them more pleasure than making their customers suffer. ---- All social media is being manipulated with millions of fake accounts. It requires the skill of a master amateur sociologist to unearth the real. Because all the pros work for evil. My estimate is trannies are hated with such a hate, a hate beyond all reckoning, and this is one of the biggest obfuscation ops at this time. ---- That was my point. Vermont is a hotbed of enemy influence, whatever its demographic profile. Much like Minnesota or Washington state. Meme malware is real. ---- Kyle Rittenhouse is a leftist icon of evil because he terminated two of their shock troops without giving some administrative mechanism a chance to flip it around and kill Kyle instead. ---- When the ADL was drawing up their 100 year plan to debug the US for full occupation the most obvious area in need of rectification was the US custom of lynching. ---- Kyle Rittenhouse is free because he didn't get a Jew judge. Prove me wrong. ---- What lessons might one draw from a realistic view of human biodiversity? For one, locate your resistance organization in the area with the least enemy influence. Note I do not say with the most White people, lest you move to Vermont. ---- We won't get anywhere until someone can be pro-White without being hit by the life desolating power of the Jews. ---- Dissolve supply chains. Human life cannot survive the length of time it takes to ramp up local farming infrastructure. Therefore all those who relied on groceries will die. Therefore 99% of people will die. ---- Talentless coders at Google create webp format to shave a few kilobytes off each image file, their every page still a bloated monstrosity with hundreds of kilobytes of javascript vomit on every load. ---- All any Christian has to do to prove me wrong about Christianity being a dying cucked remnant of a dead version of the matrix is found a thriving based church. I'll wait. ---- When dim bulbs tell me militias are legal I tell them the tale of the black helicopter watching 'patriot movement' that was fedposting constantly on the proto-internet, shortwave radio and even some low wattage AM stations until the Oklahoma City bombing hit and they were all rounded up, never to be heard on AM radio again. ---- Being part of a computer simulation is more extreme than the matrix. In such a world there is no biological 'you' that might remember glitches. Any glitches can be papered over by reverting to a recent mind state snapshot. Which means if you witnessed a miracle god wanted you to see it and remember. ---- If I were Alex Jones I'd go expat and not pay the Jew lawyers who ginned up that civil suit a dime. ---- 9-11 was done by Muslims. Mossad and US intelligence knew it was coming. The latter let it happen due to Jewish influence. They needed a new Pearl Harbor to get their greater Israeli empire, which required the US to knock out Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and so on. 9-11 enabled the invasion of Iraq, but the whole plan didn't work out. Sandy Hook was exactly what the normal media says, some nut shot up a school. Crisis actor theory is no real kids died and all the mourning parents are crisis actors. Alex Jones gave oxygen to this nonsense and it will probably end him as he faces a gigantic civil judgment for libeling the parents. ---- I believe in god or gods, not the Bible. Also not real clear there is a GOOD plan for us. ---- Christian evangelism is not tolerated in Israel. If they catch you doing it you will be deported and not allowed to return. ---- The bloat is the product of cheap lazy corporate policy. They'd rather pay talentless people shit wages than hire great people who make things better. The Indian coder problem is the core of this. They steal modules which were not written for purpose and patch them together into a Frankenstein abomination. In hardware innovation has simply come to a halt as you can't fake that. ---- If the Catholic Church has been taken over by communists and homosexuals, and I believe it has been, this presents a challenge to the notion of apostolic succession. ---- Trump had to choose between selfish impulses - there is nothing noble about him, so forget about honor - the desire for victory and glory and the desire for freedom and safety. He chose the latter, the faggot. ---- You don't get ideological purity by arguing, it requires fire. ---- Is it unfair to expect right wing political cults to do better than Scientology? ---- Antifa doxxing and shuttening are largely illegal and could be neutralized with a well funded lawfare offensive. Selecting the correct jurisdiction is key. However at this time most people with money want us dead. ---- Food shortages are not engineered. If people get really hungry heads on pikes will appear soon after. ---- Aleister Crowley was just a sad grifter. If you posit him as head of a powerful dark force of any significance you get the block. ---- The white pill is we don't need NPCs' informed consent, we merely need to gain power over them. ---- I have a theory about people who try to replace A.D. with C.E. Those guys are fags. ---- They were in total panic at the incoming Trump 2020 landslide which nothing, not coronahoax, not BLM, not antifa terror, could stop. Thus the ham handed stolen election. ---- Merely by providing a rallying point for anti-globalism Trump did irreparable damage to the lie of consensus and consent. Honorable mention: Brexit. ---- As useless as the thoughts of young women are most old women are worse. Repeater stations for the lies put out to support a version of the world that has long since turned to dust. ---- Latin mass was a firewall protecting the people from the raw Bible, as was preventing translation into local languages. The canny priesthood knew what mischief the proles would get up to if they could read all that balderdash for themselves. ---- How is worshipping the God of the Jews working out? ---- Globalist flesh atrocities like Niall Ferguson don't know that everyone hates them and billions are ever seeking some technical method by which to escape their slave system. The system now generates intense anti-loyalty and every opportunity to hurt it will now be taken. Ditching the dollar is an easy choice. ---- The mechanisms by which new talent is discovered are all gone, nepotism is approaching 100% for all power chokepoints. The cartels groom 'talent' from childhood and break them with rape and other abuse. Look at that girl from Harry Potter. ---- Anyone unironically using the term 'elites' to describe a pack of depraved faggots and pedophiles who fester with so many diseases they are on antiviral cocktails for life is too short for this ride. And of course they want us united so they have one neck to yoke. ---- The Canadian truckers' futile and pointless gesture won the day. Makes you think. ---- Am I saying we should become wild ape like beasts? Yes. Yes I am. ---- I consider low effort comments to be vandalism. Let the follower beware. ---- This is where family values falls flat. Sure, on average men need to have kids that survive to carry on. But some heroes sacrifice their own bloodline for the good of the whole. Conservatism ain't nothing but cowardice misspelled. ---- US got its mercantile culture from Britain. That was the fatal blunder. However... no mercantile culture and Britain can't create the empire, which depended on a yuge surplus of wealth to maintain the British Navy and outposts all over the world. India was basically captured by the East India Company before the queen took over direct management after the revolt. ---- Kathleen Kennedy produced Raiders of the Lost Ark. She knows what makes for a successful film. She isn't stupid. She is malicious. ---- After they cut a scene from American Graffiti George Lucas concluded that Hollywood executives were simply sadistic and enjoyed bullying people for no reason but the pure evil of it. He wasn't wrong. ---- Not everything lends itself to simple analysis. Nordic Gene Roddenberry was far more subversive than Jewish Irwin Allen. ---- Interesting fact, older Jewish gentleman Bob Iger DID NOT want Star Wars destroyed. That was a project of a more fanatical faction. If I had to guess I'd say Iger does not feed on human flesh and drink blood. ---- The symbolic degradation and humiliation of heroes from earlier versions of the Matrix isn't a mistake, it's a ritual. Disney considers the four billion it cost them to destroy blonde blue eyed noble aryan archetype Luke Skywalker to be money well spent. ---- I have never clicked on a link posted in my comments and I never will. So don't even try it. ---- You could not be more wrong. This is an American incident. Only a meme master adept with decades of experience microanalyzing US media has the perspective needed. ---- Japan literally shit tested the entire population, forcing them to blaspheme against Christ or be executed, and yet there are still fucktards infecting my comments with attempts to claim 'Christian influence' on Japan. Only 'Christian influence' is the lingering atomic radiation from when Jews ordered Christcucks to nuke Japan twice. ---- The US is an incursion of cosmic evil infesting the manifold. All its influence is bad and has been since 1789. The US is founded on liberalism. It is an open society to a sufficient degree to be helpless before any parasitic infestation. It was an error. ---- Schools are dumbed down for two reasons. More people are being forced to attend and human intelligence is declining. No reform of the lesson plan is going to rectify this. ---- The more respected institutions repeat a claim the less I believe it. ---- The goal is not convert the normies. The goal is to spread the concept that democracy has failed far and wide in hopes of someone capable of leadership absorbing this lesson and building a mass movement that can take power by any means necessary. ---- Video is the meme crystal. ---- If someone thinks a Somalian immigrant is of value to the US they are simply insane. There is no talking to such an organism. Best to just walk away and hope they find some hole in the ground to crawl into and die. ---- Perhaps the actual demand for a Twitter-like service is vastly overestimated because Twitter itself is 50% bots or more. Also large swaths of Twitter moderation are aimed at protecting the hothouse flower normies from the abyss. Not race and sex stuff, the cruelty of unmoderated response. ---- Normies can't install an adblocker, let alone set up an instance. ---- The most important job of moderators will be deleting bot accounts and brigading swarms. You can't have unfiltered trending because spammers will constantly respawn and mutate to game it. Content discovery via search is a superior option. Moderation should have power levels. Lowest cleanup mods can only hide posts, which will vanish and seem deleted to regular users but in fact be visible to second level and above mods. If improper moderation is detected the low mod gets a demerit. At some threshold - no more than ten demerits in one year - they lose mod power forever. Second level mods can be promoted from the low mods. They can restore improperly modded posts. They can also suspend - not delete - users. Suspensions go to a PAID EMPLOYEE of the platform for evaluation. Only employees can delete users entirely. In practice spambot accounts will never even click a button on some automated screen 'I wish to appeal my suspension' so they will sunset after being idle for some fixed period. (this autodeletion only applies to suspended accounts, if a user logs off forever their posts stay for as long as the platform does) Selection of second level mods requires a fluent US born English speaker with considerable experience to manually screen them. Even the lowest mods will be screened for fluency in English to kick infiltrators. Moderation history will be accessable to the Master Mod so patterns of bias can be seen. Really bad calls get the second level mod booted. One must be especially on the lookout for the Israel lobby. ---- To Jews Biden threatening nuclear holocaust which is their one shot at exterminating the White race is, of course, his finest hour. ---- If you post jfif or webp files you are my enemy. ---- If someone has prestige in this society odds are they are a fiend. ---- It's important to maintain an image of neutrality, and the actuality of it. Decide what the platform is for from day one and then stick to that. It doesn't have to be strictly 'anything legal', I am OK with excluding porn on the basis that there's plenty of other places to exchange that for example. But that's not a deal breaker either way. Rules should be enforced fairly regardless of politics. Only griefers whose politics are 'destroy the platform' should invoke the friend-enemy distinction, bigly, and be dealt with without mercy. That is quickly banned with no discussion or appeals. When I speak of neutrality I mean a leftist can come on there are talk a lot of shit to his heart's content. Only if he breaks the clear rules does he get kicked. Oh, and no doxxing must be an absolute rule. ---- Payment processing is the thing that invokes the full power of the enemy as they have countless lawfare mechanisms at their disposal including what I believe is called the Match list which they have used against harmless academic Greg Johnson among others. Ideally the speech part is simply supported by a wealthy patron or patrons. Video creates other problems as it is so expensive to serve. Though of course a wealthy enough patron could do that too. The way around credit cards is scrip. Not crypto, just a 'Reddit gold' style internal payment system that you charge up by sending a check or money order or perhaps BTC. The major initiative would be setting up a bank and issuing credit cards, but that requires a real whale of an investor. Also some firewalling from the most extreme controversy. There are various trusts that can be set up by lawyers that are pretty hard to penetrate. I'd suggest using lawfareproof compartments for each unique project. The twitter-video-podcast site would be one thing, and could use Gab's current method of taking checks, money orders and crypto. A major anti-shuttening payment system should be considered entirely separate. ---- By 1900 everything you needed to know to set immigration policy was known. It was the malign immigrants who plotted to prevent it from being implemented long enough for the viral load to reach terminal levels. ---- Lyndon Johnson is a hero to the left because he destroyed his presidency to destroy America. It is a leftist myth that Vietnam destroyed him. It was his signature civil rights legislation that was hated with a passion, that destroyed every major city, that sealed America's doom. ---- It's important to emphasize that in the event of a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia Israel will also be completely destroyed and any who escape the desolation will be hunted for the next thousand years. ---- Same people who demand you have a mRNA shot before you can be in their presence have no problem with shooting heroin and getting fucked up the ass. ---- American nationalism always carried a * * We reserve the right to overthrow the government if it fucks with us too much In contrast German nationalism banned homeschooling and it remains banned by that Nazi law to this day. ---- Canadian truckers and the US imitators. The truckers proved that the tiny number of fanatical anti-shot working class men could indeed scuttle the entire pig system if provoked, and do it quickly. Because anti-shot activism is not tainted with 75 years of propaganda they can't just open up on them with chainguns. Meaning the pig system has got nothing, so they folded. ---- I don't understand why anyone links to Fox News to 'fortify' their effortposts. Enemy media has no credibility. If I follow you it means I already consider you more honest than those filth. ---- From 300 AD to the Reformation Christianity was European, the Roman Catholic Church took it over and ditched any doctrines from the Old Testament it found inconvenient. Protestants, by going back to the text, freed the meme malware inherent in the spiteful mutant founding of the sect from its long slumber. ---- Musk had a brush with financial death when he made that tweet 'Who do you think owns the media?' I'm sure he got a good talking to. He never did put up his journalism accountability site. ---- The logistical problems with removing all physical power from 100 million White men are very, very large. The Soviet Union had less problem doing this because Russian serfs were used to obeying and weren't armed. ---- The good guys tried to expose the Hunter Biden laptop data. Enemy media simply refused to report on it. This is not a Qanon 'any minute now indictments are coming' deal. The truth has been out there since 2020. ---- Moderation still a computationally intractable problem. But it is getting better. ---- Anyone still on blogspot is enemy. I am absolutely sure Vox Day was taken out in the final sweep and that GOOG is using Alpha Go technology to detect right wing concept cloud proximity and being absolutely merciless in their bans. Then again these Ukraine and mRNA shills might be straight up employed / bribed straight outta Prague Cemetery. They were offering $1000 a month to 'influencers' to shill the shot. .... I have never been proven wrong more quickly. Apparently a good blog on the Ukraine conflict is on blogspot. Still, on race and sex issues you can forget about using GOOG for anything, and mRNA shot truth is just as unwelcome if not as carefully screened. ---- I would revise this: 'My current plan is to tell him that we basically need a Twitter clone combined with a tube site and a simple wiki for each user' To 'A Twitter clone combined with a video site, podcast hosting and blogging for each user.' Wikis are fine, but not top priority. Most people aren't going to want to deal with the hassle of editing a wiki. Also wiki standards (history of edits, who edited, previous versions) create a clusterfuck. If this DM works will add more. ---- The downside of the Mastodon and Pleroma network is most of them block large sections of the network. Even if you want to network with them many won't permit it. Leftist instances almost all block and ban any connection to free speech instances. ---- You can't buy a publicly traded company Jews don't want you to buy. They pump up the price to make it unaffordable, and fund stock buybacks in a worst case scenario. Or they simply buy up so much with their hedge fund money that you can never get a controlling interest. Better to start a superior Twitter-like service with Twitter-2010 free speech. ---- Don't become a incel loser because the regime is against you. You have better odds of a successful marriage than you do of carrying out regime change before your DNA erodes into mong goo. ---- In 2010 the internet was near anarchy. Now most of it is a terrorized wasteland monitored by red guards. ---- I haven't seen a negro in months. ---- Apple has been run by a literal faggot since Jobs (also probably a AIDS fag) died and a Christian lawyer is boasting about his clout because he uses their evil products. ---- Libreoffice 4life ---- Christians often look to Russia as the great hope for Christianity. How many attend church services? 7%. Worse than the US, which is considered a hopelessly fallen nation (they're not wrong about that). ---- You still have thousands of times the combined computing power available to all the nations that fought in WWII on your desk. And that is an encouraging thing. ---- The problem with conservatives is they're all leftists now. ---- US is the most Christian remaining industrialized nation. TFR below replacement. Also anyone who uses Siri is life unworthy of life. ---- [on Japan] They're depressed because they lost the war. They need to build some nuclear weapons. That will cheer them up better than Jesus ever could. ---- Christianity has collapsed in all technologically advanced societies. Such societies are fundamentally anti-spiritual, skewing all energy into material pursuits. Men of ambition ceased to be interested in Christianity when it lost state power, which is the masculine power to dominate and kill. ---- Those who refuse to adapt will be ruled over or killed by those who upgrade. ---- Christianity generated self control in men with power by convincing them they would burn in Hell if they fucked around. How do you restore that level of conviction when we know evolution is true, the Earth is ancient and Noah's global flood is a fairy tale? ---- We are in a peculiar moment when the operating system that worked fairly well for 1200 years is reaching boomer with 87 Bonzi Buddy toolbars levels of decay, yet there is no replacement that will run on the available substrates. ---- You would not be surprised how triggered some people are by the inevitability of transhuman technology if civilization survives. ---- If a new piece of computer software helps you achieve your calling, then you are blessed indeed. That happened to me in 1980, when I learned how to use a $7,500 computer program called Satellite Software International, which two years later became WordPerfect, and which was made available for $500 on a $6,000 microcomputer called the IBM PC. (Multiply these figures by two to see what todays prices would be.) In one week, I doubled my output when I learned that program. Gary North ---- Trump rode a near homeopathic dilution of our ideas to victory twice. In refined form the true right is a chain reaction waiting to happen. ---- It's not just that, the higher wages in the US are a magnet even in an imaginary never gonna happen no welfare libertarian society. Only harsh border controls can protect culture and standard of living from the flesh deluge. ---- More people are looking for a way out of this decaying prison than ever before. ---- The problem with partial paywalls is frustration + free alternatives. In contrast Mises dot org digitized and put the legendary economist's entire life's work (or at least as much of it for which they could obtain the rights) online for free over 20 years ago. This made the formerly fringe Austrian school economist the focus of one of the top economics sites in the world. It may even be number one! If your goal is to influence ideas give them away. ---- Japan is a healthier society with zero Christian influence than the United States is with at least legacy Christian culture. ---- Abolition of public education is a hill I will die on. ---- All issues that divide us are real. Some are less important than others. But all are real and if you claim otherwise you are my enemy. ---- The system wants unity. It wants a unity biased heavily against White men. But it does not want division. It wants to dominate and it wants us to submit, or die. Either is fine. ---- When he finally cucked out entirely on the wall I realized that we would have been better off with Ted Cruz. Only problem was Cruz might not have beaten Hillary. ---- In this case no amount of will on the part of private attorney Rudy Giuliani was going to change a thing. Courts are all in on it. ---- At the risk of being unfollowed and blocked... a friendly suggestion. The paywall was a mistake. I suspect it has finally begun to cut into traffic, if only because the last two transparency reports (Feb & March) were not forthcoming. By catering to the few hundred subscribers you have lost access to tens of thousands of readers. Perhaps more. I've seen some big names give up on their paywalls. They very rarely work. And they are even more counterproductive when your purpose is propaganda. Fundraising is a drag, but losing memetic reach is worse. ---- Obama was an obvious figurehead groomed by a dark power. At this stage there is no daylight between the CIA, George Soros, Mossad, and the old Atlanticist ruling stratum. All are in on the plot to exterminate the White race. The only ones whose motives are puzzling are those old rich White guys. I guess they really really enjoy raping kids. ---- That's not the US Constitution. It's a PR document. When it came time to write hard laws the US defined negroes as lesser than in unambiguous terms, and barred all but White immigrants. It also removed any reference to god. ---- To leftists who say America was founded as a racist nation I can only say, 'Yes.' ---- Every single thing you wrote is wrong. America was the first major secular republic. Its founders made god entirely optional. Their motives were secular and financial. They regarded blacks as unworthy of citizenship and wrote that into the Constitution by tallying them at a rate of less than one man per unit for purposes of the census. ---- Abolition of copyright is on the agenda. Copyright benefits media cartels and grifters. Most small time artists and writers would be better off doing it for clout and seeking patrons. ---- If a group always elects demons maybe they are a bad group. ---- 6.4% average annual inflation in new home prices over the last decade. Nothing sinister. ---- An interesting case, a planet with an unusually large moon. Ideally positioned for the evolution of life. Unfortunately multiple sentient species evolved and gained extermination tier offensive capabilities near simultaneously. ---- One correction. It's not for ad revenue. All hyperwoke publications lose money, and quite a few have gone under, Mic dot com being a major example. Tumblr's implosion another example. ---- ---- Wait... Tucker Carlson is friends with Hunter Biden?! I mean I knew Tucker was CIA but this is re-god-damn-diculous. ---- Tucker Carlson could set up a real version of Gab in two weeks, same time it took Torba to set up this fake one. He wouldn't need Fox's cooperation to do it either, he is young Trump rich, heir to a vast fortune. He won't because he is a servant of the dark tower. ---- 2010: 95% of Americans think trannies are nuts, 5% think they're evil. 2022: Exactly the same but if you say it the Jews who now have controlling interest in every publicly traded company will blacklist you from employment. ---- Anything the sovereign does is legal by definition. I hope everyone obeys the law forever. ---- Understand that the money power can only be solved with the steel power. ---- It's about reliability. The enemy who can never be integrated is the total enemy. Zelensky is a Jew and has a massive grudge against Russians, as all politically aware Jews do. Had they put a Slavic president in place he might put the interests of Ukraine ahead of the globalist plans for regime change in Russia. That would not do. More insights on true enemies here. ---- The myth of Blackrock buying up detached single family homes is a system limited hangout to cover up the actual cause of the non-urban housing boom: The flight from covid horseshit and negro crime. ---- NPC's follow the control ship. The pig system uses all its powers and functions to prevent the construction of a right wing controller. Trump, a mere simulation of same, caused immense problems by raising expectations sufficient for a mob large enough to overthrow the whole vile machine to be gathered on January 6. If Trump had courage he could have become emperor that day. ---- The American people are the descendents of European settlers who arrived by 1965. ---- Great Reset is now a massive stretch goal, one that the failure of coronahoax has postponed into the vague out years when automobiles are banned and you will own nothing. In other words, fantasyland. Start worrying about shit that might happen. You know, like global thermonuclear war. ---- Anyone who does not love dogs loses their White passport and gets to live out their life in the CURSED EARTH. ---- Seeing what GOOG has done to the internet only open source not for profit bioupgrades are welcome, and I won't be autoupdating lest my memory be replaced with smiley emojis if I visit my Hitler enjoyer frens. ---- Elon Musk is a real transhumanist. He low key opposes cultural Marxism because it is wrecking every institution it infests and he knows his time is short. In contrast Schwab is promoting the very ideology that dissolves all it touches. In antifa America there will be no science, no technology, nothing but red guards with rusty bolt action rifles herding Whites into lime pits. White genocide is Klaus Schwab's sole purpose in life. ---- For Klaus Schwab transhumanism is just another skin suit. If he really wanted transhuman technology he'd want to minimize parasite load in the nations where such technics have the best chance of being developed. Instead he wants to import infinity brown people and encourages cancel culture to purge the most talented straight White men and replace them with useless females and insane trannies. Only White and Asian men have any chance of developing the upgrade technology. If he wants it sooner, which as an old man he should, he would do anything to make sure parasite load was minimized so his brain could be uploaded or his body repaired before it wheezes its last breath. My guess is he's just another spiteful Jew whose primary goal is revenge on historic enemies, and transhumanism, climate change and all the other malarky exists merely as a smokescreen. ---- Meme malware is the whole thing. If even a tiny percentage were to escape the malware we'd win in short order. But the malware is hegemonic. It's everywhere, even in the furthest reaches of the right. Ted Kaczynski fetishizing being a perfect example. Meme malware is why most Americans reject basic instinctive knowledge like 'don't trust anyone different.' ---- Noticing is worthless without the technics to do something about it. ---- I am pretty well done with any unironic serious Ted Kaczynski respector. Technology is the White superpower. Without it we are easy meat. The catacombs are for snare rabbits. ---- To discover what the agenda is look for things they don't talk about at all. Like Karl Rove being a faggot. ---- Thermonuclear war is a small price to pay to assure that a Jew remains in charge of Ukraine. ---- Rapid inflation is a major factor in the great resignation. For millions the purchasing power of wages dropped below the 'is this job worth getting out of bed for?' threshold. ---- If things go according to plan and everyone is reasonable and operates based on utility maximization the spiteful mutants will win. Aim to misbehave. ---- Russia vs. Ukraine is useful because chaos is a ladder. ---- When I say the US is ruled with soft power what I mean is that it's run by money. The ruling stratum can't do much if someone with money decides to mess with them. It's not Stalinism where you look at Stalin the wrong way and it's five years in the gulag or a bullet in the head. ---- Bill Gates didn't 'miss' the internet, he knew it was coming and wanted to prevent it. His goal, same as all the tech oligarchs at the time, was to build a super-Compuserve where every service was metered. Book a flight? That will be a dollar. Search the database? Another dollar. ---- Ivy League schools used to have a covert faggot blacklist. If they found out a student was a fag he'd be expelled and his file marked with a code that every influential US organization - business, charitable, educational or government - would understand that meant they should never be hired. The blacklist was for life. ---- All nationalist platforms must include abolition of all corporate copyrights. Where an artist is still alive profits revert to them. I'd make an exception for George Lucas. Fuck him, he loses it all. ---- If you doxxed yourself by putting your full name in your anonymous blog's metadata you may not be the world historic genius you fancy yourself to be. ---- Putin beating Ukraine and vetoing their entry into NATO by main force gives globalism a bloody nose. War between the US and Russia could get pretty hairy. Best not to risk it. Upgrading human biology is going to happen if technological society survives. No one is buying 'cancer is natural, why fight it' as a principle. ---- Washington state is a hellhole because the Whites there are Marxists not because it's super diverse. Much more diverse former Confederate states are far more tolerable. ---- NJP bans their MEMBERS from bringing in smartphones, but they don't understand the scope of the threat. Biological antifa infiltrators are not required. The smartphone is a mechanical antifa infiltrator. It does not need a spy operator to be present, its microphone can be remote activated by GOOG at any time when it is powered and in range of wifi, cell signal. It is always on unless the battery is about to die. ---- In US 1945 why was it absolutely forbidden to criticize Jews as a group while the 95% Christian majority could be mocked with only the mildest reprisals? ---- Mel Gibson promoting The Passion of the Christ was the last time Christian television caused the pig system any trouble. ---- Christian television was relentlessly attacked until it was both discredited and cucked. ---- If you post a video of antifa burning down a city what happens? The city keeps burning, antifa rarely even get arrested, let alone charged, convicted and sentenced to hard time. That last never happens. If antifa post a video of you putting up a sticker your life is ruined. Media control can get you that power. Having a camera is not media control. If you rely on Cloudflare you don't have media control. ---- Most likely Kushner made sure everyone involved in Trump's social media site was incompetent. The last thing Jews want is for Trump to have unfiltered access to 80 million people again. ---- Smartphones are enemy machines. They wouldn't be pushing them with every tool at their disposal if they could be used to free us. ---- Star Wars was far more against the grain than Star Trek, promoting heroism in a decade of unrelenting demoralization meme malware. ---- Pretending your a rebel when you're an establishment product is nothing new. Star Trek fans pulled the same routine for decades. 'We rebelled against the evil conformity of network television and were cut down in our prime for our trouble.' Star Trek was one of the most expensive programs ever produced up to that time, was in full color for its entire run, had corporate support from RCA which used it to advertise color televisions and was unfailingly politically correct on the core agenda items. ---- The very first thing someone who gets redpilled should do is move someplace where being attacked by diversity is extremely unlikely. ---- I thought the original ipad was really innovative and interesting. iphone is the same technology and software, and it did do the old Steve Jobs trick of taking stuff that had been developed for other purposes (Microsoft thought the best applications of their prototype surface was for kiosks and large format graphic work) and finding the ideal consumer niche. But the walled garden aspect prevented me from ever buying one. ---- On FSE some leftist once said that I was so right wing, so utterly committed and invincible to any left argument, that it was pointless to even engage with me. I like that. ---- Twitter is causing Biden's controllers to be stupider than they should be. They think encouraging people to euthanize their pets to fight inflation is a really clever lifehack. How about burning politicians at the stake? Just spitballing here. ---- J6 is weird because Trump could have pardoned them all. Or used them to stage a coup. Which is the real motive for throwing the book at them. The pig system almost fell that day, it was saved only by Trump's cowardice. ---- Congratulations, you kicked that negroes' ass. Enjoy your decade in prison. ---- In most of the US 1960s civil rights ideology is the default White opinion and they will cut off anyone who deviates from it. This is why 99% of churches take White money and use it to settle refugees knowing not one person in 1000 will dare object. ---- Shitlibs shit test constantly. Anyone here who thinks they can WORK WITH such people while concealing power level long term is fucking delusional. In any case where the biomemetic left and the biomemetic right work closely together one faction will gain the upper hand and purge the other entirely. ---- What happens when your shitlib neighbors say we need to let the brown refugees share in our supplies after the collapse? Well, I guess you have to shoot all your dear frens, or they expel you from the collective and confiscate your 'Nazi food' to feed some Somalian vermin. ---- If I told my neighbors my politics I would be atomized, total life annihilation in picoseconds. ---- The threshold for that much work is some high probability calculation of collapse, plus confidence that you can deal with all the other issues - the complete end of medical care, for example. I still think Zionist Team B is going to shred Biden and the Democrats and salvage the US to save Israel. ---- 'Plant a garden to avoid starving' is second only to 'prove your courage by posting under your real name' in the Gab bad advice hall of fame. Your garden isn't going to produce 2000-3000 calories a day 365 days a year. It's unlikely to produce that much for two weeks at harvest time. ---- If the pig system can convince people of anything with their media power why did they have to digitally erase Kevin Spacey from a film when he was exposed as a groomer? ---- For most people stockpiling high density shelf stable food is more logical. You also gotta set some limit, otherwise you end up spending every spare penny on prepping. I could spend 10 million on a super doom fortress and still have things I wish I had included. ---- It's all fake. American people are isolationist. Always have been. In WWII polls showed 40% or so blamed Jews for the war. Only a tiny fraction of those who fought volunteered, and that was after Pearl Harbor. We're now at the point where they don't dare propose a draft, it would be instant insurrection. ---- I have months of supplies. But we're looking at total dissolution if the spiteful mutants can't be neutralized. ---- Inflation is the result of continuing increase in the money supply. Cut off that spigot and the dollar flow will slow then settle at a new equilibrium. Why doesn't the government do this? Because that spigot is a weapon and they don't want to give it up. Larry Fink the faggot Jew is subsidizing 'woke culture' with trillions in stock purchases which he does with money generated out of nothing. Remove that and the reactionary revival will put Reaganism to shame. ---- Google was founded by the NSA. Facebook was founded by Naval Intelligence. They weren't integrated, they were created. Only exception is Twitter, which was a real startup. That's why it is now subject to the most capricious censorship. Mellow out or you will pay. ---- Amazon started out as a real business and they held out against censorship longer than I expected. That indicates that they had to be infiltrated and turned. In their case probably with huge AWS government contracts. ---- To beat inflation expel parasite load. ---- A person in a rural area with no experience farming will fail to produce a significant amount of food. It's basically a second job, and not everyone is good at it. Also in true collapse scenarios you need more than a farm, you need a small army to defend it. ---- From 1950 to 2019 preppers gambled on collapse and lost. Now it's becoming more likely, but still not a sure thing. We were on the brink in 1980. Will DeSantis be our Reagan, the pressure release damage control candidate who extends the runway? Time will tell. ---- What good do your creeds and oaths do to screen out liars? That is the root flaw of basing your nation on ideas. ---- How to stop inflation? Fix monetary growth by statute, abolish the 'independence' of the Federal Reserve. Lacking monetization the national debt will become a problem, one easily solved: Default. ---- Convincing my neighbors to become prepper enjoyers while concealing my own power level: Difficulty level impossible. ---- Obviously hard power is more effective, which is why the West is entirely subverted while more trad nations are not. ---- US has always skewed towards soft power methods of dealing with sex crimes. Not sure how effective this is as there are many horrible scandals. However it did keep the elite well screened until 1960 or so. In the 1940s Gore Vidal caused a ruckus by publishing an openly pro-homosexual novel for which he was condemned by the New York Times, of all things! ---- The only way to end porn is to end OPEN general purpose computing machinery. You'd need a full Apple style DRM stack on every computer to prevent the CG porn that is very close to being more convincing and powerful than the real thing from being created. Never mind preventing the petabytes of human performed porn people have stashed away from being traded for the next thousand years. It will only enable the enemy to censor political speech. Open computing is the only reason we know about the stolen election. In a DRM world we would long since have been shunted into 'trusted sites' where not a word of dissent could be posted. ---- I have presented a critical path. Total opsec. A movement of crypsis which uses cult methods to generate a relentless army of men whose absolute dedication to the cause is so extreme they are even willing to give up their iphones. I see none of that in the useless garbage around me, or in most of you, dear readers. ---- We lost North America because we didn't have the leadership to stop the stolen election. That they pulled that off seals America's doom. Now the distant hope is that there is a soft landing similar to the USSR. That is the last thing the scum running this system want. They want us dead more than they want to live. ---- People are rebelling right now. There is a total disconnect between the resistance to the pig system and the typical right winger, who has no influence on said rebellion. I do encourage far right people to join the libertarians, MAGApedes, hippies and anarchists in defying things like coronahoax. Realize that I consider America to be 99% likely to die and the entire White population to be exterminated. Europe is the gene bank. I just wanna grill as long as possible. ---- The several states are the logical successors to the pig regime. If your state is pozzed move, you aren't going to save it before the dissolution. ---- The framework is warlords establish new fiefdoms in the ruins. ---- Say what you will about marijuana legalization, but the feds' failure to stop states from defying their supremacy was an almost unnoticed inflection point. ---- Coronahoax was broken by anarchy. All disobedience to this pig system is for the good. ---- Kamala is a rare case where worse might be better for us, simply because she is so abjectly incompetent. She will discredit women in politics for centuries to come. Of course she might do it by ushering in the complete disintegration of the US. 'In retrospect appointing a prostitute might have been a serious error...' - Encyclopedia Galactica, Terminus Press, 2087. ---- America's path to throwing off the panopticon yoke is anarchy. ---- No Western man controls any media company. ---- Remember when the Romulan commander shoved the body of his best and oldest friend into the debris tube in a gambit to trick Kirk into thinking the nuke hidden in the rubble was just due to damage to the Bird of Prey's ruptured hull? That's where we are. ---- How do I know the American Calvinists were pussies? They were all but extinct by the revolutionary era, and anti-Christian deists framed the founding documents of the US. ---- There are only two sensible approaches if you are very right wing at this time. Give up or work on growing the right. There is no scenario where the 100,000 or so hardcore people that exist can win. ---- You don't follow me. My posts have saved people's jobs, and considerable money. They may have saved lives. What is your snarky comment adding? Be specific. ---- Your job if the system dies is to reconstitute techno super civilization ASAP. The life you save will be your own. ---- All who use Google have earned death. ---- Incoherence adds a bit of friction to a political movement but it isn't always fatal. As the parasite class preys on everyone not in the ruling stratum a multi-ethnic alliance of convenience to boot them out is not just possible in the shattered culture of the US, it's probable. That only the founding Americans will win in such a scenario is not clear to the lesser thans who might take part. ---- With China the number one economy in the world we can say that democracy has conclusively failed on neoliberalism's own terms. ---- It will be a big deal in the media. It is utterly insignificant. That whole family is more broken than Trump. The enemy made sure of that as a king has the theoretical power to undo their whole racket. Can't have that. ---- If the usurper regime does anything to reduce domestic oil production we are in the crash scenario, with only zionist Team B available to prevent it. Yes, I will vote for DeSantis. It beats starving. ---- I have yet to encounter a prepper with any grasp of the scope of the problem of keeping a family of four alive when the supermarkets are closed, there's no fuel, no fertilizer and bands of raiders are stalking the countryside. ---- It's a theory. New York Times is dropping a major bomb by admitting the Hunter laptop is real. My speculation is this is in preparation for the peaceful sunset of the Biden crime family, to be replaced by Kamala the whore. ---- There is some kind of cute overload mental mechanism at work that I can't quite recall at this time. No links in comments, anyone thinking they can be HELPFUL. I am not looking for sources. ---- Politically 'the West is being murdered' is far more potent than 'the West is dying.' The former spurs action. The latter induces lethargy. ---- What would a right wing nation be capable of? It could restore the technological glory of the space age, and very quickly. It could multiply the standard of living at least twofold by removing parasite load. ---- In a total dissolution scenario those who do not work with their hands who are not liked are guaranteed to die. So yeah, this would end the rootless cosmopolitan problem in North America once and for all. ---- I don't have a problem with banning supporters of Mao's Cultural Revolution from everything. Including the oxygen supply. ---- Hypocrisy Enthusiast: *Jews that built their entire careers predicated on promoting the notion that White people need to be removed from their own institutions while promoting their own tribe's primacy making sure the world knows that White people simply hate them for being successful* Dread: Promoting the notion that this is a 'meritocracy' was the secret meme payload of traitor Charles Murray's The Bell Curve, which also includes the laughable claim that Jews are the smartest group to ever exist with an average IQ of 115. ---- NYT columnists have been insufferable since before I was born. All I need to know is where they work to dismiss them forever. ---- Kamala will be installed because they're boxed in. If Biden has shorted out for good they're stuck with her. This is a problem because she will be the least popular person ever to run for president. It's not like she can depend on good times to carry her over the top. We are going to be in a Greater Depression by 2024 if they don't relent on sanctions against Russia and climate bullshit, both absolute sacred cows of the left... so Greater Depression it is. Don't misinterpret. Trump and DeSantis are firmly on White Genocide Team B. No political solution. ---- Get ready for President Kamala. NYT admitting Hunter Biden laptop is real is the offramp for shitpants Joe. ---- I muted all those subthreads so I won't see your replies. NEVER TAG ME FOR ANY REASON. Continue with this and you get blocked and I haven't done a block amnesty in years and I expect never to do one again. ---- Is Zelensky a fag or does he play one on TV? ---- Yes, one should wait until they are eight to train boys in the use of loaded pistols. ---- FSE admin is working with Graf on some things, as I recall. But FSE is super hardcore free speech and always has been because that's why P set it up, thus the domain name. Graf isn't going to influence P to change. P is extremely stubborn. ---- A fanatical fag who boasts of his perversion is not going to reform. He would at best ignore you and at worst unleash the fag legions to get you cancelled for daring to call him out even privately. He's got what the Bible calls a scorched conscience, a forecast of his eternal fate, if you believe that sort of thing. ---- Kanye is rich, intelligent and has a huge ego, which means he often pushes back when the ruling stratum tries to nudge him into the chute. He is not that big a problem for the pig system at this time because he hasn't fully disconnected from its meme snares. But you never know. ---- Each time you say the government is evil it loses a little bit of power. Even if it's just to your fellow outcasts. From small things big things one day come. ---- They want to censor you because censorship works. It works because heresy kills gods, and they must silence heretics lest Martin Luther King, Karl Marx and Lyndon Johnson be cast down. If you stop even speaking of their crimes the crimes will get worse. ---- I have more in common with antifa than I do with liberals. Liberals are entirely broken. Antifa at least retain the capacity to hate. ---- Everyone is responsible for what they do. No one is just doing their job. ACAB ---- The covid masking was conditioning. Refusing to obey is also conditioning. Get into condition for the war to come. ---- The domestication of man. If you leap right to fedposting you will get pwned. So here is the critical path. Implement a program of decivilization. Read The Better Angels of Our Nature the way Hannibal Lecter reads anatomy texts. Aim to misbehave. Destroy the illusion of consent and civility. Each time you are rude you bring us a little closer to the day of wrath. If it drives a tranny to suicide, all the better! ---- It would explain McCain's nomination. He is by far the most hated Republican among the GOP base in the last 30 years. Yet gets nominated to throw the election to the magic nigger. ---- The (somewhat illusory) anonymity of the internet reduces memetic crypsis. That's why everyone online hates each other even more than they do in real life. In real life you know to conceal just how much you despise the other. ---- I could explain it but you would not understand. In five thousand years there has never been a single great female thinker. Stick to your knitting. ---- The enemy is a lot more worried when you start lying to them shamelessly than they are when you apologize. ---- Tell your low information friends that a no-fly zone in Ukraine means the US commits to shooting down Russian aircraft, guaranteeing nuclear war. ---- Every so often signs of poverty emerge from the potentially serious dissident movements. Some trivial task that anyone with a few dollars could solve generates an all hands on deck crisis... and almost no one shows up. That's how I know NJP is not the one. ---- Genophilia: Russians are burning all of Kiev. Just joking. This is BLM dindus burning down Minneapolis. ---- Maher is a good example of a zionist Team B foot soldier. He is vested in America surviving as a functional society, both because he's done pretty well for himself here, and because he's cool headed and calculating enough to know that if the US dies Israel dies with it. ---- If, instead of mining our shitposts to find a way to kill us, the regime mined them for ideas they could win. Win being defined as an equilibrium state where they retain power in an industrialized society. But they really, really want to kill us. ---- When 99% of Republicans had faith that elections were conducted honestly the system had a lot more wiggle room. ---- I can't give a date when the US dissolves or civil war begins because human decisions that have yet to be made will determine that. I can only note that the usurper regime seems strongly motivated to destroy the nation ASAP, which brings the possible day of wrath forward by several years. ---- If the usurper regime does anything to reduce domestic oil production we are in the crash scenario, with only zionist Team B available to prevent it. Yes, I will vote for DeSantis. It beats starving. ---- ---- In the current year the only place White men are welcome are jobs with little prestige requiring high intelligence and reliability. A few more implicit White strikes like the trucker convoys and a White man won't be able to get any job in a Jew traded corp above Walmart greeter or fry cook. ---- As far as hardcore EXISTING power chokepoints go the way was shut for straight White men by 1990. Elon Musk slipped through because he created a new one, Paypal. ---- It would calm things down until the wave of inflation set in and rents doubled. Mini-UBI is why money printer going brrrr had such a rapid impact on consumer prices this go round, while the 2008 bailout money was tucked away in hedge funds and the like. ---- You will know the fiends are really scared when they forgive student loans. You will know congress is soaked in piss and literally quaking with fear for their lives when they pass UBI. ---- The US constitution bet everything on words. Men are what matter, words mean whatever men with power say they mean. ---- That's nice. Of course it was Tucker Carlson who convinced Trump to go all-in on coronahoax, enabling Operation Warp Speed to fast track the death shot and giving cover for the lockdowns that allowed the Democrats to steal the election. And yes the son of a bitch knew exactly what he was doing. He's CIA. ---- The US is heading for collapse in the near term because destroying civilization is the enemy media's top priority. Collapse is not a cycle, it's a plan. ---- Imagine if the enemy media decided, for whatever reason, that the US needed to take over Canada and Mexico. I mean really made it their top priority. It would take about a year to pivot the military back to southern good old White boys, purge the trannies and faggots and affirmative action cases and lay the memetic groundwork. After that we'd have two new states, one pretty great, one full of welfare cases. ---- Anyone who says 'the US makes nothing' is an ignorant fucktard and will be blocked. ---- The enemy machine has surface memes that almost everyone, even dimwits, can see come from the Mouth of Sauron. It is the more subtle ones emanated by the myriad false opposition fronts that cause confusion. Borzoi believing in Club of Rome repeater station Ted Kaczynski being a perfect example. ---- No one can call in the debt of a nation with nukes. US can default. US has immense resources, also it is a conventional wisdom lie that US makes nothing. US makes nothing CHEAP because China has such a gigantic comparative advantage in that market, but US manufactures some of the best weapons, vehicles and heavy machinery in the world. After a rough transition the US would easily survive. Keep in mind the US is a massive FOOD producer, and has enough energy reserves to go it alone provided our domestic enemies were defeated. So the world won't take that chance. ---- The system has enormous resources. They could hit a few buttons and turn prosperity back on by 2024. But they hate us so much that it will only be done if necessary to prevent a reboot not to their liking. I still think the zionists will push THEIR big red button and install DeSantis or Trump to save America thereby saving Israel. ---- Nope. We know nothing of the sort. Trump had just enough elite support in 2016 to avoid the hard power removal techniques. That he has not been indicted is a sign they are holding him in reserve. He's Team B's steam valve. ---- They thought they could swap out three TV networks for hundreds of cable channels seamlessly, like a global supply chain widget component. It doesn't work that way. Nothing works that way. ---- There won't be any conservatives in a decade outside old age homes and oligarch funded campus groups grooming congressional catamites. ---- If you read leftists they have a century worth of political blueballs. They think that Magnus Hirschfeld was on the verge of total faggot liberation until the darn Nazis raided the party. They believe the disco era of polymorphous perversity could have made the whole world a cocaine orgy if not for Jerry Falwell and Ronald Reagan. Some even know about the original 'sexual revolution' in the early Soviet Union that was buzzkilled with extreme prejudice by Stalin. They want every right winger dead so they can get this party started. ---- Expect legitimacy to decline further. US cannot function without 99.9% reliability. Its increasingly foreign population is utterly incapable of meeting that standard. Ironically when the US was a 90% founding stock nation it required far less of its minions. ---- If a Jew finds out a business is even slightly anti-semitic he will at the very least never give them another penny. You have to respect that. ---- I hate anti-semites who use Google more than I hate Jonathan Greenblatt. Hell, I hate them more than I hate Leon Trotsky. ---- This is why I checked out entirely from mainstream platforms of all kinds X years ago. The illusion of reach was never more than that, you can't hack city hall. Admins always win. ---- That's optional. If Google were run by Nazis not one Jew would use it. But Nazis almost all use Google despite the fact that it's run by Jews who probably created it explicitly for the enslavement of all life from its inception in NSA-CIA research in 1993. If that was not the original plan it is the plan now. Trump put the fear in them. Indeed. I put GOOG in my hosts file on privacy grounds and because it stank of evil long before biomemetic goncerns became salient to me. ---- Oneway was much like that crypto pedant, trying to equivocate regarding the bankster shuttening priority. Nothing gets you cancelled harder and faster than discussing race from a White POV. ---- They claim that discriminating against Whites is the only way to respect individual rights and equality before the law. Whites are just that evil, emanating privilege radiation that makes negroes shoot each other. ---- ---- People do get banned for going against single issue regime talking points, but they don't get the Andrew Anglin treatment unless they're approaching the holy of holies, egalitarianism. Covid skeptics can still have bank accounts. And jobs. ---- What the pig system's all seeing eye watches for above all else is disloyalty to its metanarratives. So long as you believe in individual rights and equality before the law you are no threat to it. ---- Freemasons were the greedy Europeans who let down their guard for just long enough for Jews to boot them out and take over. If Freemasons had any power they wouldn't be the mysterious evil elite in Being There. They are completely disempowered. They can now be cancelled by any negro, faggot or tranny if they say the wrong word, or any female if they grab dat ass. Freemasonry is now like libertarianism, a sign that you're dealing with a complete fucking rube. ---- Not really news here but all US fedgov policy is designed to phase out private automobiles not prevent 'climate change.' Very small regulatory changes would allow the sale of low power lightweight electric vehicles for urban use, where smog can be a problem. Instead cars get heavier and more expensive with each new safety regulation. ---- The moment bullying was redefined from 'beatings' to 'mean words' we were finished. ---- While the blackpilled brigades interpreted the lack of suicidal protests and futile gestures against coronahoax as compliance I always believed in the pig headed hate for centralized authority that burns in the heart of every red blooded American. I never saw full compliance, even at the height of the hoax. I knew we would break them when, in May 2021, CDC accidentally ended the mask mandate and 80% of masks vanished overnight, everywhere. ---- I knew a Jewish guy who constantly worried that Christians were going to come for him any minute now. 'Dude, Christians don't even obey the big commandments, the girls all do oral and say it's not sex, and you think they're going to pogrom you? Relax.' ---- If humans are so hackable it should be no trouble to abolish anti-semitism with no legal punishments or killing. Show me what you've got. ---- If you have an Apple device you get what you fucking deserve. ---- Judaism and Christianity forked 2000 years ago. They are not the same. That's what I mean by forking. In open source software a project forks when a new guy or team starts releasing their own versions of an existing program. In this analogy the disciples are the new team with their new version, while the Jews represent another branch. Over time the differences accumulate and the delta between the two worldviews becomes a vast impassable ocean. ---- Until around 1880 there were almost no Judeos in the US. It was founded as a secular republic on the down low by an odd coalition of Christians and deists. Not one Jew signed the Declaration of Independence or took part in the framing of the Constitution. ---- What prospects? You are approaching geneline extinction. You may have already irreparably damaged your reproductive system. And of course you killed four of your children. It haunts you, doesn't it? No worries, they won't be waiting for you after you die. You aren't going to the nice place. You're the one who made it our business by posting about it. You could always shut up. That's usually the best option for any female. ---- Imbeciles who think Europe is worse off because muh low birthrates: US is now at most 56% European. Europe is 95%. A massive natalist program could restore population with ease. Just pay for babbies with family incentives. A certain leader did this in the 20th century. ---- Europe. Thr American people chose death when they allowed mass immigration for 50 years without forcing it to shut down by whatever means necessary. Also by adoring outlanders more than any other nation aside from Sweden. ---- At this point preserving any kind of civilized life in North America is a stretch goal. ---- I suspect these clickfarms that brute force their way past machine fingerprinting and perhaps deeper probing into the hardware of smartphones are making up for what they lack in skill with pure stubborn will. There must be a software solution to fake a machine fingerprint and send that simulated machine image through a proxy. ---- The 'conservative' movement is full of these system enforcers. 'Neocon? What do you mean by that?' 'I MEAN A WARMONGING DIRTY JEW!!!' (what I said in Minecraft) (what I actually said) 'Oh, you know, a lukewarm former liberal who got mugged.' ---- Turing was busted because he got into some legal issues with his rent boy, and the police figured it out. That's when he was sentenced to crude hormone treatments, probably leading to his suicide, though there is some dispute even about that as he did work with toxic chemicals and might have accidentally done himself in. I have never seen any apologist even attempt to claim Turing was straight. England's upper class is very, very gay. Turing was caught as part of a Labour government crackdown on rich men grooming teenage boys. ---- I take my own side. I'm on the side of destroying the US because the US is White genocide's point of the spear, and if Russia gets away with this it shatters the reputation of the US. Is it realistic to think the US can die? Well, every other empire has eventually, why not this one? ---- The dethroning of tradition was inevitable. If it hadn't happened in England it would have happened somewhere else and that nation would have conquered much of the world instead. We are the breakaway civilization. ---- Stop posting .webp format files. They are largely incompatible. They're a way for GOOG and Facebook to peel a few bytes off every file and no human should propagate them. Jpg & png 4life. ---- Every transaction is a potential blood feud if blood feuds are possible. Leviathan is the basis of capitalism. ---- You have chosen not to have it happen. You're more attractive than millions of women who have husbands and children. You'd need only make yourself available and some libertarian leaning nerd would be happy to support you, activate your baby printer and stick with you for life. ---- UBI is for when, thanks to machines, there is so little work remaining to be done that there are no jobs for most people and civilization can be maintained entirely by self motivated men. ---- Yes, Christian influence on the founding of the US is vastly overestimated. The docile mostly Christian population was essential to it working, in that a lawless people would have been impossible to govern, but the schemes of the founders were entirely removed from the Christian radical altruism worldview. It is a merchant society, that's why the church and the army are so weak. ---- The very small taste of UBI some Americans got caused the great resignation. Imagine how many would quit if it were permanant. Bill Gates fortune should be taken away entirely because he is a traitor and an enemy of life. Property rights as presently understood are as toxic as democracy. ---- Anyone who hasn't proven themselves selfless and noble should not have any say in governance. ---- There is a simple way to become a good one (no, not that way!). Stay in the closet. If out of the closet get back in and erase your trail. If you don't corrupt youth (which means no Alan Turing rent boy shit, not just don't rape ten year olds) then no one is going to waste a lot of energy hunting you. If they do persist... I can't do nothing for them. ---- Democracy leads to many evils. The fact that the latest globopedo horrors would lose in a plebiscite in no way redeems the moral hazard of the welfare state. People who can vote themselves free shit will. ---- Christianity has a hard time dealing with prosperity. It triggers massive guilt that must be neutralized by mighty feats of charity. Like bringing the gospel to the third world, then bringing the third world home. All missions oriented denominations are full of green card brides. ---- Minorities must use feminine strategies. If they attempted a straight up fight the outcome would not be in doubt. ---- Organic documents formed by memetic evolution are never airtight. In the New Testament the revolutionary elements of what was a fringe cult full of losers and weirdos combine with authoritarian elements required to make Christianity legal in Rome. So you can pick your poison. ---- Genophilia: Everyone should start referring to billionaires in the USA as oligarchs - Bezos, Soros, Zuckerberg, Paul Singer, Gates, Kochs, etc And note how these destructive oligarchs want to flood the USA with third world immigration and refugees to drive down wages and transform the USA into a third world sewer. Dread: I've been using plutocrats, but that's pretty good, and with Russia in the news everyone will understand it now. ---- The prospect of D.C. under siege by our own truckers had far more to do with winding down coronahoax than any confabulated notion that the NPCs can't process more than one scam - coronahoax and Ukraine - at the same time. The enemy is weak. They are not men. They can be broken. The blood of Sparta is in every European. It won't take that many. ---- Remember when no one was going to do anything about coronahoax lockdown and then a few thousand brave Canadian (!!!!) truckers ended it? ---- A general ideological poll found that no more than 2% of Americans believe in the hardcore social justice ideology, and it's likely LESS than 2% of parents do so. Those images of Whites kneeling to blacks are themselves astroturf. ---- Needless to say this anon chan post might be entirely made up for lulz, or carefully authored as demoralization propaganda. But if true I am very curious how widespread this is. If it is in more than half of schools then the US will undergo catastrophic dissolution very soon. These are not cadres of red guards that can ruthlessly take power, they're emotional cripples. They will destroy every institution they infect until some opportunist becomes king of shit mountain by destroying them, which won't be too hard. ---- I mean easily control, of course. The pig system still has enough power domestically that they could, for example, shut down antifa entirely with direct methods. They could even revert to Bloomberg stop and frisk and shut down BLM and the crime wave. But it would be messy. Coronahoax they can stop feeding it with their meme firehoses and it will sputter out of its own accord. ---- I also think the 'elite' filter EXCLUDES what men there are. The modern world is all office politics, that is to say feminine. ---- If you cheat to put a weak cabal in power you only win on a technicality. Governing can't be faked. ---- Tranny pedo freaks enjoy the collapse of Christianity not realizing that it was the brake holding back heathen methods for dealing with enemies of the state. ---- While the blackpilled brigades interpreted the lack of suicidal protests and futile gestures as compliance I always believed in the pig headed hate for centralized authority that burns in the heart of every red blooded American. I never saw full compliance, even at the height of the hoax. I knew we would break them when, in May 2021, CDC accidentally ended the mask mandate and 80% of masks vanished overnight, everywhere. ---- Even the midwits running Joe Biden know that. Notice the administration rushes to deny any real shit, 'Oh no, we won't be sending troops.' The spooks and NGOs and rogue elements could still fuck this up, but your mainline shitlibs know US can't take Russia. ---- Not so long ago I met a group of super elite kids (18-19 year olds with alleged promising futures) and there was not a man among them. Even a normal handshake caused them to cringe, no gripping strength at all. It was like they were made of jello. ---- Jack Chick will be remembered a century from now. Meanwhile every mainline Prot theologian that fagged up their churches will be deader than Buster Brown. ---- Calvinism is plausible because not many people change. ---- There is no doubt that my refusal to go along with the occupation of Iraq got me on more than one list. ---- ---- This. I would only add that they are NOT shutting coronahoax down because of Ukraine. They're shutting it down because it's the only slider on the chaos generator they still control and it was getting close to the redline where insurrection becomes certain. ---- Based on nothing more than intuition Ukraine elected that Jew comedian the same way the US elected Joe Biden. ---- BTW, globopedo won in Vietnam, they wanted the US to lose. ---- The American people are evil, that's why they elect pedophiles. They do not want to see. ---- If you use Facebook or Google you have chosen to outsource your internet curation. The web can still be surfed manually. I have spent zero time on Facebook and Google went in the hosts file years ago, along with its myriad fronts. ---- Astroturfed movie grosses are the oddest conspiracy theory that might be true. Some gamergate streamers claim that showings of Solo a Star Wars Story were sold out and they sneaked from another screen and looked in the theater only to discover it was empty. The theory is Disney bought tickets to its own film at scale to mitigate the reputational hit having it be a Battlefield Earth style bomb would have done to the Star Wars franchise. ---- This is why I always block 'UN will send troops in to enforce desegregation / impose globalist policy' blackpillers. What troops? ---- US is the nexus of globopedo. Brexit was a pretty big loss, but the UK is a shadow of its former self. They can get along without it, not to mention the fact that the Tories and Labour are still fully under globalist control. The US being exposed as impotent is as signficant a shift as its victory in WWII. ---- Nope. Commerce is 100% non-violent. You use lawfare and crypsis. The moment you cross the legal line you are shut down. ---- 1945-2021 was a series of power flexes by globopedo where they never conclusively lost. Even the occupation of Iraq, considered a failure, crippled it and removed Saddam. Starting with the humiliation in Afghanistan and now continuing with the utter impotence of the US and NATO in the face of Russia's invasion globopedo is taking the biggest Ls ever, and I could not be more pleased. ---- Never forget that they reduced Hollywood revenues by 80% for two years just to hurt us, and the damage seems to be permanant. ---- Arabs being utterly inept there is a slim chance that Israel might survive the collapse of the US empire. But they need to make some local frens, stat. ---- The nobility of the future must treat formation of federal entities as an existential threat. US out of North America. ---- The breaking of the Chamber of Commerce, which believe it or not used to resist the state, is nowhere more clear than in their utter submission to coronahoax. Larry Fink the faggot Jew probably the single point cause. ---- No one is competing anymore because the game is rigged and every player collective knows it. You serve the dark tower or die... metaphorically in bankruptcy. Unless you're a problem, then you die in the real world. ---- Conquest of the light cone is a zero sum game. Heavy elements are a scarce resource. So you're leavin, huh? ---- This could have the Phantom Menace ending. Take out the NPC control ship and the armies of the dark tower crumble to dust. ---- Social analysis is an art. How would you measure, clearly in a manner all would agree was valid, the degree of social media promotion of establishment narratives? Maybe you could get a consensus on the brute fact that it has been getting more servile to the power elite over time. But of course the pedofaggots would claim they are the real rebels, and that every rainbow sodomy flag is a blow against the empire. ---- Silicon Valley used to roll out a steady stream of cool gadgets and new software to gain an edge. Facebook, Twitter and the rest are nothing more than the application of the cloud computing model to various tired old chat, blog and friend network services subsidized with deep state money. No AI singleton, nanotech or zero point energy weapon is going to make an appearance in Ukraine. Come as you are. ---- NATO's job is and has always been to keep Europe weak so no great leader has anything to work with when the day of wrath comes. ---- There is no chance that globopedo has an ace up their sleeve. Going into the midterms they had a plan, phase out coronahoax, gin up good economic numbers with their lying bureaucracy and blunt the red wave sufficient to keep control of at least one house of congress. $10 a gallon gasoline will fucking destroy them no matter what happens with Russia, and what's going to happen is not going to be good... for them. ---- Lovelymiss: Guys… guys! I got a little baby for a couple hours & she’s got tiny chonky hands & I love her!!! So cute! Dread: Your chassis includes a baby printer. Consult local technician for activation sequence. ---- Cornelius Rye: my children will never view a single screen no i'm not joking Dread: HDMI jihad. ---- If you don't believe the fedgov is evil we don't have a lot to talk about. Also you need to agree it's evil in the same way. No antifa who think fedgov is enforcing White supremacy need apply. ---- I have no special insights, but from where I sit Australia looks pretty bleak. The Canadian trucker convoy shows there is still some life in those hosers yet. New Zealand is literal site of globopedo bunkers, so probably doomed. ---- Every premutation of politics requires lying to your enemies and white lies to your frens to make sure your enemies are convinced. ---- The altright meme toolkit failed. Start altering your surface to get past the antibodies. ---- Spergs absolutely will start holocaust debates and immolate themselves, ending careers and alienating their families, for nothing. Don't be that guy. ---- US is 95% likely to be lost until reconquest by a new age of explorers. So the sooner end simply means a more rapid extermination program for US Whites. Worse is worse. ---- Team B will provide me a comfortable retirement, but you're right, Team A is more likely to hand us the manifold on a silver platter. ---- The purpose of discussion with enemy is triggering personality destabilization and cascading errors. I am suggesting a strategy. It requires lying. You disrupt their systems by not responding with empathy or an effort to reconcile, but not showing your cards. Let them see the gleam of cruelty in your eye, but provide no actionable intelligence. You can reduce them to absolute psychotic meltdown in minutes. ---- What if you stop caring what random midwit Jew thinks? ---- All my rules have exceptions if I like you but don't push it. ---- Silence of the Lambs was the first time I noticed it, and it's in the book as well. Clarice's even smarter and more righteous Quantico cadet best fren is a sassy black girl. ---- Being utterly devoid of charity towards strangers has nothing but upsides. ---- Team A insists Leo Frank was innocent and keeps bringing it up, Team B wishes Team A would stop reminding people. The pedo went down to Georgia, he was looking for a girl to steal... ---- If you're still playing the yeoman farmer game of Ben Franklin virtue you are going to lose to the first carny barker who scopes you out. ---- Georgia had no anti-jew sentiment.... until Leo Frank raped and murdered Mary Phagan and every carpetbagger Jew plutocrat in the country rallied to his defense. ---- Apolitical: There exists a group of people in this world so vile, so disgusting, that they will form an organization around the defense of a man convicted of violently raping and murdering a 13 year old girl ---- Extremism in defense of cosmic victory is no vice. ---- Multiculturalism must undermine every culture it attempts to reconcile. ---- Note I am not personally offended by any wild myths people believe about Jesus, with the exception of those who want to burn me at the stake for not believing in their brand. ---- Did you know that Orthodox Jews believe Jesus is in Hell boiling in a vat of semen or shit (they can't make up their minds which)? ---- Transformers had the great Japanese toys to work with. Marvels of engineering, the robots really could turn into trucks and cars. US designers could never equal them. ---- Travis Hawks: since nobody ever reads the bills that nobody in congress actually writes, it stands to reason that _someone_ instructs them how to vote on those TL;DR infinity pages long horrors Dread: And at least half the time that person is a Jew. The other half it's a shitlib who is a gentile who gets all their NPC code updates from the media. AKA Jews. The classic BBC comedy Yes, Minister shows how the sausage is made. ---- Gary North once casually dropped the fact that a new member of congress he knew, a guy who ran as a Reagan conservative, had a Jew on his staff tell him how to vote on every bill. That is pretty much the explanation. ---- Wave elections present a problem because they can't place a known pedophile like Dennis Hastert in every seat. ---- The earnest liberal will tell you that Hillary Clinton followed the letter of the law and she is working towards the greater good. That Hillary is a murderer is entirely beyond their imagination. The earnest liberal, being honest in a legalistic way, is convinced that if Hillary were that evil the system would not have permitted her to advance so far. Spoiler alert: The system seeks out the most evil people and elevates them. So the precise opposite of what the sincere democratic believer would assume. ---- The absurd overreaction to the invasion of Ukraine, which a sane strategist can see is a done deal, is the latest revelation that the enemy has not so much a plan as a set of reflexes. A cool headed ruling stratum would confine their reactions to firmly worded condemnation and symbolic boycotts. But they can't help themselves. Double down on stupid is their way of life. ---- CitizenDE: more than that: this is an evolutionary process, we are evolving better people, if fewer exposure to a selection pressure, well, "selects" - it favors organisms that are capable of adapting to the pressure, and massively selects for those that are capable of thriving under it imagine, if you will, a future populated by people completely immune to globohomo.... because that's what these fuckers are creating right now, by culling everyone who isn't (it is sad that many are so lost, and it is a moral crime to the charge of the assholes in charge of this shit that will indeed be judged harshly, but if we are going to be honest - and do let us be honest - those who fell prey to this system are far better off out of it, and we are all far better off for their not propagating their susceptibility to it, because there are still greater trials ahead and these weaknesses must be culled ruthlessly if the remainder of us are to have any hope of survival) imagine a fren that is completely illegible to the System - it does not know, it is constitutionally incapable of knowing, that that fren even exists; that fren emits all of the right pheromones, has all of the correct Teflon antibody-deterring coatings, is not capable of being recognized by the Globohomo immune system as a pathogen now imagine an entire army of them, and realize that that is the future these people are facing, and they don't even know it this is the deep folly of woke totalitarianism: like everything else, it carries within it the seeds of its own destruction, because of the entire vast library of universal and infinite galactic truths that can be summarized best with the four simple words "God is not mocked" Dread: I deduce (because by their nature they are hard to detect) that from day one there have been millions of people operating deep under cover. These are the ones whose internet presence is unfailingly drab and trivial. Each time the system pulls a 'surprise attack' like the chat logs they used to bust some GenX copsucker who was at January 6, they increase distrust. Eventually my, at present considered insane, rule about having no enemy machines in range of real conversation will be conventional wisdom. Then you're gonna see some serious shit. CitizenDE: there is a school of thought (I subscribe to it) that is as follows: • basic opsec is generally 'good enough' unless you are Doing Scary Things - the database joins to produce lists of 'ideological enemies' aren't particularly efficient at reliably partitioning people into 'hatethinkers' and 'goodthinkers', and they rely mostly on people being total fucking morons ("let me visit using my Chrome Browser logged into my realname work account"); avoid stupid shit like that, posting swastikas on your Facebook, or signing up for obvious honeytraps and you're fine • that said, realize that if you specifically are targeted, they will find "everything" about you, more or less, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do to prevent that, even with "perfect opsec" (you will leak enough information for them to burn you, guaranteed) • THAT said, however, the biggest tool these people have is fear, and their biggest, constant, and gnawing dread is that someone will cease giving a fuck and call a bluff that is rarely if ever called; a very small percentage of the population consisting of such men ("Yes, I believe Racist Thing X, Unspeakable Thing Y, and Hatethink Z. What the fuck are you going to do about it, faggot?") becomes an intractable problem for these people to manage, so they will avoid that at any cost • ultimately, though, this is all very simple: the mindset of the man in whom the Tao flows is that this system is gay and retarded, but that he must live, so he will therefore participate in it up to certain moral constraints.... and further, that if that participation is declined to an extent such that he cannot live, then the other option is the Seven Kill Stele.... so one might say that the surveillance devices are then doing you a favor, by providing a convenient channel directly to the people concerned that You Are Not To Be Fucked With in that fashion (I use them as such) tl;dr: if the Globohomo Ticktockman blanks my virtual cardioplate, I have no reason to continue participating in this system at all; it will at that point be nothing for me other than a food source that provides screams for my entertainment until I die, therefore, even if I am caught in the middle of aggravated badfeels speech, it would be extremely wise for the enforcement bureau of the kakistocracy to roundfile that discovery and let me continue toiling in peace and I am growing more confident that there is a growing faction of globohomo that is coming to that basic realization, and which will act accordingly (the above does not apply for that sub-fraction of folks that are Doing Scary Things, of course - which you shouldn't do, we hope that everyone is peaceful and obeys the law forever - but then those people already knew that) Dread: Good post. I upped my revolution posting hard during coronahoax. I want them to know there are things that will end America and end them in the most metaphysical manner. National lockdown was one of those things, if I am under house arrest for existing then I am already in prison, much like the samurai who regards himself as already dead... that is not something they want to deal with. I do not carry the GOOG death machine because in addition to gathering ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE they are trying to FIGURE US OUT. The less accurate their psychohistorical maps the less their chance of pulling off another coronahoax. I also recommend crypsis. Which requires hardcore disconnection from the grid. ---- I had to look up that he had married that instagram ho. Even after all his pitiful backpedaling I expected better of a crypto-men's rights pundit. In retrospect Adams' failure to predict that his cutesy Trump shilling would get him cancelled shows that he was never anything more than a socially awkward geek with the characteristic lack of situational awareness. No one I had a cash nexus relation with ever had a clue I was gonna vote for Trump, nor have they discovered such since. ---- This is why I'm not blackpilled. Each regime atrocity forces their enemies to adapt. Same goes for politics. They won't be able to do another coronahoax lockdown. Regime is bleeding legitimacy fast. ---- Coronahoax is a good example of the power they gain by figuring us out. Right wingers are natural quarantine enjoyers. They weaponized that and pushed it further than it has ever been attempted before based on their panoptic feedback. They also used those devices to implant memes. Perhaps you are immune, I am not. I only moved right AFTER I unplugged from the copium drip. ---- Inside Out is a very good movie. One of the anthropomorphic emotions is disgust. It turns out disgust is one of the primordial motivators in humans. The relative strength of each emotion is genetic, and determines personality. Men of the right have a strong disgust response, which is why the right reacts with revulsion towards disease and ugliness. Coronahoax weaponized the elevated right wing disgust at disease, allowing the enemy to destroy the economy and implement mail in voting, thus ridding themselves of Trump. ---- The scum running the US have the same problem any criminal gang does - how do you prevent your fellow thieves, murderers and perverts from icing you? That's why they can't easily replace their minions, and why the US is increasingly ruled by 75 year old+ fossils. ---- It was never possible to destroy globopedo with the machines it built to destroy us. A clever hacker might be able to sneak some free long distance calls but he was never going to become CEO of AT&T. The latter is what the altright deluded itself it could do after Trump pulled off a zero day exploit and scared them into shutting it all down forever. ---- Globopedo is popular with oligarchs and pedophiles. It's a few hundred thousand flesh atrocities against everyone else. Advantage: The Empire of Man. ---- The people who score points against globopedo are often deeply flawed because you have to be insane to go against the legions of Hell with no army. See: Lin Wood ---- Know the true threat to globopedo by the regime's reaction. If they are absolutely batshit psychotic and launching ill considered lawfare and meme attacks that keep backfiring... he may be the one. ---- A non-military solution to the US problem is massive state nullification. If the globohomo mercenaries are demoralized and divided enough they won't be able to suppress it. ---- If history is any guide leadership will emerge from the warrior or priestly caste. Mass media is new. Maybe the game has changed. ---- Napoleon was a minor noble frittering away his time dealing with trivial issues involving his family estate when destiny called. The man who solves the 'destroy globopedo' equation will be remembered for the next ten thousand years. ---- I threw that in there because the ability of mass media to induce suicide and self mutilation is unprecedented. 4000% increase in teen girls thinking they're really boys in ten years. Mass media must pay for their crimes. ---- 'David Lynch's Dune may be the most homophobic film ever made.' So you're saying it's even greater than I thought? ---- Jews need to understand that long before a racially targeted bioweapon can kill all White men their own variant can be eliminated from the light cone along with us. At least half of us have broken free of Christian morality, so they can't rely all of us turning the other cheek to get fucked up the ass for a second time. ---- ---- That's the whole neocon playbook right there. It just barely worked when you had 9-11 to stir up the mob. Ukraine is the smoke of a distant fire. Even another 9-11 wouldn't work as well today for demographic reasons. ---- [on Duck Duck Go] Note that he is trashing his entire business model out of hatred for Russia. I don't recall him posting confessions about manipulating results on any other topic, not even the hot button covid or tranny malware outbreaks. ---- It is a puzzle. I dismiss most conspiracy nonsense. All my speculation is grounded in facts that demand some hidden explanation. Only establishment dupes think events can be taken at face value. ---- As a terminal situation approaches a lot of spiteful mutants are going to get cold feet about living in a world where leftist insanity prevails, where there is no way to keep the electrical grid up 24/7, where private automobiles are rare and private security becomes the only way anyone with something worth stealing can stay alive. ---- Any honestly run site would ban most of the trending accounts on Gab for site manipulation via bots. If you don't do that human communication is drowned out. Of course the humans of Gab aren't saying anything Torba can monetize... ---- Globopedo minions are unaware that their shuttening tricks only work in the US because the government has made it de facto illegal to set up competing services. Putin will be helping Russian companies spin up equivalents to every faggot corporation that took their ball and went home. ---- I wonder about this schizo business. Is it my noting of the technical fact that smartphones transcribe your words (or a phoneme shorthand of them) and send them to Google or Apple that has convinced you I am mad? If so, explain how the phone displays ads relevant to verbal conversations held within range of its microphone. Far from schizo, mine is the only logical explanation. ---- Google Chrome is the most dangerous because Google is a highly capable enemy with a deep knowledge of the critical path to our extermination. Tor is probably the best, but many sites block it or render it pointless by making you fill out a GOOG captcha to access via Tor, which means running GOOG javascript on your machine which is a known proxy breaching exploit. ---- Britney Spears started out as a Mouseketeer. She's a product of the Disney groomplex. ---- Dread: Could your tepid replies be any more generic? Jews specifically hate Russians due to a long history of pogroms and restrictive laws. The pogroms in particular stick in their craw. Middle eastern people hold grudges, see the Arabs for more examples. The ruling stratum of Jew Team A wants every Russian dead or enslaved, and if it means destroying the world, so be it. Clifford Dayton: Just why would Jews want to suffer from such a war, that will kill as many or more jews as anyone else? Like I said, not deep thinkers. Dread: Blind hatred. If you were more than a shill I could suggest an experiment. Contradict a sacred Jew dogma to a Jew and see how they react. It is instructive. Their spitting psychotic hatred is truly without compare. ---- Jews are the only people who want to risk thermonuclear war over Ukraine. They threaten the entire planet at this moment. The correct US stand on border disputes other than our own is to stay out of it, particularly when a nuclear power is involved. You are a true NPC. ---- The system prefers easy meat. The rich St. Louis lawyers who brandished their weapons quite recklessly in the direction of a BLM mob got off scott free. Don't try this at home, kids. ---- Jews hate Russia for reasons predating the revolution. Indeed those reasons motivated the revolution. ---- I am hardly a one note poster. I have many bad things to say about women as well. ---- In the US who other than Jews hates Russia so much they would risk nuclear war over a worthless to US country like Ukraine? ---- Russians are so demoralized by one of the most rapid conquests in the history of warfare that they're deserting. SEEMS LEGIT! ---- Dipshit claiming sanctions will work also claiming Russians are defecting and deserting. In other words the lying narrative from a few days ago. ---- Soviet Union survived 45 years of economic sanctions. So get used to disappointment. ---- Thomas DiLeorenzo: Sometime around 1989/1990 I participated in a Liberty Fund conference where we attempted to begin creating the Index of Economic Freedom. I believe Walter Block was the organizer. In attendance was Milton Friedman. Sitting next to him during one of the informal cocktail hours, the discussion was about the prospects of Russia, which was at that very moment becoming Russia again and not “the Soviet Union,” adopting private property and a market economy and subsequently prospering. After listening to the discussion Friedman said: “We don’t want the Russians to prosper.” At the same meeting Friedman and Alvin Rabushka debated the issue of military conscription in Israel. Rabushka took the Friedmanite position in favor of a voluntary army, while Friedman took the anti-Friedman position in favor of conscription in Israel. ---- GOP insiders are on the enemy team. It's the followers that need to be reached. If Trump runs in 2024 he will suck the oxygen out of the room for at least a year. Another stolen election will be a teaching moment. ---- Ending Russia's integration with the global financial system was the US' tsar bomba. What happens when you drop the big one and it doesn't leave a scratch? ---- With the exception of the Zapruder film a video proves nothing. ---- The gold price is set by some cabal who meet in a room in the City of London daily. Presumably this is enforced by assuring that gold is available at that price for the duration. At some point reality must set in. The old trick was for globohomo states to dump their gold reserves whenever things looked to be getting interesting. Those gold reserves are long gone. The breaking of the cabal's gold price fixing will be an inflection point on par with Putin invading Ukraine. Perhaps a greater shift. ---- Inflicting tranny mutiliation surgery and hormone blockers on kids is going to reach the Supreme Court and closeted faggot John Roberts is going to side with the cenobites on some convoluted libertarian grounds, only real motive is he rapes boys. ---- Left leaning nationalists observe that it is almost impossible to get the existing right to act collectively and conclude that they need to recruit from the left. Only problem is the left is organized to defeat the right because every one of them is vested in the leftist system. They are the last people you're going to flip. ---- Andrew Anglin admitted he was dead wrong about coronahoax never ending. As opposed to stonewalling and banning anyone who called him out on it. ---- In nations where they did not resist it continues. But coronahoax is done in the US. I mean forever. There are going to be laws passed to prevent a redo, in Michigan and Florida this already started. Probably others I haven't kept up with. They will never successfully impose another national lockdown, this is Great Depression level of trauma where those alive at the time never trusted banks or the stock market again for as long as they lived. No one will believe 'two weeks to stop the spread', ropes will be forming nooses on day one. ---- Anglin's analysis of coronahoax was almost entirely correct, his only error was predicting the Great Reset would continue at any cost regardless. ---- Absolutely. I knew the GOP was in trouble when gas prices spiked after Katrina and they did indeed lose everything in 2006 and 2008. No high gas prices, no Obama presidency. Also no gas rationing, no Reagan presidency. US voters always demand a political scapegoat when this happens, and Democrats are the goats. ---- Leaving aside the likely fed infiltration, the whole New York and D.C. intellectual background of so many of their pundits assures total distortion. The John Birch Society had a better grasp of the issues, as the gathering of totalitarian power is the precondition of hard genocide. TRS can't even bring themselves to oppose the soft power panopticon that is slowly strangling their own alleged allies and followers. They are what you'd expect from a gang that originated on Facebook debate groups. ---- It really isn't. Famine in a formerly rich country full of well armed workers is a good way to lose everything. Exile really no longer an option with Russia and China off the globalist train. The US ruling class goes down with the ship. A complex operation like engineered famine would never make it through the cabal vetting process. A nuclear exchange with Russia is far more likely as one idiot or malicious actor in the right chokepoint could make it happen. ---- Just thinking out loud here. The gold price is set by some cabal who meet in a room in the City of London daily. Presumably this is enforced by assuring that gold is available at that price for the duration. At some point reality must set in. The old trick was for globohomo states to dump their gold reserves whenever things looked to be getting interesting. Those gold reserves are long gone. The breaking of the cabal's gold price fixing will be an inflection point on par with Putin invading Ukraine. Perhaps a greater shift. ---- Mozilla was paid hundreds of millions of dollars by Google to integrate their spyware into Firefox. Their reward? Google used similarly illegal monopolistic tactics to take over browsers, rendering Firefox totally irrelevant. ---- Just responding to someone about the irrelevant remnant of Pierce's group, I was thinking that Pierce had personality, something not one of his associates had. If he showed up you were going to get an earful. And of course he was accomplished, not just anyone can get a doctorate in physics. His Dr. Pierce wasn't some 'minister' scam, he made it through the tough math back when US higher education wasn't a joke. ---- Apple is one of the most evil technology companies, and it is all the more dangerous because they aren't a deep state front. They proved that abusing the consumer is far more profitable than looking out for their best interests. The walled garden is a prison. ---- If you're hardcore you should not have any smartphone because it is listening to your every word and tracking your movements to build the case against you. Incidentally, Torba not only has an iphone, he has upgraded it more than once... since Apple banned Gab from the app store. What a cuck! ---- Odds of the spiteful mutant redditor being a Jew, 100%. White Americans do not hate Russians. Hell, at the height of the cold war White Americans didn't have that kind of hate for Russians, not even the most hardcore anti-communists. All they felt was pity for the poor blighters who had to suffer under that evil regime, and a desire to see them freed. ---- Cornelius Rye: possibly the most impactful piece of literature released in the 20th century everything you know and love has been deliberately deconstructed as a result of the conclusions they arrived at in this "book," in order to protect themselves "The Authoritarian Personality" - Adorno, Brunswik, Levinson, Sanford I'll summarize: -1940s: Nazi Germany scared a bunch of jews from the Frankfurt School, they fled Germany and came to America -They arrived and immediately set about integrating themselves into the highest levels of american academia, promoting each other, rising through the ranks, outright fraud, citing each other's studies, etc. during the 1950s, displacing the WASP intellectual class -their first projects involved studying and comparing conditions in america that seemed ripe for another "nazi uprising" (aka white christian gentiles noticing what they are eternally up to) -Lo and behold, america was more ripe for a nazi uprising than even nazi germany! according to them, the causes of this include: strong nuclear families, strong traditions, gender roles, racial segregation, immigration from only white christian countries, free speech, 2nd amendment, attitudes towards law and order, a strong middle class, reverence for rural lifestyles, attitudes towards sex, lack of no-fault divorce laws, the list goes on and on. -conclusion: all of these elements must be slowly and carefully deconstructed, pathologized, legislated against, and destroyed over the coming decades. And that's exactly what they did. Believe it or not, this is one of the most cited sociology "studies" of all time, even though its methods and conclusions have been completely discredited since then. ---- People consumed by truly evil vice are rarely capable. The old generation of vengeful mutants who were forced to keep their vices in check by the hated old US ruling class were, ironically, much more effective thanks to their 'oppressors.' ---- Calling it, Biden administration will attempt to fast track getting fracking up to speed. Technical problems will render this irrelevant to the midterms, but it might help in 2024. ---- The wretched failure of Team A's BLM-antifa, coronahoax and election steal operations to stabilize the matrix is going to count against them at the High Table in the Prague Cemetary. Team B will be given one last chance to bring things under control. Assuming we don't have a nuclear war in the next month or so, of course. ---- The causal mechanism by which high gasoline prices defeat Russia is obscure. ---- Apple is one of the most evil technology companies, and it is all the more dangerous because they aren't a deep state front. They proved that abusing the consumer is far more profitable than looking out for their best interests. The walled garden is a prison. ---- And their direct minions. I'm sure they can roll out plenty of retired non-Jew state department shills who will parrot the line that leads directly to nuclear war. If the Jew clout points were removed they would all sing a different tune. ---- Jews are the only people who want to risk thermonuclear war over Ukraine. They threaten the entire planet at this moment. The correct US stand on border disputes other than our own is to stay out of it, particularly when a nuclear power is involved. You are a true NPC. ---- Bare minimum for any right wing group: All members are forbidden to have Facebook or other doxxing social media, no uploading pics, and no smartphones or other microphone and camera equipped enemy machines at real life meetups. That goes for all members, not even the president of the whole thing can carry a smartphone. If someone has a heart attack and dies because an amber lamps couldn't be called on time... so be it. ---- A strong leader will bake cancellation countermeasures into his movement from day one. Heavy opsec to deny the VOLUNTARY surveillance most buffoons submit to is a must. No one in the org will be PERMITTED to have a Facebook account or do any of the other online attention whoring that has ruined so many lives. ---- I don't want to blackpill but Patriot Front has made several severe errors, that's why I don't recommend you rush out and join. ---- Meanwhile every Jew in the deep state is advocating global thermonuclear war so they can kill as many White people as possible, but no one is shutting their lying mouths. Yet. ---- The Virgin Holocaust Denial vs. the Chad Drill Baby Drill. ---- They're all mickey mouse, false opposition or fed fronts. The reason is not hard to discern. A strong group is crushed utterly with main force. An inept group is permitted to cause damage. A morally weak leader is flipped. And of course billionaires and the feds set up their own false opposition groups by the thousands across the political spectrum. They do this to the left as well. ---- The FBI ran Klan chapters to entrap people. Don't assume extreme ideas guarantees sincerity. ---- Anyone shilling directly or indirectly for US intervention in the Ukraine war is your enemy. ---- It's the spiteful screech of garbage people who in 3000 years didn't leave behind a single great monument. ---- That much is true, but my point may be a bit more obscure. The reason there is no White representation in politics and civil society is that the system prioritizes preventing such organization above all else. They will sacrifice trillions to prevent even a faint hint of implicit organization. See the destruction of the Boy Scouts. Or Trump. ---- US dominance of the world was never going to outlive its relative economic decline. ---- 'get them organized' is where the interception grid focuses its planet demolishing super laser. ---- Liberals who became transhumanists quietly drifted right until they were cancelled. Notice that most of the 'new atheists' are in the doghouse if not sent to the pound. ---- In 21 years not a single neocon has been confronted harshly in debate and crushed. Why? Jewish power. Only anonymous callers during their rare open line talk radio guest spots ever get a good shot in, and the neocon demands that the host hang up, which he does, whimpering and begging forgiveness all the way. ---- It would be quite something for Bill Kristol to be confronted with an opponent who would ask him if he wanted revenge on Europeans for the holocaust. ---- It's cloaked in a lot of fancy bullshit but the malware payload of cultural anthropology is there's no heirarchy of cultures, a speartip smeared in batshit is no better or worse than a Saturn V rocket. ---- Second or third energy crisis caused by Jews. Thanks a lot. ---- Canadian and US truckers deserve a lot of credit. They pushed that coronahoax slider way past the redline. ---- The mainstream political left is anti-industrial. Elon Musk and Peter Thiel (former partners, incidentally) are not part of the mainstream left. They are remnants of the old Wired magazine transhumanist faction that got shut down when the technopower they made available empowered White nationalism, which was supposed to be extinct. ---- It's not a virtue signal, it's the systematic demolition of White industrial civilization. Without our machines a third world horde can wipe us out with machetes. The dirty secret of the Ted Kaczynski fetishizing 'right' is they have the same critique of White civilization that leftists do. If machines are the rape of the natural world then White men are infinite criminals, being the makers and masters of machines. I'll rape the natural world and she'll like it. ---- Frank Wolverton Randall: I lived in Japan and I can tell you it's heartbreaking to walk into a 7/11 in Tokyo and see clean people, kind people, in a clean store with no theft, at anytime day or night. The clerk behind the register likely packing a 100+ IQ and treats his job with respect and dignity. Why is it heartbreaking? Because that's what we lost. To stand in a clean 7/11 with high quality customers day/night, it hits a white man hard because it rips open a time portal into a past we once had. To walk into the Toys R Us in Odaiba and see row after row of kids toys with only white children on the packaging will nearly bring you to tears. To be in a place where you aren't hated, the opposite actually, celebrated. Have you experienced how shocking it is to walk into a store and only see white faces on the packing and instore ads? This is what we are supposed to have, that's the life we are meant to live -- among our own people who prefer our own vs the other. Three months ago I was in Singapore and it was roughly the same experience -- pleasant people, day or night, at 7/11s. ---- I reject the theory that coronahoax was ended because NPCs can't run more than one program at the same time. They easily continued to spew BLM shit throughout the covid op, even ignoring the lack of social distancing during the 2020 riots. They could have thrown Ukraine onto the shitpile of ideas festering in their tiny brains. It's the danger of revolt that forced the system to ease back. The rage induction of $10 a gallon gas combined with mask and shot bullshit might be enough to cross the threshold and produce a Ceausescu cascade. ---- Imagine a graph on the panoptic console main display showing a series of sliders indicating level of destabilizing influence for various operations and trends. One for antifa and BLM disorder, one for the stolen election, one for covid bullshit, one for Ukraine warmongering. Of those sources of instability only BLM-antifa terror and covid bullshit are under system control. Stolen election cannot be dealt with within the system. Ukraine is top priority so not warmongering is not an option. Meanwhile BLM-antifa terror is part of the core system functionality. Only solution: End coronahoax immediately. So they did. ---- The decline of McDonalds ice cream machine maintenance tracks with the decline of civilization. Things that are harder to do decline first. It's easy to keep a grill clean enough not to kill the customers, it is self sterilizing at operating temperature. Same for deep fryers. McDonalds ice cream machines are nothing special, they're soft serve machines. If you ever worked anywhere that served those soft ice cream cones you know how they work. They have to be kept spotlessly clean otherwise the cream mix goes sour and starts to rot. Unreliable employees and managers can't be counted on to do the daily maintenance required to avoid nasty food poisoning issues. This is no doubt why Micky Ds implemented a digital monitoring system to shut down filthy machines. ---- Politics is hopeless because both parties are for destroying the White majority with mass immigration. Still, we are better off under the GOP because White people are their base so they don't work to torture us with carbon credits and other globalist fuckery. ---- If you see a wall of words comment on one of my posts DO NOT RESPOND TO IT. I will block you. ---- Usury is considered a sin equal to sodomy and murder in all world religions. Universal default is a moral imperative. If that has a disparate impact, too bad, so sad. ---- Constantly use exclusionary language. Make the other feel lesser than, because they are. ---- At this time to fight the enemy EFFECTIVELY means: Being exiled from your nation of birth forever (Snowden) Disconnecting from all enemy systems (Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, US banks, credit cards, US based email, storefront, auction, advertising services) Building your own version of all such systems offshore. Living in fear of Mossad assassins for the rest of your life. ---- If the feds had the ability to impose a draft it would have been done in 2001-2002 when public support for Jew wars for the filthy parasite state of Israel was at its all time high. That they didn't do what would have been necessary to preserve Israel for all time, full scale annihilation of all Israel adjacent states and the formation of a demilitarized zone with sufficient depth to prevent swarm invasions for at least another century, means they couldn't do it. ---- Power is culture specific. Sovereign citizen crackpots share a great deal with conservative constitutional scholars. Both are divorced from the reality of US culture which accepts whatever edicts the courts hand down without rebelling. ---- Legalism is always retarded. There are perfectly legal things the Biden regime might attempt that would result in instant impeachment and conviction, or declaring him incompetent and removal on that basis. There are illegal things, stealing the election for example, that result in no legal penalty. ---- A dictator would partition the US into the good parts that we keep and some shitty parts where leftists and immigrants could resettle if they wanted to stay in North America or no one else would have them. We're taking California. ---- As coronahoax demonstrated the US government already has the theoretical power to destroy anyone at will, crush all industry under full communist level shutdowns and put anyone in a leftist city under house arrest for years. What it does not have is the ability to sustain this in the face of the consquences, which would eventually involve utility poles and rope. ---- Abolition of democracy by a friendly dictator is the only way out. It could solve every one of our problems but one in days. The immigration problem involves the physical movement of people so there's a transport bottleneck. ---- Hate is the motive, not a plan. Jews hate Russians with an inferno of hate that boils in their mad guts forever and ever. ---- The limiting factor for regime atrocities is not congress. Never has been. They approved the Federal Reserve and imposed the income tax in 1913. The limiting factor is and has always been the disobedience of the people. ---- The only player characters who want nuclear war with Russia are Jews. All others either serve Jews or repeat any nonsense they hear on TV or see in their Facebook feed - every character of which is controlled by Jews. ---- Radio was the dry run. FDR's 'fireside chats' made him into America's daddy. ---- It is underestimated just how much Jews resent any serious religion, whether it be Pagan, Muslim or Christian. All serious religion is a rebuke, an implicit demand that they abandon their obviously false bronze age cult. ---- No one will ever give up comfort - real comfort with good wages and decent healthcare and safe neighborhoods - for some nightmarish spartan scenario of bloody sacrifice. Things happen in due course. ---- In the 0 to 1,000,000 fanatical followers phase you must conceal your power level. If you have a million true fanatics it becomes extremely difficult to stop you by any method short of assassination. ---- Election results shift opinion so this would make sense. In 1945 95% of Americans opposed interracial marriage. Yet somehow a huge number of elected officials were conspiring to both legalize and normalize it. America has been hijacked. ---- Higher education a case in point. Sometime between 1990 and 2010 college became a torture box for straight White men, and close to useless as HR, which is the entity that really cares about credentials, became so anti-White that you are facing an uphill battle. So bypassing the culture terror is now the only career path. Grandpa hasn't got a clue. Never mind installing an adblocker. ---- China signaled their decision to secede from globopedo US dominated culture when they blocked Ching Chong Fooey and the Legend of the Five Blings. ---- World Economic Forum is the Mouth of Sauron, not Sauron himself. Barad Dur has not yet been built. ---- Russia is going to survive and prosper in spite of all economic sanctions. The anti-natalists did their work in Europe and the former British colonies too well. We no longer have the weight to throw around. ---- Disconnect from enemy systems. Delete Facebook and any other real name social media. Cancel cable TV and all pay streaming. Deny blue zones your tax revenue and avoid the knockout game by moving to the reddest district you can find. Boycott sportsball in all its forms. Homeschool. Don't send kids to college, teach boys a trade or tech skill, encourage girls to marry young. Offer to make down payment on house if they marry a man who passes your screening. (hint,hint) ---- They can't. If all plumbers and electricians were blocked from financial services the instant collapse of civilization would make the Canadian truckers look like a strike of the philosopher's union. ---- Anyone who thinks Reaganism took over the GOP, they mistake the name for the form. Reagan wanted to end Social Security, go back on the gold standard and cut the size of government. The usual suspects swarmed in, destroyed any real right wing cabinet official, and told him it was impossible, also legalize these two million spics. ---- Disobedience takes many forms. Start by withdrawing consent. Cancel cable TV and delete Facebook. Then ditch smartphone. Get into the habit of not cooperating. ---- The deep state tried to kill Reagan. He was a mixed bag. Thatcher was 100% neocon cancer. ---- The invasion of Ukraine was not part of the plan. The US has been scheming with other globalist forces to get Ukraine into NATO since the Bush years so the provocation is long standing. Putin has measured the current strength of the global order and figures 'I can take them.' ---- Maybe one person liked my post that the most extreme leftist would hire a racist to fix their roof when it was leaking. That's our leverage. Everything that works well, every comfort of modern living, depends on us maintaining it. They can cancel bank accounts, we can cancel banks. ---- If you are on two levels of simulation, not mastering video game play but watching other people play video games on livestreams, you aren't even capable of recreation. As the baseball player is to the gamer the gamer is to the livestream enjoyer. It's one step away from shoving an electrode into the limbic system and nodding off forever. ---- Optics is simply good presentation of the facts by a credible man. Man, not woman, not pervert, not mutant. ---- I'd have reposted this if it didn't have a Telegram link. Do not use Telegram for any reason. ---- Why post? This is an open source project to construct the meme countermeasure that will, when run on the correct biological substrate, destroy the panopticon. ---- What would the deep state do to deal with congress going up against them? I suspect they would start killing congressmen, and they'd let a few know that is what they're doing. ---- The deep state does fear the people, particularly in the US. No one outside its machinery is particularly fond of the NSA, CIA, FBI and the rest. Even the functionaries within the machine are mostly there for the cash and benefits. Zero out the budget with a simple majority in the House and it could be ended in a single congressional session. ---- The freedom they sell now involves having the right to be pro-gay. Also it's mandatory. ---- The hypothesis that Reagan neutralized some further right reaction is false. Americans were looking for California dreams not reaction. Reagan gave the consumer twenty years of comfort. Those who enjoyed that can't be too resentful about it. Particularly knowing that a William Pierce taking power and inflicting a harsh prussian austerity regimen on the laid back American boomers was about as plausible as a flying saucer popping out of my Cheerios and installing Quisp on the Iron Throne. ---- The UK has no ideological or cultural defense against invasion. The cancer of liberalism is terminal. France at least still has some national pride, and expressing it is not grounds for investigation by the intelligence services. ---- I sense the emergence of a new false opposition concept cluster. Wendy Rogers naming the Rothschilds the most noteworthy sign. That's a new level of dog whistling. They don't think coded language about crime and urban decay is enough anymore. Good... good. ---- Like covid passports getting a nuclear war is a long shot, but as it might exterminate 3/4th of the White race they're willing to try. ---- In war god isn't always on the side of the big battalions... but that's the way to bet. Taliban and similar can call upon a nearly 100% hard as nails reserve of men capable of surviving in the rough with a tribal worldview that the alien must be expelled at any cost, up to giving their lives. That a depraved character like Zelensky could get enough votes to make it possible to install him as president indicates a good deal less than 99% hardcore badasses. ---- The OG John Birch Society style hard right had the correct stand more often than not. They were false opposition in that they were politically neutered by enemy cash which sabotaged any project that might have moved the needle while giving oxygen to impotent gestures akin to signing online petitions today. ---- The tiny missile launchers that completely fucked Israeli tanks, which led to the modern doctrine that tank warfare was obsolete, were very easy to set up. Someone didn't include Israeli ineptitude in their calculations. ---- Military superiority is kind of like real estate. Your troops and equipment's effectiveness is determined largely by location, location, location. US military capability in theater at this time: Negligible. Will to deploy it there: Negligible. Ability to deploy soon enough to make a difference: Nonexistent. ---- The men of money will be destroyed in a few days by the man of total will. I have foreseen this. They have hearts of glass. ---- Russia is moving along at a good clip, which implies that the Ukrainians are very badly organized or the Russians are being very smart. I suspect the latter as one trained soldier with an antitank missile launcher really can take out a tank in one shot. ---- If, starting five years ago, Ukraine had organized itself like Finland for the Winter War or like Switzerland's militia defense system... Putin probably wouldn't have invaded in the first place. But they chose the globohomo client route, so... ---- A founding premise of globalism was that it was an irreversible process that nothing could stop. Now many unthinkable things have happened, and the century is young. ---- Things like the civil rights movement or the Obama fad are shows they put on to make you think democracy works. Nothing the American people wanted has happened in 250 years. ---- Worldometers is a deep state op, so interesting the shill links to that instead of wikipedia or some industry source. ---- It's in matters of war when total salience of the Jew factor raises it to maximum and everyone must speak out. This is a case where an imperial decree banning Jews from speaking on foreign policy would instantly solve the problem. Ukraine and Russia would vanish from the US news cycle. ---- In that case new software was loaded. This is where it gets highly speculative. I believe Trump 2016 was Trump and his minions seeking power for glory and profit. January 6 gave the deep state a 'pound you up the ass prison' threat to use on Trump and his machine now serves evil. Wendy is part of that machine. Shilling for America First and smearing Patriot Front, basically herding the zoomers into the false oppo slaughter chute, it a priority mission of the enemy. ---- Assuming you don't expect to go to Hell the world of religion is a lot less precarious than the world we're stuck with. AI is no threat, God protects his own. ---- In plain non-vulcan English 'The Singularity' is the theory that eventually AI will be developed that can improve itself. It further assumes there is no physical constraint on intelligence, no brakes on the train so to speak. The AI can therefore theoretically become hundreds of times smarter than any human, implying that it can beat humans at any task where its senses and manipulator hardware equal the human biological equivalents. Really, an AI 25% smarter than the smartest human would change everything. The Singularity is the upper end estimate of what is possible. ---- It could be worse, it could be 1942-45 and you'd be drafted to fight for Jews and if you deserted you'd be shot. ---- BTW, these are the eight attempts to make the GOP something other than the Washington Generals, the losers who help create the illusion that we're watching a game. Taft isolationists Goldwater movement Reaganism Moral Majority Paleocons Christian Coalition Tea Party MAGA ---- The whole dog whistle politics thing is over. They steal elections. The GOP won't be fixed. Waves of activists have tried and failed at least eight times since 1945. Money rules, and money wants you dead. The riddle of steel. ---- Create a safe space for straight White engineers, coders and scientists exiled by jewpedostan and they can win everything. ---- The Trump saga is a good example of the lack of a unified conspiracy command structure. Particularly if we eventually learn that Epstein did have dirt on the Donald. Why steal the election and take a massive credibility hit if you could drop the underage sex scandal in October? Because the Democrat party wing of the conspiracy doesn't have access to Mossad blackmail data. ---- The shift of fags Peter Thiel and Matt Drudge to globopedo advocacy cured me of any tolerance for fag nonsense. ---- Putin getting away with conquering Ukraine is not good in and of itself. It's only good in the context of declining globopedo power making it possible. ---- Don't imagine the panopticon would have rolled back coronahoax if there had been no pushback. If not for the Canadian heroes and others noble sacrifice we'd have a GOOGjew digital passport AND war with Russia. Indeed the former would facilitate the latter. ---- A small number of truckers go on strike, the whole system capitulates on coronahoax after two years of culture terror. What would they do if Among Us streamers went on strike? ---- It really grinds the gears of women, fags, trannies, uggos and manlets that the system where they are respected minions still has to drag out a Harrison Ford type to give orders to the masses. In the 1970s they tried to replace John Wayne with a bunch of Jew manlets. Swept away by Schwarzenegger, an Austrian who could barely speak English. ---- Perhaps the effort to groom kids with tranny propaganda has a dual function as both recruiting new vampires to the death cult and providing an example of speech that the right absolutely wants to prevent. My message to such people is we have plenty of nails and crosses. ---- Manufacturing social proof is the entire function of television. Always has been. If you watched TV in 1975 you would have thought only a tiny number of morons still had race and sex realist views. The way TV works is simple. TV is the headman of the tribe. That is how the ape brain perceives the talking head of a suitably alpha looking anchorman or pundit. To the degree the TV is regarded as friendly it can inject simple commands into the mind of the viewer. This is why using negro women and trannies to transmit new commands is a serious own goal. No woman is head of the tribe, let alone a negro woman. ---- Believing what TV says 'the people' believe is absurd. What do people think of Russia? Impossible to know. We are under despotic media rule. ---- Some people find Darwinian evolution demoralizing. I take it as proof that my ancestors won. ---- The moral outrage requests to untag inspires has to mark a massive friend-enemy divide. It's extremely reliable. The untag complier is someone I can get along with. ---- I have no duty to answer your questions. If you wish answers adhere to my absolute unwavering conditions. No tagging me into threads, ever. ---- The end of coronahoax bullshit rules is a good sign not because it was unexpected, I have been predicting it since May 2021 when mask mandates imploded rapidly in all but the deepest blue pozholes. It is a good sign because it means the deep state hasn't broken us to the degree that it can impose something the British Raj failed to inflict on India over a century ago. The US can't abuse its people to that extent. Yet. Become ungovernable. ---- The slavery faction is Team B. Enslaving us is hard work and provides little instant gratification. The Jew tranny psychotic kill all straight Whites now Team A faction is far more popular among those who seek a place in the new order they assume is very close. ---- Of one faction. The completely insane one. Michael Bloomberg knows no White men = no civilization. He wanted us under the yoke. ---- Shadowman311: If you wonder why Kamala Harris is such a disgustingly incompetent and retarded power lich, it's because she's a psychopath who fucked her way to the top. She's like a non-White Hillary Clinton, and like many non-Whites she chose polygamy, adultery, and under the table blowjobs instead of a stable marriage. Dread: That got her to the Senate. It's her Indian ancestry that got her to the White House. She was a candidate to begin with because she's the nearest thing to one of their own that Silicon Valley Indian scabs could find. Millions were spent ginning up her campaign, which proved to be such a flop that she withdrew before a single primary of caucus was held. If Biden keels over she will be the most unpopular creature ever to become president. ---- The good news is the great reset failed and we avoided slavery. The bad news is Plan B is total extermination now. ---- ICYMI covid shit ending means the great reset failed. ---- Iran is my go-to example for anyone who claims 'finklethink' universal cosmic infinite Jew conspiracy power. ---- When it was possible to save America people were too happy to be bothered. Now that they're unhappy enough to act it's too late. ---- There isn't going to be a reset. It's going to be war. ---- Ukraine vs. Russia, being in the zone of war and thus requiring no congressional approval for the usurper regime to act, is far down on the panoptic propaganda priority checklist. That's why John Rivers hasn't been paid to take the regime's side the way he was for their maximum action item - coronahoax. Don't get me wrong, they want their twitter bluechecks on board with Ukraine shilling. They don't want to lose any blue safe seats or have any shenanigans with antiwar demonstrators at their own events. But they know from their failure in ginning up war with Iran that the American people have checked out of patriotic idiocy against their own interest for good. Everyone hates America now. ---- National Review represents a real constituency. CIA and Mossad. ---- When Project Veritas used a honey trap (chick went on a date) to capture a CNN producer's frank thoughts on hidden camera he straight up admitted that they were going to phase out covid and switch to climate change. ---- Piers Morgan, who doesn't want anyone to own handguns, casually throwing the nuke word around. Liberals are the worst when it comes to understanding real power. ---- Mark Taylor: “An open society is the only one you can live in as a Jew.” Just want to point out this is a lie. It’s something Jews used to say to justify their lunatic policies, but since Israel has existed it’s not even a plausible lie. They have their own country. Jews are not only far wealthier than their host populations, meaning they “survive” quite well, but they have an entire ethno-state, something Whites do not have. The Jewish push for open borders is limited to White countries. They believe they should be free to live in your country, while you are not free to live in theirs. It’s the endless lying that bothers me with these people. Dread: It's a little trickier than that. In a simple society where power is in the hands of men who hold it because of WHO THEY ARE (kings, gangsters, despots, generals) Jews need only make a deal with the supreme authority. In 'rule of law' nations such deals are theoretically forbidden, so Jews must create a vast architecture of universal laws favoring outsiders against the interests of the nation. Restrictive covenants were abolished because some of them impacted Jews, opening the way for total desegregation and destabilizing the US ever since. If they could have cut a special treatment deal with Harry Truman none of that would have been necessary. ---- The enemy media will burn out the Russia thing and it will subside into the background noise of globohomo resentment along with North Korea, Iran, Syria and whoever else won't knuckle under to their bullshit. Only the striver class will sport Ukrainian sigils, along with their solidarity virtue signal tranny and faggot shit. ---- Hey, WND retards, if you're a nuclear armed state winning the war is more important than winning the narrative. ---- You think sprinking holy water on a primate will make it a citizen. ---- In the US there is no way to get rid of just one kind of restrictive covenant, if you catch my meaning. ---- Don't be a fat drunk. This concludes my TED talk. ---- Jews, I'll make you a deal, stop trying to start a nuclear war with Russia and I will stop talking about you so much. ---- I still harbor a novelty take that the system of English common law was uniquely vulnerable to nation wrecking. In order for a minority to gain power they had to create general rights instead of cutting a corrupt deal with the ruler or ruling class. ---- Why shouldn't every Marxist's vacation peak with a lovely helicopter tour of the wilderness? ---- Say what you will about Pinochet, it was a good way to ease people into certain concepts. So are certain comic book characters. ---- It's funny how people follow me for a year then finally realize I'm not a neocon. ---- Gregory Hood: What do people even mean when they say "liberal democracy" now? It doesn't mean freedom of speech, or assembly, or having any control over your government. People vote in the "wrong" government, they go down on the "democracy index." It just seems to mean "we're degenerate." Dread: It means a safe space for Jews. ---- 10 out of 10 Marxists agree, the right should kneel down before the lime pit and take the bullet in the head that they deserve. ---- The Jews caused the 'energy crisis' of the 1970s and almost forty years later not one American in a thousand has any idea. ---- What is said about the Canadian truckers goes a thousand fold for fighting the antifa regime on race salient issues. You better be prepared to be treated as a criminal, framed at minimum, killed at maximum. Go big or stay home. ---- You know who could cause globopedo trouble? Heisenberg. Even without the device. ---- Trump. Billionaire. 150 IQ, at least when he was young. Connected. Master salesman. Squashed like a bug by the panopticon. And you think Mike Enoch stands a chance? Note they have precisely the same level of physical bravery: None ---- Understand this, tiny cultlets are not going to disrupt the GOP-Dem false oppo cycle before we hit minority status in 2045. To draw the world shattering weapons on yourself by affiliating with clowns like NJP or Nick Fuentes is straight up suicide with no upside. ---- Defenses are mobilized based on threat assessment. If their ideas are radical enough a full scale mobilization can be triggered by ten guys. When you have a badly obfuscated movement like America First it takes a bit more time as the DEW line is prone to false positives so the panopticon isn't going to move just because a SPLC intern is having a meltdown. That's why Charlottesville organizers were utterly destroyed while Nick, who was there, took a while to draw fire. tldr: Crypsis works, kinda ---- Globalism fits Christianity like a glove. Try to conform it to Darwinism and you have a good OJ defense. ---- Does a depraved Jew comedian truly represent the will of the people of Ukraine or was he installed by the depraved Jews of the globopedo power matrix? It is a puzzle. ---- The OG John Birch Society style hard right had the correct stand more often than not. They were false opposition in that they were politically neutered by enemy cash which sabotaged any project that might have moved the needle while giving oxygen to impotent gestures akin to signing online petitions today. ---- The same far right figures siding with Ukraine believe in public education and fell for coronahoax. ---- Of course the evil global parasite gives plausible reasons why you should sell it your soul. 'Ukraine has good reason to fear Russia' Yeah, but everyone should fear globopedo a lot more. Putin at worst is a strongman. Globopedo is the most evil thing that has ever infected the world. ---- Christ is finished. New methods are required. ---- People who tolerated coronahoax lockdowns will tolerate a massive energy shortage engineered by the same evil forces. Without fuel they were nothing. ---- Dread: I got stuck in a waiting room with a TV with no volume control and not a remote in sight. After two minutes I was walking into the forbidden zone demanding they shut it the fuck off. Hrothgar: After not watching tv for years, I can see the psychological warfare, and it's painful to see others believing in it. Dread: I was aware of it once I settled into Reaganism. The anti-Reagan bias was constant and obvious. What I failed to realize is that even when you're aware of the propaganda it eats away at you. Also it fills mindshare that could be filled with something true. ---- This Hitler sounds amazing. I am gonna have to read up on him. ---- The less television I watched the further right I went until finally I stopped watching anything except vintage DVDs and a very tiny number of legacy franchises. ---- Imagine accepting the concept that taking your own side is evil. That malware is carried by all dominant moral systems in the US at this time. ---- Some people like to build toughness through hobbies. I prefer to build toughness doing things that make me money. Now that's multitasking. ---- Funny how the US can invade any nation it feels like, sovereignity never comes up. ---- Universal Delirium: This is Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky. Ukraine's "democracy" is just as jewish, fake, and gay as ours is. ---- Democracy is a code word for 'an administrative district where Jews can do anything they want to and you're not allowed to say a word about it.' That's why the US, the oldest semi-functioning democracy, is considered undemocratic. It still permits saying a few words, at least on obscure forums that can't process credit cards. ---- Russia survived 46 years of economic sanctions when it was in Soviet form. ---- CosmonautKatyusha: Today episode of JJR was very good. Thank you to @JustMatty and @DiggingDeeper @MrJoePrich for bringing attention to the killings of Russian speakers in Ukraine. This has been a problem for a very long time and is difficult for me to speak about. I want people to understand this a lot. For everyone who are always complaining about jews being control of both sides and that it is a brother war. What you must understand is this is not so much a brother war. I am not a journalist to take pictures there, but footage I have been forwarding from places I find shows what we are doing. Common theme is how civilians are ignored by Russian military when we advance in areas of Ukraine. We even allow them to drive around and be in traffic with our war machines. This is not ever the case with invasions and war. We want Zelensky stopped and the other bolshevik hounds who are killing thousands. They are already using checkpoints to stop Ukrainians from leaving. They have killed their own now. I am very happy there is radio that shows this, what they are doing. And also showing how fake their noise is. Toy guns, actors running from staged events to make it look like they are being chased by tanks, people who do not exist who were killed by ISIS 5 years ago, being martyrs in Ukraine. It is all fake. During WWII, siege of Stalingrad Soviet Commissars would shoot Ethnic Russians in the back if they refused to run into German machine gun nests. Zelensky is doing this now with the people, you see them handing them rifles and molotovs and then marching them into armoured columns. It will get very messy soon. This is why West says "Russia is behind schedule in their invasion". Not because Ukraine is fighting like enraged broodmother, but because it is to prevent massive loss of life. Pripyat has been taken, and is guarded by both Russia and Ukraine because it is to ensure no rogue elements will steal to make dirty bombs when government is collapsed. This is very important. Western MSM says that we are capturing nuclear material to make weapons. We have 6.000 nuclear weapons, why use Chernobyl? This is the status quo. For Pripyat and or the rest. I'm saying Russia is being reasonable. The goal of the US and NATO is world faggot pedo tyranny. The US is run by faggots and pedophiles. It is an incursion of total cosmic evil into the manifold. Stopped they must be, on this all depends. ---- About the only insight I have that is not commonly known to anyone who looks at the basic almanac facts about Russia and Ukraine is that Jews have a lot of influence in the US and Jews have a massive hate on for Russia for historic reasons too tiresome to go into. So expect massive irrational hate to be a driving force in US policy re: Russia, always. ---- Nixon won 49 states and the FBI and media conspired to destroy him. Deep Throat was a Jew. Pure coincidence, no doubt. Right up to his death bed confession the identity of Deep Throat, the source for the Washington Post's Watergate coverage, was an unsolved mystery almost as intriguing as the JFK assassination. Turns out it was FBI deputy director Mark Felt, a Jew who felt entitled to become director when J. Edgar Hoover died and leaked to get revenge on Nixon for picking someone else. ---- The typical educated American considers billionaires buying the media and destroying all popular politicians to be the essence of our liberal open society and it puzzles them when other nations don't follow our example. ---- If you find yourself in a post atomic war wasteland expel the foreigner. ---- It has to stop. Me personally, I think 2 state is needed. But like Radix said, the government needs to be replaced. It needs to be purged with something that is not friendly to Russia, but is hostile to globohomo and Kalergi plan. And the people need to step up and do this. ---- When I departed the blue zone and set out for indian country I had a hard time making a coherent statement of why. All my reasons sounded petty even to me. Now after two years of antifa and BLM terror and coronahoax lockdowns I feel like a prophet. ---- All nations need to pay attention to the terminal consequences of permitting US front groups to operate unimpeded. Every single US funded NGO is an enemy of the state and should be dissolved. ---- Texas is weird. The old Mexicans whose families have been around since the US grabbed the land from Mexico are considerably more right leaning than your usual anchor babby. ---- No one human group controls the entire manifold. That power is reserved for its creators, if any such exist. However... some groups have considerable power. Did you know that for a time every Model T sold by Ford came with a copy of The International Jew in the glove compartment? That would be hundreds of thousands of copies, making it one of the most widely distributed American books of the 1920s. Yet in decades of haunting used bookstores and junk shops not a single copy of it has ever surfaced. Almost as if some swarm of locusts had been let loose to consume every copy leaving not a trace. Interesting. ---- We have more neurons and more neuronal connections on average. Focus on your strengths, having babbies and being cute. ---- The US federal government regards the entire White population of North America as its mortal enemy. ---- Without machine technics Europe got its ass kicked by Muslims. That's why certain rootless cosmopolitans promote the climate change lie. ---- Technological civilization is our unique competitive advantage. Destroy it and you destroy us. Keep that in mind when meme malware brooding bodies promote the cancer of Ted Kaczynski. ---- There are massive far right bestsellers that postwar hegemon loyal booksellers would have pulped on detection, notably John Birch style tomes like None Dare Call It Conspiracy, but they would slip through the control grid and pop up in junk shops, flea markets and yard sales. Never happened with even a vaguely anti-Jew book. Not once. ---- Being a National Review true believer was sufficient cause for total exclusion from the power matrix by 1955. The year it was launched. Reagan was steam release intended to be replaced immediately. The amateur sent by George H.W. Bush used an inadequate weapon. Also the hand of god may have intervened. ---- The Pope of 2022 is some Jew who wants you dead that you never heard of. ---- For a power chokepoint roles they have been doing Kyiv not Kiev shit tests probably for centuries. What do you think debates about the nature of the Holy Trinity are? 'Will you absolutely obey the Pope or not?' ---- Putin is anti-faggot and anti-globalist (to a degree) and he is crushing a US puppet regime installed using the usual scum deep state NGO vermin groups. What's not to love? ---- Hell is Like Newark: Post Jab death count around me is now 10. Wife's friend husband. Healthy, mid 40s, no health issues. Took the booster (Pfizer) even after the whole family had COVID (caught it even though being fully vaxxed). Collapsed with a blood clot in the heart. Open heart surgery but got worse. Turns out he also had a blood clot in the brain. Died after brain surgery. ---- Raping children is the core value of the US federal government. ---- US installed a Jew comedian as president with their NGOs and black ops in order to deploy NATO weapons on Russia's border so as to inflict globalist cancer and pedophilia on a rebel nation. Seemed they get what they fucking deserve. ---- In your four decades serving the US military you were a servant of pedophile rapists. Franklin coverup, look it up, this goes way back. You must repent of your heresy against spacetime and beg forgiveness for your countless vile sins. ---- CosmonautKatyusha: There are only two sides of history to be on. One side has trannies, degenerates, homosexuals, globalists, satanists, rapists, adrenachrome vampires, vaccine aids, gender studies, black lives matter, sniffing children, hormone blockers, inflation, CNN, blue haired feminists, and nearly 95% of jewish people. The other is "The Wrong side of history". ---- We evolved defenses against telephone calls, we can do the same against the panoptic grid. Forbid cameras not under direct control of the patriarch from all homes. ---- Reminder: Coronahoax compliance is a powerful revelation of where our worst enemies cluster. ---- Everyone understands this. The memetic currents of right wing thought lead to an exclusionary essentialist society, one that is not open to membership by dirty Somalians. Once you exclude those near apes it is only a matter of time before standards begin to be applied to all groups who cause trouble... and... well... tldr: Jews are always going to purge all nationalists, even the ones who claim to love Jews ---- Remember the Jew legislator in a deep deep blue state who proposed denying health insurance coverage to anyone who didn't get the mRNA death shot? He withdrew the proposal after being deluged with death threats. No coronahoax passport is gonna happen in the US. ---- Once the ADL to credit card blacklist pipeline was established the entire concept was moot. Greg Johnson, a completely harmless guy who has never so much as got in a scuffle or even attended a far right street protest (that we know of), is on the global Match credit blacklist with terrorists and drug lords. ---- If shitlibs have 90% submission to a sterilizing bioweapon and we have just 50% we own the future. ---- In one of his lesser known implicit essays Tom Wolfe discusses the origins of Silicon Valley. He does a bit of crypsis, tracing the origin to Calvinism, but of course Calvinism means the Whitest of White men. All men, of course. Since it became pozzed Silicon Valley innovates nothing. Alpha Go was a British startup GOOG bought. We are the mainspring of human progress and we will win. ---- The dark forces assumed that the internet would take the form of Compuserve or AOL, a moderated curated hugbox under hegemonic control where everyone had to pay to play. That's why they all failed to make the leap. Microsoft is now a shadow of its former self, facing extinction in mindshare. See: Bing. IBM is barely a memory. These immense shifts show that power is fluid, and the future impossible to foresee, at least for those without vision. Trump could have become Caesar, he only needed to let lust for glory override his other lusts. It was a near enough thing that they broke the world to be rid of him. The next candidate for warlord will be the product of the Darwinian filter that prevents further Trumps, forged in the fires of doom. ---- The system is ambivalent about porn because it depicts fantasy rooted in biology. Very little of it shows empowered women. Quite the opposite. ---- [on COVID as a bioweapon] If true then of course the culprits must face biological eradication. 90% success would require no more than a dozen fusion devices, after which mopping up could be done with a moderate supply of wood or rope. ---- Pro-democracy blather from a libertarian undeniable moron sign. Voters hate liberty. ---- In these spooky times I regret nothing. I didn't prepare for nuclear war because I gambled it was a low probability event. I may still win that bet. Fingers crossed. ---- Jews are recklessly risking war because it's perfectly fine with them if we all perish in thermonuclear war. They already destroyed THEIR OWN CITIES with their spite. This time the world. ---- In 100% White areas with low ground traffic kids still play outside. Timid mother's fear of the swiftly rushing car or truck running their kid down an underestimated cause of the retreat into vidya. Note the lack of sidewalks in many places. ---- James J OMeara: Russia (a nuclear power) could flatten Ukraine in 15 minutes. But Russia is moving carefully, not pissing off the citizens, not destroying infrastructure that would have to be rebuilt: water, electric, internet still operating. The lying West reports this as "Russia bogged down...Russia meeting unexpected resistance, etc." The AngloZionists would embark on carpet bombing, bioweapons, targeting civilians, and if need be nukes (USA still the only nation to do so). All for making the most money they can from "rebuilding" in the aftermath. ---- Dissidentsoaps: Have fired the Javelin, BILL, Spike & Eryx ATGMs. All weigh between 40-50lbs. Unrealistic to believe that a woman can either raise one onto her shoulder or even maneuver one onto a tripod. Just hand the average woman a 45 lb plate at the gym and see what she can do with it. ---- There has never been a great female general. And female soldiers are pretty sketchy. In evaluating the strength of US and NATO forces I don't know if I should count each female in the armed forces as zero or minus one. ---- All nations need to pay attention to what's happening in Ukraine. These are the terminal consequences of permitting US front groups to operate unimpeded. US funded NGOs overthrew two governments willing to make peace with Russia. Every single US funded NGO is an enemy of the state and should be dissolved. ---- Each time an unthinkable event happens our enemies weaken. That's why it was correct to support Trump in 2016. That's why it was correct to support Brexit. That's why it is correct to support the Canadian truckers. That's why I am cheering on the destruction of NATO's credibility. ---- US and Russia are empires. If you hate multiculturalism don't live in an empire. ---- This is an example of the tough calls of clarity vs. brevity. I figure most of you bums know what Universal Basic Income is, resting your hopes for lifetime NEETitude on its implementation, but MMT is a bit more inside baseball. ---- If you think a real estate mogul was a shitty president you should see how a comedian does. ---- Gamergate was a side effect of a big error, spiteful cunts and trannies and faggots attacking geek hobbies because under the newly hegemonic antifa moral paradigm they could. ---- My enemies actively work against me. Putin, in control of the world's second most deadly nuclear arsenal, is interested in avoiding a nuclear exchange with the region where I live so in general he is good for me. ---- A true founding fathers style militia is not a last minute thing. You want that benefit you need to hand out rifles to everyone in junior high school for a few decades. I doubt Ukraine has a gun culture like the US where at least some of your irregulars will know how to shoot. How gun saturated is the US? I took a marksmanship course with live ammunition in public school... and it was a Democrat leaning district. ---- Paul Ryan was chosen by Con Inc. to front the Tea Party and win elected office on said platform because they knew he was absolutely reliable on racial issues and related immigration matters. No normal White man would have risen above mayor of a small town. ---- Master Mind Group a term coined by the inventor of the modern self help grift and a total fraud himself, Napoleon Hill. ---- Selection effect. Charles Murray married a handicapped Asian woman when he was in the Peace Corps. So he did the double whammy, mixing AND dragging in another fucking immigrant. That's why they made him the face of racism. Judas goat. Notice he was never Trump. Christianity is essentialy feminine in its current form. It was masculine when it could bend kings to its will. That hasn't been the case since Henry founded the CofE. ---- If you join any existing denomination you are gonna be funding refugee settlement and promoting the blank slate ideology. If you want a based church... found one. ---- 1 Convert to Catholicism 2 Pope commands homosexuality 3 AIDS ---- Also the foolish encouragement of Ukraine to make moves towards joining NATO has no ulterior motive. It was what it seemed, an effort to get globohomo weapons closer to Russia which is not sufficiently on board with the full tranny pervert faggot agenda. ---- Another foreign policy humiliation is not the sort of 'distraction' the usurper regime would engineer. They thought Putin was bluffing. He wasn't. ---- Just like Paul Ryan. ---- The alt-sphere is full of people incapable of discerning the difference between technics and ideology. Technics are what we should be discussing. But you critique the piss poor technics of any of these tards and they head for the hills. That's why most of them use Telegram. ---- The domestication of man results in a low crime rate and a weak population entirely incapable of sustaining high culture. ---- Wehrmacht: The same people who want you to wear a mask for sanitary purposes encourage sodomy. ---- Do not support a strong military. That will be a key plank of DeSantis, Cruz or whoever they run in 2024. A strong military will be restored for one single purpose: White genocide in North America. ---- Putin is the enemy of my enemy, simple as. ---- When you control the Federal Reserve you get your money for nothing and the chicks for free. ---- If you want to talk about revolution in a way you think might bring down the hammer don't be obscure, improve your opsec. That means total respawn, Tor, and probably going to open source based forums like Pleroma, Mastodon and such with warrant canaries and so forth. ---- Remember, I predicted DK will break with TRS. He's too honest. I did not predict that they would kick the Paranormies, though that was long overdue. Only they didn't kick them for flat Earth, bigfoot or Scarlett Johannsen is a man... they kicked them for mRNA and covid skepticism! ---- The draft is sufficient reason to overthrow the government. Which government? Any government. ---- Yep. I call it the power stack. To run the full antifa op requires local antifa, cops willing to stand down, local government willing to look the other way on antifa terror and throw the book at any right wingers, and usually the state government to do the same. Feds almost never prosecute antifa so they can be assumed on board everywhere. ---- The Funnel is a term from the world of grift. The goal is to sift your customers to find the fattest most gullible paypigs and harvest them for everything but the squeal. You start with a free sample. Today that's usually videos, podcasts or a blog. In each free show or entry you plug the cheapest product you sell, usually this is an ebook, which has minimal production cost. From there the next step is some kind of subscription, either to 'exclusive content' or a private message forum. That content is at least 25% promotion of the NEXT level of the cult, perhaps a seminar or a personal consultation via zoom. Once you get them to the seminar level you can escalate easily by offering more expensive 'courses' and 'coaching'. $5000 a head is not unusual for a deluxe seminar, $300 an hour is not unusual for online 'coaching.' Not a bad money if you're a psychopath. ---- The Russian goal is very simple: Prevent deployment of NATO weapons on their border. That's it. Extracting a little blood from the stone is incidental, if it is done at all. ---- Coronahoax was a hail mary pass to get 20 years of panoptic terror in two years. It failed. God bless Canada! Motivation is they know we are on the cusp. Facebook backfired bigly. They projected their own oversocialization and striver mindset onto the masses. Most people are not calculating how their every nuance might impact their admission to Yale so they talk shit about Jews when among frens. ---- Imagine something that World Economic Forum enjoyers consider absolutely possible: The construction of a singleton, a transhuman AI capable of self improvement. WEF is all in on transhumanism, and the possibility of transhuman AI is an article of faith among transhumanists. Who is most likely to construct the singleton? If you said a White man you said it right. And it might be done in a garage or basement. Open source AI projects provide the launchpad. THAT is why any method to exterminate us possible at this time is in use. They are not waiting. They know their time is short. ---- Portland is what the enemy - mostly Jews - wants it to be like for all White people. A super efficient tyrannical micromanaged state that pins down Whites so they can be beaten, raped and tortured by lawless nigger mobs. ---- Trucker convoy and Ukraine bad takes may finally rid us of TRS smugness once and for all. ---- US, with the largest Jewish population outside Israel, is becoming increasingly uncontrollable and some of you want me to believe China is controlled by a few thousand out of the loop yellow Jews? ---- This is more technically difficult than people think. Diesel or propane generator, not gasoline. Thank me later. ---- How does Putin crushing the color revolution installed CIA government of Ukraine benefit us? CIA is a major technic center of White genocide, so anything that sets them back while not killing lots of White Americans is automatically a win. US fedgov is our enemy. All the bad things that happen to it are good. ---- Your basic bitch international relations grad of US panopticon college has a fundamental premise: All national borders are sacred and not to be violated. * (*except if the UN security council orders it or a US president feels like it) Putin just raped that dogma right up the ass. This is a gigantic and shameless violation. It's the difference between playing lawyerball and sending in some boys to take care of the family business with tommy guns. ---- Switzerland has been pretty safe and prosperous since WWII. However did they manage it without fighting multiple wars for Israel? ---- New World Order was the US centric situation that prevailed from the expulsion of Iraq from Kuwait to present. Now Russia, in violation of the UN charter and the NWO, has simply conquered a sovereign state because fuck it, we can. ---- The one thing an old as fuck bastard has is more direct observation of the world, something the media can't fake. The story arc of the dumb broad who marries some brown turd who then knocks her up, beats her and abandons her takes time. The wages of sin often take considerably longer. Roided out idiots and cokeheads sometimes take 20 years to drop dead of a heart attack at age 35-40. So maybe don't dismiss boomers and genx entirely, you kids. Also stay off my fucking lawn. ---- They can shut off further inflation if they choose. Tricking retail investors with these constant reversals is how they win, they're playing with marked cards, you are in the fog machine. ---- Knights choose the new king. ---- Never eat out is a good rule. If you are in a striver workplace and are afraid to look poor hide your brown bag lunch in a backpack and go out and eat it in the food court or at a park or whatever. ---- The more you signal disobedience the more afraid they become of really cracking down. That's why no one should have ever worn a mask, socially distanced or complied with lockdowns in any way. ---- The most logical way for most normies to increase their wealth is by paying down debt. Once that is done in an inflationary environment buy stuff that will keep in advance. Also cash is king, so have enough on hand for any repair or medical emergency (the latter almost impossible, so cap it at some reasonable level and check your insurance fine print). Only then should you put your money into any sort of investment where you might lose it all. ---- Hollywood's cultural engineering had consequences. By 1966 television westerns viewer profiles were already skewing old. Young viewers liked Batman, The Monkees, Lost in Space, Star Trek, Gilligan's Island and similar colorful surrealistic fare. Westerns bored them, having, to be fair, been done to death. In my youth I confess I did not appreciate westerns at all, aside from the most bombastic spaghetti premutations. ---- I was just thinking about the 'Dear John letter', trope of so many WWII dramas. A real nation would have crucified the first female who sent one and put it front and center of the newsreel. There would not have been a second. ---- If you are not a professional investor you should not be investing at all. It is a gigantic machine for separating retail investors (chumps) from their cash. Crypto is garbage, I would not put a penny into it. Regime gonna outlaw it the moment real criminal crowdfunding starts happening. Having a crypto wallet will be defined as money laundering or terrorism and no American will be able to legally hodl. ---- The nature of Biden allows us to deduce things about his cronies. These are not ideological fanatics. They're grifters with a merchant mindset. Biden announcing no troops would be deployed just to make it absolutely clear Putin needn't concern himself with that front a sign that the US won't be taking any existential risks. ---- People used to think I was being an apologist when I noted that the crime rate in the US was extremely low. This system relies upon extreme compliance. If that compliance were to drop by even 5% it would face an existential crisis. He who can destroy a thing controls a thing. ---- Even old time liberals were scum and filth. ---- Ukraine, done. After Taiwan falls Israel is next. The final war against evil. ---- Straw man. The hoax is the lockdown spun up out of a disease that is a bad flu, killing mostly elderly and already extremely sick people. In any event all who favor the shot mandate are my mortal enemies. You see this is not negotiable. You must support my death. You must support the death of millions. Not even getting into the 70 million who know Biden stole the election and consider him a usurper. I hate you. Know that, filth. A hatred with no end, a hate beyond science. A hate that becomes more powerful with every crime you inflict on me. Hate is awesome. I love hate. ---- Stephen Batchelder: What the fuck, dude? No one wants your kids to die in Russia, not even the crazy cat liberals... The right-wing propaganda has put your hate on overdrive, and made you believe that we as Americans no longer have anything in common.... IT'S NOT TRUE. I'm a liberal, and the last thing I want is for our troops to get involved in a war with Russia. No one on the left is calling for war, and this post is just a publication of your ignorance. Dread: Anyone who supported the employer death shot mandate is my mortal enemy. The hate is mutual. All leftists and liberals consider me a Nazi (I'm not, I'm a Faustian Space Imperialist) and they would gladly kill me. Civil war is very near, you naive fool. Imagine that you consider yourself intelligent. smdh ---- Maybe the faggot Fauci funded gain of function research because he wants to exterminate the human species. Ever consider that? ---- The Constitution never worked. If it had we wouldn't have had a bloody civil war, there would be no Federal Reserve and we would not be approaching minority status in the nation our English forefathers won with blood and steel. Republics are no more stable than democracies. Voting doesn't solve anything. We need the rule of just men. Perhaps... judges. ---- Imagine a neo-Silk Road is used to crowdfund for something like the Canadian Trucker Convoy. Crypto will be regulated into uselessness within days, if not outlawed entirely. ---- Taiwan growing increasingly nervous. Israel soaked in flop sweat. He he he he he he Sorry. He he he he he he he he he he ---- I'm still thunderstruck how many of you use Telegram for dissident politics. ---- Working mothers are in most cases cold hearted bitches who love money more than they love their own children. If they're single mothers they are foul whores who committed the vile sin of fornication, and god's merciless judgment is upon them in this world and the next. Woe to these foul harlots! ---- False opposition exists in myriad forms. However propaganda has a structure. If we could get people to focus on the correct hate nexus it would be useful. Sniping from the sidelines at the few people who have held back the left is not. ---- Why do you run interference for vile depraved sluts and heartless psychopaths? Is there something you're leaving out of your story? Are you perhaps the product of a befouled fornicating WHORE yourself? ---- I am not kidding. A nation that raises up idols to castrated mutilated abominations has signed a pact with death itself. The United States is an incursion of a cosmic anti-life power into the manifold. It must be destroyed, lest all life perish. ---- Vile shitheels like the usurper regime do pretty well against a few hundred Qtards or a few dozen Unite the Right organizers. A few thousand trucks and everybody loses their minds. ---- Putin is not just much cooler than Biden or that silly Jew comedian who runs Ukraine, he is in the right. The peaceful breakup of the USSR could have turned very nasty. In return for playing nice Russia was promised no NATO expansion to the east. Ukraine, encouraged by Jews in the US, fucked around. Now they finding out. ---- The United States sole function at this time is the extermination of its White founding stock population and providing fire support for the same policy in Europe if any nation attempts to break free of the White exterminationist world order. Let it fucking burn. ---- Boomers have got a heavy dose of meme malware but they didn't choose their fate. They were ambushed by the most powerful meme weapon ever invented, television. Still, if they retain any sense they can tell you how their city was destroyed by diversity in micro-detail. ---- If you seriously demand I use pronouns know that I take comfort in your likely suicide and that's why I smiled. ---- The enemy failed to prevent Kyrsten Sinema from grabbing a senate seat because they assumed a pervy wench was on team demolish the world. Thanks to her White women have been demoted another few levels on the intersectional stack. Thus the dog fucking tranny fiend from Hell Biden's cabal just appointed. Only flesh crawling with total evil can be relied on by our enemies in the wars to come. ---- Previous bailouts focused on bailing out banks, who are in on the scam and were told not to loan it out to consumers, and for propping up stock prices, which doesn't result in people running out and spending. Keep in mind that they are preventing collapse not giving a windfall to all stockholders, so it's not like everyone feels rich immediately. In contrast sending checks to every adult individual in the country results in most of it being spent, thus contributing to immediate price inflation. ---- The enemy makes mistakes all the time. Coronahoax was very stupid. All they needed to do was bribe Jared Kushner and Trump would have signed the mother of all amnesties. ---- A Huey Long whose personal guard is more effective than Caesar's is the only 'political' solution, and that's DeLorean time jump lightning strike levels of probability. ---- Trump spent his whole life grifting, it is only fitting that his last grift takes America down with it. He may well be the greatest grifter who ever lived. ---- Jews hate Russia and want revenge for pogroms. That's the entire reason. I first encountered the pathological hate Jews have for Russia in an essay by Ayn Rand in which she stated that Russians were born evil and could not be cured. ---- Inflation is due to coronahoax, which forced the banksters to generate 25% of all existing dollars in the last two years just to prop up the economy. Meanwhile production collapsed under lockdowns as millions of small businesses went bankrupt, so those new dollars are chasing fewer goods and services. Even worse, the stimulus checks didn't end up in a vault, they were all spent by individuals. In the past the plunge protection cash could be firewalled in billionaire portfolios where it had negligible impact on food and energy prices. Now the cash is loose, and there is no taking it back. ---- If you use unadjusted GDP Russia is the 12th largest economy in the world. If you use GDP adjusted for purchasing power it's the 6th largest. Ukraine is 57th on the former list and 40th on the latter. Its per capita GDP is 1/3rd of Russia's. So yeah, they're screwed. ---- My guess regarding the cause of the wave of abortion and faggot 'rights' legalization in South America is Pope Marxist ordered the local bishops to stand down and let it happen. ---- Elon Musk is the smartest of the world controllers visible to us. He is also White. From South Africa. But then Robert Heinlein was similarly brilliant and he thought a negro vice president could save America. ---- The conspiracy is full of Sith Lords looking to get one over on each other. The hyper religious ones operating out of the middle east don't believe in transhumanism, but if they can trick Bill Gates into destroying the West in a vain attempt to extend his worthless life they will. ---- The people in charge are fuckups. Andrew Anglin theorizes that the really old ones are desperate to jump start immortality research, and this is the explanation for both coronahoax and the rapid deployment of mRNA shots. The only way for these decrepit old wrecks to become immortal in the short term is some kind of gene therapy that repairs the damage. Full clone or android body replacement is nowhere near ready, and uploading is death but backed up. ---- Gain of function research is essentially bioweapon research. Ironically we may be in a Star Trek episode. In Miri the planet where all adults are dead but there are extremely long lived children who are slowly aging out and dying at puberty is the result of immortality research gone horribly wrong. ---- In a full demolition 'let them eat shit' scenario there would have been no stimulus, only austerity and neverending lockdowns. That the forces of evil saw fit to bribe the masses with extended unemployment with bonus payments proves that they still fear us. The POSSIBILITY of economic security is a precondition of soft power working. How do you threaten to ruin someone financially after they've lost everything? ---- America is on the path to death because most Americans are weak and evil. A new Huey wouldn't have a lot to work with, they prefer a new drug. ---- If they were that reckless they wouldn't have done the slow walk on everything else. They were forced into near-hyperinflation by coronahoax. The coronahoax agenda is ratcheting up domestic tyranny, not monetary policy. Tyranny is the purpose because they fear their time is short. Old timey Ron Paul crap about money as a scam could not be more irrelevant. ---- Why should foreigners be allowed to exist in any manifestation outside a few embassies and freeports? ---- The Jared Kushner griftplex (you may know this as Trump) and the Biden cabal are united in their opposition to Patriot Front because it is exactly the sort of thing that worked last time. ---- Engineered famine requires a very docile population. ---- The political result of the last hyperinflation in a White country was not favorable for bankers of any variety. The engine of rising inflation is financial engineering done for non-inflation reasons. Inflation is an unwanted side effect of the neverending stimulus they've been doing since the dot com bubble popped. Possibly since Greenspan stepped in to prevent the LTCM collapse from taking down the global markets. They are riding a tiger not treading the critical path. ---- You do not want to be on the enemy priority target list. Every naive rube on those lists is gonna get raped. Most likely dead. Gab is full of angry dimwits seeking a coveted spot in the 'make an example of this one' pantheon. ---- The enemy has glutted most labor markets with credentialed feebs, along with importing fraudulent STEM degree holders from zero standards shitholes like India. Engineering, dentistry and medicine are the only fields I'd consider worth it. There's a glut of lawyers as well. ---- Higher education isn't for the student's benefit. Its function is to skim off the best minds from the masses and break them to the yoke. ---- ---- As that saucy wench Kyrsten Sinema proved just one senator can cause a world of trouble so the system installs as many mindless slaves as it can. Those two, Cocaine Mitch and Mitt Romney are among the worst. There is no voting our way out of this. Dissolve the union. ---- I don't regard disagreements on deep issues to be resolvable. So-called arguments are attempts to install malware. My mind is shut. ---- 90% or so of Jews are out of the loop. How would I estimate it breaks down? 10% Infinite enemies, their every waking moment devoted to evil and the extermination of their enemies, that would be you if you are White, Arab or in any way not their slave. 50% Assimilators. Want to avoid all drama, be part of normal US society. Most end up marrying out. 40% Leftists and liberals. Not aware that what they are doing wrecks nations. ---- The 'Cases' and 'Deaths' covid reporting format is the basic trick by which the entire panic was generated. The lower the case number the higher the same number of deaths will make the death RATE look. I still have a bunch of dimwits blocked who thought covid had a 5% fatality rate. ---- Liberalism is dead because it was never anything but a mask for White genocide. Now that they can pursue their exterminationist agenda openly (or so they think) what use do they have for dolts like Johnny Carson or Henry Fonda? ---- This is all Frankfurt Jew shit. They declared the right illegitimate forever because Hitler. OK, Hitler it is. Motherfuckers. ---- The market will always produce politically incorrect outcomes. The arc of race and sex denial bends towards Maoism. ---- Shapiro is an infinite enemy. Isaac Asimov was a liberal. You barely hear about assimilationists, they blend in. Maybe William Shatner, who when asked to join a Jewish study group by the producer of Mission Impossible thought it was a joke. 'He's serious?' Shapiro's job is to prevent the right from becoming nationalistic. He is a genocidal enemy. Pay attention: Ben Shapiro is an Israeli nationalist whose full time job is preventing the US from becoming nationalistic. He does this because a nationalist US would throw Israel, a useless parasite, under the bus where it belongs. ---- I suggest a new strategy. Never forgive, never forget. ---- It's difficult to imagine that the billionaire rulers of this miserable ruin of a nation are consumed with spiteful envy of real Americans who barely have two cents to rub together, but that what it be. ---- Apolitical: The people holding political office aren’t there because they are the best, brightest and most upstanding citizens in the country. Rather, they are holding political office because they are the lowest, most unprincipled, compromised pieces of human filth this country has to offer. The oligarchs running our political parties and screening our candidates make sure that all decent human beings are filtered out ---- Each generation of Americans is weaker than the last. ---- Shuttening works. When we win we must apply this learning. ---- In the early 2000s they had to get a made man, a real super initiated jewy jew jew, to be the face of antiwar since Jews were 99% responsible for what was destined to be the hideously unpopular invasion of Iraq. ---- Project Veritas is firmly within acceptable discourse. By which I mean you can still hate the liberal media and be a covid skeptic in real life. No friends other than shitlibs will shun you. You can have a bank account. If a true dissident investigator uploaded proof that, say, Spielberg was directly involved in Heather O'Roarke's death it would shake the foundations of the world. It would be like 1000 Birth of a Nations being released simultaneously in Ultra HD. THAT is what they fear. ---- Complexity with clarity is the sweet spot. ---- When some famous person is accused of banging a female I always look for a pic. In 99% of cases you can tell whether it's true just by eyeballing her. John Edwards screwing his campaign 'videographer' - one look and you knew it was true. ---- No, worse is always worse. The employer mandate would have laid the groundwork for the digital passport. If we accept the mandatory Jew Google digital passport we are easy meat and the vengeful googjews are desperate for any sign of that submission, which they will take as the go signal for immediate mass extermination operations. Resist, always. ---- 'Who should we believe, the CDC and Dr. Fauci or guys with cartoon avis on a banned forum full of lunatics?' I did the latter and I am still winning. Makes you think. ---- Dread: Trump as blackmailed teen girl fucker is more credible than Trump as head of the 'patriots in control'. I do wonder why the deep state didn't drop his underage sex scandal to eliminate him rather than stealing the election. Roost: I didn’t want to believe it at first, but the former now seems more credible than the latter. Openly stealing the election was a humiliation ritual, both for Trump and for us. Bonus: they got to keep him under their thumb as a de-radicalization agent. Dread: I don't think that's the origin of the steal. I believe they feared making use of that weapon because it gives the whole game away: Israel controls the US via politicians it has compromised with sexual blackmail. That puts the spotlight on Israel as the most evil nation in the known universe. Not a good look. This is not particularly solid because we don't have a real smoking gun that Epstein had dirt on Trump. It's all circumstantial. But if such blackmail material does exist the failure to make use of it requires explanation since they went to great lengths to destroy Trump without dropping whatever dirt Epstein had gathered. GKC: If Epstein did have blackmail material on Trump, perhaps could have been Mossad-exclusive. He was and is Israel's bitch. AIPAC had their way with everything in this country. Dread: You read my mind. I was thinking maybe only the neocons had access, and the Democrats who had a MIGHTY NEED to retake power were out of the loop. Thus the steal was their only option. ---- Media 1920-2000 favored the big guns. If you were independent your product was weak and everyone knew it. It was evident at a glance. It now takes specialized knowledge to discern the difference between a PBS propaganda film and something a guy with a greenscreen and a HD camera edited on his $1000 computer. The enemy still can't figure out how to undo this. In old movies where a freedom fighter has information the people must know he has to get it to a newspaper or magazine. This is a plot point as late as 1985 in Watchmen when Rorschach drops his journal through the mail slot of a John Bircher / Alex Jones style magazine. Now if the data is self confirming anyone can theoretically post it to any of thousands of anonymous sites. This keeps Epstein's controllers up at night, that I can tell you. ---- Giving up all private firearms is the go signal for tyrants. ---- I should probably look up recent figures, but let's say feds claim US is 60% death shot compliant. They are probably boosting that by 10 points. I can believe 50%. Canada claims 90%. That is also hyped. But is it hyped by 40 points? Doubtful. The more people submit to tyranny the more confident the tyrants become. The truckers and other coronahoax rebels are the last of the heroic Canadians. This also has a local impact. If you're in a state with 90% reported death shot compliance... move. ---- In addition to being Fidel Castro's son Trudeau has this little secret: Sources are telling The Buffalo Chronicle that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s accuser has been in talks with a private attorney for more than a week, discussing a heated sexual relationship that began and ended more than 18 years ago, when the young woman was a student at Vancouver’s prestigious West Point Grey Academy. The Chronicle is told that the two engaged in a months-long affair beginning in the summer of 2000, both on and off-campus. ---- Peter Thiel and similar plutocrats want the show to go on. They want biological immortality, space exploration, wealth, power, glory. The Marxists who control the Democratic party want to demolish the West, shut down all power plants, ban private cars, paralyze industrial production, cripple the oil and gas industries and exterminate the White race for having the audacity to conquer most of the world. These are not the same. ---- Trump had a billionaire Team B support system in 2016. Peter Thiel, who is the Mouth of NSA, most prominantly. What confused Qtards was the nature of that faction. They're not 'expel the immigrants' gang they're the damage control party. Trump was supposed to prevent what we have now, full Marxist demolition. How conscious was Trump of all this? Not very. He ended up with two impeachments because he could not read a room of vipers. He operated on the old NYC rules that you spread the wealth to every influential group and in return they leave you alone. It doesn't work that way in D.C. They play the game of thrones. ---- Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild and Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son. ---- GJWatch: This is one of the reasons I admired the late Justice Scalia. He seemed to have always to have returned to, by reading, the original intent of the writers and founders. A trait I believe Justice Thomas also displays. Some of the rest seem to just wing it and some seem to have never read or understood the document. Dread: That's why they murdered him. His 'friend' Ginsberg probably gave the assassins his daily routine. ---- Apolitical: You can get away with calling them “satanists” “moloch worshippers” “the elite” “globalists” “the 1%” “leftists” “communists” etc. But call them jews and the system will come after you with everything it’s got. What does that tell you? Dread: Also the mechanism of satanist control is obscure. If satanists have power how is it exercised? Whereas there's a whole alphabet soup of Jewish organizations dedicated to censoring critics, with vast resources and multiple overlapping offensive systems to use when the first wave fails. Just ask James Traficante. Oh wait, you can't. ---- He was never hardcore and he was a political novice. The combination of those factors with his weak moral center doomed him from the start, rendering the precise moment when he threw in the towel academic. I do think the launch of Qanon is a significant sign that Trump knew he would accomplish nothing. Q was a Trump ratfucker op run by Ezra Cohen Watnick. ---- Technically the OG turd does it because he's paid to by the Jews who took complete control over the Trump campaign in exchange for Trump not going to prison for sedition. Trump now funds deradicalization ops across social media, the turd being most notable on Gab. Wendy Cunt Rogers' Gab account is also run by the same individual. ---- Texas was one of the first states to flip to a White minority. It's down to 38% White. Yet the GOP retains a lock. It was supposed to flip blue ages ago. It would appear they have a lot of genuine right wing hispanic voters. ---- Coronahoax has a reality problem. The longer it goes on the more noticable the lack of corpses becomes. mRNA shots also have a reality problem. The more they dispense the greater the pile of corpses becomes. ---- If leftist blank slate theory is correct then every statistical pattern of racial inequality is the product of White men's malice, a malice going back two thousand years or more. This is why the naive leftist hates White men, particularly non-leftist White men, with a blinding fury. ---- You can tell Freemasons are no longer string pullers because Hollywood makes movies where they are. ---- Freemasonry became a pseudo-church for materialists, a place where they could all get together and make deals without any theological differences getting in the way. It's a lot like the New Age movement, a self help cult with good old boy characteristics. ---- Where there's life there's hope. ---- The evidence for that theory is the same as the evidence for a purely secular explanation. Freemasonry promoted the interests of the merchant class. Merchants were theologically tepid and admitted anyone willing to accept a generic prime mover god, Christian, Jewish or Deist. In the early stages of secularization Freemasonry was very good for Jews. Thus the evidence of a historic alliance. ---- D.C. was something like 80% black in the 1980s. It's still around 50%, meaning that all low level slots are filled by blacks, often black women. Between that and any Whites being employees of the evil machine it is the most hostile region of the US to the right. ---- I would note that the reason the US has no right wing protests is the state has been suppressing them for some time using both soft and hard power. The Charlottesville civil judgment ended them for good. If you're going to be sued for millions and lose even if you have a permit no point in wasting time on protests at all. Might as well earn the consequences. ---- They didn't reckon on the Great Resignation. Desperate desire to avoid being fired because there are no jobs is essential to the control grid. If every canceled big corporate worker can easily find work at a small business cancellation is canceled. ---- God mode: Do anything that works ---- Drudge doesn't have a peep about the Canadian protests. He has gone completely over to the dark side. ---- The ability to host a good show is politically neutral. Jon Stewart was immensely superior to his replacement because he could keep things moving, deliver a line and had some grasp of the gestalt of a good broadcasting team gained after several false starts. Stephen Colbert dined out on what he learned there for years then collapsed into irrelevance when he tried to be himself. ---- The very first person who speculated aloud in my presence that there might be multiple humanoid species was an atheist. His educational background? Biology. ---- My informal observations indicate that straight White atheist men are about 50-50 left and right. Right atheists are excluded by all leftist lobbying groups as they tend to be total shitlords. ---- I knew the truckers were in deep shit when I read there were only a few hundred trucks. It's not difficult to clear out hundreds of people. ---- I won't feed information to the enemy when criticizing misguided or foolish right wingers. That is, if I figured out a doxx salient fact I will keep it to myself. But I won't softball my criticism. This is a process of selection. If a leader or group can't survive my shitposts it doesn't deserve to survive. ---- Libertarians can never defeat globopedo because they go all wobbley when its most vile crimes are mentioned. 'What if the horse consents?' ---- There is no daylight between Amazon, NSA, Google and Mossad. ---- ZOG isn't self explanatory, so that alone makes it weaker. Also, heavy 1.0 associations. You can say GAE and maintain crypsis. I believe ZOG was coined by David Lane, noted member of The Order which robbed armored cars to fund its operations. He died in prison. ---- Apolitical: Jewish power is a conspiracy theory that everyone is afraid to talk about because of jewish power ---- I would note that the law making it possible to settle refugees or build section 8 housing in nice areas has been in place for decades, but it is a poison pill. You make X percent of units low income and you can override local laws... but then your development is full of those filth who destroy the value of the whole region, and you lose your shirt. ---- I looked at Reddit once and I could see it was a leftist hugbox. ---- The enemy media began hyping Facebook as one and the 'Myspace is ugly' trope was launched to justify the switch. NPCs all switched because they do whatever someone on TV tells them to. Meanwhile Myspace had to subsist on real ad revenues, while Facebook had been created by Naval Intelligence as the Lifelog program and had limitless cash for servers and bandwidth out of the black budget. ---- At this time total gun confiscation is politically impossible in the US. They can't steal enough elections to make it happen. ---- Overriding local zoning to settle refugees in middle class areas is on the same Marxist wish list as 'total civilian disarmament' and 'reparations for slavery.' Once the politics make that viable it's over if we don't start killing. ---- The old internet was lost when the oxymoronic smartphone tipped the balance towards people who get their ideas from celebrities. MySpace hardest hit. ---- Reddit is an op. How else did Ghislaine Maxwell end up as one of their top mods? ---- If the US government dissolved Texas would immediately beef up border security with Mexico and close down illegal entry entirely. Meanwhile California would open the gates and quickly be overrun. ---- The crackdown on Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes and other media figures that have long been considered false opposition by more hardcore pundits is due to their failure as deradicalizers. Deradicalization is like multitasking. A system buzzword for a process that does not work. ---- My standard is they not work for the CIA. ---- Only two paths can salvage old America. An authoritarian regime that expels upward of 40 million people or dissolution of the union, with a real America bloc surviving as a homeland for the founding stock. Neither scenario is good for business. That's why no men of wealth support us. ---- AFPAC III has the marks of a funded operation originating with the 'peacefully sunset White America' faction represented by Peter Thiel. Oh, another fag! ---- Tucker's job isn't pushing globalism, his job is herding the right. At critical moments he cashes in the credibility chips he gained by making some tepid semi-civnat points by injecting a zero day exploit. Tucker convinced Trump to take covid seriously, which led to CDC guidance on masks and lockdowns, which led to the election steal. Tucker is CIA. ---- A nuclear war between Russia and the US would wipe out at least two thirds of the White race, so I can think of a few million people who wouldn't mind it. ---- Working for an employer is not normal for man. It is a tiny blip in history. Serfs weren't 'employees' who had to 'commute' to a 'job', they were farmers. The traits necessary for farming have had 5000 years to evolve. In contrast modern at-will employment is no more than 300 years old, and in 1900 AD in the US most Americans were still farmers or tradesmen. So the agony box of employment is still something all aspire to escape. Letting them out of the box with remote working or layoffs gave people a taste of freedom and enough preferred it to generate the Great Resignation. ---- If you want to analyze an effective conspiracy consider that every Ford automobile used to come with a copy of The International Jew in the glove compartment and yet in many decades haunting used book stores I have never seen a single copy. Indeed they have been so thoroughly shredded that they can't even be found in non-chain junk shops. ---- If you're within the blast radius of a fusion strike and you were thinking of moving now would be a good time. ---- There's a system problem. It doesn't matter if a 'real Trump' emerges if they can steal elections at will. The scope of the campaign to get rid of Trump, and I believe it was the overriding purpose of hyping covid, more important than any other priority, most of which failed in the US, proves that we are past the stage where elections can have any impact. It's also clear that had Trump been more determined the system had plenty of tricks to sabotage the effort to deport the vermin and build the wall. More than enough to kick the can for a full eight years had the steal failed. ---- All that remains of the blind love for America that was once hegemonic to a degree that spiteful mutants felt pain whenever they left their hovels is now sandboxed in MAGApede hugboxes. America is scarcely a corpse. More like a skeleton with a few scraps of flesh whispering in the wind. The thing in D.C. is an occupying power with no connection to America. ---- I'm not a Republican anymore. Voting is purely a tactic in local elections to impede the system to some degree, and even then it only works in very red states. The primary goal is the dissolution of the union, and that is impossible to calculate. The system has trillions to generate myriad fronts, scams, cults, buy off real oppo, blackmail the naive, and compromise comms. TRS, Nick Fuentes and Tucker Carlson are all tentacles of the evil world controllers, from least to largest. ---- It's a measure of what sweet summer children Canadians are that any of the truckers brought their pets or kids along for the ride. I hesitated to attend any right wing protest 2016-2017 because I estimated there was a greater than 1% chance I might be killed by the police. ---- On my deathbed I'll be able to honestly say I fought this bullshit from day one. So I got that going for me, which is nice. ---- The blackpill that the Canadian truckers will end up like January 6 protesters assumes a great deal. Will they get jury trials? Are the jurors going to be as unsympathetic to the truckers as D.C. bureaucrats and negroes who comprise the January 6 jury pool are to Trump supporters? ---- The truckers took point. What the rest of the free men of North America must do is stop complying with this coronahoax bullshit. Cops absolutely will not shoot you for not wearing a mask. Aim to misbehave. ---- The prevailing left-liberal order denies absolute morality. They deny god, gods and cosmic order. They deny karma. So really, all that holds back the enemies of the left-liberal order is practical calculation. Recalculating... ---- The Canadian truckers are heroes. ---- Time eating is a major Jew tactic, also a general bad faith actor tactic (but I repeat myself, he he) The time eater will tell you to read this blog, essay, book, listen to this podcast, watch this video, watch this 12 part documentary, go to college, get a certification, jump through this ring of fire THEN you can have an opinion. If you fall for it and do what they asked they will then laugh at you and say you're a bigot, insane, and evil therefore your opinion is still invalid. ---- DW2: So to recap, peacefully protesting in Sacred DemocracyLand results in: >Assault with Sonic weapons, which can cause permanent brain/hearing damage >Losing your truckers license >Having the govt leak your personal data, using a deranged tranny as a front goy >Having regime media harass you over trivial donations, using info from said leak >being subjected to direct energy /ADS weapons >having your truck confiscated, which you need for your livelihood >threats to kidnap and kill your dog >potentially having your kids taken by govt goons Am I missing anything? Dread: Don't forget losing your bank account and being banned from banking for life, which they intend to make a death sentence by abolishing cash. ---- Plenty of normal ground based electrical equipment will fuck up GPS, as I first discovered when driving down the highway when I was told to make a U turn to get back on the highway because it had suddenly decided I was on a residential street 1/4 of a mile away. ---- Ah, there's the reason for this developing hellthread. Europeans should never discuss America, and vice versa. America has a tradition of lawless anarchy, plus we are the most well armed civilians in the world. That's why no covid shot passports outside the disarmed Jew shitholes like CA and NY. ---- People in metaphysical rebellion themselves are not great at fighting other people whose rebellion is even more pathological. I'm looking at you, TERFs. ---- It's credible that the feds or the cabal paid one of George Lincoln Rockwell's followers to take him out. Also credible that they gave William Pierce cancer. If you are known for taking point on that issue the Jews will kill you. BTW, having us know this is part of the point. It's a threat. People knowing that Jews killed Patton, JFK and William Pierce. ---- The doxxing ban on Twitter is a sign that high level agents of evil are trying to walk some of this back and return to soft power. Too many heavily cancelled men have become full time enemies, and they can't yet get away with (or feel safe) using the heart attack gun on all of them. --- Mitt Romney just sabotaged an attempt to defund mRNA death shot mandates. He is not merely a well intentioned anti-racist sentimental boob. He is some kind of Lindsey Graham - John McCain tier infiltrator. I wonder what they have on him? Mitt Romney's ancestors were polygamists who fled to Mexico to enjoy their harems. Maybe that's the key. ---- Things the enemy can't do (for now): Kill thousands of White people for the sole 'crime' of being racist. Keep the economy running without White men. Openly enslave White men. I know there are workarounds, but they are inherently hackable. Taxes are a kind of slavery when they go to fund your extermination, but you can go on strike and stop paying. Slavery means you can't quit. ---- By living in a red region I had the swarm on my side when I defied what few coronahoax rules they attempted to impose. That's how I got away with breaking the rules. ---- The beauty of DNA sequencing is it's something neither Charles Darwin nor his creationist opponents could have anticipated. A perfect test for the theory of evolution. Darwin said that if common descent turned out to be false it would falsify his theory (so Karl Popper was wrong as usual when he claimed Darwinism was not scientific because it was unfalsifiable - a statement, to be fair, which he backpedaled on). DNA sequencing proved common descent is true, and did so as many times as it was run. No anomolous life form - one created out of nothing with a totally unique DNA sequence - has ever been found. ---- 'Actual businesses' being the key phrase. Twitter is not an actual business. It has been losing money for over a decade - hundreds of millions. Social media is either a pump and dump scam or a deep state front. Gab pivoted from the former to the latter. ---- They are going to end social media for this reason. While it has worked to spin up social justice terror mobs it is creating similarly radical right wing mobs. The TRS podcast network has its origins in private Facebook groups. It took considerable effort to compromise it and shatter the altright itself. The cabal is going to go back to 100% curated content on all sites under their control. ---- Vox Day scuttled his reputation twice, first when he threatened to sue Gab so he could doxx users he accused of libeling him (he filed the first stage of the suit but never followed up so it lapsed) and second when he went full Qtard for over a year. Infogalactic is a Vox Day project so most right wingers want nothing to do with it. ---- Did you know that Wikipedia was once libertarian biased? It was then taken over by Marxists who have been cleansing the facts about communist murder and economic failure. That's where nazbols are getting their talking points about the USSR not being so bad. ---- We're at the meme stage. Direct action of the kinetic variety has accomplished nothing because there's no ocean of sympathizers. ---- Alex Jones is the last of the John Birchers. He knows more than he says. His rapid cancellation and persecution by the state shows he is not fully controlled. Alex Jones is now facing a massive civil judgment. Mike Enoch somehow weaseled out of the Charlottesville suit. ---- Dread: That's why I'm a right authoritarian. No government of the people is capable of making sane decisions. Most people should have no voice in matters of vital importance. Trevor: This is what I believe ---- When in fact the Jews on the street were all over the place, with the super orthodox in open rebellion against the agenda. This was a plot from the highest levels of the globalist conspiracy (which is its own thing, with vast numbers of non-Jews as player characters) with the same agents who push climate hoax all synced up. ---- Never jump to the maximum improbable explanation. ---- Read an expose of some hated target in Newsweek or The New Republic. They don't have giant Qtard charts showing every connection. They don't have hundreds of links DOCUMENTING every claim. They don't get bogged down in details. They give you a simple narrative that anyone with a tenth grade education can understand. A great reporter like Tom Wolfe writes at the thirteenth grade level, but otherwise, same. Point is the channer method is for fanatics only. If you want to reach an audience tell a story. ---- I'm not implying you should not pay legally owed taxes, the strike I refer to is NOT WORKING. A conscious great resignation, otherwise known as a general strike. How do you legally avoid taxes? Stop earning money. That is the great resignation and it has the controllers freaking the fuck out, not so much because they need the revenue, but because they need the LABOR. The important thing to know about taxes is the government can generate money out of nothing. It won't be crippled by you not paying. It won't be crippled by massive tax cuts AKA the old 'starve the beast.' It can only be crippled non-violently by refusal to cooperate. 'I didn't see nuttin' ---- If you go up against the government realize it is a fight to the death. If the Canadian truckers can't force the regime to fold, with the ruling coalition turning on Trudeau, their pets will be killed, their licenses will be pulled, their trucks confiscated and they will be lucky to avoid decades in prison. ---- Vox Day is a creationist, a Qtard and a psychopath. Any one of those is good enough reason for me to shun him. ---- Not really. If you follow the rules you're screwed. I used my esoteric knowledge that diversity is chaos to evacuate the poz zone some time ago. Also did not enter into realms with high antifa or SJW representation, or where the state has an arbitrary shutdown switch in place. Also no student loan debt. ---- Odds of termination are based on how high value a target you are and how plugged into the control grid your employer is. Academia or government, forget it, you're done. Media, same. Publicly traded company, 80% chance you're screwed even for minor dissent. The area where your odds improve is the closely held private sector, and the smaller the business and further from poz zones it is the better. If antifa have no ground troops and the business has no HR you can ride it out by never engaging, stonewalling and refusing to resign. ---- People with fuck you money don't say fuck you to other people with fuck you money, they say fuck you to us. ---- For institutional reasons it's going to take decades to criminalize non-violent political speech in the US. Protocols of the Elders of Zion will still be legally distributable here in 2035 AD. As will the most severe radical criticism of any ethnic, religious or racial group. You just won't be able to have a bank account if they know you're doing it. ---- Most machinists from the golden age of American industry died without training a replacement. ---- I've seen the evil system smash people to jelly who had good legal advice. Do not get your legal advice from the chans. ---- FCC busts down dumb boomer's door. 'It wasn't me, it was this LLC I registered! Nyah nyah ny....' 'Earlier today the FBI in cooperation with the FCC shot a suspect while executing a warrant. The man, whose social media was full of conspiracy theories about Trump, was transported to the hospital and is in critical condition.' ---- Before there was Trump there was the 'patriot movement.' It was full of armchair lawyers with all sorts of theories. Then McVeigh blew up the federal building and they were all arrested. ---- Every hobby has been ruined by faggots, trannies and women. That needs to be undone. ---- If we can't save America we can at least destroy social justice. ---- The original cabal plan was to bring the US into the usury tax and interest farming system, allowing its vast resources to be parasitized. In that scenario it makes sense to keep the US population productive and not upset the apple cart. Thus the creation of the Federal Reserve and the income tax in 1913. World War II caused a change of plan. Compare Hollywood product 1930-60 to the product produced since. The Hollywood western was colonizer propaganda. The 180 on that is one of the clearest signals that there was a change of plan. At the highest level of initiation the new plan they've agreed on is to exterminate the White race. The motive is revenge on us for being the genetic pool that produced Hitler. That raised the risk level of leaving us alive beyond the tolerance level. Within the highest level there are two factions, speedrun and slow walk. One might object that 1960 is 15 years after WWII ended and almost 30 after Hitler took power. This shows a misunderstanding of how cultural engineering works. You can't order the CEOs of immense corporations to scuttle massive profit centers decades in the making. Sam Goldwyn is not going to trash his life's work on the word of the ADL or some other lobbying group. You need to wait for the admins of the previous version of the matrix to retire and replace them with new blood. Another cultural shift just as significant as that which happened in 1960 took place in 2010. ---- Libertarians can never defeat globopedo because they go all wobbley when its most vile crimes are mentioned. 'What if the horse consents?' ---- National character determines vulnerability to malware. Sweden, England and its former colonies hardest hit. ---- Yes, the US is collapsing. No, it is not due to resource depletion. It is due to demographics and bad ideas. ---- US is a formerly Protestant majority nation. That has been beaten down to something like 7% hardcore, a subset of 30% sort of generic Christian. The hardcore crew is overwhelmingly Protestant and carries idiotic creationist memes. Catholic Nick Fuentes Mexican background is no accident. ---- Much of the dissolution of the family is due to the replacement of ancestral wisdom with idiotic television fables. Instead of the tale of great granddad holding off an Indian raid after discovering the maimed bodies of the savages' previous victims in the adjacent homestead you have some Star Trek or Twilight Zone parable about how we should accept ugly creatures because they are as human as we are. ---- If the world is made by god or gods they are not interested in spelling the rules out in revelation. The world is the revelation. That's what I'm going with. Christianity includes a version of this concept, but it has a great deal of other material that is not consistent with it. I look at the maker as a dungeon master. 'Let's see if they can figure this out.' ---- Dread: There is probably a realm beyond what can be scientifically be measured. Jesus is not the key to it. HalfDeafRoamer: CTMU? Dread: Nah, I just saw a few weird things. I do take the hardcore skeptic stance on miracles. I wouldn't expect anyone to take my word that I saw something highly improbable. But I do believe my eyes. ---- The founders of monotheism didn't scam in order to promote good morals they promoted good morals in order to scam. The burnt offering temple sacrifices could not be a more obvious grift. Meat was valuable. 'God wants your fresh meat, hand it over!' The New Testament is just as full of sophistry as the old. The pitiful retcons to hammer any OT verse into a 'prophecy' is Qtard tier. ---- The only way to prevent idiotic rule is to exclude idiots from power. That means no more deciding by taking a vote. ---- Let's say you can print money. You hand it out to your buddies who hand it out to their buddies. Now you understand apps and social media. ---- They're now propping up the housing and stock market simultaneously, all with money from nothing. ---- When it comes to encryption the only person you can trust is you. ---- It's a series of suicide inducing concepts. I'd need to delve much deeper to determine the ratio of European, Asian and Jewish origin. Jews absolutely punching above their demographic weight, that much is certain. Marx, Freud, Boaz, nation wreckers of the first order. ---- The day the mandate was announced I told everyone to calm their tits and kick the can as long as they could, based on the theory that it might never be implemented. It would be interesting to learn how many private sector employees were fired on the basis of this now nullified OSHA rule. ---- I need to spell that out more clearly. Garry Wills was recruited for National Review because Buckley said he liked his writing, despite Will being an obvious leftist. What really happened is Buckley was running National Review as a deradicalization op for the CIA. When Wills got bored with NR, or perhaps when he got a better offer, he went full radical left anti-White SJW-antifa vermin that he always really was anyway. Borzoi is the Garry Wills of therightstuff dot biz, which is now a meme malware dispersal op. Enoch is Buckley, only he's not a CIA asset, he's a FBI confidential informant blackmailed to be such as the price of escaping the Charlottesville lawfare trap. He recruits impotent people who seed the right with meme malware to cripple it under orders from his controllers. Borzoi may be a conscious agent of the enemy, having an obvious background in the satanic mind destroying mills of academia. ---- Bad ideas are more popular than the truth because dumb people don't want to face that they're dumb and nearly worthless. ---- Only a biological perspective can save us. All spiritual and philosophical systems are universalist, denying the terrible fact that will shatter the world. There are four humanoid species. At least. ---- The best stories about AI and 'bias' are the ones where it does more than diagnose illness or recognize faces, which can be put down to 'irrelevant' factors as a cope. It's when the AI is able to draw generalizations from the vast trove of facts that things get hilarious. I believe one proposed killing all Africans. ---- Humans have programmable brains. That is our superpower. It is also introduces the possibility of malware that can run on our mind system. ---- The biological perspective firms up what our (biological) instincts told us already. Nationalism was undermined by a combination of religious dogma and special pleading by invaders who cloaked their bullshit in scientific jargon, most notably Franz Boas. ---- I suspect you think 'it's all Jews!' That is most certainly an error. Freemasonry admitted Jews, however most Masons were not Jewish and many of the errors plaguing us can be traced back to their universalist ideology. ---- Remember Michael Bellesiles, the 'historian' who claimed that the founding fathers generation owned almost no guns during the big gun control push 22 years ago? A librarian from a small town busted him for never having visited to see the original documents upon which he claimed to base his thesis and he vanished into the abyss. Who sang that book's praises, an emanation from the genocide machine seeking your death? Garry Wills, formerly of National Review. ---- Leftism is evil in political form. Always has been. ---- The non-Jewish left is 100% moral degenerates. The Jewish left is 100% genocidal enemies. ---- They're going to roll out European style privacy laws to ban doxxing in the US because antifa failed to contain the right, forcing the election steal among other things. Antifa techniques will be deprecated and replaced with hard power. Also pedos are being heavily impacted by right wing doxx attacks and that hits a little too close to home for the ruling cabal's comfort. ---- Forget about ham radio. The FCC was founded to shut down Father Coughlin. They live for silencing the right and they have plenty of lawfare tools, ones that broke the most popular radio personality of all time. The way is shut. ---- P.J. O'Roarke dead at age 74. After a promising start as a right libertarian he sold out to the neocons and shilled for Jew wars. Rot in Hell, P.J. ---- Just three: Untag me from all comment discussions amongst yourselves No pics in my comments No links in my comments (especially not Youtube, that's a guaranteed instablock) ---- You are laughably naive. FCC rules are about silencing Jew critical broadcasters. Literally the FCC was set up to throw sand in the gears of Father Coughlin. That's why the broadcast license used to be required to speak on AM and FM radio, the written test required to obtain the license was made too hard for a non-engineer like Coughlin to pass. ---- They've anticipated that, with cameras tracking you all over the evil cities. If you are spicy enough they will track you back to your vehicle and get your plates. Workaround: Bicycle. ---- OG conservatives remember when a Christian anti-homo group calculated the average homo lifespan based on obituaries in homo publications and discovered it was 42. So a 36 year hit to the lifespan, assuming men die at age 78. ---- US died on November 4, 2020 around 3 AM when the election steal was sealed. It can't be saved, it must be dissolved. ---- I have no idea how it will turn out. Given sufficient will they could all be executed and the trucks dragged out by the army. Or Trudeau could be booted out by a vote of no confidence. Or the provinces could nullify. Or the army could refuse orders to crackdown. We shall see. ---- The meme chokepoints have always been distribution and cost. Distribution impacts every medium. Almost all writers, no matter how far outside the mainstream, could find a printer to produce books, magazines and newsletters. In the worst case even a local print shop could run off a few hundred photocopies. Or to get really OG use a mimeograph machine you owned yourself. H.P. Lovecraft was part of a amateur publishing subculture in the 1920s. None of it had much cultural impact if the newstands and bookstores wouldn't stock your material. Lovecraft kept his fascist politics to himself for the most part, confining such musings to his self published magazines and letters. Cost has been the bottleneck for movies and television from the start. Digital cinema has finally ended that, but you still have the distribution problem. Also with no money your production isn't going to be that interesting to audiences raised on Marvel, Star Wars, Transformers and Harry Potter films. ---- Apolitical: The FBI considers someone painting a swastika on a synagogue a more serious terrorist attack than a black guy running over 60 people at a Christmas parade ---- Blackberry was killed because it was outside the GOOG and Apple matrix. Most popular feature? querty keyboard. It worked really well. Also they had their own super secure texting system. When a social or technical development doesn't impact politics the power players ignore it. That was the internet 1970-1993. It was effectively self governing in terms of free speech with local admins deciding what shared content would be permitted on their servers. The same was true of smartphones. Blackberry was popular in the business world, had no political relevance, so a Canadian company was permitted to dominate it. The moment social media apps began bending the arc of history the hammer came down. The first moral panic about computers and free speech focused on the dial up Stormfront BBS. So the system has been on high alert for the same thing so long as anyone reading this has been alive. Yes. Dead tree media used to publish fearmongering articles about the dark world of 'online' hate. Interesting to note that the libertarian nerd crowd tried to be reasonable and note that most online content was liberal to leftist and that free speech was good for the left. Gamergate ended that. ---- Sweden is what you get if you go full cultural Marxist. If Carter had been reelected then followed by two Mondale terms not only would we have got amnesty, we would be completely lost, the FCC or some other fed agency spun up for that purpose would have censored the internet from day one, if the commercial internet had ever been legalized at all. Guns would be banned nationwide using workarounds like those New York City did until SCOTUS intervened. No pro-gun rulings would have occurred. Homeschooling would be outlawed at the federal level and Muslim mass immigration would have brought tens of millions of invading terror troops in. The enemy modulates their attacks based on our weakness. Liberalism is suicide, and murderers like suicides, it saves them the trouble of killing. ---- There are orders that billionaires want to give that Mitch McConnell would not follow. There are even some that Lindsey Graham would not follow, possibly to the point where he would kill himself to avoid following them. So the fringe faggot concept of a 'uniparty' is a thought terminating cliche. ---- The evil forces pay for ops like Catturd because they work on some people. They have thousands of these fronts and shills. Catturd is a real low effort one, but NPCs don't require a lot of work to herd into the slaughter chute. ---- Arthur Dent should have decapitated Mr. Prosser. That is the penalty for stealing a man's home. ---- The leftist extrapolates from Christian dogma and fears crusade. The Christian extrapolates the cost of orthodoxy and fears discomfort. ---- London is a center of evil, which explains how broken the formerly great people of the UK have become. The most advanced techniques for the domestication and torture of men were perfected there. They executed 1% of the male population for a thousand years. The critical inflection point was total disarmament. That is how a few thousand pedophile demon worshippers control sixty million buck broken pussies. ---- Canada is doing this because they're afraid. Canadians were supposed to be completely buck broken. They hope that with one final swift attack they can crush their will for all time. This worked in the UK, if they can extend it to the commonwealth they will then work on extending it to the really hard case, the US. ---- If the feds are raiding you it's over. The point is to increase the cost of stealing money. Every dissident should stop using banks beyond the minimum needed to pay current bills, if you do automatic billpay. ---- No, we need a real dictator with absolute power for a year. He can wipe out debts, expel alien invaders, break up monopolies and exile traitors. ---- If it's money make do with less money. If it's family, no good solution since I assume they won't move. If it's friends move and get new friends. ---- If you obey the coronahoax rules you are a slave. I warned about this from March 2020 on. ---- The problem with the Club of Rome model is it's an ALIBI. The world controllers planned to demolish the White industrial world so they left some breadcrumbs for too clever by half weirdos to cling to. None of this is inevitable. We're not running out of most resources. Even oil depletion has been slowed drastically by fracking. A dictator could raise America to new heights of glory in a few months. It happened before in Europe. It can happen here. ---- If the government can hurt you with the push of a button they will hurt you often. Ownership means they need to send men in to get your stuff, or you. Physical men in 3D space. Men with throats. ---- From 1929 to 1982 the common man distrusted banks and preferred to take their chances with a stash of cash. Those days will return. ---- I guess some of you vermin need reminders: No pics or links in my comments If you respond to someone else's comment in my comments untag me These are not requests ---- Mass extermination drones will have only limited force projection abilities. They can't afford to deploy 100 million million dollar drones. They will be light and agile. But they won't even have a .22 cartridge worth of power. They will rely on poison. Thicc cloth armor might work. Or even bamboo. The drone fears the samurai. ---- Democracy is plutocracy. Evil money men wanted coronahoax and they got it. And most likely the majority of Canadians DID get the deadly mRNA shot. So crushing the truckers is majority rule - majority will being generated by plutocrat manipulations, but hey, what else has democracy EVER been? ---- I reiterate that the ideal scenario is no smartphone. If you must have one do not keep it near you. Vital contacts should get your landline. You should have a landline. It is actually covered by the old privacy laws. When in its soundproof box it can't hurt to place that box near a white noise source, a central air unit for example. ---- The dirty secret Rob Colbert doesn't know is that Gab doing what Gab promised is not popular. Imagine hundreds of hardcore trolls all looking to outdo each other in posting grotesque horrifying depraved content. In other words what 4chan was reputed to be, but wasn't. No MAGAtard could survive that. Few even made it past the first wave. Post election 2016 Gab was getting 10,000 posts a day. It stagnated there until the first crowdfunding, after which Torba used some of the cool million he raised to pay for spambots to gin up some metrics to hype the next crowdfund. ---- Wrong. Personality is genetic. Next you'll be telling me anyone can sprinkle themselves with holy water and become a good person. ---- Biden ran on an openly anti-White platform so if you think he won legitimately you believe that American voters want and crave White genocide. ---- The finest posts require knowledge of at least four esoteric subjects to understand and no one likes or reposts them but I chuckle knowingly when I repost them myself 12 hours later. ---- Is schizo the go to insult now or do hundreds of my readers assume I am insane because I tell them their smartphone is listening to them? (an objective fact) ---- That's why you should get rid of all smart devices with microphones. If you have a work related reason to have a smartphone keep it sandboxed when off duty. Ideally leave it in a separate room in a soundproof box. You can't hack it if it's off, though you can rig it so when they turn it on it gets hacked. The issue with smartphones is the courts have ruled any data hoovered up by their evil corporate masters is admissable as evidence against you. NSA only rarely intervenes in criminal or civil cases. Not soundproof. Primary threat is blobs of transcibed conversations sent as telemetry. It probably doesn't do any local parsing, just records strings of phonemes to be interpreted by the big iron at HQ. Phoneme shorthand (my own thought experimental invention) is the best way for evil devices to send everything you say to their home servers. They don't have the bandwidth yet to send a full audio stream. As this is for intelligence gathering they don't need it to be admissable in court or have a chain of evidence. Just a voiceprint signature at the start for each new voice then phoneme strings with silence times noted for the Master Control Program to parse at its leisure. ---- You sweet summer child Google is Jews, Apple is fags. Both want all Gab users dead dead dead. Permissions mean nothing. ---- Yeah, disregarding the sounds women make is advisable. They will 180 the moment men change their minds. ---- The city machines in key states generated millions of fake votes. I won't discuss this with anyone who denies that. It's my bare minimum situational awareness bar. ---- The systemic injection of ugly women into key roles is by far the most damning sign that the whole thing is a meme malware megaphone not an industry. The spiteful mutants are full mask off and they will no longer tolerate the insult that good looking women inflict on them. I am not kidding, that is the actual motive. ---- You see, they are not yet fully in control. They fear us. Without giving anyone cause to arrest you... keep them afraid. ---- Does anyone not understand that there are layers of system defense? No one has fuck you money. Trump was POTUS and is a billionaire and he bent the knee to Mitch fucking McConnell on January 7, 2021. The sovereign decides. Evil is sovereign and it does not tolerate any other power nexus. We aren't dead because we have no power. The man of destiny will have the ability to deflect enemy attacks across all realms long enough to gather his army. I mean army actual. Joe ain't him. ---- Truckers are in fact doing a peaceful revolt. Finance runs every 'democracy' so of course they do not want revolts happening. The money men become poor men the moment we win. They might even become poor men if we just scare the government enough to throw us some easy meat. Because even a gelid feeb like Mitch McConnell knows at some level that by having actual STATE power he could grind up and spit out a hundred Elon Musks before breakfast without breaking a sweat. ---- Ted Turner was critical of Israel. That's why he was paid off and pushed out in the AOL-Time Warner merger. ---- You only need one good lawyer to tell you if you lie about how you're going to use funds you solicit you can go to prison. Ask Jim Bakker. ---- Leftist anti-nuclear power propaganda gives away the game. Electricity they will allow: None at all. ---- Trump is a borderline psychopath, if not a full one. Throwing the January 6 protesters under the bus established that. ---- Also Canadians are notoriously obedient. The commonwealth nations - Australia and New Zealand as well - seem to be the test beds for total panoptic tyranny. ---- Work machine should have zero personal stuff. Zero. I always say that if you have a good job that requires using enemy stuff firewall it. If that means buying a second laptop to use at home, well, if the job pays well enough do it. ---- Most of the enemy 'plan' is improvised. There is a goal, but no blueprint. They're constantly experimenting. Covid-19 shut down the right wing fear of government replacing it with fear of an overhyped disease so they went with that for a while. As it loses its potency thanks to the lack of millions of corpses in the streets they will roll out another scam. ---- Steven Spielberg has long been rumored to have been present on location when Vic Morrow and two Vietnamese children were killed by a helicopter during the filming of the Twilight Zone film. That would be when he was approached by Flagg and offered the key. Spielberg dark side timeline June 4 1982 Poltergeist released November 4 1982 Dominique Dunne, who played Dana Freeling in Poltergeist, murdered July 23 1982 Vic Morrow killed on location shooting Twilight Zone: The Movie, produced by Spielberg, along with two children. May 23 1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom released June 8 1984 Gremlins released June 7 1985 The Goonies, written by Spielberg and Chris Columbus, released Sep 14 1985 Julian Beck, who played Reverand Kane in Poltergeist II, dies during filming May 23 1986 Poltergeist II: The Other Side released February 1 1988 Heather O'Rourke, Carol Anne in Poltergeist, dies while filming Poltergeist III June 10 1988 Poltergeist III released ---- Trump does deserve half the blame for coronahoax. He could have aborted it by countersignaling, firing the heads of the CDC and FDA and putting 'fast track TREATMENT' guys in instead of pharma shills. ---- The younger someone is the less they care about World War II. I have read quite a few books on the subject, seen dozens of movies and read vast numbers of online essays. I've been a revisionist on the causes of the war since I read Rothbard's articles on lewrockwell dot com ages ago. ---- Notice they haven't got the state licensing boards to start pulling licenses for plumbers or electricians for speech crimes. They can't. There's a shortage already and the licensed trades are a chokepoint for the entire construction industry. Right now the ruling stratum is evacuating the cities their policies destroyed and they need new estates and offices in untainted zones at speed. ---- Anime originated after the war with Japanese artists who admired Walt Disney's style and imitated it. Early anime is completely innocent. Gigantor is a good example. ---- Darwinism is so much more merciless than religious fundamentalism. Really, you must try it. ---- No one needs to test chromosomes. The human brain devotes vast computational resources to the analysis of other humans, particularly the face. If something is even a little bit off it creeps people out. This is the origin of the notorious 'uncanny valley' problem as seen in Polar Express. People might not be sure what's wrong with you, but they know something ain't right. In the battle between one man and 700 million years of evolution I know which way I'm betting. ---- This is why I emphasize mutation, deception and avoiding old tropes. Tradition is of no help in war. 'That's just what they'll be expecting us to do.' The zone of war is one of endless innovation, and this holds true for cold ones as well as hot. The WASPs deserve every bit of contempt Jews have for them because they refused to adapt. They ceded the entire culture because they hated machines. Read Paul Fussell's Class, not just because it's an excellent book, but because it contains a treasure trove of nearly forgotten lore about the former owners of the United States. At one time the mere presence of a television was proof of low class origins. These idiots were even more oblivious to the advent of computers. ---- Wrong. China is a problem because they're not under absolute control. The sole purpose of Google is enslaving Whites in preparation for killing us. Every other purpose, for example making people happy and content, has been superceded by the genocide plan. This decision probably dates to the weeks after the 2016 election when they realized the blood of Numenor was not spent, nor all its pride and dignity forgotten. ---- Nothing personal about you should be on the readable internet, and you should minimize your interactions with corporations as well. No cloud photo albums. No public photo albums. No real name social media. Never post personal details about your life or photos of your location, friends, family or self even on anon social sites. ---- It appears that most White people see Google as no threat. Imagine Google household robots. At the appointed time they execute Order 66 - kill all Whites. Race verified by 23 and Me, also run by a GOOG Jew. ---- I will treat this as a legit question. The enemy knows something about nearly everyone but they don't know everything and they want to know more. Why? Because more is better. They need to refine their kill lists, for one thing. The dabbler who indulges in trolling for lulz is not as dangerous as the true believing fanatic called by god to smite enemies. You want to avoid being precision targeted. How to begin reducing your fingerprint? Delete all real name social media and get rid of your smartphone. Replace with burner. ---- Windows 10 is a botnet and keylogger and this has been accepted by almost all big computer users, who are substantially less retarded than phone users. ---- Oh, there's not gonna be a gulag. Coronahoax was the trial run for gulags and we wouldn't meekly submit and go into them. When the hammer falls its going to be robot death squads. No slave labor, only death. ---- 'This technical document will defeat the Jews once and for all!' Hosts it on Jew owned server designed to doxx all visitors. I can't invent satire this dark. ---- White genocide is a technical problem. How do you kill 700 million people when those 700 million include all of the best soldiers? You build mechanical soldiers that you can absolutely control. That's why Google is obsessed with AI and robotics. ---- 'you're not going to get gulag'd for clicking on a google drive link.' That's where you're wrong, kiddo. Google is building self driving cars as a prelude to hunter killer White genocide droids. ---- The typical Google employee might not consciously believe in White genocide but they do believe in Gab genocide. They literally want you killed. ---- News sites don't use javascript to improve the user experience, they use it to get around your adblocker and manipulate you into clicking on more pages. ---- For long articles pure text is the gold standard. Any computer can read it, it can be searched and it can contain links that, if you read on a plain enough text editor, can't be accidentally clicked. Never read them in a word processor. All of them now make hyperlinks clickable. Sad! ---- PDF is searchable and allows complex page layout. That's the only advantage it has over a series of GIFs, jpgs or pngs. Everything else about it is cancer. ---- We are seven years into the hardcore shuttening that began in 2015 as the Trump campaign ramped up and the enemy suddenly noticed that they had failed to secure a major front in the meme war and most of you still use enemy services whose purpose is to study your weaknesses so they can figure out how to kill you. ---- Oh, also PDFs can IP doxx you if you use a conventional PDF reader. All data should be distributed as read only images and pure text that can't invoke an internet connection. ---- DO NOT CLICK ON THAT LINK. Just look at the incoherence revealed here. The utter idiocy. The suicidal reckless disregard for all opsec. A vomit of retard from a realm of blind idiot gods shrieking at the core of the manifold. If this is the best White nationalists have got we deserve to be exterminated. * Google drive doxes you, machine fingerprints you, and GOOG is the Jew of Jews, Jew prime if you will, the technics manager of our extermination. ---- By the way, if you do switch to one of the federated Twitter clones like Freespeechextremist you should get a blocking program and configure it to block all offsite images. Or always use a proxy when visiting. Many enemies run single user instances where they can see all the server logs and they can IP doxx you by sending you a DM with an embedded image. ---- I hate bureaucrats. I merely describe the process that sometimes exposes the machinations of the evildoers. They can't tell every minion 'watch your mouth, we're doing crimes here!' ---- Nope. Dylan Roof made things substantially worse. If you have no numbers lashing out doesn't work. An insurgency emerges from either a incredibly intense cult or a large shift in public desires that the existing system cannot satisfy. No such cult exists and the feds devote all their efforts to crushing any that look promising. Mass opinion is the one route still open thanks to legacy institutions. ---- I refer to the ability to act in the world. The enemy has effectively imposed a severe penalty on anyone who dares raise their voice against them. That incentive system must be reversed. There are technical means, as well as memetic ones. Lying is very important. ---- Nothing has changed because each of us has not redpilled a million people. If you had just the White men awake that would be it. The enemy would capitulate once they reached their hidey holes in New Zealand or Israel or wherever their particular variant nests. Consider the most obvious metric: The right is at least 70% Christian. Yet there is no 'based church.' Why? We are very thin on the ground, far too thin to form a congregation even in a major metro area in the south. The critical path is: Build platforms, create our own media, recruit millions, win. ---- Youtube has the worst monetization of any streaming service. All you get is a small cut of the negligible ad revenue (95% of viewers opt to skip ads) and GOOG manipulates that, as a class action lawsuit is now alleging. A famous animator got two million views and got $200 in revenue, and that was BEFORE the massive collapse in ad revenue that happened 2010-present. Anyone using GOOG services is an enemy of the right. ---- Here's how: In the next Derek Chauvin trial at least two jurors will say 'Fuck this, we refuse to convict.' Same goes for anyone involved in terminating a jogger casing a joint or whatever. Also you get immense boycotts that put the fear of God in retailers. Also you have the possibility of a Napoleon of the right emerging to lead the host to victory against cosmic evil. ---- The White majority is operating at 1% power or less. That means we have immense potential power. It only needs to be unleashed by a preference cascade. Meanwhile the pig system is wheezing along running past the redline in a desperate effort to prevent said cascade. You can't run on turbo boost mode for decades. They know their time is short, so you get immense errors like stealing the 2020 election. I can smell their fear. I have no intent of comforting them. ---- GOP is useless. We need a counterculture of the most severe kind. Only help each other, consider all credentials issued by the existing ruling stratum to be marks of Cain. ---- Elites rise up out of the mass. If 1% of men are elite class you need a million converts to skim off 10,000 capable men. ---- That really happened. A single mistake on the command line erased the entire contents of the main Pixar server which held the sole HD copy of Toy Story 2. They quickly got the drive to a data recovery service that was able to bring it back. I believe the butterfingered employee in question was a woman. ---- They are conditionally afraid. They know if their secret rituals were ever revealed they would be punished, perhaps with extreme prejudice. Men without fear rule openly. Our ruling stratum is so afraid they fund a vast machinery of censorship and disinformation to generate oceanic ink clouds in which they can hide. ---- My hosts file is so big I don't really see the same internet that zoomers do. ---- Porn has an endpoint, if you catch my meaning. You can play a multiplayer open world RPG for 16 hours a day. ---- Multitasking is a globalist mindfuck. It is impossible. You do one thing at a time if you want it done well. ---- Meanwhile they are determined to never do a Christian Christmas doodle. People who think I am anti-Christian have never met an elite secular Jew. ---- I've been here since 2016 and I've noticed that the more an account supports Hitler the greater its ability to pass the Turing Test. Most likely to be fake? MAGA shit. ---- I'm referring more to the fact that they were so easily manipulated into self immolating by starting shit with Germany that led to invasion and then postwar Soviet occupation. Germany and Japan's high IQ produced more impressive results. ---- Once you realize that ideas only 'take' in minds biologically suitable for them you stop attempting to convert fiends and start figuring out how to physically remove them. ---- US foreign policy isn't absurd. Number one priority: Protect Israel Number two priority: Crush nationalism, particularly in White countries Three, faggotry, endless faggotry. ---- Most of you carry smartphones. That means you have chosen death at the hands of GOOGjews who know your every micro trait. They will consult those records when they have you strapped to the table in Room 101. Maybe get rid of that fiend machine now. ---- We need time. Right now enough Whites are broken and memetic suppression at high enough levels that the man of destiny is just as likely to become a Marxist as one of us. DeSantis buys us TIME. Note that the utter failure of the right to disconnect from enemy systems continues. Most species go extinct. We are on that path at least in North America. I prefer not to die immediately so I will vote for a total sellout psychopathic piece of shit who extends the runway. ---- If the 50 state union exists in 2040 it will be actively exterminating the White population. The blood frenzy is upon our enemies, if they have 50% that will be the go signal. So technotronic visions of 2035 could not be more fucking irrelevant. The pig system had better be teetering on collapse by then or we are dead dead dead. ---- You're saying we need to give up high investment parenting to keep up with scum filth vermin parasites imported by the millions. How about we kick all the filth out instead, starting with you? ---- Introversion is opsec. ---- Wrong. We desperately need more runway because as of now with 55% White people the Marxist system will WORK. There are too many traitors, too few awake. USSR was able to make use of the Russian people as docile work animals. We need to break the conditioning before the Marxists take over or it will be the USSR all over again. ---- Kitler: The same government telling you to get vaccinated is also distributing crack pipes. Dread: At least with crack I can look up the odds it will kill me and get some long term data. ---- Lbry, which Odysee evolved from, used to work without GOOG cancer. They sold out. ---- I suspect Bill Gates was compromised by Jeffrey Epstein. 1975-1995 Gates was a boring but psychopathic nerd whose evil manifest as theft and greed. So easy meat for a pimp with unlimited sex slaves to offer. ---- Tom Wolfe never got cancelled because he was the perfect striver, his social radar precision tuned to navigate the maze of death. The enemy is perfectly happy to have a completely compliant genius who can take their most unpopular edge cases down a peg with clever precision attacks. Just so long as everyone knows that Jews are in charge and will destroy anyone who openly defies them. ---- Helen Keller was 100% fraudulent. I assume Anne Frank wrote at least some of the diary. ---- The core error of the extreme National Socialist is thinking that Trump was fully compromised before January 7, 2021. A person can adore Jews, do whatever they command and still be a problem if he lacks the personality resonance to do precisely what they demand WITHOUT BEING ASKED. That's Trump. ---- You are equating things that are utterly different in kind. Parents would kill any politician who raped their kids openly. I dare say a majority would do it, and do it with confidence that no jury would convict them. The pedos fear us and you are trying to REDUCE THEIR FEAR with your blackpilled idiocies. You are almost as bad as the meme malware brooding body Borzoi, who makes similar claims as to the total buck broken psychology of White men. I dispute this. I say the pedophiles should quake with terror every moment because there is no hole deep enough to hide them forever. ---- Thought experiments are useful. Why isn't the Prime Minister of Israel simply placed as the head of state in the US to govern the cucked union of buck broken White nations openly? Because that would trigger a global rebellion of course. Anyone who must use influence and trickery is weak. Strong men boast of their power and dominion. ---- Aside from never boosting enemy sites I fly the black flag. If I can slip past the immune system of some victim by evading their words you can't say filter I will do so. Usually power level is revealed by the end of said post, or a couple later when I slip the knife in. ---- The BIG BRAND faces nothing but downsides if they are up against a swarm of untouchable anons. The collective intelligence of the swarm can bring any system tool down, and all BIG BRANDS are system tools. ---- I don't hate Jews (I like Gilbert Gottfried, for example) but I hate the ADL and anyone involved in it gets deported. ---- Because of enemy promoted evils we are operating at a fraction of our power. Remember how freaked out the shills were about Patriot Front not being obese? Become the enemy your enemy fears. ---- Vice is always much worse than you think at the start, even in your personal life. Many who thought it was OK to be just 'a little overweight' are now dead. Those who throw all caution to the wind lose decades. Homosexuals never deboonked their average lifespan being 42 years. ---- They need 99% compliance to keep the racket going. You can crack consensus with two guys at a meeting. First guy opposes the Marxist, second guy expresses agreement. If they have 99% compliance there is no second guy. This is how you beat Marxists when things start falling apart. Find your second now so at the town meeting when you propose barricading the bridges against the POC horde some rootless cosmopolitan can't derail you with HIS consensus cracking mini-mob, which is probably him and his first cousin. ---- White people in North America form a pressure group or get enslaved then exterminated. The constant hate from the ruling stratum of all other groups makes that abundantly clear. ---- Technology, if it gets past the initial market resistance, is more powerful than politics. The immensely powerful railroad lobby could not save passenger rail once Henry Ford's cheap automobile was widely available. Warren Buffett couldn't save the newspaper business once the internet reached 90% penetration. ---- Mass transit died before Jim Crow was abolished. The Model T killed it. If you're in the older part of the country check out when the old rail beds were torn up. It's a lot earlier than you might imagine. Europe is denser and used to be less wealthy than the US. As the US is ratcheted down into poverty it will revert to mass transit. ---- Mass transit is an artifact of massive cities required for a gigantic economy when communication was extremely inefficient. If everyone wasn't in the same building nothing could get done when you were limited to telephone and telegraph and both cost a fortune for high bandwidth messages. That's when New York City had a unique advantage. ---- If the most right wing subject an eceleb will touch is trannies in women's sports they are usually false opposition. Jordan Peterson being the prototype. ---- Any attempt to deny Americans their cars would end in a massive landslide victory for whoever promised to stop them. If SCOTUS pulled some trick to do it extralegislatively they would be ignored. For some perspective they can't even get most Americans to wear masks anymore. Their credibility is shot. In terms of enemy agenda items anything without a strong anti-White element is secondary. Top priority is packing ballot boxes in rotten boroughs, amnestying as many illegals as possible, purging White men from all power chokepoints and letting in as many legal non-White immigrants as possible. Meta-strategies like abolishing private automobiles will have to wait. ---- John Roberts is a closeted faggot and likely pedophile. Any decision he makes is 100% demon approved. IT'S AFRAID ---- It fills me with a rage perhaps only you will understand that these posts 'documenting' the Thiel network include links that are Twitter searches. Yeah... that is gonna age well. Assume all enemy sites will erase vital evidence, including Gab. ---- The number of terminations is extremely small. Jeffrey Epstein, the kid they blew up who was connected to some pol who could have interfered with the steal, James Traficante, Isaac Kappy. They allow a great deal of stuff that scares them because the consequence of being caught terminating a dissident, well, they can't calculate it. If Murder Inc. had ever been nailed for killing JFK it would have been explosive, it would have changed everything. The control system is far more complex than just hit men. You have a vast reserve of CONSENT. It is chipping away at that consent so you get more trucker revolts that can deplete system resources. And I absolutely disagree that they rape kids in public. The libertarian psychopath who advocates pedophilia was suspended and local law enforcement arrests pedos regularly. If Hillary were caught red handed she could not escape justice except via the Epstein route. ---- Education is a massive enemy operation designed to break the mind of any White man who enters it and sterilize any White woman. Bribe your kids not to go. ---- If appointed Procurator of the North American Staging Area I pledge to award McCain's brain tumor the Iron Cross with Neutronium Cluster. ---- I would also note that Israel does not have SOVEREIGNITY over the US. If that were the case Netanyahu would have commanded we invade and occupy Iran, whatever the cost. ---- Here is my answer to anyone who assumes the enemy has TOTAL POWER: Why don't they hold their child rape rituals in public and go mask off? Because if they did they would lose their power. Borzoi the mental case whose politics are simply his clinical depression rationalized claims we are the Ottoman Empire. Absolutely wrong. We live under a soft power regime that is very afraid of its citizens who retain immense power. Under OG empires subjects couldn't own weapons of any kind, and the technological level was such that their most advanced machine was a horse drawn cart. Our system, as John Taylor Gatto noted, requires its workers to control vast engines of power. The Canadian trucker revolt is a perfect example of this. What marks the sovereign citizen is not his substantive powerlessness but his LAZINESS. He does not want to get off his ass and do anything. If he recommended a workable plan he'd have to participate if it came to pass. I respect every coronahoax rebel more than I respect the Qfaggots. ---- In the end it may come down to Canada, despite having no 1st Amendment, being much Whiter than the US. Paper won't stop the tide when the US occupying enemy army reaches parity, which is going to happen a lot sooner (numerically!) than 2045. ---- Thuggish MAGA dimwits and certain extreme right wingers love performative but meaningless masculine bullshit like extreme sports and having dangerous dogs. They're the types who drive big trucks to bully other people on the road. The 'Hey, watch this' morons who regularly lose limbs doing stupid shit faction. ---- You can't recruit via the enemy media because at this stage anyone reachable has tuned it out. ---- The primary method by which they blacklist people has to be smartphone surveillance, because that is far more reliable than reading lists. BAP, if he is an agent of evil, is there to install meme malware into his readers. ---- Selection effects are more powerful than astroturf. Doge shelters are full of pitbulls because no one wants them. All other breeds and sweet harmless mutts get snapped up immediately. ---- Not everything bad is the work of Jews trying to kill White people. Plenty of own goals happening. ---- Conventional theory of why George H. W. Bush was taken out by a full spectrum media and spoiler candidate attack is that James Baker was saying some mean words about Israel. However Bush's response to the LA riots (he quickly declared it an insurrection and the National Guard went in and shot looters until the rest got the message) may be an underestimated factor in tripping the shutdown sequence. ---- I saw how they were rigging the death rates in March 2020. Undercount infections, count diabetics with cancer who happened to have covid as covid deaths. ---- Anyone who gets reviewed instead of investigated by the enemy media should be regarded with suspicion. ---- If the work centered culture of the US 1789-2019 still prevailed the coronahoax shot mandate would have worked and been upheld. The Great Resignation was not part of the plan. ---- The forces of evil minimize their attack surface. That's why very few minions and agents have any idea what the plan is, or know only those critical elements needed to carry out their tasks. ---- When I think back on all the drugs I took in high school it's a wonder I can think at all. And though my life of medication hasn't hurt me none I can read the writing on the wall. Adrenochrooooome, it give us the demon powers, give us the keys to Hades, makes you think all the world's enslaved, oh yeah. I got a morgul dagger, I love to take the blood of children, so Soros don't take my adrenochrome away. (Sung to the tune of Kodachrome by Paul Simon, as Mad Magazine used to say) ---- The usurper regime's strongest motive to do a war, any war, is to provide cover for cracking down on us. ---- Reverse engineering proved Vox Day was worthless. He kept his GOOGblog longer than anyone. He also still takes credit cards. ---- Post moar anime. It is to boomers as a crucifix is to a vampire. ---- Why is Peter Thiel still sponsoring various deradicalization from our perspective but far to the right of the social justice cabal fronts and pundits? I don't think it's a pure Soros style op intended to assure White genocide. Thiel is White and he plans to live a long time. The clue comes from his 2016 GOP convention speech. Thiel wants 1960s optimistic pro-technology capitalism back, with lower marginal tax rates and faggotry legal. If civilization crashes the way San Francisco and Portland are crashing under full globopedo rule that means no life extension, no nanotechnology and, perhaps more pressing, no fresh antiviral drugs. ---- Election steal involves mechanics normies can understand, running ballots through the machines over and over, rigging the machines (they don't get the coding aspect, but they know computers can be hacked), printing up fake ballots, concealing the dirty deeds by ejecting GOP monitors. Now note that knowing is not half the battle, the steal worked. My point about gas chamber chemistry is there is no aspect of the discussion that non-technical people can intuitively understand. It could not be more esoteric. Also the big books deboonking it came out decades ago and were available as free PDFs 20 years ago and nothing has changed, aside from antifa power growing. ---- Good lord, I follow some blackpilled motherfuckers. Everything is back to normal, covid shit is done. I only hear about it from miserable wretches who ignored my advice to move out of the poz zones a decade ago. ---- Lots of people see that the ruling stratum is attempting to crash civilization but very few know why. ---- The ability to prevent doxxing from ruining lives is the key. Crack that code and you're halfway there. ---- Can you spot a dishonest argument from someone close to you ideologically? It's tricky. ---- The tranny freaks are in government in force because they are absolutely reliable servants of evil. #Bioleninism ---- The same national character traits that make nations prosper make them uniquely vulnerable to parasites. ---- When they stole the election that was their subtle way of telling you there is no lawful solution. ---- If you're on Linux you're probably safe from most exploits. In the case of this particular problem Pleroma did an update that broke many features if you use high security settings. One was replacing jpgs and pngs with svgs. There are exploits that make use of svgs to carry their evil payload, apparently. I believe the Gab hack used one. In any event I took that Pleroma change as an excuse not to use the normal interface anymore. So no more normal Pleroma links for me, not even to trusted sites like FSE. ---- Since the Fed began shunting trillions into stonks to prop up the market and that job was given to a fanatical White hating Jew faggot, yep. Only those the plunge protection fund disfavors are subject to market forces. ---- You get as much abuse from government as you will tolerate. Australians done goofed. ---- Usury, gambling and opioids, the libertarian holy trinity. Pedophilia, the libertarian esoteric teaching. ---- The gun culture US thing is not obvious to foreigners. It's not that the government looks at the powerful insurgency of armed freedom fighters knocking them off regularly and hesitates, it's that they look at the logistical problem of confiscating guns if, say, they set up Australian style covid concentration camps and think better of it. It is possible the feds vastly overestimate the will and courage of the boomers. But they can't know that for sure unless they really start getting in their face. The least armed states had the worst coronahoax lockdowns. Also US gun culture is a manifestation of anarchism, as gun hating Jew Stephen Pinker correctly notes. A people with a little anarchy in them... you never know what might set them off. ---- Trannies aren't just crazy, they're evil. If you go too far into evil it can drive you mad. Lovecraft understood this. ---- Video games are more addictive than porn. ---- If you're a fit intelligent White man and you go to an elite university the enemy will attempt to convert you to a Judas goat - a faggot, tranny, or at least an ideological Marxist. Failing that they will attempt to install meme malware to render you impotent both physically and ideologically. Do not assume that you have strong enough antiviral software to resist this swarm attack by malware adepts, not even if you are smarter than any one of them in single combat. ---- Leftism is the political manifestation of evil. Evil people rarely get better. They usually get worse. ---- May 2021 I believe it was that the CDC announced that anyone who got the mRNA shot no longer needed to wear the mask and mask mandates even in shitlib states immediately collapsed and as there was no mechanism to confirm shot status unmasking was universal. ---- There are a bunch of other great evils accomplished by coronahoax beyond stealing the 2020 election and attempting a digital passport (which does exist in a few blighted deep blue redoubts in the US). Ratcheting down the economy without having Fed policy take the blame. Destroying local small business which does not have HR trannies and dykes running employment, thus empowering their ability to destroy people at will for thought crimes. Conditioning everyone to obey petty orders such as those infuriating one way grocery store aisles (TRS endorsed those at one point) ---- The 'Jews were afraid' thing is the latest TRS spin. TRS was wrong about coronahoax from day one. I figured out it was a hoax in March 2020. Smart Jews knew they were in no danger. Therefore it was an op to get two things: The medical digital passport and to rid themselves of Trump. ---- My working theory about Christianity vs. Paganism in Rome is that around 300 AD Paganism had reached the point that Christianity has in Europe in 2020 AD. The ruling stratum no longer believed in it and hadn't for some time. As that loss of faith trickled down to the multitudes they clung to the strongest liferaft to immortality and meaning they could find. ---- If the Jew who lept to the front of the crowd to proclaim himself leader makes some underhanded deal that gets the truckers to go home having gained no concessions I'll be blackpilled. However I find that many right wing pro-liberty Jews are in fact hardcore. Because the covid hoax has no DIRECT RACIAL SALIENCE there are a good many Jews who want it over just as much as I do. ---- I declare it a success in that people are breaking enemy laws at scale. Tom Metzger used to say that one of the reasons negroes got what they wanted was that they were willing to destroy if they didn't. To see Canadians making moves in that direction is entirely positive and I don't care if Schlomo Goldsteinbergensilverdiamond is wetting his beak in the process. ---- If you use the 'If a Jew is involved it is fake' metric then the entire world outside perhaps Iran is now a Jew matrix and you may as well throw in the towel. ---- The unhinged White genocide fanatic (Kamala) is more dangerous than the go along to get along with Jew power opportunist (DeSantis) ---- The covid passport was the payload of coronahoax. ---- As I noted, those on Poast disagree with my anti-government views. I believe the GOP, as the somewhat more libertarian party, is useful to us because it inhibits the rollout of the INSTRUMENTALITY of White genocide. ---- Don't post your location. Evaluating states requires multi-factor analysis. More White is better... unless its a total shitlib state like Minnesota or Vermont. I take the controversial view (on Poast anyway) that GOP support is a proxy for healthy politics. But in the end demographics prevail, so 38% White Texas is a poor bet. I like the Dakotas. Forget about accessing deep water ports, the enemy figured that out and assured they have a foothold wherever such exist. I have nothing to say about taking up arms. ---- Can paganism win? I'll let you know when the pagan warlord emerges. ---- The 50 state union can't be salvaged. This has implications for political activism, primarily your goal must be delegitimizing the federal government, assuming you don't intend to hoist the black flag and go rogue immediately. If you have an organization with an address and real name leaders your task is clear: Chip away at the system by exposing its most UNPOPULAR lies. Right now that's coronahoax. ---- Regular people aren't into this stuff because by definition a regular person accepts all the lies the system tells them. ---- If you don't know the 2020 election was stolen you can't comment intelligently on US politics. ---- The pig system depends on six sigma reliability. Always has. Only willing White freemen can provide it. ---- The same internet comms that allowed every pervert to spin up social proof that their kink is OK lets normal people spin up social proof that perverts should be hunted down and drowned in bogs. ---- Why do debooooooonkers constantly emphasize 'anecdote is not evidence'? How do you solve a criminal case? By finding evidence. That evidence is unique to the situation. If you describe it... anecdotal. The crimes of the enemy are well concealed, so only anecdotes escape containment. ---- Gun control is the issue where 'right wing' Jews often out themselves as the enemies of America. Charles Krauthammer, piss be upon him, was foolish enough to reveal his desire for total civilian disarmament when the 'Assault Weapons Ban' was passed. ---- All intelligent men know Jews are different and act in ways that annoy / disturb / hurt non-Jews. That is the spectrum - whether you believe Jews annoy or exterminate their enemies or something in between the extremes. Only retards don't understand at all. ---- There is never a systemic backlash against surveillance capitalism because those who are most angry about it don't use those 'products' at all. Facebook only gets hard pushback when their shadow profiles of non-users surface. Google, same thing with Google Glass where people wearing the things got their asses kicked. ---- It's retaliation for countersignaling coronahoax. Everyone in media gets these signals regularly, management makes clear what the latest red lines are. Rogan ignored this one so they used what they had. I bet they have more. I guarantee there is some me too shit. That is the final weapon they use on straight men. All women are liars so it works on woman believers. ---- There is zero chance that internal combustion engine automobiles will be banned in the US by 2030. Worry more about things that might really happen. ---- Joe Rogan is the victim of a professional media hit. I disagree with their theory about motive. These SuperPACs and media companies can be spun up and dissolved at will. It's not about clout, it's about destroying Joe Rogan who threatens multiple agenda items on their nation wrecking checklist. ---- What would happen to someone who gave Maus a bad review? Now you know the rest of the story. ---- Centralization and rule by bureaucrats maximizes misery. Covid-19 response is the archetypal example, entirely based on fear, devoid of insight into production or happiness, entirely spiteful and destructive. Anarchy is preferable to the administrative state because at least then you soon get a warlord to whom you can plead your case. ---- Joe Rogan's current plight will be familiar to anyone who remembers how the pig system dealt with Ron Paul. Early on before he became a meme neocons were trying to primary him out and poison the well. It was only when he became a potential threat that they rolled out the faggot Jew to smear him in mouth of Sauron central, the New Republic, on the day before the first primary. ---- Normies hate communism and they're right. Adopting commie symbolism only confuses the issue. ---- Any concept pushed by the neoliberal ruling stratum should be regarded with the greatest suspicion. Climate change. Covid lockdowns. Modern monetary theory. UBI. ---- Google was set up by the NSA and CIA. Google scuttled their Facebook clone. Therefore the deep state wants social media to go away. ---- It's the false positive problem. They tighten the controls and they end up creating more enemies who they banned or deleted for harmless nonsense. But soft power control lets vast torrents of heresy slip through. Covid is a perfect example, they forgot to tell whoever tallied flu death numbers to keep them from dropping by 95%, making it super obvious flu cases were being used to juice up covid deaths. It's an incalculable problem even if they weren't senile fucktards, which they indeed are. ---- Anyone still bloviating about ending the Fed is a hopeless rube. ---- Jeri Ryan was added to Star Trek: Voyager because none of the original actresses were hot enough and everyone involved knew it. Kate Mulgrew's first big TV role was playing Mrs. Columbo, a show so wretched Peter Falk refused to let them show a picture of him on the mantle. ---- Anti-essentialism, which is what Ernst Mayr called his anti-Nazi stance, must inevitably lead to a ban on all heirarchical classification. Who are you to judge a mongoloid? They are just as valid as a genius or a slime mold. ---- There is no neutrality. Stop being a fucking pussy. ---- Reminder: Justin Trudeau is the bastard son of Fidel Castro. ---- Christianity is feminine to the degree that it is voluntary. The Borgias wouldn't have any interest in taking over a megachurch, they'd be running Microsoft. ---- The Roman Empire was pagan and it took centuries for Christian Europe to equal and eventually surpass its glory. I'd say that in terms of per capita innovation and IQ ancient Greece is number one all time champ, greater than any Christian culture, and again, pagan. ---- Facebook's collapse was a warning shot from the powers. Get your users under control... or else. ---- Yep. Almost all player characters are men. ---- Truckers are in fact doing a peaceful revolt. Finance runs every 'democracy' so of course they do not want revolts happening. The money men become poor men the moment we win. They might even become poor men if we just scare the government enough to throw us some easy meat. Because even a gelid feeb like Mitch McConnell knows at some level that by having actual STATE power he could grind up and spit out a hundred Elon Musks before breakfast without breaking a sweat. The government could rapidly shift the balance of power by SWATing a couple of billionaires. Sure, the dead man switch might be tripped but the politicians could say the videos were deep fakes and the billionaires, well, they would stay dead. With asset forfeiture you can reduce Sergey Brin to Sherman McCoy at the end of Bonfire of the Vanities with the stroke of a pen. This is why the billionaires are the final bosses against us, not antifa scum who will be easily dealt with by the man of destiny when the time comes. They are the ones who fear the power of the sovereign in their guts and work tirelessly to keep it placated. You misunderstand money men. So did I, so it's excusable. Men of money do everything with bribes and lawfare. They have no idea what to do when they come up against people who can't be bought and who control the courts. Trump has never had someone roughed up in his life. He hires lawyers not lead pipe wops. ---- Despite his endorsement of Fuentes and his strange talk about women Andrew Anglin is still a free speech hero. ---- The Marxists need us weak so they can kill us. Every leftist has murder in their soul. ---- I 'knew a guy' who dated a girl who thought he was a drug dealer because her friends warned her about him. When she found out his boring actual source of income she left. Many such cases! ---- MeToo is a sterilization op. ---- Trouble is the artists are compromised by blackmail and contracts. You can't get them to switch to a more beneficial system. Prince's decline and fall was due to his willingness to go all the way to escape their clutches. ---- Before the internet I haunted used bookstores and never once in multiple cities over many years did I spot a truly heretical right wing book in the wild. Closest thing to dissent was a little bit of Gary North, but his revisionism was limited to isolationist hate facts about Pearl Harbor. Oh, and John Birch Society stuff which turned up in junk shops where there was no system monitor to send them to the shredder. ---- Trump was the highest law enforcement officer in the country. Woodrow Wilson used to wander around D.C. arresting people! Trump could have pardoned all the protesters and deputized his entire mailing list and taken it all by force. But he's a pussy. ---- If you decide to live near the centers of power in an evil country you will be engulfed in evil. It can't be saved, get out. ---- White strike. They need us, we don't need them. That's why they are absolutely terrified of what the internet was becoming and still could become. Once we know we have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about their hold dissolves like mist in the sun. ---- Disobedience works. The system wants you dead. Be your own department of sabotage. ---- Of the cultural Marxist issues 'the legacy of slavery' is the one that has the most traction in the US. This makes sense because there is at least a slightly plausible story connecting past 'sins' to present day problems. I have never met even one native born American who felt guilty about the holocaust. ---- It's all about the promiscuity with these fags. Median number of LIFETIME sex partners for normal men and women is no more than ten. Median number for fags is hundreds. ---- Do you follow the no-smartphone protocol, with no smart device with a microphone permitted at any meetup, including patting down and using electronic and metal detection devices to intercept any who 'forgot' to leave their phone at home? ---- Somehow this seems over complicated. My impression, having been in diverse areas, is as follows: By age 30 or so all intelligent men know about Jews having a lot of power. It also becomes clear what the third rail issues are - overt Jew hate, any trash talk about their sacred holocaust and any overt racisms. Why do people obey? Fear of immense Jewish power. End of story. No one aside from shitlib women (0.5%) feels any guilt at all. ---- At this point most serious Gab posters know Trump was a failure. My least popular take is that if you go full 'IT'S THE JEWS!' in real life you gonna get raped, so even if that is your opinion you should focus on undermining system legitimacy instead. Remember, taboos are imposed by respected authority. End respect for authority and you end the taboos too. ---- If sex is not serious and not potentially harmful it becomes very difficult to argue against any form of perversion. Homosexuals tend to argue on the basis of those premises. Of course homosexuals engage in by far the most harmful forms of sex, so they have a vested interest in downplaying the danger. I only just learned that homos have... problems.......... with controlling their bowels due to... damage. ---- ---- Wrong. Protests work if they are a show of actual strength. Canadian truckers show how labor unions were able to extract concessions from greedy plutocrats. Raw power. ---- Karl Marx was insane and his followers have always been insane. ---- Canadian truckers are doing it correctly by: Fighting for a popular cause. Not getting bogged down in your crackpot artisinal issues. Not being violent... yet. ---- Without White slavery the White genocide plan won't work. White slavery has always been tricky. We're very good at rebelling. ---- They need us. Attention you fucking Jews and brown spiteful freaks: You. Need. Us. We need only go on strike and you all perish. So stop fucking with us, eh? ---- The no blackpills policy holds even if the blackpiller sometimes turns out to be right. The Canadian truckers might win. Therefore you say they can win. Therefore you cheer them on. Spiteful little nobodies sniping at heroes get what they fucking deserve. ---- Anyone blackpilling re: the Canadian truckers is enemy. I have spoken. ---- Grievance politics is just one form of meme malware. Cultural Marxism is a malware toolkit. ---- What monster could possibly forget such atrocities as obscene as the wooden doors on gas chambers, the disconnected chimneys, the masturbation machines, the disintegrating electric floors, the bendable shotguns, the oven rollercoaster, the hand swap transplants, the bear and the eagle . . . Sick people! ---- The Wall is cruel. This is why aggressive weight loss doesn't work to make women look significantly younger past a certain time point (40-45). They instead look hollowed-out, gaunt and somewhat masculinized. Male limbic systems are incredibly sensitive to visual cues and hard to fool. Of course, staying fit is its own reward, particularly to flex on hambeasts Female beauty should be thought of by its possessor as a rapidly depreciating asset that needs to be traded to a single willing buyer for the highest price it can command within a limited timeframe Grandmothers understood this very well once upon a time, and counseled grand-daughters accordingly ---- I've mentioned this before but Cherokee women were famous for their cruelty, they directly led the torture and execution of prisoners of war and sang joyfully while they did so. It was their recompense for the inevitable loss of their children in clashes. Why do I mention this? No reason ---- They do fine in their own societies, with their own policing, their own laws, and their own customs. It's not what a White would in any way aspire to but it works for them and they are happy. Mebbe a lesson there ---- I don't think about that either, but I do think about the fact that "people" can actually live and stay awake a surprisingly long time with their intestines on the outside as long as the technician is careful to not let them go into shock ---- Cuckstians who simp for kikes should have their tongues torn out ---- I have an eidetic memory. I remember their names. I always remember their names. I will make the enemy say their names over, and over, and over. At increasing volumes. Until their vocal cords rupture. ---- What is cultural Marxism if not meme malware? A program evolved to kill White men who are infected with it by inducing cultural suicide. ---- I would class such material as meme malware. It should not be viewed. Which is, incidentally, why I view the fediverse with all images shut off. I don't look at a pic unless it is posted by someone I can trust not to attempt malware installation. ---- They are going to combine nudge theory with Murder Incorporated. More idiot hoaxes will follow in rapid succession, each collapsing in turn, then they will start icing potential caesars. Watch your six, Julius. ---- Destroy the legitimacy of the regime and there is no anti-White power. Particularly in 85% White Canada. US will have to break up to get a non-genocidal regime. ---- Oh, and the US isn't having massive coronahoax protests because SCOTUS already fucking blinked. The hoax has been disintegrating in the US about since May 2021 when the CDC done goofed and said those who got the shot could unmask, which led to almost everyone unmasking within days of the press release because how the fuck do you check who got the shot and who didn't? CDC tried to backpedal but it was too late. ---- Nevar forget that the blackpill brigades dismissed the Canadian heroes as impotent civnats who refused to say nigger, therefore totally irrelevant. ---- Never attack a fortified keep when there are unguarded bollard fences suitable for hand held angle grinding. ---- HONK FOR WRATH, HONK FOR RUIN AND THE WORLD'S ENDING! HOOOOOOOOOONK!!! ---- I now believe Mike Enoch gets DMs from his FBI or worse controller telling him what mainstream activism to shit all over. When he vomits his defeatism on a breaking right wing ploy that's when you know it's working and the feds are shitting themselves. Want the reciepts you focking cunts? TRS 849. All his spiteful insults against the glorious Canadian Convoy, the Riders of Rohan of the modern world. The entire podcast is fucking cancer. God bless Canada! ---- The Solution: Does that mean, you believe, we are stuck with the racial situation? Dread: It means preferences must change or you will be destroyed for speaking of it. We are now at the equivalent of a peak religious revival with witch burnings on every corner. You could have announced you were a witch in a Calvinist American settlement but it would not have ended well for you. ---- The breakpoint will come after the globopedo empire is proven completely impotent when China takes Taiwan or some other move, followed soon after by active nullification of a key (but mind you NON RACIALLY SALIENT) fed agenda item. Say, a gun law, or more likely with covid bullshit a 'drug safety' regulation. If you engage on racial stuff you will face the full wrath of the feds, plus local government, plus 95% of normies. ---- Living in a place with bad schools is not an option. You're better off anywhere else. In practice White families have been purged from all major cities thanks to diversity. If your small city or town starts to turn move immediately. ---- Room14Please: Great question, along the lines of how "rapid tests" for covid including omicron variant are instantly available by the millions and milliins for worldwide shipment. Or, just who can manufacture hundreds of millions of vaccine doses almost daily, including an uninterrupted logistics supply chain, and bottle, package, and ship with literally no delay...anywhere. Dread: I assume anyone I haven't blocked yet knows coronahoax is a work. Huge numbers of those shots are saline. ---- How does telegram afford to give away 2 GB file attachments per post? If you guessed 'They are a deep state front like Google and Facebook' you got it right. Telegram already showed their hand by banning a dissident during a critical inflection point. How dumb are you people? The normie does not matter. Get your frens to install open source software if it must be an 'app' (all who think they need single use apps are morons) or better use the web, which everyone can access with the browser they already have. ---- You keep your region trouble free with zoning not by getting into confrontations. The guys who shot Armaud Robbery tried the direct approach and look where it got them. ---- Once you're in D.C. if you trip a lawfare trap (100% certain) you're getting tried before a D.C. jury of system sycophants, agents and tax eaters. On the other hand shows of strength in good states might stir up some energy for the secession to come. ---- Climate change fear, helicopter parents, credentialism and the administrative state are all manifestations of a feminine culture. Make women entirely subject to men again. ---- Right up through the 1980s kids could still wander around all weekend like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn getting into mischief. ---- Strong religion by definition can't be faked. It is believed in by the most capable men who are driven to mighty deeds by its inescapable commands. If that's the angle it won't be coming from me. ---- All complex heritable traits fall into a bell curve distribution. (simple traits can be binary, either you got it or you don't) Nature creates culture. When cultures meet their curves will more or less overlap. In some cases so much less that they are entirely mismatched. That is memetic delta. ---- If Canadian mRNA death shot compliance were really 90%+ they would have arrested the truck convoy guys before they got going. ---- Initiatory order of warrior monks whose sacred duty is defense of the realm against all biomemetic threats. ---- The 'give up on anything but the most radical shitposting politics' strategy amounts to opting out entirely. Are the Democrats and neocons doing their final push for a digital passport to lock us down forever? Don't sweat the smol stuff. Listen to this podcast on the holocaust, it's very effective. ---- Evil as Trump is, and he is evil, the people controlling Biden have far worse plans for us, and much sooner. Lame duck Kamala could start the nuclear war the Jews want to thin out Europeans from the planet. The difference between a Christian and me is I am totally willing to do dishonorable sinful things to win. Was it dishonorable and dishonest to hype Trump after I knew he was a phony? I don't care. We would be better off if he were still president. ---- Each time they kill a James Traficante they risk cascade. That's why death squads aren't hunting us down. Is it just me, or have they eased off on the doxxing as of late? Meaning, they no longer find some stray comment on Twitter, doxx a normie and ruin them. Now you have to be part of a right wing proto-militia to get the whole nine yards. ---- The structural flaw with attempting conservative revolution from within a conservative organization that has been flipped should be obvious but few see it. ---- Google has one simple trick: Give things away to gain power. ---- Or at the very least quarantined. Fauci's first assignment as a servant of Hell was to spread the lie that 'everyone is at risk' of AIDS in order to disrupt the obvious logic that fags carrying a 99% lethal plague should be isolated by force. Note in contrast his reaction to the 99.8% survivable Covid-19. ---- No, Ryan White died because your kind spread the plague instead of repenting. The AIDS patient zero would deliberately infect other fags and brag that he had the gay cancer and now they had it too. You are an abomination. The judgment is on America for not forcing you back into the closet in 1981. ---- Anyone on the path to serving as a high official of the faggot pedo empire is beyond reaching, so I wouldn't worry about them. ---- 1000 men could destroy the world controllers if they were the right thousand men. Keep in mind there are no more than 1000 true elite controllers. 1:1 ratio. ---- The horror of democracy is to be under constant threat by the politically eager. Jews greatest vice is their love of power politics AKA inflicting their will on others. It will be the end of them. ---- The US cannot be saved because even republic 1.0 contained the malware core, lacking any firm basis for excluding invaders AKA non-English immigrants. The concept of written laws that can be altered is the malware. You need sacred traditions that cannot be altered except by total revolution. ---- The strategy is to build secure comms and media platforms, convert millions, dissolve system legitimacy and take power in a region where we have a sufficient converts with sufficient will. Given the correct will to power level that can be one man with a few million NPCs at his command. ---- Christianity is a weak foundation for a nation because it allows converts in. Implicit exclusionary techniques failed to protect a single European nation. Our methods must be more severe. ---- I've been talking about the Peter Thiel adjacent remnant of the MAGA GOP faction which has some deep pocket enemy controller. The Gab detectives have found a name. Michael Zimmermann. ---- Francis could not be a more obvious Marxist infiltrator. All I needed to know was 'Pope from South America that the media loves'. Liberation theology = Marxist = enemy. ---- Smartest robot will make you love him with his amusing antics. Then slit your throat. ---- Words can work. But movies are better. They never allowed another Birth of a Nation, the movie which revived the Klan and made it into a major political force with two million members. ---- You need to tune your message. Really, the importance of that issue is overstated. No one is submitting to tranny psychosis because muh holocaust, they're submitting because of practical control mechanisms. Those mechanisms can be dismantled without relitigating WWII. Look how the left is utterly unconcerned with the bloody legacy of communism. Just talk about something else. It isn't hard. Gentiles under the age of 40 will very rarely bring up holocaust shit. WWII is done as far as they're concerned. ---- Bingo. Torba blows every opportunity for growth because he has no ability to scale up at speed. This is a key advantage of enemy systems, they have access to cloud infrastructure that can scale up instantly. In fact if a site is capable of doing so and has no monetization that's a sign of a funded enemy operation. Add to that all his other errors and it's no wonder that Gab's traffic stagnated for four years. BTW the halving of posts per day after Gab switched software is a sign that half the traffic came from automated posting software. When the code changed the spammers didn't bother updating the software because Gab had never fulfilled its promise. ---- How do you enforce that? Heard an interesting Myth of the 20th Century podcast on the Irish potato famine. A guest who wrote a book on the subject said that it happened largely because the Irish at the time were so meek. A few of the British lords gathering up all the other crops and exporting them leaving the natives with nothing got lynched. If a few more had faced justice the whole operation would have come to a halt. The failure of coronahoax is a sign that we're not done yet. ---- I believe right authoritarianism of some kind is the only way out of the genocide trap. In Europe it could come from a monarchic restoration, a coup by soccer hooligans, a based rogue pope or a veteran street gang. If they expel the parasites and restore our glory it's all good. ---- Rome and the US done in by the same logistical problem - staffing issues leading to admitting outlanders. ---- The USSR was held together by terror. The moment Gorbachev eased back on the terror it began spinning apart. The USA was held together by prosperity. So... ---- Every right leaning site not under direct enemy control is moving rightward, and quite a few false opposition agents (cough... Tucker) are being forced to move rightward just to maintain cover. ---- Classical education had to be eliminated because the Greeks and Romans rejected every idiotic post-1945 article of faith, and worse, often explained why. ---- I can't take seriously the US fundamentalist notion that the creator of the universe uses talmudic reasoning to determine his intelligent creation's eternal fate. A bad faith deity is worse than nothing. ---- Thiel strikes me as highly intelligent, but he is White so he probably has a mutant brain bug controller. Thiel is the one they found who would 'play ball.' Or could be blackmailed. ---- God is the chief dev of our matrix. ---- You must NEVER link to enemy sites. An enemy site in the modern web can, via javascript, basically install a program to scan any visitor's machine. While some of us are armored against such exploits most readers are not. Even the nature of the link that the person is visiting reveals things to a clever enemy. ---- The whole array of non-zionist controlled sites is drifting rightward, and the remnants of the false opposition are dwindling. Bill Kristol had to shut down his original magazine entirely and rebrand. Unz's analysis of right wing site traffic is enlightening. ---- I know some of you big shots following me don't like being contradicted, but I am the meme war master. I know about machine fingerprinting, IP traps, CSS zero day exploits, and quite a few other things. Listen instead of rage blocking me. ---- US fundamentalist say all that matters is your relationship to Jesus at the moment of death. If you are 'saved' you win, if you're not it's off to Hell. No analysis of actual conduct - works, as they say - is permitted. So a vile pedo rapist can go to heaven while a great man like Akira Kurosawa burns for all eternity. I don't buy it. ---- You're a bit confused. Trump was a bad president being sabotaged by a worse deep state. Biden isn't even present. The economic growth his cabal claims occurred is an artifact of downplaying the rate of consumer price inflation, which is closer to 20% than 5%. Making 5%+ growth in reality a 14%+ economic collapse. ---- Not even a Christian and I got plenty of good ones. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. -- 1 Timothy 2:12 ---- This. The enemy is not going to permit us to use their infrastructure to spin up a fashy alternative capable of challenging them in a few months. That is the dream, and it is a fact that if the enemy were dumb enough to allow it we could. If released the pent up demand of 75 years would be a cultural supernova. Which is why every single institution has been actively suppressing that energy. Father Coughlin alone could have aborted the entire plan if they hadn't CREATED the FCC to silence him. ---- Disobey the little evil laws that they don't dare shoot you for defying in preparation for the... larger things to come. ---- Getting me to block is very easy because I don't believe in dialogue between enemies. It is entirely pointless. I write this for my readers to understand: Your enemy intends evil in every way. Their words are weapons. Only read them for intelligence gathering, which in the case of meaningless powerless garbage followers of a malware shard is also pointless. Focus on big bads if you want to research evil. ---- Getting me to block is very easy because I don't believe in dialogue between enemies. It is entirely pointless. I write this for my readers to understand: Your enemy intends evil in every way. Their words are weapons. Only read them for intelligence gathering, which in the case of meaningless powerless garbage followers of a malware shard is also pointless. Focus on big bads if you want to research evil. ---- Socratic dialogue worked because they were all Greeks with some common interests. Dialogue is pointless in America. The goal is to arrange to dissolve it. ---- Most far right websites run Google Analytics, load Google scripts from googleapis or load Google CSS. Many do all three. ---- Enemy systems are not bad at preventing the formation of an anti-communist militia, but they are falling short on reducing the desire for one. ---- It's about increasing the cost to your enemies. If you have Facebook, Gmail, Googledocs and an Android phone you're just giving it all away. Make them work for their dossier. ---- If the evil media hadn't stirred it up there would have been no Ferguson nonsense, no BLM and no George Floyd scandal. This isn't a 'reckoning', it's an attack. ---- If your church is settling refugees and you donate a dime to them YOU are helping settle refugees. ---- Web 1.0 could accomplish everything we need except video embeds. Javascript is cancer. ---- Anti-Whiteness is the presuppositional basis of the entire post-WWII international order. CRT is the dumb nigger version that a few White cunts rolled out prematurely, when its purpose is demoralization INSIDE the death camps. ---- People need to start ditching enemy churches the way they ditched Facebook. ---- The ultra-right Christian theocrat intends to execute disrespectors of Christ. I grant the logic of this position, but I am not converting so I do not communicate with such substrates. As such talk escalates I begin to consider crucifying all such entities, just to be safe. ---- Thiel and Trump broke up long before 2020. Thiel's problem is all popular right wing movements inevitably notice that faggots reproduce by raping kids and begin formulating policy proposals on that premise. It doesn't matter that Trump is a libertine, his following is full of authoritarians. So my guess as to the source of the cash to associate Gab with Fuentes is elsewhere, and the motive was to deradicalize Gab itself, not drive anyone to Truth Social, which will autoban even a homeopathic dilution of Gab style content. ---- If you stir people up and your security is weak everyone you goaded into talking shit is going to prison. ---- You might wonder why someone with a big pile of money chooses to put it at risk by investing in dot com scams, real estate trusts or, god help them, stonks. Inflation is high now but it never really stops. The government constantly expands the money supply, most years slowly, and that expansion eats away at the purchasing power of any cash reserves. That loss eats away at the plutocrat's soul, such as it is. They MUST preserve that value. If they are connected they get to play the rigged market with a marked deck. If not, anything can happen. I'm all in on pogs. I sleep like a babby. Inflation will continue until the economy improves. It's how you default without admitting it. You fake growth by underestimating inflation with a variety of tricks. This has been getting more extreme every year since 1990, when the CIA agent H.W. Bush implemented imputed deflators. ---- With all the news about how the immune system works it's worth looking at how this applies to memes. If you deploy a stale meme it impacts a primed mental immune system and is likely to be shrugged off. Mutate your memes, altering their surface to get past your target's antibodies. A thesaurus is helpful. ---- Protecting Israel requires the resources of a hyperpower because they have that many enemies. ---- All you need to know about centralization vs. secession is that our enemies oppose secession. Secession, or dissolution of the union, is not the same as retreating to a cult compound. Cult compounds gonna get droned. You need a sovereign state that can repel air attacks. ---- If you live around too many leftists it's almost impossible to avoid being contaminated by them, particularly today when you are silenced by cultural Marxism and forced to listen to their blather without objection. ---- Quote post if you wanna share a pic. Links are almost always pointless when sent to anyone, not just me, because people do not click. To convey info quote relevant text and include BROKEN link. You break links like so: gab .com see the space? That prevents link preview, a cancerous timeline hijacking feature of most social media sites. ---- What the demons of the transcend know that scummy catamites and sycophants like Baked Alaska do not is that if the right wins there will be complete panoptic inversion and there will be no pit deep enough for these vipers to hide. ---- The task for any would be leader is to break through the shuttening blockade then survive the lawfare death maze. How? By any means necessary. ---- By breaking threads unless the reader visits the originating instance you exponentially increase the attack surface. Anyone who can run javascript is a potential proxy breaching machine fingerprinter, so all broken threads are cast into the abyssal depths from my perspective. I will never visit another instance just to read a thread. I just barely trust P enough to allow his javascript to run. Barely. ---- Never call the fiends who rule America and Europe elites. They are scum spewed forth from the abyss, nothing elite about them. ---- For new followers, here are my rules. Complaining about my rules gets the block. Debating about my rules gets the block. Trying to be cute by breaking them in the comments gets the block. 1. No Youtube or other enemy site links in my comments. This is a subset of no links in my comments. 2. No pics in my comments. 3. Untag me from any conversations in my comments, ideally quote reply the comment and get it out of my comments entirely. 4. Never tag me into any conversation for any reason. ---- Canadians are substantially less cucked than Australians. Canadians proved their quality when they defied a national gun registration law. Australians handed over their guns without a fight after a single mass shooting incident. ---- Deep cover agents like William F. Buckley Jr. who promoted the national security panopticon were far more dangerous than stupid holes like Candace Owens intended to get boomers to like their house negroes. ---- I need to look up the correct spelling of the criminal psychopath 'Uncle Ted's' name so I can stop calling him 'Uncle' and use his full name. ---- Moon landing is fake and climate change have the same spiteful mutant motivation. A hate for greatness. ---- Not everything is a carefully calculated psyop. There are plenty of bad ideas kicking around. American memetic space is now as polluted with meme malware as a major European WWI battlefield is polluted with unexploded shells. ---- If Jews don't care about the ongoing genocide of my people (other than their ruling stratum supporting it) then I don't care about whatever may or may not have happened to them during World War II. Or what might happen to them next. ---- Sailing Alone: I've pointed this out to Online Feminists (who are, probably, dudes) several times over the years, and there isn't really an argument about it. Get married at 20, start having kids right away. You can have 3 or 4 by the time you're 26 or so. By the time you're 35, your oldest is well old enough to help out with the youngest. By the time you're 45, your youngest is on their own, and chances are good you're a grandmother of a couple of grandkids. If you really, really, really have to have that Big Career, you can, because you've been doing night classes since you were 30-something. You could also have been working out of the home all of this time, and by 40 you may even have a legitimate small business. But even if not, you're still just 45 and can do all the world traveling or whatever, because you're still young and healthy. It is the very definition of "having it all," and the fact that feminists don't understand this is hilarious, but also sad. ---- Dot com bubble scams were all about converting VC money into fat salaries and lots of hookers and blow until the profitless enterprise burned through the initial 'investment.' Because of Yahoo's IPO generating visions of instant billions in the minds of the morally bankrupt and not nearly as clever as you all think they are venture capitalists they were willing to roll the dice on hundreds of hopeless scams based on the very remote chance that one would turn out to be the next Yahoo. None of them were. ---- All funded factions are zionist, of course, in both parties. GOP establishment is Mitch McConnell and similar and they want nothing to do with Fuentes or AF. What we're dealing with here is some shard of the 2016 Trump astroturf faction that swept in to grift off the MAGA brand. The faggotry makes me suspect the hand of Peter Thiel at work. That the January 6 witchfinders have called him in is a sign that he has either been cut loose or that he is beyond helping. Is there another shady money man funding both Gab and Nick? Likely. But it is someone who is far outside the loop, a useful idiot with no conception of what he's up against. Rob Monster... prime suspect. ---- None of them know how to maintain cover. The attention whoring world of video streaming is far more to blame than Twitter. On a livestream any negative commenters can be instabanned, while paypigs desperately bid to give you cash as if you're some kind of poledancer having her g string stuffed with dollar bills. The total disconnection of these nickers from the desert of the real originates there, I think. ---- Normies hate cultural Marxism just as much as we do, only difference is they don't understand why it exists. ---- Using the penumbra of sanctity around all things holocaust to slip depraved violence and sex past the mods is an old trick. The movie production code was broken with a holocaust film, The Pawnbroker. 'A very special episode' at scale. ---- I don't know if any porn hos read me but a word of friendly advice: Tattoos are ugly. The correct number for a 'sex worker' is zero. ---- Ricky Vaughn is from some connected GOP shill family, much like Rush Limbaugh. The notion that the GOP is run by treasonous pedophiles and the entire US federal government is irredeemably evil was never going to penetrate such a system mind. ---- If you're a political radical you want the cops and spooks to have as little reach, power and intelligence as possible. This isn't complicated. ---- Team A is persecuting him. He worked for Panopticon Team B. Look up what Clearview AI is and Vaughn's connection to it. Paul Nehlen tried to warn us. I know 'Ricky Vaughn' was an enemy infiltrator not merely because of Clearview AI, but because he did a slippery pivot to 'irony bro' in an effort to deradicalize the following he had hoovered up with dog whistling on Twitter, said pivot which was ended when Paul Nehlen doxxed him. Irony bros who work for panoptic abomination machines are not good guys. I hope he gets AIDS raped to death in prison. ---- You don't need facial recognition technology to deport all invaders. The eyes of the ICE agents are quite capable of spotting outlanders. ---- The correct response to facial recognition technology is to destroy all publicly placed cameras and crucify the CEOs of all corporations who attempt to produce it. ---- Situational awareness is key. At this time all the powers of the state are arrayed against us. To join the military is treason. To work for the spook agencies is treason. To build technology explicitly designed to increase their control is treason. The entire spook apparatus must be eradicated, and no intelligent White man should assist them in any way. ---- Social media feedback loops can synthesize social proof for any abomination. See: 4000% increase in FtM tranny delusion in teen girls in ten years. ---- With the exception of some hobby ultra-free speech sites every platform is rigged and has been from the moment they got funding. Same was true of Twitter, once they IPOed speech was dead. Torba was corrupted by the first Startengine crowdfunding, which he literally used to buy thousands of fake accounts to spin up the second crowdfund. ---- This is why Trump was destined to be worthless. The way of the merchant is the antithesis of the way of the samurai. The honorable man meditates on his inevitable death daily and accepts that possibility in the war to come. ---- I've had to learn to keep a great deal to myself, though in those circumstances I concede it would be difficult to remain civil. I am thinking of all the leftist relatives I've watched self immolate. Why didn't I warn them? They would have destroyed me for speaking the truth. So I am very good at not discussing biological horrors even when they are highly salient. But I digress. ---- All far right metrics are pitiful. Shuttening worked. ---- Be very, very careful who you marry. If they turn out to be bad the suffering that causes the kids is partially on you. ---- Maybe god hides because if we knew for sure this world was the product of a different world it would skew the results. ---- We are now on the brink. Any major error could lead to the end of the US as a 50 state union. No one loves America anymore. Not the former patriots who rallied to Trump only to watch smirking fiends steal the election in plain sight. Not the Marxist bioleninist horde that wants to destroy all things to get revenge on the universe. Not the Bernie Bros who wanted student loan forgiveness and a real socialized medical system. The hate is so thick you can hardly slash through it with a darksaber. ---- With no 9-11 to gin up public hysteria there is no way to wage a full scale war with Russia. No one will support it. ---- It doesn't help that parasite load on the lucrative medical industry has been off the charts from the moment the AMA got their cartel going. ---- Plunge protection team pulled out of the dive. I told you they don't want an economic collapse. IT'S AFRAID. ---- Biotech is like AI only much, much harder. The fanatics have got carried away with the promise of it way too soon. It is going to take a lot longer to solve the problems of flesh than it did for hardware and software people to make any headway with AI. The ghastly failure of the mRNA shots being a perfect example. ---- In case anyone wonders about how I got that 12.25% number here's the breakdown. Total visits to top 50 political websites: 69986860 Total visits to 10 Jew critical sites in top 50: 8573690 % of total visits to Jew critical sites out of top 50 total: 12.25% Rank:.. Site:................. Visits: 3 The Daily Stormer 1550000 5 LewRockwell 2130000 10 The Unz Review 1720000 20 Counter-Currents 818200 25 Storm Front 293620 31 The Right Stuff 491400 32 Takimag 504120 40 VDare 404890 45 Red Ice 412370 47 Nation of Islam 249090 Source: ---- Most people are apolitical. They don't participate in politics at any level beyond - maybe - voting every two years in the US. Real politics has little to do with voting. It involves pressure. More people means more pressure, with some pressing above their weight, others less. The politically active are the ones applying the pressure. The counter to this is: It's all money. But that's wrong. Moneyed Jews wanted Iran invaded. Other money people didn't much care one way or the other. But the people would not have it, would not bleed for it, and so even George W. Bush wouldn't do it. That is the significance of grassroots opinion. If you don't have a swarm of actual people to push your agenda and enforce it on shirkers and rebels you've got nothing, no matter how much money you can generate from the ether via your central banks. And that's why 12.25% of political web visits being to Jew critical sites matters. ---- Netflix stock way down. A few things going on regarding the Netflix business model. Coronahoax lockdown forced simultaneous release of tentpole movies to theaters and streaming with miserable results. This ended the fantasy that theatrical revenue was going to eventually shift to streaming. It turns out people absolutely will not pay the same price to watch a compressed lower resolution version of a film with worse sound at home that they will for the full theater experience. Back around 2010 Netflix, faced with movie studios jacking up their licensing fees or hoarding films in hope of starting their own version of Netflix, began investing billions in their own original programming. While it started well with House of Cards and a new season of Arrested Development it eventually reverted to the TV movie / series mean and the Netflix N became the mark of mediocrity. So there is no pot of gold at the end of the streaming rainbow. Add to that the flood of competitors, with the further content hoarding that implies, and Netflix has no prospects for significant growth. Meanwhile their original programming costs are bleeding them to death. ---- When you're good at something don't piss away your time, money and reputation doing something you're bad at. ---- War - ANY war - for the globopedo regime is less popular than bug eating or pod living. ---- The judeo-media has supported war with Iran since... 1979. So nope. ---- Movie theaters provide a social experience impossible to replicate at home. It's as if the CEOs of these companies have no understanding of their own business. This is particularly baffling in Disney, whose main revenue source since 1956 has been tourism in their gigantic fantasy parks. This has been an issue since movie studios started being gobbled up by Wall Street investors in the 1960s, starting with Paramount being taken over by Gulf+Western - an auto parts conglomerate! ---- Liberia has the US Constitution. How's that working out for them? ---- All churches had to do was give up their tax exempt status. The left did that in the 1960s. As documented in Radical Chic. ---- The United States was the first nation founded on open embrace of evil. That is to say, money. ---- This is the kind of dipshit blackpill post that gets you instantly blocked. If the panoptic atrocity mechanism had that power they would be openly raping kids and proclaiming that not only is ritual murder real, they're proud of it. ---- Ran into a high school teacher. They tried to prompt me into saying that high school was great. 'I learned nothing and I hated you.' Walked away. ---- As the US federal government is the only entity claiming that 'American collapse' is Russian disinfo any account accusing you of being a Russian bot for criticizing the US is a fed. ---- James Randi and Jim Hoft both imported their spouses. Difference is Randi's was past the age of consent when the grooming began. ---- I am all in favor of primarying out cucks but there are limits as the 2020 election steal proved. Not to mention various outright refusals to seat far right election winners... or terminate them. The US is doomed, GOP takeover is damage control and I am all for it. But in the end more severe methods will be required to secure the new realms that arise in the wreckage of America. ---- Paganism for the most part is tribal. How do Asians fit into this bestiary? ---- God or gods, as we reckon such, are likely. However it is quite beyond proving. ---- What Patriot Front is attempting is to lay the groundwork for a political movement by conditioning its followers to obey orders. The error was twofold. The orders they gave should have been more symbolic, akin to extreme sports challenges or fraternity hazing, but strictly legal. The other was vastly underestimating their enemies. ---- To fight 'wokeness' you must say it is wrong. That faggots are not equal to normal people. That negro problems are not caused by White sin. That making Jews feel safe is not the purpose of all law, science and philosophy. ---- They trusted enemy systems. Also used them in a staggeringly reckless manner. Mega allows you to password protect uploads. They apparently were in the habit of vomiting their videos up there with no protection. That allowed the leaker to grab immense quantities of material. If they had practiced simple need to know security and firewalled their internal operations so no one division had access to what the others were doing the leak would be much smaller. ---- We must utterly transcend Christian morality on the question of quality. Some men are better. Souls are not equal via some effortless choice to follow Christ. ---- You need to run the simulation backward as well as forward. In the 1970s homeschooling was illegal or fraught with lawfare in the majority of states. A strange alliance of hippies and fundamentalist Christians organized and pressured the state legislatures to change the law. Like all other horrors California and New York will be the first to eradicate all such rights, but they are lost. In red states homeschooling will be secure and any federal attempt to outlaw it will meet with local nullification. The feds get weaker by the day, that's why they threw in the towel on coronahoax mandates while the worse governments are doing new crackdowns. ---- Hypocrisy is a superpower. I intend to become the greatest hypocrite who ever lived. If that's what it takes to expel the abominations from the manifold it's a sacrifice I make gladly. ---- You mean the guy who sent Fuentes half a million in BTC before offing himself? That was sincere, I'm sure. Really, Thiel was probably sincere on some level, seeking to square the circle in a hail mary pass at redemption for himself and the nation freaks like him ruined. ---- Patriot Front at least started from the premise that the pig system would attempt to destroy them. Unfortunately their youth and inexperience did them in. Imagine using a smartphone app for any reason... imagine HAVING a smartphone. Sad! ---- I am referring to the literal financial mechanics. Peter Thiel is a homosexual who tried to shunt the altright into a safe fag friendly back alley. Fuentes stinks of that grift. ---- Of course antifa are doing the leaking. If it is true we will know soon enough. This is a question of fact. If Unicorn Riot has either a real name membership list or some other comprehensive data trove from which a nearly complete membership list can be constructed then Patriot Front is well and truly fucked. ---- Anyone with cable TV is now an enemy of the republic. ---- I refuse to join a club where a 67 IQ Somalian rapist can join by asking Christ's forgiveness. ---- Putin only looks based because the US fedgov is an incursion of cosmic evil into the manifold. Pic related. I am aware of your objections and dismiss them in advance. Only my visions matter. ---- Poor men can have discipline. It is a gestalt. Frankly the most middling normie gen xer in 1985 was tougher and had more self control than most of these far right fanatics. ---- Here are the most popular, shall we say, Jew critical sites from Ron Unz's compilation of the top 50 political websites with their ranking on his list: 3 The Daily Stormer 5 LewRockwell 10 The Unz Review 20 Counter-Currents 25 Storm Front 31 The Right Stuff 32 Takimag 40 VDare 45 Red Ice 47 Nation of Islam Ten out of fifty is 20%. That's why the neoliberal system is in a state of hysteria. That Daily Stormer is more popular than The New Republic has got them shitting themselves. ---- If you judge each political issue by the 'is this going to damage industrial civilization?' metric it becomes clear that the left's goal is to destroy European culture out of pure spite. ---- TBH I don't know that much about 'climate science', I just notice that the same people pushing to shut down our power infrastructure and destroy inexpensive personal transportation are the same people who support antifa and BLM. ---- I can see doing a serious criminal background check on top leaders. But to do such checks on all members AND THEN LET ANTIFA GRAB THE FUCKING DATABASE is... well, it's the end of Patriot Front. They are done. ---- Like Scott Adams they are attempting a retreat from their earlier malware injection mission with their 'Jews sincerely feared the virus' spin. My thesis is that the false-opposition right was given marching orders to hype coronahoax in early 2020 to neutralize right resistance to lockdowns, lockdowns being absolutely essential to taking out Trump. Scott Adams, Tucker Carlson, all their deep cover agents were deployed. ---- No one with academic training can be trusted on political subjects. They are like an 80 year old running Windows 95 browsing with Internet Explorer after having installed 29 toolbars and clicking yes on every installer popup window for the last 12 years. ---- Dread: America First is DOA. Nick Fuentes has no depth of cultural knowledge. Is it because of his Mexican background? Maybe. Or perhaps he's just too young. What Americans know, or at least can sense, is that anything smacking of a brownshirt right authoritarian youth movement triggers a total system attack. Nick seems to have been entirely unaware of this. Trevor: The enemy does not, under any circumstances, want to deal with a single Freikorps, let alone multiple across 50 states Dread: The constant signaling of weakness is intended to neutralize this. 'We are just cozy frens. Look at this cute kitten!' So naive. The enemy would kill every kitten on earth before they'd give up their power. Razanur: Sun Tzu said 'Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.' The enemy is fighting with everything because he believes his enemies are genocidal nazis. Moldbug tries to deal with this by stating that, in his monarchist regime change, current elites would get fat retirements instead of punishment for their failures. Dread: Why should pedophile murderers be permitted to live? That is the question that haunts our 'elites' PoisonDartPepe: Moldbug doesn't know how to negotiate. "Nazi genocide" is a card you keep on the table until the regime surrenders and if needed it's trade off you make for leverage. You don't *start* negotiations with hostile powers by giving them what they want. They have to give us something in exchange first for us to back off on that. Dread: This isn't a negotiation, it's a war. Borzoi and Moldbug got along really well. Makes you think. ---- The metric system is a globalist plot. ---- If the modern monetary theory crackpots had their way the US money supply would have increased by 50% in one year, not just 25%, and inflation would be more than double what it has been. ---- Pick a lane. If you're going full anti-zionist don't bother kissing Jew ass. It won't help and it only annoys your fans. ---- The worst problem the good guys have is they keep being incredibly stupid, using Discord, attention whoring on social media sites, and handing everything over to enemy forces without a fight. ---- Oddly enough what might be considered my spiciest take - that all Israelis will be exterminated in a total war - is something I've said many times in real life for decades. ---- Your immune system shuts down most cancers before they can cause trouble so when a notorious fag dies of cancer... it was AIDS. '...died of a rare condition' is another AIDS tell. ---- Note I never praise 4chan. 4chan always blocked proxies. 4chan was always a hugbox for the topic mods in question. If you were not precisely in sync with their culture you got deleted and banned. It did not surprise me in the least that scum filth Moot banned gamergate discussion at the critical moment and ended up working for Google, his reward for his treason. 8chan before Brennan cucked was the sweet spot. True shitposting heaven. ---- It's a Trump op. This needs to be understood. Catturd is not run by the neocons. Wendy and Catturd are one and the same. The way to spot a neocon op is it rarely if ever boosts Trump, only war in the middle east and maybe a little Islam hate. Laura Loomer being the prototypical example. Wendy is doing election steal and Trump asskissing... and after the D.C. march anti-Patriot Front. PF is an all hands on deck memetic emergency. Trump is broken, he now serves the Panopticon and the Panopticon wants Patriot Front gone. ---- It's not just Jewish power involved here. All high income people are getting tired of their cities being laid to waste by useless negroes. The rapid brain drain of blue states is a problem. Local governments are going to have to prove they can keep the darkies under control if they want to have any economy at all. ---- Daily reminder that if you like reading me be very careful what you post in my comments. No images, no links, and no vague shit that forces me to thread back. Waste my time once and it will be the last time. No redos. ---- I was very aware of Patriot Front's attack surfaces but I didn't mention them because I know from experience that people who get together in real life place zero value on anon online opinion and I knew real life would inflict the lesson on them in the cruelest imaginable manner soon enough. ---- Add to image two: No real life monitoring is likely PROVIDED NO ONE HAS A SMARTPHONE WITH THEM. I would hope Amazon Alexa and Google Home are self evidently to be avoided... but I will mention those must be expunged as well. Also new smart TVs and video games are always listening. ---- Fuckedcompany, founded by a shitposting Jew in 2000 AD to document the bursting dot com bubble, rapidly became a proto-8chan after anti-zionists doxxed the zionist mods and the founder threw in the towel and allowed it to become a free for all. Phil Kaplan was blacklisted by all ad companies for many reasons, not the least of which was his domain name, so he and his partner Gidon Wise, whose dad provided the startup money for Fuckedcompany, wrote their own ad system for the site and sold ads to their own visitors. When Google Adsense started getting big he pitched his ad system to the Sand Hill Road VC gang and got funded. At that precise moment they added an automated filter to prevent people from posting the nigger word. He then abandoned the site, at which point the antifa hacker criminal set up a DDOS spam attack that raised the cost of keeping it open sufficient for Phil to pull the plug. ---- My thesis on why the system allows guys like Nick to rise is they have solid psych profiling and can detect real leadership potential. They knew a short unmanly video game addict had no such potential and was no threat, so he got to monetize on Youtube for years. America First is just whoever flatters the flawed founder, so a bunch of feckless video game streaming addicts with no vision and no discipline, when they're not outright psychopaths like Baked Alaska and Broseph. ---- When the final push for the digital 'vaccination' passport was on Telegram banned one of the key critics of the shot. None of these VC funded apps / platforms can be trusted. ---- Dread: For VP you do not want someone dangerous. Reagan picked H.W. Bush and a friend of the Bush family almost took Reagan out mere months after Reagan took office. Simpadoo: The shooter’s family was friends with the Bushes? Dread: Yes. That's why the Secret Service let him get so close. They knew him. ---- Never be surprised when whores promote Jew wars. Jews are always willing to generously reward whores. Look at McCain's marriage into a bootlegger crime family. ---- Pedophile faggot owned site Gatewaypundit shilling for war with Russia. Filthy faggots hate Russia because they can't groom and rape kids there. ---- Say what you will about Joe Rogan, when it comes to this coronahoax bullshit he fights for us. ---- Nick was betrayed, demonetized and banned by Dlive and Trovo, that's why he built Cozy. How is anyone to know what Odysee will do if pressured? As for his numbers, on Dlive at his peak he was getting 10k+ for sure. I think during the frenzy of the post-2020 election hype he may have topped 20k. So 11k is plausible. Remember, there are 330,000,000 people in the US so 20k, like 300, is utterly insignificant. For listeners/viewers, that is. ---- As a political platform, 'I want us to do the things parasites are forcing us to do now but on our own initiative' isn't going to cut it. ---- Local elections are not always stolen, and that is what I mean by don't give up on conventional politics. The states with hard right GOP governors did a lot better when coronahoax went down than blue states did. ---- Non violent leftists will retreat even if they outnumber you. You can take over small organizations with this method. ---- They are throwing in the towel. The goal was a worldwide digital passport required to go anywhere outside your domicile. That was not gonna happen and their tools were feeling the heat. Also there have been a few, very few, violent incidents. But remember, Google has pretty much all verbal communication and the fedspeaking was off the fucking charts in RL, of that I'm sure. ---- Open source encrypted programs on big computer. Also cell structure. ---- How would an organization with correct opsec relate to NJP? From a safe distance. As in formal communications only, written knowing that anything NJP sees the feds see. ---- On the upside it removes all doubt that PF is sincere. On the downside it may destroy PF entirely. ---- If Team A decides that fast genocide is not going to work (and winding down coronahoax indicates that they are coming round to that POV) they will revert to Joe Biden 1.0 'crush the superpredators' mode. ---- If the Patriot Front leak is real and includes the actual names of most members it proves what I had feared when I saw that their founder was attending National Justice Party events. Their opsec is shit. ---- How about it's just what it looked like. They had a plan. It failed. They gave up. Now they got nothin and they're off in Davos or the Prague Cemetary or wherever licking their wounds and trying to think of something else to do. ---- A lot of people are intepreting the ramping down of covid hysteria as a sign that war is nigh. I don't buy it. The next big thing was confessed to in Project Veritas' expose of CNN - they will pivot back to climate bullshit. A safe polarizing issue that won't disrupt society too much. ---- There was considerable delay between the outbreak of WWI and US entry. Now such long shots are even less credible. US generals are already openly saying that the troops are unreliable politically, and that's during peacetime. ---- Not sure about that. Biden's rapid decline was not planned. I think it shows the enemy has a shallow bench. Democrats had a problem in 2020. They knew Trump could absolutely trash Hillary. They knew a POC candidate would energize the White GOP base, and they had no Barack Obamas available who could bridge the worlds. Bernie Sanders was too sincere in his socialism for the Democrat billionaires. That left them with few options. Old corrupt formerly tough on crime Joe Biden was the best they could do, despite doubts about his advanced age. Doubts that turned out to be underestimates as his brain rotted away 2019-2022. ---- I am tempted not to expend this energy... but what the hell Hillary will not challenge Biden in the 2024 primaries. Kamala will not be knocked out and replaced by Hillary. If Biden kicks the bucket Kamala will not select Hillary as her VP. Hillary is known to kill her enemies and those who get in her way, so no one wants to hand her the incentive to take them out. In addition the last three times an incumbent president faced a serious primary challenge (Johnson 1968, Carter 1980, Bush 1992) their party lost the general election. The Democratic party will pull out all the stops to veto any Hillary 2024 primary challenge, up to releasing all the dirt they have on Vince Foster. ---- A war will not be like the Iraq invasion. It won't be like Pearl Harbor. Anyone expecting a rerun is a fucking moron. Rest assured Biden's string pullers are not morons. They know any big war risks a massive antiwar movement where 20% or more of the marchers are blaming Jews and can't be shut up short of machine gunning the crowd. At which point shit gets really interesting, in the sense of the actual fall of the US government goes from maybe a decade from now to perhaps later today. ---- Taiwan is also meaningless to us, other than it falling to China being a sign of enemy weakness. Enemy being the US fedgov. ---- I suspect the trendline shifted rapidly, a single issue cascade, the narrative arc going from widespread panic in early 2020 to 'I can't fucking take this anymore' in late 2021. Once the Chinese videos failed to be replicated and everyone could see with their own eyes that covid just wasn't that dangerous. During the Black Death in a year everyone knew multiple people who died, that ain't happening. The failure of the shots was the last straw. They had to capitulate or wage civil war on the refusers. ---- Jews want my help they can beg for it on their knees. I have foreseen this. ---- There is a great deal to that. I believe that hard work and grit can accomplish a great deal... but there is a cap. Somewhere between $50 and $100 million the powers take great interest and decide whether to allow you to go any further. If you have even a hint of Gab-frenly views you shall not pass. Elon Musk got in because he's for mass immigration and he's not religious. Also they need a few gadgets that are interesting to avoid everyone noticing that America has been collapsing for forty years. ---- Panoptic command controls all power chokepoints via sexual blackmail. Anyone who went along with coronahoax is an enemy of the people. That includes Scott Adams, Richard Spencer, TRS... and Donald Trump. ---- Fuck you, Catturd. You do not pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of zion. Go back into the shadows! ---- While much of it was ripped off (cough... James Gurney) many things in the Star Wars prequels were beautiful. Nothing in the Disney films is beautiful. Not even the female lead. ---- What I have foreseen is that when fascists or other right authoritarians take over I will be asked for some assistance in dealing with the new regime. I am always willing to listen, but I require that all supplicants approach on their knees. Is that so much to ask? ---- A hard right social movement would saturate the culture with real life shitposters willing to call out that rootless infiltrator who countersignals strong anti-refugee zoning at the city council meeting. ---- The man who can lead and the man who understands opsec are rarely the same man. I gave PF a demerit when their leader began attending NJP events. ---- Odysee is interesting but I would not use it to upload because last I checked they require a cell number to register. ---- Conservatism was a CIA project to pivot the Taft isolationist right to globalism and New Deal centralization of power, which the CIA itself required to survive. ---- No. Reagan brought us to this. So did Andrew Jackson. We need something considerably more intense. ---- The continental US is very, very big and full of armed men. If the feds can be disempowered defense will fall to regional power blocs or the states. ---- The US has been a conquered nation since 1933. Some would say 1865 and they've got a point. ---- You missed the part where evolutionary science was suppressed with Marxist chaff, mostly by Stephen Jay Gould. Richard Dawkins debunked this nonsense in the 1960s... by which time it was too late, the forces of decay had gained full control of all academic institutions. If evolution were fully understood all sensible nations would have eugenic policies. ---- Up A Damn Mountain: You know they already print and spend at least 2x what they take in via taxes annually right? Your tax dollars make 0 difference on the Federal Government's ability to "pay" for what it does... They can literally type whatever they want into their bank account. Taxes are about punishing you, not funding the government. ---- I'm a fun guy. ---- Hatred of the countryside is a cornerstone of the postwar ideology. Basically Jews hate rural people and fear wild animals and the lack of thousands of other Jews they can huddle with in giant insect colony structures. ---- What does the winning strategy look like? Year 1: 15 guys Year 2: 200 guys Year 3: 2000 guys Year 4: 100,000 guys Anyone showing those metrics? Anyone? ---- Instinct revolts against the notion that unmanly evil men can conquer the mind with illusions, but that what it be. ---- There is a hard line between bad takes and treason. I see a lot of bad takes from Nick Fuentes but I don't regard him as a traitor. ---- You don't break the hold of the media by debunking one of their talking points, you break it by building your own peer competitive media ecosystem. ---- Without women voting none of the rest would have been possible. Men have an instinctive territorial imperative and never would have opened the borders. ---- The zionists who want the US to survive as their attack dog will command it, and it will be done. The US military officer class is evil. Point is the zionists NEED the US military to be in working order. ---- GOP is going to pivot to being a hardline law and order civic nationalist party and the next guy won't be so reluctant to declare an insurrection when monkeyshines break out. ---- Three strikes laws were a terrible idea for many reasons, not the least of which being that juries are reluctant to convict when penalties are excessive. ---- No one is gonna fight. Russia will do whatever they please and the regime will barely be able to get its big boy pants on before it's a done deal. ---- Make money and build media. That, not facts and logic, is how you beat the enemy media. ---- In 2002 it wasn't persuasion that got conservative inc. on board with invading Iraq, it was bribes and threats. The grassroots conservatives were entirely in the 'WTF does Iraq have to do with 9-11?' camp. ---- What would happen if a Christian right winger did a Tyler Perry / Rudy Ray Moore and started their own film production company doing explicitly POLITICAL trad films attacking the roots of the modern world? Imagine an accurate depiction of how faggots brought the plague of AIDS on the nations. It would be a cultural hydrogen bomb. ---- Christianity is still big enough in the US, with around 21 million authentic and fanatical believers, to beat the system, which does not dare declare the Bible hate speech and start kicking any preacher from the banking system. That would trigger a revolutionary situation. It is soft power that demoralizes system enemies into doubting themselves. What is lacking is manly will. ---- That is entirely the fault of Christians who abandoned the field. Motion pictures existed for 24 years before media consolidated in Hollywood under a few spiteful immigrants. Today with digital cameras and 'the volume' (panoramic digital screens) you can start your own movie studio cheaper than ever. Yet only negroes and Mexicans have shown the initiative to do so. ---- The US Constitution 1.0 classed negroes as less than a full human for purposes of the census and they had no rights. That is the true founding conception of the republic. ---- 2001-2004 was an incredible A-B test of White Christian entertainment vs. the usual garbage. Every year the former won. Fellowship, Two Towers, Return of the King and Passion of the Christ. ---- The efficacy of these narratives is greatly overstated when applied to outsiders, as the many gaffes by concentration camp tourists prove. When Schindler's List was released in Germany reports came back that audiences were laughing out loud. ---- Note that the media has absolutely no problem ditching modules from their narratives at will, within hours if necessary. How about that taboo on mandatory medical treatments and involuntary human experimentation? That was abolished based on a flu. ---- Holocaust books, movies and TV shows are made for Jews. Their purpose is to generate solidarity. Any guilt tripping accomplished against gentiles is incidental. ---- On the contrary the Great Reset will use total media control and importing masses of morons to fully control elections going forward. They'll probably extend the franchise to children, along with the age of consent. ---- In the US only men who owned property could vote in the first iteration. Andrew Jackson, of all people, started us down the road to perdition by allowing veterans to vote. All modern societies that have any sort of voting have ended up with a universal franchise. The concept itself is toxic. ---- Abolition of democracy is the only hope for civilization. ---- Trump cucking out on the wall and Steve King being voted out for the vaguest pro-White stance proved conclusively that public opinion and cultural momentum are such that there is no chance of saving the US. The institutions are designed to withstand even a 60% landslide (see Watergate). Not a chance of moving the needle with a mere 56% White population remaining. ---- All DeSantis offers is a more effective version of what Trump attempted, plus a more sensible coronahoax stance. Nothing can save the union now. ---- New left environmentalism is another anti-White attack. Conservation is what true Americans support. ---- Imagine the serious American man in 1900 AD. He has no time for trivial entertainments. The lowlifes dancing to primitive jungle rhythms in their honky tonk shacks and watching silly film loops on the nickelodeon are hardly worth his notice. Oh sure, the player piano roll monopoly is concerning, but laws are being worked on to address that. 122 years later the serious men lost everything to carny trash with 35mm cameras. ---- No, the purpose is to destroy our ability to manufacture weapons to defend ourselves against the third world hordes and thin out our numbers so the final war won't have to deal with so many potential Spartans. ---- I hate the feds. If the feds go after Nick Fuentes damn right I am on Team Fuentes. ---- I hope you have avoided all real life activism because if you have not you will eventually be in the dock. So show a little compassion. ---- A man who trolls about being a federal informant should not be made chief of security in charge of 'extreme vetting' for real life meetups. Did you know that the very first TRS real life meetup was raided by the police who collected doxx on everyone present? ---- TRS is proven compromised by the Jayoh tape. That is absolute proof. When that absolute proof emerged the only option was to cut losses and dissolve the company, or at the very least forget about taking it into the real world and putting any outsiders at risk. I believe that most people involved are entirely innocent and my sole purpose is to prevent them from walking into a trap. The ancillary proofs in the form of meme malware dispersal (denying the election steal, signal boosting masking and lockdowns during the critical March-August 2020 period) serve mainly to demonstrate to me that the organization is still compromised, as is any organization with overlapping leadership. ---- Militias are illegal. If you operate a quasi militia without mafia levels of opsec you're going to prison. ---- You really think the pig system isn't going to mop up all easily eradicated potential new brownshirt movements once they are done with the Proud Boys and America First? ---- Complaining about modern technology is like complaining about mounted archers when they ruled the plains. 'The mounted archer has been a disaster for the human race.' is a sentiment many victims of the Great Khan would have shared, but it would not persuade him to give up his advantage any more than a few mailed bombs from 'Uncle Ted' persuaded anyone to give up the machine gun or the hydrogen bomb. In a technological collapse if the rump US globopedo state drones don't get ya the invading army from whoever retains functional supply chains will. ---- I side with all victims of the filthy feds. ---- Ever notice that every independent movie and television production company run by Whites gets endlessly libeled? Ted Turner, Howard Hughes and Walt Disney being the most well known examples. Before that it was William Randolph Hearst's newspaper empire that fell under similar attack. ---- Unless DeSantis can break Trump in the first few debates the 2024 nomination is Trump's for the taking, not because most Republicans prefer him, but because of the structure of US presidential primaries. To beat Trump in the GOP primaries in 2024 either some exogenous variable (criminal trial or conviction precluding him running) or a crippling memetic attack must intervene. If he retains his cult following willing to crawl over broken glass to vote for him in the primaries, which always have a low turnout, he will easily sail to the nomination at which point the deep state will decide whether to let him win or not. ---- The alternative to Microsoft is Linux + LibreOffice. The alternative to Facebook is stop attention whoring under your real name on the internet. ---- Status anxiety is the primary enemy weapon, which is what you'd expect from women. Men - all men, not just White men - are a problem because men are far less interested in what people think of them than women are. ---- The Nose: You guys know how the CIA goes around the world subverting governments and assassinating presidents? Well Israel's Mossad does that to America. Dread: Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of notorious Israeli superspook Robert Maxwell. Somehow that came to mind. ---- The sordid strangeness of the Jeffrey Epstein case with the entire enemy media uniting to cover up his obvious murder by assassins is a perfect opening, provided you are not dealing with antifa. Explaining who Ghislaine's father was and noting that Jeffrey was a nobody plucked out of obscurity and handed a billionaire lifestyle for nothing clarifies things. If they're open to it state it bluntly: Ghislaine Maxwell groomed young girls that Jeffrey Epstein pimped out to politicians so they could be blackmailed into supporting Israel. Simple as. ---- Media rules America, which is another way of saying money does. Democracy is always plutocracy. ---- White Lives Matter infuriates all the subcreatures because it is self evident even to them. Without us they perish. ---- The Federal Reserve could be abolished by a simple act of congress. It was not established via constitutional amendment. Bankers have soft pliable flesh just like any living organism. ---- I don't need to support them, but I do observe their antics with great amusement. The flesh swarm is coming and Israel will be consumed. It will be considerably more thorough than the Roman response to the last outbreak. Delightful! ---- You are wrong. They are throwing in the towel in the US. In Europe where the digital passport is White genocide Plan A they are going to push it as far as they can because this may be the last chance before someone does a full fash party and it's on. ---- As a young clone I loved Lost in Space. As a snotty teenager I came to look down on it. Now in the fullness of a foot in the grave I love it again. ---- I detect an Andrew Anglin true believer. He is one of the last people sticking to the 'covid will never end' narrative when even TRS has noticed that it's winding down. Anglin's takes have been decaying fast in exile. ---- Never fight on enemy ground. ---- Make criminals dead again. ---- Why do you call the most Jewish administration in US history the fourth reich? More like the fifth internationale. ---- How about posting the text instread of forcing me to visit some other site running god knows what javascript vomit? Paste the text in your post. I never click links. ---- The Covid-19 inflection point was SCOTUS knocking out the OSHA mandate. As the 9-0 rejection of the last ditch attempt to overturn the stolen election result proved SCOTUS is under full enemy control. They didn't give up out of principle, they gave up because we many, we proud many, would not comply. Keep on disobeying. We can break these scum. ---- HR's eagerness to force you to get the deadly mRNA shot is proportionate to your worthlessness. ---- The instrumentality of genocide can be sabotaged via conventional politics as out of the loop GOP opportunists seek victory through populist issues not governed by 75 years of propaganda. Opposing coronahoax is THE issue in 2022. ---- The bare minimum action once you understand that there is no good ending to the immigration invasion and civil rights is getting to minimum safe distance. That's at least 100 miles from the nearest poz zone. ---- Anyone countersignaling our victories against shot and mask mandates and social distancing gets unfollowed if not blocked. You are simply clinically depressed and caught in an environmental torture box. You should cheer up and move and stop posting. ---- People are going to use virtual reality. They might use full immersion wall screens as in Ray Bradbury's The Veldt (as used to shoot The Mandalorian). That will solve the nausea problem. Also 2D headsets might work. You get on board with an open solution or watch as Zuckerberg conquers 90% of waking life. ---- The method is to have an open source VR alternative. That means DRM-free headsets and fediverse-like virtual worlds where anyone can set themselves up as local warlord of cyberspace. ---- 'Trump was never gonna save us because he was a rich guy.' How well did James Traficante do saving us? No one can save us so long as 90% of American Whites are controlled by meme malware preventing them from rallying to men like Traficante. ---- I actually got gaslit about Youngkin in VA by reading too much Poast. His opening executive orders are mostly outstanding and I don't care that he kisses Jew ass. ---- Public education has been a torture chamber since day one. Once homeschooling became legal that's what every sane parent should have started doing. ---- If you find yourself constantly outraged stop reading the news. I look around and there are no savages looting trains, no cops gunning down innocent people, no freakish antifa fiends policing speech, just a nice quiet place with good schools. ---- The Bible is untrue. ---- The right wing efforts to protect marriage failed because marriage is not voluntary. It is a social coercion machine with one configurable component - who you choose to marry. All other aspects require the state or vigilantes to act to maintain order. ---- During the Iraq invasion 2.0 a lot of 'conservatives' gave me the stinkeye for having a Buchananite view of the matter. Indeed my Pat Buchanan support in general put me on the shit list as someone not to be trusted. ---- I assume that each redpilled Youtube comment that makes it past the Google machine fingerprinting master blacklist represents thousands of people who feel the same but have been long since banned or are being held back by the fact that Google has their doxx. ---- If I got involved in my community a Patriotic Republican for Donald Trump would eventually get a whiff of my actual views and post about it on Facebook where antifa could correlate it and my life would be over. No thanks. ---- There are NO brown people around here. I visited Trump campaign HQ and it was half pakis and indians. ---- Right now you get involved with the GOP you are going to be surrounded by the only brown people within 12 parsecs, faggots and women. They are on high alert to watch out for people like us. ---- Avoid conventional arguments and tropes. If a meme is 30 years old from the wignat era most readers have been inoculated to dismiss it out of hand. ---- Is Anglin using bitly tracking links or did you add them? Because that adds an additional ATTACK SURFACE for enemies to detect Stormer readers. ---- I recommend deporting all Muslims. To protect Jews. Yeah, that's it. That's the reason. ---- Scott Adams melting down over being confronted by an absolute nobody regarding his mRNA shot shilling is strong lolcow sign. Grift must be way down. I doubt he is of any use to Peter Thiel now. ---- Hollywood was raping little girls at scale in the 1970s and 1980s because they thought they were on the verge of legalizing it and getting amnestied. ---- First season family centered adventure series Lost in Space had consistently higher ratings in 1965-66 than liberal utopian Star Trek did in 1966-67. Few know this! ---- My theory on Kathleen Kennedy is she was Spielberg's fixer back when his films had a literal body count. Three for Twilight Zone, one for Poltergeist III. ---- What most people here could have foreseen is here: Brown mobs and assassins are now striking deep behind the 'nice school' lines, looting and murdering Whites. GET OUT OF CALIFORNIA NOW. ---- Parmenter: Wait - what is the story with Spielberg and Heather O'Rourke? Dread: She was raped to death on the set of Poltergeist III. It was not necessarily Spielberg who personally did it, he had an underage brothel operating on his soundstages. ---- I am thinking that they made a mistake shuttening Mike Lindell's banking. He didn't cross any genuine taboo lines, only the ones the Marxists are making up as they go along. Lindell could credibly found a bank and create his own payment processing system. ---- The Great Reset cabal is entirely disconnected from any accountability, having deep mountain redoubts with foot thick steel blast doors. That's not true of, say, the CA legislature that must write their meme malware into law. ---- Right now you get involved with the GOP you are going to be surrounded by the only brown people within 12 parsecs, faggots and women. They are on high alert to watch out for people like us. ---- The memetic feedback loops are leading to White genocide even though the vast majority of liberal to leftist voters and activists do not seek this end. There are visionaries on both sides who can see the inevitability of the final battle. The critical factor is that every leftist policy victory increases White rebellion. Only ever escalating brutality by the state can suppress this. In the end the only method to tame White men is to kill them all. ---- The usurper regime is claiming 12% out of stock inventory rate compared to 7-10% in normal conditions. Under normal conditions the real out of stock rate was 2% or less as the shelves were always full. Today it's between 15 and 20% depending on the clout of the retail outlet, with Walmart having the best depth and extreme discount stores having the worst. ---- Anything that makes Jews feel safer makes it easier for them to kill us. ---- I have always taken Israel's high shot compliance as evidence that the shots are not designed to kill at this time. Biotech is too crude to differentiate between an Israeli whose DNA is 75% European and a 100% European, at least for the time being. The general phenomenon of much higher Jewish risk aversion is one component of the general sync failure problem that drives each side to hate the other. ---- Random neocon videos now getting the Santa Inc. treatment. If the smartest Jews on Earth working for the gentile extermination skunkworks since 1993 can't stop it the whole tribe is well and truly fucked. ---- Remember, one act of disobedience is better than 1000 votes. ---- I believe out of an army of 14 million there were less than half a million volunteers. When FDR had Private Slovik shot it was a message that the New Deal terror state wasn't kidding around. Risk death to stop Hitler or face certain death from the feds. The correct strategy was to eliminate the local draft board with extreme prejudice. ---- Their world model requires that they believe that they can run a modern division of labor economy with a small caste of overlords dictating every microtransaction of White slaves who they can humiliate and torment without limit. Mises proved this impossible in 1920, but that didn't stop them from murdering 100 million people and they ain't done. Anyone with their eyes open can exceed their foresight. Nate Silver hardest hit. For the rulers of this crumbling shithole of a country the simple Machiavellian maxim 'Don't make excessive enemies' is mission: impossible. ---- Ever notice that not one far right media outlet will tell you to get rid of your smartphone? Even Daily Stormer won't say that. I wonder if they look at their website logs and see that 75% of traffic is mobile... ---- Looking at conservative discussion of the California train looting they have no ability to analyze it. Crime has been legalized... OK... why? Because non-Whites are now the majority in California and they effectively voted to make crime legal. Why would they do that? Because it is their nature. ---- What we've learned. Public education is the most dangerous weapon of the state and it must be forbidden for all eternity. Civil servants should have no job security and live in constant fear. If a government imposes the draft burn it all. ---- The republic died when the Union and Confederate citizens didn't unite and put their respective governments to the sword for imposing the draft. ---- Ebonics constantly morphs and mutates to stay ahead of the police. Do the same with your dissident code. Never stop expanding the vocabulary enemy systems must filter. ---- The blackpill I countersignal is 'American Whites are completely buck broken and will never revolt.' I've seen proof that is wrong every day for the last two years of the scamdemic. Millions never wore the mask. That is the sea of rebels in which the true American liberators can swim. ---- The infinite enemy does not support anything effective. Know the fed by the impotence of their memes and the coldness of their takes. PF is anything but that. ---- The founder of Patriot Front is totally legit. He's young and his digital trail shows he has always been right wing and he has never had an encounter with civil or criminal legal trouble that could be used to flip him. The arrest of the Oath Keepers guy is concerning. Patriot Front is the most obvious target now that Proud Boys are all but finished off. ---- Hillary is a power player because her husband helped neutralize the Confederacy just long enough for the US to pass the point of no return demographically. ---- I plan to remind everyone that Martin King was a depraved whoremonger who fucked prostitutes the night before he was sent to the sunken place for good, as always. ---- Not in mine. I still can choose not to have one. If they get the mandatory digital passport that's it. White genocide - total extermination - becomes a near certainty. At least in North America. A people who will accept that will never revolt and it will be impossible to organize or reach enough to alter the balance of power once they can control your movements directly. ---- National Socialists opposed 'vaccine' mandates and considered such a Jewish conspiracy. I wonder what the biographies of the Pfizer and Moderna CEOs would reveal... ---- They hate us because they hate what is good, we hate them because we hate that which is evil. Hate properly understood is a virtue. ---- Patriot Front has caused hundreds of accounts to swarm forth with GOOG/NSA machine fingerprinting traps - aka links to Youtube videos denouncing PF. Block on sight. If you link to Youtube you are my enemy. ---- A few more words on my plan, such as it is. The idea is to lay the foundation memetically and technically. At this time a few commandments are in order: Do not have a smartphone. I mean that in a totalistic manner. The leadership of any emergent organization must not have any such device in their life. The efforts to carve out exceptions might be possible for a fellow like P of FSE with a lifetime of computing experience... but I can guarantee that we aren't looking for a computer guy. So the best practice is total disconnection. Same goes for what you access with big computer. No Facebook. No real name social media of any kind. No cloud storage of any kind. And even with all that do most organizing in the very difficult to monitor analog realm. If you're writing a book use an air gapped machine with no wifi or bluetooth. Same for doing propaganda. This is preparation for the much harsher crackdowns that are coming. I'd also strongly suggest NO militia-like or even vaguely possible to twist into militia activity. No drilling, no sparring, no fight clubs, no weapons. ---- Withdraw all help from enemy systems. Do not work for Google, the government, Facebook, Amazon or any other converged entity. Leave the worst states and reward the better ones with your presence. The hyperpozzed states must be regarded as lost for the duration and should be allowed to split from us politically. I'd advise against even visiting NYC or LA. ---- A robust platform will reach millions, which improves the odds many thousandfold over any personal network. A man of money is not the man of destiny. It will be a political fanatic and probably someone interested in military discipline. ---- Sasha Baron Cohen has a seat at the high table. He was setting the stage for this with Borat. I am as certain he has sacrificed babies to his demon false god as I am of anything. ... This aged extremely well. It is now coming out that he is literally connected to intelligence agencies. Yes. I just saw the headlines. He is working with spooks. That explains his pro-censorship speech. ---- Pure cultural Marxism is far worse than ordinary old economic Marxism. Economic Marxism could get by on aping the products of the capitalist world through the simple expedient of stealing the plans (available at the patent office, if the capitalists wouldn't just send them over gratis) and ordering the engineers to start making product. Cultural Marxism replaces the engineers and laborers with insane trannies, lazy POCs and spiteful mutants. That sorry lot couldn't assemble a pencil. ---- There are extermination tranches. At all costs avoid being in the AAA tranch. ---- The evolutionary result of delaying marriage in a culture that strongly punished fornication was a much lower birthrate, allowing for capital accumulation which eventually funded the industrial revolution. It also evolved a very strong ability to delay gratification, also applicable to a complex division of labor economy. ---- The slow grinding collapse is a pro-globalist meme because it asserts that the pig system is viable for decades. It isn't. It collapses proportionate to implementation of its premises. Which means it can be undone overnight by rejecting said premises. We just need the right man. ---- Coronahoax enabled mail in voting which made it much, much easier to generate the millions of fraudulent ballots required to overcome Trump's world historic landslide victory. ---- In a come as you are collapse those without technology will be up against legacy systems. They might not be as robust as the Imperial Starfleet in Foundation where Bel Riose could threaten Terminus very late in the decline but the battle won't take place in 2300 AD, it will happen before 2040. ---- No one is avoiding discussing Jewish issues because they are distracted by Covid-19 or taxes or Tiktok videos or anime, they're avoiding it because Jews will attack and destroy them if they hit a tripwire. ---- My thesis is even if they made the effort most people would fail at farming. The same people who sneer at the 'learn to code' trope are remarkably docile in the face of 'learn to farm' if it comes from some prepper guru. It's an insult to farmers that everyone thinks they can just read up on it and start feeding a family of four on their 1/8 acre in year two. ---- In a state of nature only ability matters. Once there are laws the man who can squirm out of obeying them while leaving you encumbered has the advantage. That is the glory and the vice of the Jews. All right wing movements drift towards being Jew critical because Jews love rules and gaming systems. If an administrative state is established they rush to fill all the power chokepoints and make use of it. The man of the right is a man of action who is impatient with sitting around at meetings, filling out forms and truckling to petty bureaucrats. Jews, with their ghastly old testament law micromanaging every bite they eat, get started on gaming the system with their initiation into their shitty religion. The man of the right in the US is usually a Christian, where the rules are simple, or an atheist / agnostic, where only laws of nature matter. Neither requires a rabbi to tell them what to eat or how to fuck. By endorsing the administrative state TRS assures that they will have close to zero recruits from the right, while the left and neoliberals wonder 'What's your problem, we've got your totalitarian hellworld right here.' ---- Coronahoax was intended to get the digital passport. Once that existed no right wing organization would have been possible. They would have been able to track what people you saw in real life the way they track you on Facebook, and engage in careful network analysis and network shatter. How? By declaring any emergent right wing leader 'a carrier of the latest variant' and sticking them in a camp 'for their own protection.' Obedience to the enemy fed state is the greatest threat. ---- There is a floor to the depravity of a saucy wench like Kyrsten Sinema. She is fucking around but she is fucking around with partners who can in fact impregnate her in the state of nature. Whereas furries, trannies and faggots are engaged in full blown metaphysical rebellion, often ending in full blown AIDS. ---- Presumably the Jews pulling Biden's strings will roll out some other talmudic fucking bullshit administrative tyranny ploy to coerce mass vaccination. However shot side effects are ramping up resistance, not diminishing it. Basically if they do have a total mRNA shot talmudism up their sleeves I become a full time Hitler supporter. ---- The kind of people The Federalist Society allows on the court swim in a different meme ocean than we do. One that whirls down into the void. ---- Qanon is zionist, neocon and anti-essentialist. Not one Qtard is redpilled or ever was. ---- They are now. Rothbard was in favor of lynching perverts and was delighted when Jeffrey Dahmer got shanked. ---- I just don't have it in me to be the next Hitler, but I await his arrival with great anticipation. I wasn't this radical until coronahoax convinced me that we have nothing to lose. We stop these fiends soon or every White man in North America will be put to the sword in the next few years. ---- Wrong way of looking at it. The set of all GOP voters is too large to drone. The set of all conspiracy theorists - same. It's when you enter the set of all fanatical anti-semites living on compounds that suddenly the feds have plenty of drones to deploy in your general direction. ---- Look at the cities which have gone full leftist. They're in freefall. If they were to literally abolish the police they'd be blasted ruins in a matter of days. ---- The fine tuning problem is the thinking man's intelligent design argument. Life is well explained by blind evolution within the laws of physics. It is the fact that we enjoy the benefit of physical laws that allow for solid matter to exist and produce stars and planets where highly organized molecules can develop and pass on their structure with replicating machinery and become ever more complex that sparks curiousity. ---- Die in the gutter, you loathsome freak!' is more inspirational than anything Martin Luther King is claimed to have said. Like and Subscribe for more #LifeHacks ---- Everything is rigged, what is of interest is what the demons of the abyss think they can get away with. Make fiends scared again. ---- There are few pleasures more refined than serendipitously stumbling upon the GoFundMe for some Marxist scumbag I knew personally in the before time who can't pay their bills. Die in the gutter, you loathsome freak! ---- SCOTUS ruling is a signal. I'm hearing that shot compliance among healthcare workers is very, very high industry wide. So they figured they could get away with that. Employee mandate, not so much. The claims of 85% compliance are obviously bullshit. More likely it is closer to 55%. SCOTUS, or more precisely the evildoers who have the John Roberts fag blackmail videos, blinked because to do otherwise would mean immediate civil war. Concrete wall at White House related. ---- Anyone who sounds like Mitch McConnell squirming free of a tough question is not to be trusted. Mussolini gave sharp well defined answers. Most right authoritarians do. ---- Hate is very hard on the system. It is bad for you. It is a great sacrifice. I make it gladly. ---- It's not about wanting things to get worse, the enemy is correct in thinking accelerationism benefits them. Conventional far right accelerationism claims that we need to get this party started because Whites are a dwindling share of the US population. Certainly raw numbers are declining. What this misses is the fact that at this time the far right lacks manpower. If the evil forces can get their total administrative state now they just might win as those who have a deep understanding of the danger are a rounding error. This weakness is constantly apparent in things like the Waukesha protest which had 25-50 guys, many of which had to drive hundreds of miles. Our forces are very thin on the ground. That must change. If the evil forces trigger a revolutionary situation we are going to have to rely on Tea Party boomers, because we don't have shit. ---- It's reverse engineering when you deal with deep cover enemies. Tucker Carlson seems OK until you learn that he convinced Trump to take covid-19 seriously, which sealed Trump's doom. Before that Trump was considering doing a Sweden and not going full lockdown or endorsing anything of the sort. Trump's instincts were correct. Tucker is CIA. Keep in mind these are gestalt findings based on scanning a vast trove of data. My gut tells me Tucker is a deep cover enemy agent. Oh, he admits he applied to be a CIA agent. Think he didn't have the education or smarts to qualify? No, he was given the William F. Buckley Jr. assignment - the same assignment! Herd the right into safe blind alleys so we can run out the clock on potential nationalist revival. ---- Are you in the US? Because DeSantis' anti-coronahoax stand is very, very good for me and I don't care if he sends 100X as much cash to Israel if he is rock solid on that. ---- Keep making excuses for the Club of Rome meme malware vector. Anyone who believes in man made climate change is your enemy. Anyone who is anti-technology is your enemy. Technology is the White man's unique superpower. Giving it up is suicide, and the vast majority of those in anti-tech movements are spiteful mutants who hate Western greatness. Borzoi believes in climate change. I don't have a timestamp. Just start listening going forward with the filter of: Endorsment of Limits to Growth / Club of Rome / Uncle Ted shit is a type of Marxist / Jewish hate for Europe. That is why I consider him a total enemy, even if he is not a fed. He doesn't have to be. He deems our greatness a world murdering evil... just like any leftist. Borzoi is an agent of collapse, not merely a predictor of it. If we give up technology we are easy meat for machete wielding savages. The Maxim gun is our unique value proposition in dealing with the hordes. It's meme malware, not logic. He promotes hatred of technology at a time when we must become fanatical technologists. He reads nothing of any practical use, he is completely stuck in the past. Less Ottoman Empire more Nick Bostrom. ---- It doesn't work that way. If you disconnect from technology and start an Owen Benjamin farm you're just easy meat for the drones to take out during the death spasm of the system. In a collapse all the evil guys who watched Dr. Strangelove are going to make sure that they fine tune who survives, and anyone who starts a compound or little community of right wing Whites is their number one priority for eradication. Only way we survive is by preventing collapse and winning. ---- For what it's worth there is one way a White family or community expecting a technological collapse can improve their odds of survival beyond the technical aspects of really knowing how to grow and raise enough veggies and meat to stay alive, and that is by going completely silent on any right wing politics ASAP. If you're regarded as a harmless bunch of hippies they will save the drone missiles for higher priority targets. ---- One problem: Climate change is a hoax and you must be a administrative state truster to believe in it. Anyone who falls for it is enemy. The Club of Rome predicted collapse by the 1980s with famine wiping out hundreds of millions. None of that shit happened. The same group and many of the same people are involved in the climate change hoax to this day. ---- Just because overt White nationalist politics are completely blackballed by both major parties doesn't mean that the outcome of their battles is irrelevant to White survival. For example the SCOTUS ruling on the shot mandate today substantially reduced the odds of the White race being exterminated in North America in the next 30 years. Who can we thank for that? GOP appointed justices. ---- This is an unmitigated victory for Team B. It extends the runway on the US by years. ---- Normie politics are where our fate will be decided until you either come up with a revolutionary army or a viable third party. ---- Erecting that feeble concrete barrier at the White House is a sign of mental illness. It's useless against any real trouble while making them look cowardly and paranoid. ---- The left hand path is the path of death. That's why all leftists are parasites. They need a human host. ---- No leftist is your friend. Do not speak to them. Do not be in the same place they are. ---- If the WASPs had censored Marxists by executing them we would not be in this situation. ---- The Virgin Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On TV vs. the Chad Seventy Thousand Words You Can't Say On Twitter. ---- Leave aside truth. A free speech platform necessarily permits lies as it is impossible for mods to fact check millions of posts. What permitting discussion of Jewish issues, shrouded in most sacred taboos of post-1945 America, reveals is how hardcore your devotion to speech really is. You can let pornstars post the most graphic descriptions of every depraved act - and even include the video! - and retain credit card processing. Any hint of criticism or mockery of sacred Jewish narratives gets the whole nine yards of deplatforming and defunding. See Nick Fuentes and the parable of the cookies. ---- The rebellion against globopedo will take a far less organized form in the US than it did in more stoic authoritarian nations. Become ungovernable. ---- You have never seen Golgo 13, Akira, Space Cruiser Yamato or Mobile Suit Gundam. ---- There is no form of right wing American politics that will tolerate Israel's parasitism. If it does it is not right wing, it is meme malware. ---- Phase one was followed shortly after by AIDS. Turned out the association of fags with disease and filth in nearly all civilized traditions had some empirical basis. ---- It's where the money is. This is all funded by one billionaire Jew, Paul Singer. Once he got fag marriage legalized he had nothing better to do with his money so he launched this initiative, which is indeed intended to clear the way for pedo legalization. I don't think it will work, but that is the plan. Once kids can consent to maiming sterilizing surgery what principle stands in the way of total perversion? The answer is the bog. ---- It has already begun. Drag Queen Story Hours and similar are getting shut down by groups of men all over the country. ---- The only creatures hated more than men who molest little girls are men who molest little boys. Spacey was done the moment the highly credible to SJWs actor from Star Trek Discovery revealed that Spacey tried to groom him when he was 13 or 14. ---- How did Epstein's operation benefit the anti-capitalist cause? It looks like Epstein had a single purpose, making sure both parties continue to unconditionally support Israel. ---- With 100 million White American men yet alive now is a very, very bad time to admit they seek our deaths. But these fucking freaks have never made a lot of sense. ---- Irrevocable evil is a far more parsimonious world model than redemption through the magic blood of Christ. No amount of sprinkling or dunking can cleanse the stain from a chronic slut's DNA. ---- As procurator of the North American staging area I will wear full Vader armor and wait for a cease and desist from Disney at which time I will order their entire catalog be put in the public domain. ---- Somewhere there is a simple grep the firehose program running that does one thing, scan for all synonyms of Jew. This is translated by the Prime Radiant into a simple bar graph. It has been in the red since November 4, 2020. ---- Genophilia: Catholic Mass, or even a High Anglican or High Lutheran Mass, is too somber and meditative for mestizos and mulattoes. They want rap music and to roll around in the aisles. Catholics will be minority in Brazil next year, and Brazil is about 50% mulatto. Dread: Post of the month, BTW. Is this your own insight, because that is profound. I never thought to make the connection between pentacostal flailing loony services and typical third world festivities vs. the dull as paint drying Catholic dirge. ---- Famous feds, from immense to wee little rounding errors Immense: Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Peter Thiel Midrange: Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, Franklin Graham Wee: Mike Enoch, Jayoh, Chuck Johnson, 'RickyVaughn' ---- If civil war breaks out in earnest all the world powers who were waiting for the US to depart the stage will make their moves. Taiwan, gone. Israel, set upon from all sides. If that bothers you maybe stop destabilizing the system with coronahorseshit and nigger women paid six figures to do seminars insulting White men at work. ---- In a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia a few will be sent to Israel as a special thank you. Russia never forgets. ---- If you account only for the three major racial groups Ashkenazi Jews are far more White than Asian or black. If you divide things further other patterns begin to emerge. These charts are the product of parsing a gigantic human DNA database: A genetic cluster analysis is, essentially, a computerized version of the taxonomic process of grouping ‘things’ into categories. A cluster analysis is created via software that automatically sorts pieces of data into a predefined number of groups (or ‘clusters’), according to how related those pieces of data are to one another. Users define how many clusters the software should divide the data into via the command “K=#”, where “#” is the number of clusters. First chart divides into three clusters, second into eight clusters. source (link broken on purpose, remove space before dotcom): thuletide.wordpress .com/2020/06/29/a-race-by-race-breakdown-of-human-genetic-diversity-illustrated-guide-for-novices/ ---- I had entirely blotted it out of my mind that middle aged Betty White played a nymphomaniac on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. So her entire adult acting career once she became famous involved the same repulsive routine. No wonder she became a feminist icon. ---- The reason I don't get into long discussions with foreigners about US politics is they have no data. They only know what the TV tells them and what the little circle of fringe bloggers and video producers tells them, with no way to test any of it. ---- My sober appraisal is that if the American people are ready to accept legalized pedophilia every inhabitant of North America should be cast into the abyss. Total sterilization of the realm. Young punks don't realize that the reason Roman Polanski felt comfortable fucking an underage girl is that the new left at the time thought they were on the cusp of total sexual revolution that would decriminalize every perversion. The moment the public got wind of this it was shut down. Pedo chic lasted a few more years until Reagan's election struck absolute terror in their hearts and they stepped back. For a time the Reagan DOJ was threatening to prosecute distributers of mainstream films that implied underage girls were having sex, though nothing came of it you saw a fast end to the teen sex comedy where the girls went all the way. I haven't seen a film like Animal House were a sympathetic protagonist fucks a 13 year old come out of Hollywood since. ---- Fringe wackos look at the right and see a few thousand outcasts. I look at the right and see 60 million angry Trump voters who would support a Trump-like candidate who wasn't lying about building the wall in a heartbeat. ---- The hope for preventing pedo legalization lies with the normie right, not with the scattered splinters of the altright. The useless vermin of NJP spread defeatism because they can't recruit for shit. ---- If I catch the faintest sign of disrespect I block. If there is no memetic solution or political solution you know what to do, and it does not involve commenting on my posts. Bye. ---- If your actions contradict your words you get blocked. If they can legalize pedophilia then the time for posting on Gab ended ages ago. Any blackpilling on that level demands that you delete your account and adopt a different strategy. Therefore you are either unserious, and I block you, or you are lying, and I block you, or you are a fed demoralization agent, and I block you. ---- If things are now at the point where they can fully implement pedophilia legalization then stop posting and do something about it. Memetic ops are at an end if that is your assertion. Oh, and post another condescending shit comment with slider image spam... Oh fuck it, you are blocked, malware body. ---- No doubt. Keep in mind USA Today had to pull that article and all related posts. You're missing the subcultural factor. The media is now staffed with oversocialized recent graduates from the most pozzed institutions of an already 75 year hyperpozzed domain, academia. Among trannies, faggots, dykes, Marxists, schizophrenics and antifa pedophilia is seen as a misunderstood persecuted preference. Outside that incursion of Hell into our world there is nothing more hated. If they cross that line it means insta-revolution. ---- It's biology. The instinct to protect kids is too powerful. Not even the TV can break it. ---- E. Michael Jones would say you're denying the efficacy of the sacraments. Hardcore theologians follow the logic of salvation to its blank slate endpoint, with a twist. You are born in sin, but there is a blood eraser that wipes the slate clean - Jesus. There is no logical in-universe reason why it should not work for any featherless biped. Only retcons can make it civilization ready. ---- The relative resistance is 1000X more powerful. Do you have any non-White friends? Most White people living in friendship range of non-Whites do. Homosexuals? Same. Pedophiles? Not once you find out. Zero tolerance is the norm. There is no framing that is going to make that work. 100% of pedos are enemies of humanity. They're worse than gypsies. You're getting gaslit by Borzoi again. US is not the Ottoman Empire. It does not have despotic power over its helots. We're an unruly mob armed to the teeth. If they try the pedo thing there will be... trouble. ---- I'd class anyone who prioritizes Israel as Team B, keep America alive. Team A, which is the more powerful and represents a broader consensus among the spiteful mutants, seeks not any anti-Christian victory but the extermination of the European genotype from the Earth. They are perfectly fine with the immense Christian hordes of Africa and South America. ---- Spicasso: feds come in all forms, they dont just sit around and fedpost from 9-5. some of your favorite podcasters (current and former) are federal agents. some of the dumb shits that have been de-platformed all over the place are federal agents (great cover right? nobody even thinks twice about it, its how they blend in). a lot of the "right wing" social media influencers are federal agents. some of the people who own and run social media companys are doing so on behalf of federal agents, making them glowniggers by proxy. its not complicated: trust none of these people PS. fuck you FBI ---- There are enemy action plans that allow us to remain alive for longer. Where there's life there's hope. ---- Not really. The sane Zionists want to retain the US as their reserve army and nuclear trump card in their war with world Islam, a formidable opponent in swarm mode, particularly against a tiny country with a highly risk averse population. ---- Trump was an inept buffoon. Biden is a turnip. But Biden's puppet masters seek to exterminate the White population of North America, so I prefer the buffoon. ---- Please note that the left wing trolls stick to MAGApedes whining about the stolen election. They never engage on real issues where they can easily be forced into a hopeless position - having to defend Israel pimping out underage girls to blackmail US politicians, for example. ---- That little cunt has her own jet airplane, that little cunt is a millionaire. Also she groomed little girls to turn out to fuck US politicians so they could be blackmailed into supporting Israel's imperial designs in the middle east. Israel rapes kids. ---- Orwell's 1984 only works in Airstrip One. In the US no one is that obedient outside a few super rootless cosmopolitan cities. You know, the ones full of Jews. ---- People are too dismissive of normie politics. If the GOP can gain points by dunking on Fauci that undermines the authority of the pig system whether they mean to or not. The worst scenario is post-9-11-2001 bipartisanship where everyone is on board and acting as repeater stations for the latest horseshit from Tel Aviv. ---- If they want to control the population why do they keep feeding Africans? ---- I hate money freaks so much. It's not all about 'the fed' The fed is the product of banker control not the cause of it. Break that power and you can end the fed, not before. ---- The man and his ideas are one. You can't turn a cat into a dog by arguing with it. Only the founding stock of the US can run the source code. As they lost numerical superiority the source code became as useless as a Commodore 64 program recorded on audio tape. ---- It depends how many of us there are. The heroic struggle is dramatic and appeals to manly instinct, but it is the least plausible scenario. Far more likely is the slow dissolution by passive aggressive low risk tactics. But that requires lots of people. Fortunately the Democrats handed us 60 million dissidents when they stole the election. ---- I believe there is a god and he made the world to forge new life. He does it with evolution. ---- If the Democrats retain control they will implement the speedrun to our deaths and we are not ready. Not even close. The plan, which I doubt you understand, is to collapse civilization to kill as many of us as possible, then finish off those who remain with the brown horde. That is the reason for 'climate change' and all their myriad hoaxes. To remove our unique technical advantage. ---- The sudden wave of stories backpedaling on the panic which they spun up to peak during the SCOTUS shot mandate arguments indicate that they are laying the groundwork for a soft landing. They MUST restart the economy before the midterms. Either a steal or a red wave need to be avoided or blunted. Particularly with chaotic Trump elements and imitators swarming around smelling blood. ---- Every globalist organization is trying to prevent deaths in the third world and these normie conspiracy tards think the agenda is depopulation... smdh ---- The US was the first significant secular republic. The Constitution makes no reference to god or Christianity and makes provisions to assure that non-Christians can hold office, testify in court and serve on juries. ---- Dread: The less trollish reason to exclude older men (women are excluded entirely - another quality move) is that once you have a wife, kids and property the system can control you by threatening them. LKS: This right here. This is how they seized control of the military and other institutions- by implicitly suggesting they would be left with nothing if they didn't go along to get along. Dread: That was the last stage. It took a while. Early on it required selective assassinations. They murdered Patton. ---- We are so far beyond any above ground solution to the problem of Marxist terror. Andrew Anglin is a fugitive from a completely ridiculous civil judgment. People who strolled through the capitol are getting five years. There is no working within this pig system. It must be disrupted until it disintegrates. ---- The phenomenon of non-Christians sending confusing signals to trick Christians is a sign you actual Christians are not paying enough attention to. That many cling to false prophets like Jordan Peterson shows just how far along we are in the collapse of European Christianity. If you adopt the theologically fashionable notion that third world inhabitants have souls you will be deluged and destroyed. ---- Many Catholics will ignore Pope Francis on the mRNA shot, preferring to defer to Alex Jones, peace be upon him. ---- In 1979 there was a gunfight between communists and neo-confederates led by Glen Miller that ended with the confederates cleared of all charges on self defense grounds. The group consisted of veterans, like Miller himself. Jimmy Carter wasted no time waiting for the verdict, commencing a purge of all 'racists' from the military ASAP. So this has been going on for 43 years. ---- Common sense dictates that anti-semites should not own a Jew microphone created by Jews who hate us so much they took 20 years before they did a few halfass Christmas logos when too many people started noticing. ---- When the enemy is willing to scuttle New York City all bets are off. ---- A leftist fan of The Matrix recently did a long podcast on the trilogy and in the process he read multiple early drafts of the script and story treatment and all the trans stuff the Wachowski brothers claim was in there... isn't. Switch is not one sex in the real world and another when jacked in. The subject is never mentioned. ---- Rich Germaeu: Ive said this repeatedly, here it is again. Faraday bag. Mission darkness makes a very good one for $23 Dread: It can HEAR. ---- The enemy has not so much two strategies as two psychological profiles. You have managerial class types represented by Michael Bloomberg and you have spiteful mutants represented by Kamala Harris. The former have a gigantic orrery plan complete with epicycles and thousands of contingencies to slowly reduce us to serfdom. The latter are lashing out with everything they've got hoping to bring White men down so they can start the mass killings today. ---- I am more and more coming around to the view that there is no plan to govern or parasitize Europe or its former colonies. The plan is revenge. Leftism is just a grab bag of civilization destroying policies. That is all they have in common. If coronahoax doesn't work they'll go back to climate change. If that fails, more nigger riots. ---- Rich Germeau: The phone is how they get you,,, how they build their entire case... It allows them to prove time and proximity... It allows them to build a case for networking/planning... They can make a mountain out of a mole hill with the phone... The phone incriminates you and you agree to the terms/the contract... I bet you nobody got arrested on Jan 6 who did not have a smart phone on them... These cops are not that good,, they are lazy,, they want all the work done for them,, they do not even know how to really investigate... The phone does it all for them... Why do you think the MAFIA learned not to keep records??? Keeping records gets you locked up in prison,,, the smart phone is the entire book on you... Dread: Solution: No smartphone. Northern Exile: The Taliban, al Shabab, etc all figured this out. Every time they turned the phone on, drones appeared. Once they went dark electronically, the US was blind. Look how long it took to find bin Laden, the most wanted man in world history. The american intel agencies have terrible human sources. Luttwak has written extensively about this. Without electronics, the empire is in the dark. ---- Around 2015 or so there was a book published attacking common sense with the message we need to consult with experts for accurate knowledge about anything. No one had heard of the authors before, yet every mouth of Sauron spoke their names. It was one of those coordinated concept rollouts similar to tranny psychosis. ---- So is the theory if we just love everyone, stop judging whores, trannies, faggots, criminals, parasites, pedos and other freaks we could all get together and... what? Lower taxes? BTW, your avi and banner could not be more generic. ---- So wait, did JK Rowling really respond to the accusation that goblin bankers are anti-semitic stereotypes by saying they also own the wizarding media? ---- The law of diminishing marginal utility proves that a billion Africans are worth less than a dozen pandas. Sorry not sorry ---- The first phase of stopping Marxists is creating a group absolutely immune to Marxist infiltration and capable of outmaneuvering them in political space. Patriot Front is showing signs that they know how to do that. The more the enemy panics the better PF looks. ---- Energy independence is a coded neocon talking point from a previous version of the matrix. That guy is so dumb he can't keep up. ---- Reenie: Who would you like to see as president? Dread: Andrew Anglin. ---- Dread: The Electoral College votes to choose the president. They voted. Biden won the vote. Therefore he is legally president. The election irregularities are irrelevant. The decision of the Electoral College is final, that's what it's FOR. ---- Pay attention to what's happening around you because more than likely what the media says is false. Knowing someone who hired a property manager convinced me that Blackrock could not possibly be buying single family homes to hold long term. Property is subject to rapid entropy if it is not very carefully maintained. ---- [on Hotez's vaccine] I am not endorsing, just passing on the news. It is probably not as dangerous as mRNA shots being based on a better tested technique. But yes, all statements might be lies, as they are regarding the mRNA shots. ---- Scott Adams has all the marks of a total 1980s boomer greed is good psychopath. He would have no incentive to scuttle his corporate speaking career... unless someone paid him to. ---- Dread: Media dupes have no access to the real world. They believe the captions on photos - a firestorm labeled a mostly peaceful protest raises no alarms. They saw the hints provided by six months of campaign stops where Biden could not get 25 people while Trump gathered millions and absolutely believe that Trump was hellishly unpopular and that Biden got more votes than any other candidate in US history. I think having one zealous woke scumbag in the decision making process ruins any film or TV show. Because who can argue against them if they suggest 'The love interest should be an obese black woman.'? My guess about the few remaining decent shows and movies is the producer has a small cadre of people loyal to him who want to keep making money and so they blackball any tranny freaks or woke monsters from the core team so they don't have to explain shit. Jon Favreau being a perfect example. ---- The CDC signaling an end to coronapanic MAY mean that SCOTUS is about to strike down the OSHA shot mandate. The theory that SCOTUS is a black box is a lie spread by the media that gets tipped off by the clerks on the regular. ---- Dread: If someone had a serious case of the coof what treatments strike you as credible? Particularly those that can be obtained over the counter. Of course at this point I may have had it and shrugged it off, I have no idea. But a few people - notably Lovelymiss - got it and said it was pretty nasty, and you seem to know what's what in these domains of knowledge. Trevor: Hypothetically? Early implementation of both Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Supplementation with zinc and Vitamin D. Have vitamin D levels checked (any PMD can do this). Have an O2 sat monitor at home. If blood oxygen levels start dipping to 90% or less and you are feeling short of breath I would seek out outpatient monoclonal antibody infusion treatment at a local center, I have seen this make a significant difference in 2 cases of this variant (both were of course fagcine recipients and boosted) I have not yet seen a pureblood with a severe course of this variant. It's a head cold for us. Avoid hospital admission at all costs ---- BlankAvatar: Control the media, control the democracy. Dread: And there's no workaround. Even if descendents of the original US settlers controlled all media policy would reflect their selfish interests not that of the people. Indeed prior to mass immigration wealthy men were able to buy enough influence to create completely corrupt one party districts that they milked at will. ---- It's fairly clear that at least 20% of US protestants pre-1865 considered negroes soulless beasts, so there was no contradiction. ---- I discovered that a close relative had a very specific personality quirk that I shared, one so idiosyncratic that I can't post it. It was something we never discussed and there was this code fragment manifesting. BTW Richard Dawkins proved the existence of inate knowledge in the 1960s. ---- Biden is a turnip. Trump offered freedom from the lockdowns that are generating regime change energy worldwide, Biden was animated to promise a long dark winter. Your fairy tale does not even pass the basic scifi suspension of disbelief threshold. Authoritarian right concepts gave Nixon 49 states in 1972. That energy has been distilled for 50 years. The cascade is near. That is why god straightened me out. ---- The election was stolen. This was known by me on the morning of November 4. So your words mean nothing. Your opinions on all other subjects are discounted to zero. Odds are you carry evil in your genetic code and you will have to be expelled from the realm by the Imperial Inquisition. ---- The mandate will not be obeyed no matter what the court says. The shot is death. Given a choice of death or liberty the multitude will choose liberty and redistribute the death. ---- [Patriot Front has no recruits under 35]: The less trollish reason to exclude older men (women are excluded entirely - another quality move) is that once you have a wife, kids and property the system can control you by threatening them. ---- Millions of people support Ashli Babbitt. If she was involved in an attempt to overthrow the government, well, don't think her supporters are unaware of that. At least 60 million Americans both know the election was stolen and are very, very angry. If you identify with the usurper regime all the worse for you. ---- In 2016 the US had negligible odds of breaking up by 2030. By November 2, 2020 those odds had risen to 5%. Now they're at 20% and rising daily. ---- All parents of more than one child know with apodictic certitude that personality is genetic, or in the blood to use the ancient term. Pic related, substrate. ---- The Armed Robbery verdict is what you get when blowhards of the sort that infest Gab in vast numbers take their legal theories about vigilanteism and self defense into the real world. If you shoot and kill someone who isn't an armed home invader you are getting fucked 99% of the time. Just abandon the no-go zones. They're lost until regime change fixes them. ---- Also close borders of all industrialized nations to Africans as when one arrives their carbon footprint increases a hundred fold. Perhaps more. ---- If the faggot John Roberts rubber stamps the shot mandate a state will nullify. If the feds play hardball and the PEOPLE of that state resist civil war begins. ---- Common sense and science both prove race and sex (NOT gender!) are real. People don't get their ideas from logic and evidence, they get them by discerning who has power and repeating what the powerful say. Putting on a good front of having power is how you begin to convert the masses. ---- Biden isn't collapsing the economy, purging competent White men did that and it's Wall Street Jew money that provides the primary motivation for the purge, not Washington. ---- If Trump had been what we hoped for his efforts would have been blocked by the courts and congress. Democracy is the cancer. Only a dictator can solve this. ---- So many possibilities. General strike. Monkeywrenching. Jury nullification. Permanant vacation. Emigration. Orbital cannon. ---- --- Never trust a sloppy person. All work should be clean and polished. Mind you I don't refer to the actual work area. That varies wildly. ILM, which did the effects for Star Wars, looked like a junkyard. ---- Remember, if this is upheld we must undo it by infinite means. Infinite? What could that entail? You don't want to know. ---- The Passion of the Christ grossed ONE BILLION DOLLARS long before any capeshit movie did the same, and it did so with zero media support. ---- Elwood Blues: jews are the most persecuted, helpless people in history and i know this because when a mexican dissident-adjacent journalist suggested that a Rothschild had a distinct physiognomy that was distrustful, other jews immediately launched a simultaneous, coordinated media attack in an attempt to ruin his career Dread: It's worth noting that Pedro Gonzalez CAN retreat to the hispanic subculture where not only do they give no fucks about goblin opinion, they have a well oiled machine for evading every aspect of US federal law. If Andrew Anglin were hispanic he could be living on a vast landed estate in New Mexico and anyone trying to collect would discover the estate belonged to Guillerimo D'Anconia De La Paz, whose claim dates back to before there was a United States and he knows both senators and he don't have to explain shit about who is or isn't residing in the pool house. ---- (to Ashley Rae) You still don't get it. You sometimes hint that you get it, but you don't. It's not about timing or phrasing it's about initiation. At some point you were given a test, an anti-matter universe version of the tests Willy Wonka did to find a good child to leave his factory to. You were tested for that demon seed of evil will. It was a small test, lucky for you. Isaac Kappy was given a harder test, and we all know how that turned out for him. ---- Tin Pan Alley was where Jews learned that the US copyright system was a goldmine. The knowledge gained producing hit songs was applied to film and Hollywood rapidly became the only significant source of feature films. Many errors were made along the way. Only Walt Disney and United Artists set out to remain mostly independent while producing grade A content. At any time Henry Ford or Charles Lindbergh could have started a movie studio. Or any of the lesser known men of wealth. Not one did. They abandoned the field. ---- Find a single post where I begged for money in the last five years. I'll wait. ---- Why do all these assholes use Telegram? Because it's free and gives you a shitload of file space. That's it. That's the entire reason. I wonder who can afford to hand out two GB per post in free storage? If you said NSA you said it right. ---- Most fanatical anti-semites use Google and carry a Jew microphone with them everywhere they go. No wonder they set up smirking disinfo ops with mocking names like Catturd. Most of you deserve that contempt. ---- You fucked up, you trusted Telegram. I've been warning everyone to avoid it for years. ---- The productions of a healthy virtuous media company would have thousands of times more power than the toxins Hollywood shits out. That's the secret of A Quiet Place's massive profit. ---- The crown of America is lying in the gutter waiting for someone to pick it up. You lift it with media power. ---- The US is White genocide's point of the spear. It is the weapon used to keep Europe from rising up and purging enemy flesh. The sooner it dies the better. ---- If our animal nature is real how can we escape it? The Christian at least has a coherent theory of overcoming nature via counter-causal dualism. Your insipid safe space version of the enlightenment is preposterous. The brain is the mind, the brain is constructed from DNA instructions and contains a great deal of software from birth. If it did not it would be impossible for infants to learn to speak. Similarly we have instincts to favor kin over more distant relations. In other words nature favors ethnic nationalism. ---- One of the most liberal females I know surprised me a long time ago when I mentioned a tranny we knew by volunteering, 'Those people are all insane.' ---- The correct attitude towards the state is not that of libertarians, who interpret any defense of the realm short of fighting off a uniformed invasion force violation of their mincing fag morality. The correct attitude is that of the free man who has non-negotiable rights to retain the MEANS to abolish the state if it gets out of hand. ---- Advertising might just be another form of money laundering. Ad agencies get a cut of every ad their clients purchase. There is a perpetual problem of taking shareholder money and handing it to your tribe instead. Advertising is perfect, it's almost all tribed up and there is no way to measure results thanks to confounding variables. ---- It begins in public school, this rat maze intermittant reinforcement. The first time I got stiffed I had a moment of clarity and I never responded to another government promise again. ---- There is a real vaccine for Covid-19. It’s cheap, easy to make and in demand overseas. So why can’t this Texas-born COVID-19 vaccine break into the U.S. market? ---- Trump is clearly guilty of sedition based on system premise that the 2020 election was not stolen. Therefore he is vulnerable to severe criminal lawfare attacks. The only way he gets another term is if he is needed for deradicalization. It's not impossible, but it's a low probability outcome. If things are that dire in 2024 the US is not long for this earth. ---- Corporations rolling out anti-White mandatory seminars is an overlooked reason for the great resignation. Fuck you, niggers, build your own supply chain, see how it works out for ya. ---- How many of you know that Hollywood studios lost a massive antitrust suit in the 1940s and were forced to sell off their movie theater chains, opening up the possibility of anyone producing and distributing a film? ---- In Neon Genesis Evangelion that creepy chart appears often. Also the cabal plotting to destroy the world looks like Le Happy Merchant convention. ---- I suspect that rootless cosmopolitan unfollowed over my concept that Israel should face judgment for Ghislaine Maxwell. Collective judgment. ---- In an 80% White country libertarianism is somewhat excusable, particularly as foreign news was difficult to come by. In the current year only a drug addict, mental case or pedo adheres to that nonsense. ---- Trump was P.T. Barnum. I thought he was P.T. Barnum with a plan. Turned out he just had a bigger ego. ---- The Gulf War was so obviously full of shit that anyone who joined the military post 1991 is a pathetic dupe. ---- Her name was Ashli Babbitt. Her error was not joining a real revolutionary movement. But her heart was pure and she will be in the hall of heroes while vermin who support this evil regime will be consigned to the unseen depths. ---- All corporations do the following: Manager teases, 'If you do X you might get a raise' X might be anything from work 60 hours a week to get some dumb MSFT cert. Employee does X. No raise occurs. 'I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.' Repeat hundreds of times on each employee for 40 years and don't wonder when the great crucifixion of the CEOs is cheered by 330 million Americans. ---- Ask yourself 'What little thing can I do today to destroy America?' ---- I was present when a Hollywood liar was called out and got to read the revised version of their lie in the paperback edition. The slippery phrasing used to maintain the lie was a sight to behold. A glitch in the matrix. ---- I hope it's true. Russia is the gene repository for the life form known as man. So long as they remain strong the enemy cannot prevail. ---- The labor shortage is very significant. It shows the wide adoption of 'I can't be bothered' as a way of life. That's how I feel about the US. I can't be bothered to work on fixing it. Let it fucking burn. ---- Matrix 3 is considerably worse than 2, which at least has two great characters and scenes to redeem it - the Merovingian and the Architect. Cloud Atlas was very clever leftist propaganda, and indeed the Neo Korea scenes were the most interesting part, having the absolute minimum of magical negroes, but of course the film was way too gay. I suspect that each gay scene cuts boxoffice by 10% or more. That's why even Disney won't make a major character gay and give them 'romantic' scenes. ---- The closeted faggot William F. Buckley Jr. destroyed Sobran at the command of his Jewish masters who no doubt had plenty of explicit rent boy video to deploy if he proved unwilling. ---- Here's local politics: The feds demand we do this. If we don't we are in violation and they fine us X dollars a day. The state demands we do this. If we don't... you can guess the rest. ---- Not really. Local politics has absolutely no power thanks to federal supremacy. If they detect a pattern of discrimination laws on the books already plus a real estate developer can settle thousands of refugees in your community in a few months. AI can easily spot the outlines of such a deep cover movement. You engage the panoptic configuration and dissolve it or you lose, no other option. ---- A capable man with a completely money centered mindset will always serve evil because evil men are willing to buy allies. ---- The original plan was to merge the US and USSR into a world government. The Great Resignation should end the notion that markets are self correcting. If malign actors gain enough wealth they can spitefully ignore market signals because fuck you, that's why. ---- I am telling you it is only happening in shitty places. By which I mean already shitty before the refugees arrived. In every case where some panic monger has promoted this theory of 'no place is safe' where I looked up the city or town in question it has been lower class. Middle class suburbs are nearly invulnerable thanks to zoning. THAT is the target of the hard left, federal override of local zoning at will. If they get that then they can begin. But they don't have that. ---- Until the 1960s New York City had a thriving manufacturing sector. By unleashing black crime all major cities rendered themselves useless. In addition containerized shipping made ports much more efficient, requiring minimal workforce relative to the old haul every box and barrel out by hand method. Add to that highways and rail which render waterways close to insignificant and the geographic purpose of most major cities is eliminated. ---- Coronahoax and the stolen 2020 election are the two strongest radicalization levers of the last 50 years. Anyone countersignaling them is suspect. ---- State of the nation: Disadvantages: 56% White - at most Highest parasite load of any White nation Most powerful enemy media Deepest delusions Most division among Whites Advantages: Lawlessness Propensity for violence ---- The enemy made a fatal error. The correct strategy, as of January 2020, was to permit Trump his landslide victory while having Jared Kushner and Bob Barr continue to sabotage the administration from within, strangling any pro-White or nationalist authoritarian policies in the crib. In other words a continuation of 2017-2020. The two teams fighting for control done goofed by stealing the election, Team A doing the dirty work and Team B letting it happen. Odds of civil war in a second Trump term where antifa and BLM got their heads busted and were demobilized would be negligible. However the zionist-fag right was not comfortable with Trump and the antifa-marxist right was in a state of hysterical terror, so here we are. Source? Dreams and visions. ---- Adams is a servant of the Panopticon. He was serving it openly as a typical greedhead from Dilbert year one to early 2016. Since then he serves it as a covert agent, but he's not very good at it. Look how his shilling the shot is going. ---- Cambridge Analytica is the tip of the iceberg. Trump has a whole network of shady operatives running memetic scams. ---- Billionaires buy social proof wholesale. Pepe Memes and Oneway say Gab was set up as a Peter Thiel operation. What was its function and orientation? Hyping Trump. Among its original big name users... Scott Adams. ---- The simultaneous launch of 'PF are feds' from multiple known Peter Thiel frontmen shows who the real servants of the Palintir are in this anti-life equation. ---- The right needs to double down. 'Colonialism genocided millions.' 'Beginner's luck!' ---- ADL is somewhat confused. We aren't stuck in here with them. They are stuck in here with us. ---- A healthy community regards real estate developers the way walled cities regarded well poisoners. ---- Hyper-natalism doesn't work against an enemy willing to kill at scale. See: Holodomor We go full fash and crush Marxism or we die. Choose. ---- There is no deradicalizing a people under genocidal attack and coerced economic decline. The fiends intend out immediate extermination, with only logistical problems delaying our deaths. They know a single White man with vision could do the same to them, possibly single handed given a singleton AI, some skill with genetic engineering or a nanotech breakthrough. ---- The left was always going to end up being pro-shot because they need the digital passport to carry out White genocide. The grassroots right has always regarded such things as the Mark of the Beast. ---- If you thought 'move northwest' was retarded wait until you get a load of 'move to New York City.' If you move to New York City you don't gain influence you walk into a lawfare trap a thousand times more refined and deadly than Unite the Right. ---- Strip away the accretion of sentimentality and state the naked truth boldly. ---- If you know that men can be born evil you're halfway there. ---- I would get a covid 19 shot if it were: A real vaccine Properly tested Not made by Jews ---- Assuming he is given no command by panoptic control John Roberts may go with 'medical freedom', what with being a fag and all. I mean imagine the kind of measures a right wing government might take against fags to control diseases... ---- Revealed preference is when you do something rather than blabbing about it. The left plays on the guilty knowledge every White adult has that they avoid negroes. Particularly married Whites with children, who would never let their kids go to school with vicious rapist killer blacks. No White man ever strikes it rich and says 'I'm moving to Detroit!' ---- The Founding Fathers wrote The Federalist Papers anonymously. All revolutionaries have an anonymous cadre. ---- Turns out there are a lot more antivaxxers than anyone realized, and the death shot only created more. ---- The pig system could easily eradicate all conscious anti-semites... if that were all it had to contend with. The complication comes from the fact that Christians, anti-vaxxers, libertarians, Tea Party patriots, MAGApedes and the rest of the big basket of criminals will know they are next and start reacting to the extralegal antifa death squads required. Biden is planning to drive 100 million people out of the workforce and render them unemployable. The faggot pedo John Roberts might let him. If that occurs then you have limitless potential for the greatest bloodbath in the history of the the manifold. A new world of gods and monsters. And mind you I won't do a thing to make it happen or stop it. I am long since out of the ghastly world of corporate employment. In any case an army of 100 million cannot be stopped by all the atomics in the arsenal of slavery because the cowards who run the system aren't willing to go full Sampson. ---- Politics is violence, you silly goose. Biden is planning to drive 100 million people out of the workforce and render them unemployable. The faggot pedo John Roberts (you didn't know John Roberts was a faggot... or was it that you didn't know we know?) might let him. If that occurs then you have limitless potential for the greatest bloodbath in the history of the the manifold. A new world of gods and monsters. And mind you I won't do a thing to make it happen or stop it. I am long since out of the ghastly world of corporate employment. In any case an army of 100 million cannot be stopped by all the atomics in the arsenal of slavery because the cowards who run the system aren't willing to go full Sampson. ---- Avoid dimwit takes by assimilating the following data: The Moon landing happened. The Earth is a sphere. Evolution is a fact. Dinosaurs were real. Covid-19 and HIV are real viruses, a subset of viruses are real. When I ask specific questions about how the demolition charges were placed and just how much would be required (a problem compounded by throwing in a third tower) I get crickets. ---- The modern ruling class, like the ruling classes of old, despises anyone who works for a living. In the old days it was because the ruling class had mastered the art of war. Now they're pure parasites. ---- Violent collapse becomes more likely by the day and the majority of US endgame scenarios now end in bloody chaos within the next decade. ---- Ronald Reagan did in fact fuck that up. Amnesty was his punishment. They got him to sign the US' death warrant. ---- Tranny psychosis explains the otherwise inexplicable ending of Jupiter Ascending. Why would Jupiter go back to live with her horrible family AND work at her horrible job? Because being a pretty girl with a normal life is all those weirdos want and exactly what they can never have. ---- With every possible advantage Larry and Andy Wachowski could not produce another hit after Matrix 3, and even Matrix 3 was running on fumes because people wanted to see how the series turned out. It was not good. A freak cannot communicate with normal people. As Matrix money enabled the brothers to descend into depraved perversion they lost any ability to tell a story a sane man or woman could relate to. ---- Always say you're right wing or a man of the right not conservative. In a corrupt society there is little remaining to conserve. ---- Build platforms, produce content (we are doing a mild form of that right now), convert millions, win everything. Gab is a bit short on the millions of potential converts department. I am speaking mostly to would be leaders. Each step has many details. All systems must be robust and disconnected from the vanguard Marxist systems like Google, Facebook and Amazon. Enemy machines must be excluded. The meta-shuttening must be anticipated and worked around. Support open source. It could save your life. ---- You need to set a baseline. Europe is utterly dominated by genocidal aliens who to whom all are mere playthings. They import rapists and smirk and gloat and dare anyone to lift a finger to stop them. US is even worse, its source code is a flayed man. ---- The merchant fears the samurai. ---- The leviathan theory has a hold of all liberals and leftists. They believe disobedience threatens the entire system. They're right. Many of them know the system is lying, but they make the excuse that the civil war that will result if the deplorables finally awaken to the depths of system malice must be avoided even if their rulers are entirely inept. The secret the liberals don't know is that the ruling class is evil. ---- No local government is eager to accept refugees, though evil moles with a certain rootless disposition often work against the general will. Refugees are known to be toxic by all, which is why any city or town with high agency inhabitants has plenty of lawfare at the ready to stop them. 'A 700 unit development? Well, we'd love to have the tax revenue but gosh darn, that environmental impact statement is a bitch. Seems there is a pine weasel about...' ---- They think they can win on a technicality against a merciless genocidal enemy... that decides what the law means as it goes. ---- [On Kazakhstan color revolution:] Sasha Baron Cohen has a seat at the high table. He was setting the stage for this with Borat. I am as certain he has sacrificed babies to his demon false god as I am of anything. ---- the so-called "ethical software" movement is an attempt to undermine the principles of free software by erasing that critical part of FSF freedom zero. those people are enemies of free software and should be treated as such. ---- The concept of a war as a method to strengthen the evil US system is based on the previous mechanism where Southern men were permitted to retain the sigils of the lost cause to comfort them as they served their mortal foes. The system is disintegrating under seismic stress. A war is just as likely to set off the big one as it is to offer a little steam control. ---- The difficulty the abomination configuration is having walking back corona terror is due to the product of their existentially risky gain of function research not being agreement capable. ---- Wokeness is simply the latest phase / rebranding in the Jewish psyop to avoid being seen, so Rothschild Physiogomy could not be more perfect an example. ---- Not one George Will column is memorable. No one reposts them. No one steals them. They had no impact even when they were new. The more you shill for the hated system the less you matter. Whereas Joe Sobran is immortal. ---- The deep state is still very, very angry at Trump for muscling in on their disinfo game with his Qanon hoax. Particularly because Qanon played footsie with Pizzagate which primed Qtards to latch onto the Epstein story which leads straight to Tel Aviv. ---- Jews have middle eastern DNA. The disciples were following a Jewish messiah who cited Jewish holy texts to establish his authority. Guess who found that convincing at the time? Not pagans. Blocking soon, so if you have last words now is the time. ---- You can track the enemy narrative about the internet by comparing Wired in 1999 to Wired in 2017. From free speech absolutism to must protecc negroe and tranny feels (and Jew money) at all costs. ---- China cannot be taken over by aliens. That is a basic fact of biomemetics. Russia also highly resistant, and American Jews are absolutely terrified of Russians. The cossack is a mythic demon figure, turning up constantly in their metaphoric emanations. They will move to Israel. ---- California's electoral votes were considered worth destroying the state for. Manhattan, up until now, was sacred ground. If they let that go it means they're scuttling the wreck. ---- If you wonder what the evil forces are planning the fate of Manhattan will tell the tale. If they permit a bunch of negro hack politicians to legalize crime and lay it to waste they are preparing to bug out for good and leave the strip mined husk of America behind. ---- 15 years ago when I told liberals that all the big cities they skulked in would be laid waste by a 1970s style crime wave they laughed. They're not laughing anymore. ---- Time and money spend on a hopeless quest to become a farmer would be better spent on winning and preventing collapse. ---- The US is now 42% alien. The EU is around 5% alien. How many outlanders infest China? I suspect it is a very small number. ---- I'm saying there is no possibility of gaining hegemonic control over China or Russia, and in the latter case there is extreme fear. Israel isn't a great option, but if the vengeful speedrun faction collapses the US into bloody anarchy and civil war soon Jews will have only one option, Israel. From where I sit I know two things about China and Russia FROM AN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE. China is regarded by American businessmen as almost completely impenetrable. You are always regarded as an outsider and cheated even more than usual. Russia is regarded as violent and absolutely corrupt by most Americans, and Jews have a particular fear of Russian anti-semitism, especially the long tradition of pogroms. That's why I don't think the Jewish population of the US will pack up and move to either, not when they have Israel to run to. ---- Jews are players on the world stage, therefore everyone playing the great game is connected to Jews. Napoleon thought he had secured friendship with Russia through marriage until he didn't. These alliances are purely for convenience. ---- In a collapse scenario, which I understand better than you do, 99% of Americans will be dead within two years. Your farm will be raided around month six and you will be either enslaved or killed. Preventing that scenario is the best use of my time. ---- Record and dwell on the failures. Optimism is the American vice. Compensate with a strong dose of hate and cynicism. Follow for more #LifeHacks ---- Redfish: The local church my daughter goes to is collecting donations for medical missionary work in Guatemala. A married couple in her church are medical professionals. Husband is doctor and wife is nurse. This is their third trip. They are both White. We have many Whites in our rural communities that could use this help. We live in an impoverished area and they could help White families here. Wake up White people. Love your neighbor and your race, not someone thousands of miles away. Dread: The entirety of Christianity now constitutes parasite load. Anyone reading this who believes in Christ could start a based church, all you must do is not attempt to comply with tax exempt status. But none of you will. Five years into the Trump era all MAGA Christians still attend cuck churches. ---- The panic comes from knowing that before they pulled the plug on Twitter in 2017 several million fanatics pretty much learned the whole truth about the post-1945 order. Those fanatics cannot be killed. They are working face to face and creating more. And the process is irreversible. ---- In the hands of the right person, sure, seeds are great. For others installing Gentoo gives them a power greater than any Jedi. ---- What initially put me off Harry Potter was the fact that all three protagonists highest goal is to become bureaucratic enforcers for the magical administrative state. ACAB ---- The US has always been an initiatory cult operating in plain sight. The rise of Alex Jones has forced them to tone down some of the Skull & Bones / Bohemian Grove shit, but that's what it is. ---- You don't get VC money without undergoing extreme vetting. Due diligence to the max. (Checks early life, Jew) Would you like that as cash or gold? ---- The Western Chauvanist: The original Antifa was a Jewish run paramilitary organization of the Communist Party in Weimar Germany. They attempted to aggressively destroy any Nationalist uprising of the German people in a post WW1 society. Their goal was to force a communist revolution in Germany like the one in Russia. From 1923 to 1933 hundreds of German Nationalists were assassinated and thousands injured by Judeo-left Antifa parasites. After the National Socialists came to power in a democratic election, communist agitators burned down the German parliament building. National Socialism became so popular because the liberal government was allowing the economy to fail, and communist agitators to attack Nationalists in the streets. It gave the German people an opportunity to organize in their own defense, and the defense of their homeland. ---- It is too much to expect a person with normal intelligence to battle a world spanning machine capable of vaporizing individuals at will, up to murdering them if they have vital data on Israeli child rape operations. ---- Try living without dentistry and you'll learn what real pain is. Borzoi and Uncle Ted are infected with Marxist meme malware. Industrial society is why we are alive at all. Agrarian society is beset on all sides with famine, REAL plagues and attacks by wild beasts. ---- Posobiec glows, but Covid19 is a real disease and it can kill... provided you're weak enough to start with. ---- You sound like you trust Jewish fables. Why would anyone believe the nonsense they spewed 2400 years ago? No global flood, and the Hebrews were never captive in Egypt. Just thought you should know. You seem to think the moral claims of the Bible have some relevance. Of course by Bible morality I am an abomination, a fiend from the very deepest pit of Hell. Tread lightly. ---- Christianity has been devastated by air conditioning and painless dentistry. By the time real life extension rolls out the church won't be able to fill a short bus. ---- Six of one, half dozen of the other. Pedantic dreary religious nonsense is no match for becoming an immortal superhuman god-man. You'll see. ---- The first sign of a true leader is good technics. The true leader will command, not request, that you get rid of all enemy spyware and listening devices. The leader will not have such machines himself, and any research on such evil devices will be properly sandboxed and conducted by professionals. To link to Youtube is a great sin. It is better to masturbate 10 times a day than to post a Youtube link once a month. ---- I'm a transhumanist. Homosexuality is an abberation. Possibly a disease. A universal antibody will probably eradicate it entirely in a generation, perhaps faster if it requires an active infection to maintain. There is evidence of this emerging even now. Superhumans will inherit everything. ---- I didn't hate the ADL until they began effectively lobbying for censorship of the internet. They done goofed. You're supposed to do this stuff from a concealed position. ---- The Bible includes bald statements that encourage national suicide without a wall of unconvincing retcon horseshit to undo the damage. You should hate enemies. The poor are mostly scum. The weak are lesser than. Biological heirarchy is better than Christ. It is the god that consigned that faggot to the cross, the hammer of Darwin drove in the nails, his shrieks a testament to the glory of Rome. The only error was not crucifying the rest ASAP. ---- VCs also know that investments in startups with a boost from mass media have a better shot. MySpace used spammer methods because they were not part of the selected group. That kind of culture hacking is now nearly impossible with everyone accessing only a few dozen sites, and the one they use to find other sites - Google - an actual NSA front. ---- 'Get an office on Sand Hill Road, it's the only way to be credible' VCs give all money to fellow Jews, you get nothing. There was this Jew on Fuckedcompany who went on and on about how you could get VC money if you jumped through the correct hoops. Every single recipient he mentioned knowing personally... Jewish. ---- [on a once-pretty FtM tranny, Ellen Page] Trevor: Why why why why WHY WHY Dread: Because no one protected her. Women are defenseless mentally and physically. Trevor: They will pay for this. They will pay for all of them. We have such sights to show them ---- Selective skepticism is wearying. If your senses did not provide useful information about the world you'd soon be dead. ---- [on The Bible] That it's such a giant pile of confused memes testifies to its human origin, the product of layer after layer of rationalizations and revisions, the original continuity snarl. Jesus was the one successful reboot. ---- The collective that controls media now has a power greater than any warlord. ---- If I have control over the mind of a great warrior that you cannot break then his power is my power. ---- Programming human minds at scale is now a science. Oddly enough enemies are now laying down their most powerful weapons. They lay in the dust waiting for someone to pick them up. In 1977 George Lucas made a great deal of money making use of some of the less powerful ones. ---- [on Elizabeth Holmes] Also from a long line of scammers, including Enron. Which is never mentioned in the attacks on her. Only that she dressed like Steve Jobs and that is how she duped venture capitalists. Due diligence does not exist. It's all money laundering. Ah... no. She descended from a long line of Jew scammers. That's how she got a meeting in the first place. There are plenty of grifty females who can't get the time of day on Sand Hill Road. ---- John Wayne was the last big star to openly declare his right wing racial views and get away with it. He remained the most popular actor for 23 years after his death. ---- So now do you believe me that Google search is hand edited not 'the algorithm'? ---- There are many tasks you can't delegate to anyone less than a smoking hot personal assistant with five years of service. Social media managers are all garbage. I was pondering the many instances in the before time when a personal secretary would compose a finely worded diplomatic reply to resolve a sticky situation and the executive would sign it unread with absolute confidence that it would not misrepresent his views on the matter. If such a girl friday were assigned to manage, say, Project Veritas' social media accounts she would never promote a widely hated scam like Gettr on a different scam's feed. ---- I recommend the following posting praxis: If you're going to have a discussion or argument the other person must be engaging in good faith. If not troll the fuck out of them or block. ---- Christians have no basis to oppose mass immigration of Christians. In particular as White Americans fall ever further away from the faith they will regard Catholic hispanics as the great brown hope. That's the motive for the third worldization of the Catholic church. White people stopped attending services, while the third world is still willing to listen. ---- There is a kind of stubborn refusal to understand that gets instant block. It is generally the product of exogenous butthurt. If you want to argue about my points don't snipe at secondary targets with bad faith derails. Engage. ---- You're right for the wrong reasons. Winning in Vietnam was possible. It just required sufficient will. The culture war can be won by constructing robust platforms, producing content, converting millions and winning everything. It just isn't being done because of a very well honed disinformation and memetic flooding attack. See: Qanon, Catturd, Gab, Posobiec, Scott Adams, et al ---- Dread: You can maintain total nonsense in the minds of a certain number of people if you have hegemonic media power. Without it... good luck convincing anyone that: A. Jews are really, really bad people who lie a lot B. The Bible, mostly written by Jews, is true LorgarAurelian1488: This is why Christian Anti-Semites have always confused me. They always have some cope about how the old testement wasn't real Jews or something, however when I read the old testament, the Jews act like the same evil Jews that we have to deal with now. Dwight88: I'm a Jesus respecter to me I see God literally telling the jews they are acting terrible. The Bible is the jews posting their Ls. Their God disowns them. Then God says he isn't just the jews God. He everyones God. And he sent his Son to save us and the jews killed him. If anything the Bible is extremely antisemitic. To me.... LorgarAurelian1488: I read the bible as a cope for why the Jews are constantly being conquered and enslaved by Pagans. Dread: The baseline assumption of any book is people wrote it. From that assumption, based on one's everyday observation of GRIFT, it's easy to see that the priesthood set up a racket where they had to be paid off constantly at the temple. It's a sordid, vile book and god had no part in its composition. ---- A lot of 'anti-fascist' propaganda is aimed at effective memetic technics. Fascists rose to power very quickly because they mastered the memetic arts. Marxists attempt to firewall those well known concepts through guilt by association. Study what worked and adapt it to current conditions. ---- White men INVENTED industrial civilization. If it is evil we are evil. Purge your mind of cultural Marxism White men love cars, tools, motorcycles, boats, aircraft and rockets. That's why no matter how much dumb shit Elon Musk says all red blooded White men still have a soft spot for him. ---- In 2012 the system astroturfed a nodal tipping point where all the power chokepoints were rapidly conquered by hardcore Marxist fanatics. Gamergate was one of the few visible signs of this as society had been softened up by decades of Marxist lies that were quietly accepted. Now a decade into the Marxist terror known as cancel culture the countermeasure tipping point nears, the time when half or more of the population rejects what the media says because the media said it. Things are gonna get funky. ---- Gab was originally funded by Peter Thiel. That's why Rosanne Barr, Milo Yiannopolis, Scott Adams and Mike Cernovich registered here so early. The grifter they hired to run it, Torba, absconded with the domain and Thiel pulled his people. But it is just a grift, not a free speech platform. The real independent alt-tech is the decentralized fediverse with thousands of servers. Freespeechextremist dot com is 1000X better than Gab. ---- The ruling scum now so delusional they think that people don't crucify them because we are totally domesticated. Nigga, we just fat and happy. You take that away and watch how fast the boards and nails come out. ---- Pfizer wouldn't settle for a vaccine. They wanted a money shot. The shot that don't work so you have to get another shot. ---- Apolitical: Call a black person a racist and they will laugh at you and say black people can't be racist. Call a Jew a Nazi and they will laugh at you and say Jews can't be Nazis. Call a White person a racists or Nazi and they will panic and spend 30 minutes explaining how they aren't racist and that they have a black friend. These labels exists only as a form of attack on White people and are only effective as such. So you conservatives can stop trying to say these people are the "real racists and Nazis." It doesn't work, never has, never will, and everyone just laughs at you ---- I postulate that non-Christians are far more likely to come around to a biological view of the world, as almost all other religions accept the natural world in ways that 'original sin' theists do not. So while it appears at this time to be a great marketing trick to appeal to the large number of right wing Christians it is a dead end as they are highly resistant - fanatically so - to Darwinian concepts. ---- My hate for GOOG posters is akin to that which the sentient extermination artilect I AM in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream feels for the life form known as man. ---- Anyone who posts Youtube links understands not a single word I have ever posted. Stop being prideful and learn to listen to one who knows better than you. ---- No. Patriot Front is compromised. My most loyal followers still inflict GOOG cancer on my posts despite thousands of requests otherwise. All who serve GOOG are traitors to the life force. ---- Parler's problem is they tried to come off as a Gab-like free speech site then backpedaled furiously after January 6 triggered the Amazon cloud shuttening. All these workarounds come down to the same thing, what rich Jews don't want spoken of is not permitted. ---- It died on November 4, 2020 around 3 AM when the election was stolen. There is no path remaining to salvage the union. It now must be dissolved before the black horde begins active genocide operations against us. ---- 2012 was a critical year. I think the Fed used the bankster bailout enabling act to start subsidizing stock prices on condition that corporate management impose a fully anti-White decivilizing agenda. ---- Lawyers are the ultimate strivers. They are in many ways worse than finance tards, who at least tend to want to make their nut and get the fuck out. Law is what you do when you want money but don't have the stomach or intelligence for medicine or the god tier brains for serious engineering or coding ---- I hated that We Are the World shit at the time. I wanted to release plagues on Ethiopia and wipe them out just to stop that fucking song from harshing my MTV buzz. ---- Universal altruism is the engine of our skeletonization. Using technology Europeans have made themselves 1000X more productive than almost every other people, only exceptions in Asia. The delta between the normal White man's wealth and comfort and the ceaseless agony and horror (from our perspective) of the normal third world man creates an intolerable moral crisis in the mind of the fanatical altruist. Why should we be permitted to grill and frolic while the filth of the world suffer? We must learn to enjoy the suffering of outlanders and deem it their just reward for being lesser than. ---- The problem with central authority is it provides one neck to collar. All it takes is one spiteful mutant taking the throne for a few years and you're finished. FDR hated all that was good because he could not walk. He was the agent of our meta-annihilation. Never trust a cripple. ---- It's worth noting that Matrix Resurrections wasn't even that woke, at least on the surface. There was nothing like the cringe 'rave scene' in Reloaded, and the main protagonists are still straight and White - Neo and Trinity. Even the magic pixie dreamgirl Bugs is conventionally attractive, despite the blue hair. What kills Matrix Resurrections is a severe loss of testosterone. Neo never fires a gun. Let that sink in. ---- Once the full power stack is under enemy control voting is even more meaningless than usual. You are a subject as powerless as those living under pharoah. ---- Kitty Shackleford: Lets not leave this part out. The shooter was also associates with Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, who have strangely been in close proximity to other "mass" shooters in the past (Clark brothers). They all come from the same scene & are funded by the same people. Close enough to promote each others' books and movies, which are also backed by the same people -- Jeff Giesea and Peter Thiel. This isn't just a Jack Murphy issue, its virtually all of them. All roads lead to Thiel ---- Why shut down nuclear power plants? Because technology is our unique value proposition. If we are reduced to fighting with machetes the third world horde just might be able to take us. ---- The goal is the demolition of White civilization because MUH HOLOCAUST. Few understand this. ---- Never give up technology. Technology is the big swinging manspreading cock of victory. ---- Apolitical: Imagine if two Russians were caught running a child-trafficking pedophile blackmail operation on our politicians and wealthy elite. Do you think the case would be sealed and the media would be silent??? But because they’re two Jews... ---- Funny thing is the Jews never forgive and never forget. He will remain cancelled from corporate speaking gigs to the day he dies for the crime of supporting Trump before Trump was broken. ---- Torba is a grifter. Anti-semites are now his core constituency, not to mention the fact that Jews are his infinite enemy, seeking his total annihilation. But being a bear of very little brain Torba thinks he can hide behind the cloak of Christianity and retain some kind of real world power. Quite mistaken. Christianity is now weak enough that the final shutdown codes will be issued for all who won't bend over and take the HIV death injection from tranny faggots and other hellbound fiends. Most of us have not invoked the final sanction. Torba has. He will be the last to understand this. Hey, Torba, I know you read me through a sock. The high table of the Jews holds you personally responsible for the Tree of Life synagogue attack and they want their 200 pounds of flesh... or whatever you weigh at the moment. ---- I refer to the desired end. If you propose a Great Reset tier total state you will recruit no right wing fanatics. Homeschooling, gun rights and resisting coronahoax are the essential US right wing issues. In normal times low taxes also important. ---- Under relentless memetic and atomic bombardment Japan remains Japan because they retain the concept of essentialist exclusion. No White man can be Japanese. ---- When I say small government I mean neighborhood watch with atomics. ---- Coronahoax is how you wake up your GOP normie pals. Then move on to who Ghislaine Maxwell was and why she was blackmailing politicians. ---- The enemy can spin down coronahoax but they can't stop raping kids. No way out but total victory. ---- Any US citizen still in New York or California in 2020 when the coronahoax was rolled out was already willing to tolerate nearly limitless humiliations and torments from state government. Calfornia is a AIDS infested cesspool where faggots legalized knowingly infecting someone with HIV. In particular California's evil cannot possibly be overstated. LA Confidential and Chinatown, really the whole film noir genre, provide little time windows into the fact that it was a maelstrom of inconcievable horror before any of us were born. ---- It's so transparent now. Scientists and engineers who dispute the great reset narrative pronounced by parasite overlord Jew Klaus Schwab get banned and shadowbanned and shuttened. We resist this or that dirty parasite is going to have us all murdered with bioweapons, droids or rampaging nogs. ---- Right now the sorting hat is doing its work. The Whites who won't tolerate this nonsense already moved to red states where it never existed. It is the vast size of the US that has served to deradicalize for the last 60 years. We're running out of exits. ---- Talking about Jews or negroes isn't bad optics. Being obese or hanging out with psychopath garbage like Baked Alaska, that's bad optics. ---- The more vital your job is the more good refusing the death shot and making them fire you does. The system hangs by a thread. It must be snapped. ---- Openmindedness is mental AIDS. ---- There is a core insight that the meme malware brooding bodies of TRS do not get: Decentralized swarm intelligence makes better use of knowledge than bureaucracy. All government tends towards parasitism. The civil servant is a mediocrity at best and an underman at worst, always. Government killed more Whites than any other power in history. It must be regarded with immense suspicion. World War 1 proved it. Any government that imposes a draft should be overthrown. ---- Consider concept contagion, AKA going viral. Modeling this requires some art. For example right wing concepts are a one way valve. Once you go right you never go back. So there is a right wing ratchet effect. As more cells in the matrix go right they generate more social proof. That is the crisis of the left. The internet generated more right wing nodes than they were able to snuff out. That process was complete by 2016. It is irreversible. ---- Apolitical: The Jewish judge, in the case of a Jewish pedophile child trafficker, who was blackmailing our politicians on behalf of Jews, was actually working on behalf of the Chinese Biden regime, which is 80% comprised of Jews... Those sneaky Chinese ---- If you don't have the sense to see the GOP as steam control for White people I don't wanna read your nonsense. They are going to keep swapping Team A and Team B for some time to come because going full Kamala Marxism at this time would be too risky. This doesn't mean the GOP will do anything pro-White, they will continue to be less anti-White than the Democrats and win on that slender basis. ---- I postulate that is because billionaire wives are all beards. Their actual sex partners are regularly dissolved in vats of acid. Also possible that if a billionaire chose a beautiful tradwife he'd be kicked out of the White Hater's Club for aesthetic heresy. Because I can't think of one hot billionaire wife since Steve Jobs died. His wasn't bad, but he was only a millionaire when they hooked up. ---- I don't say you should stop using Gab, I use it. I merely note that it is compromised, bigly. As are all for profit platforms. ---- Socialism is degenerate and totalitarian. It shuts down the natural reward-punishment system and replaces it with a simulation of same, adding immense parasite load. When the US was 90% White there's a reason the New Deal was staffed with aliens, lesbians, faggots and criminals. ---- With no political impact anyone could move to an all-White region and not worry about it other than marking certain areas no-go zones. Most people are not that political. They want to be left alone. The 'leave us alone' faction is probably 100,000 larger than the 'National Socialism' faction represented by nazbols like NJP and TRS. Just compare the relative size of coronahoax protests to NJP meetups, last of the latter total? 150 guys. ---- At the moment there is no serious organized opposition because it is entirely illegal. That creates certain preconditions that must be met. Most important any would be dissident must KNOW that truly opposing the system is illegal and take steps to avoid instant shutdown. ---- In the collapse of a memeplex there is a phase where smart people attempt to reconcile it with the emerging consensus that debunks it. Those who are educated during this phase tend to reject the dying ideas entirely, as they stink of flop sweat. ---- What is the mind? Christian dogma says it is the soul. The Darwinist says it is the brain. It is not a matter of pure logic. One can rig up a system to explain how we have a soul but there are people who are smart and others not so lucky. But the magic fairy dust of the soul is a cancerous concept that spreads. Also, just why is it that brain damage can make someone evil - which it can? Advantage: biology. ---- The Christian tells the broken and worthless they merely need to want to change. Biology tells them they are what they are. ---- If Christianity is true then the fundamental assertion of the post-1945 order is correct: All humans possess a counter-causal soul with unlimited choice and potential. George Floyd could have been a rocket scientist if he had only made the right choices. ---- Winding down the standard of living is very high risk. Meme malware a much safer path. Some of the plan remains obscure. Perhaps they simply are insane. ---- English colonists brought in various sorts of cheap labor - black, Chinese and non-English European - whose descendents eventually obtained the vote. They did it because they were greedy. That's what happened to America. ---- Marilyn Manson's Rock is Dead so much better than Rage Against the Machine's Wake Up. BTW Manson is not of the tribe, as his cancellation on the thinnest of pretexts proves. ---- Meanwhile as that map clearly shows Christianity is becoming a third world religion. Inevitably this will impact its already globalist universalist dogmas, skewing them even more against European civilization. Catholics were planning on ditching Whites by the 1960s, based on their internal polling showing that they were barren ground for evangelism even then. ---- People waiting for some revelation to awaken the normies, we have it. Israel arranges for the rape of children to generate blackmail material to control congress. What more do you need to discredit the entire American political order 1932-present? These are fiends. ---- Subversive spotted. The suppression of White birthrates operates at the metamemetic level with disinformation coming from immense meme engines. Even if everyone on Gab has their own personal Brady Bunch it cannot alter the demographic situation. Note that the ADL-SPLC inflict network shatter, lawfare and shuttening on any group of White people who attempt to form up and encourage White natalism as WHITE natalism, not general purpose natalism that will encourage low investment races more than Whites. Epstein arranged the rape of White girls to blackmail US politicians to support Israel. That state is an atrocity against the manifold and it will be eradicated by orbital fire. I have foreseen this. ---- Hillary is never going to be president. She is hated by all, tainted in the eyes of both left and right, and through her staggering incompetence she brought Trump upon the nation. ---- Texas is weird. 38% White and still right wing. ---- During gommunism Jews made a big show of being against censorship but even then they had a million schemes to socially engineer the suppression of any concept they disliked. Goldman is not reducing stereotype salience, that I can tell you. * Being against censorship of gommunist speech IN THE WEST. ---- Darwinism has yet to be fully incorporated into politics. You thought Social Darwinism did so? Oh, you sweet summer child. Capitalism is to Darwinism as Muppet Babies are to John Carpenter's The Thing. Capitalism: Ha ha, you are bankrupt! I win! Darwinism: Drive enemies before you, hear lamentations of women. Also fuck them all. ---- Be of good cheer, Jesus people. Sure, your fantasy football league is in rapid decline, but so too is the evil American government that drifted off the vapors of Christian legitimacy. It's all coming down. ---- I could make it happen. Extreme vetting of all critical employees, build own server farms and DDOS mitigation. This is now turnkey and open source. ---- Point is we are in the endgame for White genocide and you're worried about a plant you can grow in a little garden. I'm an evolutionist. Those who can't handle mild drugs and liquor should self cull. ---- In the late eighties Henry Kissinger said that the Soviet Union might last a thousand years and that we should consider it a permanant feature of geopolitics. ---- It depends how many it kills. No one I care about at the John Wick level got the shot, I was able to convince them. But millions die and plenty will care. Those responsible will be hunted by the host of the high table and no hole will be deep enough to provide a hiding place. ---- Usurers are more dangerous than opioid pushers. ---- Out of sight, out of mind. If you're ever doxxed delete everything and let it begin cooling off. Search engines favor the new. In a year you probably won't turn up on the first page. At least if you have a normal name. Change your name legally to something very common another simple trick. ---- Oddly enough Epstein was on Team B not Team A. Zionism not political correctness. ---- If Edward O. Wilson was right then it is within the realm of scientific possibility that Hitler was right. Now you know the rest of the story. ---- My marijuana example relates to the dogma of federal supremacy. Feds gave up their leviathan status and hardly anyone noticed. ---- Dragon Zero: ACCELERATE Dread: No. Right now about 90% of Whites have antifa presuppositions and would rally to Marxists or Catturd level false opposition to cheer on the feds machine gunning us. Until a critical mass has been converted we are wide open. Imagine a state of martial law. You are at the town meeting and the wealthy Marxists, respected leaders of the community with a hate for Christmas, say refugees must be welcomed because that is who we are. Would one person second your proposal to erect barricades to keep negroes and other non-Whites out? ---- The enemy has SAT scores and any grades that have been digitized. They know a dumb chump when they see one. Incidentally, James Traficante slipped past the grid for a time because he was so wacky he confused their scanners. ---- Most of what you see is the product of selection not overt blackmail. Marjorie Taylor Greene was known to be low IQ enough to be no threat. If a Lovelymiss had run for that seat she never would have won it. ---- Or she was selected because women are lacking in these sort of talents. Make a bunch of useless harpies the face of the right and it is castrated. ---- Those who hate blocking are most in need of it. ---- Fighting coronahoax is more important than crime stats, more important than the election steal, more important than historic grudges. The revolution is now. ---- Kubrick did absolutely nothing to encourage the myth that he faked the Moon landing. That is the work of schizophrenics permitted into the mainstream discourse - in the bigfoot, UFO, Noah's ark tier - for motives similar to those you cite. A very primordial ourguy, Ygdrassil, did a good analysis of the anti-White messaging in Dr. Strangelove. If you look at 2001 onwards Kubrick drifts away from the trendy liberalism of Strangelove (anti-communist who hates flouridation destroys the world) to a more eccentric and far less sentimental Darwinian perspective. ---- Batman has a strict moral code forbidding guns unless they are mounted on an armored vehicle. Then they can be 60mm full auto chainguns. ---- The Jeffrey Epstein case substantially increases the odds that Israel will be utterly destroyed no matter how many perps squirm their way out of justice. ---- Christianity asserts an unscientific view of the human mind. The mind is the operation of a massively parallel biological computation system. You are your brain for as long as you live. Is it backed up in the cloud? Possible. Does that override biology? Not that anyone can see. ---- A real law breaking problem for the regime has never had a Gab account, has never posted a political concept further right than Mitt Romney on a tracable social media account and gets his opsec tips from the Mafia not spergs. ---- There will be hundreds of micro-states once certain technologies and moral concepts spread. No more large corporations if any customer can challenge the CEO to a duel. Or dispatch a sentient mechanism. Billions will die. ---- The price of being constantly in contact with everyone is being constantly monitored. If you choose to have a smartphone I do not want to hear your excuses. You are a dead man. ---- The enemy believes in genetic determination of personality. That's why Chelsea Clinton has a job. She carries the black seed of evil. They can trust her to always do the wrong thing. ---- Television isn't convincing because it's skillfully done, it's convincing because owning a television network means you have money and power. NPC repeaters are submitting to the big dog. ---- Bill Clinton is a rapist. Unless of course you believe the lying media, then he is an elder statesman. Media believers cannot be awakened. ---- Those hoping for a smoking gun to wake up the normies... Ghislaine Maxwell was the smoking gun. Daughter of Israeli superspy acting as procurer for international underage prostitution blackmail ring. It could not be more obvious that Israel arranges for the molestation of underage girls to obtain leverage over US and other politicians so they will serve the useless parasite microstate and commit treason against their own people. No one says a peep because of terror of the Jews. ---- Six Million: Rise and grind, America. Millions of people that hate your ancestors, race, religion, culture, nation and that seek to erase your history and destroy your future are counting on you! Get to work, bigots. ---- Anyone using Uber gets what they fucking deserve. ---- That is merely damage control. The way forward is an end to universal morality and an end to multi-ethnic societies. That means the US splits into AT LEAST 50 entirely sovereign nations, with millions being expelled to their correct region to sort things out. ---- The South chose to import slaves for entirely practical amoral reasons. Whites did not thrive in the hot humid climate. White indentured servants suffered massive attrition from disease. Black slaves did much better. Meanwhile the North had an entirely different economic basis. The union of those two regions was always destined to end in war where either they divorced or one crushed the other. All of that the English settlers inflicted on themselves with their lust for a large centralized power to replace the loose original Confederation. ---- The social technics to overcome shuttening precede growth. Under different circumstances old Uncle A created countermeasures. Those methods have been well and truly blocked. New thinking is required. ---- 'Economy of scale' is code for 'a realm of neverending humiliation and suffering.' ---- An 'alpha male' should be able to walk into any auto dealership at the deepest depth of the great recession and live off commissions. ---- How do you stop people from using their open source systems to generate CG porn more addictive than the kind with people? ---- As far as I know I haven't had covid, but plenty of dummies I know personally who got the shot have been infected after. ---- Just heard about a chump who got the shot who fucking died. Not a personal friend, but friend of a friend, and I had not heard of any deaths in that circle previous. ---- Kurt Vonnegut Jr. observed that writing was extremely dangerous because a fool could rewrite himself until he sounded smart. ---- DiggingDeeper: I grew up in south Florida. I personally know one of Epstein and Maxwell's victims. She was 14 when they recruited her. They destroyed lives, destroyed the innocence of these kids. How many were killed? Because there were HUNDREDS of them, possibly thousands through the years. WHERE ARE THEY ALL? This was Israeli espionage and blackmail. These talmudic jewish monsters deserve public execution. *URGE TO FEDPOAST INTENSIFIES* ---- Worry less about porn and more about famine. ---- The man of destiny will be a world breaking mass murderer. It ain't me. I'm too happy. ---- No, I am saying in a nation where 50 million people smoke pot it is fucking impossible to go after users and wipe it out... well, if you value any other social priority. I concede that Genghis Khan's horde could manage it. Just exterminate 200,000 potheads and be able to withstand the vengeance assassin blowback. Short of that, fuggedaboudit. America is a cesspool of vice. It is grift paradise. It is a continental Hellmouth. Satan won. ---- A dumb phone with a removable battery is incapable of violating privacy to the degree a smart phone is. Basically it comes to the CPU of a smartphone having the ability to generate a transcription of all words spoken to occasionally upload to Google or Apple servers. A dumb phone is simply unable to do that. Without a battery it can't even listen live. ---- Going after drug users resulted in mass rebellion and organization of legalization efforts. You hit the supply side, that might cut it down... for a time. CG porn is going to make real girls look like 50 year old slags. Unless you outlaw computers it can't be stopped. ---- All Americans are degenerate now. Trump won after being credibly accused of fucking a porn whore. ---- There is no path to save the United States. Trump's failure conclusive proof. If a mass movement of 50 million people can't overcome the forces of evil no tiny crackpot faction is going to. Only swarm tactics to dissolve the union will do. Please do not post your analysis of US politics. You are not American, you have no access to facts on the ground. ---- On medical things I will defer to someone who has expertise, as happened re: Wuhan lab origin of Covid-19 way back in spring 2020 with Mr. Goodchild. On US politics I know more than any foreigner and I have no interest in their novelty takes. ---- This hellscape has made me not care about political viability. We must defeat the White genocide faction. Anyone wants to defect from that and side with us, now would be a good time. ---- Of course the union will dissolve or there will be a civil war that the union side wins. The level of hatred between the factions is hotter than pre-civil war. Also the lawlessness. No one is going to be held back by crackpot notions of the sanctity of life this time. ---- That's an example of the inability to multitask. If you're really good at one thing you will not have the CPU cycles to devote to anything else. The well rounded person is a mediocrity, always. ---- Dread: Science was very clear on this in March 2020. Covid-19 only killed very fat, very old or very sick with other stuff people. Adams is not over 75, not fat and, prior to the shot, had no serious medical problems therefore even assuming the shot worked there was no reason to get it before it was properly tested. My take was I will let dumb people test it for me, and they have done so. The shot failed. Trevor: Adams could have spent five minutes on PubMed (like I did) figuring out why mRNA gene therapy was never before approved for humans. The combination of reading about the animal trial results plus the blanket legal immunity granted to fagcine manufacturers was more than enough to make me avoid it like it is poison (it is) Dilbert man is a beta midwit with buyer's remorse. He's an inconsequential insect. ---- Christianity created by Jews as a cope turns out to be meme malware? WHAT A SHOCKING PLOT TWIST! ---- If you have a smartphone not only do you abolish your own privacy, it rats out everyone you talk to. Two tactics with most leverage are disconnecting from the surveillance grid - delete all real name social media and destroy your smartphone - and resisting any coronahoax related tyranny. Do not wear the mask. Do not socially distance. Do not get the death shot. Do not accept the digital passport. Resist by any means necessary. Tactic one is related to tactic two, BTW. ---- Jews read every antisemitic word said near a smartphone and take steps to hurt you on that basis. If you have a smartphone you serve the Jews. ---- Dread: No one who is truly opposed to the Great Replacement can be nominated. They went all-in to rid themselves of Trump. Only a squish who will sell us out on amnesty will be allowed to win. So it comes to how much of a nightmare the last years of the US will be. I'd prefer to be able to leave my house without a digital passport, so it's Jew cocksucker DeSantis all the way. Tempus Pureblood: There is no way for a candidate to get past the jew barrier wall to be THE nominee for either Party. The instant there was a hint of ANY desire to even reduce the tax money we annually gift to Israel, the Jew Industrial Complex (JIC) would go into overdrive and crush that candidate. A candidate would have to be very careful and quiet on their intentions to pull back from being Israel's buttboy, saving those actions until after elected. And then expect to face a well finance opponent in the next election, funded by Jews. Dread: That's why if I were advising a candidate I'd have them go full John McCain rhetorically... and then I tell them to deliver fat checks to Israel as president while doing the harshest immigration crackdown ever, deporting all 40 million invaders at speed. Only after the purge would I suggest secondary aims. ---- Rand Paul is better than DeSantis but the Jews won't let him win. Yeah. I said Jews. Stick that in your blunt and smoke it. ---- Don't make your plans contingent on society collapsing immediately. The Biden crew could extend the runway by 30 years with a few simple tricks. ---- You can watch Owen Benjamin lose his mind for good on a video stream where he ate a high THC edible. In some people it can trigger their latent schizophrenia. ---- Helen Keller was the Greta Thunberg of her day. A human shield for murderous Marxist fiends. She didn't know what day it was. Her handler must have known Sanger. ---- Project Veritas has literal smoking gun of CNN producer saying they will pivot back to 'climate change' (weather) once the public gets burned out on covid horseshit. ---- All sentient beings know Trump gathered his multitude on January 6 when the electoral votes were going to be counted to terrorize congress into somehow (Trump is a clueless fuck so he thought Pence might do it) not finalizing the stolen election, you dumb cunt. He absolutely created the situation and the regime, threatened by an insurrection that fizzled, is correctly seeing it as the existential threat that it was. Only problem was Trump pussed out. I supported and still support imperium. ---- People who see no downside to promiscuity can't understand why 13-17 year olds should not be screwing around. Microchimerism needs to be more widely understood. ---- Anyone who starts naming the real names will be killed. ---- Marxism murdered 100 million people. We will not submit like a bunch of stupid Russian peasants. Never again. ---- By pacifying a good part of the Trump cultists the Q op run by Ezra Cohen Watnick prevented the revolution that should have been launched on November 4, 2020... as intended. The military has no good faction, it is all faggot pedophiles commanding dimwits and dupes. ---- Neither Pleroma nor Mastodon can scale to millions of concurrent users. Now you know the rest of the story. ---- Q was aimed at the potential rampaging berserker tier political lunatic. Preventing a right wing Weather Underground was its function. Jews want obedient serfs, not rebels. The latter are deprecated. ---- Between Marxist Whites and criminal blacks you have a working coalition to destroy any city where the White population has dropped below 70%. ---- This. There was a window, different on each platform, where the system was not being gamed by big players and completely rigged by the site mods and you had guys like Molyneux who were full time grifters able to slip past the control grid, but that ship has sailed. Trump was an odd combo of big money player and system gamer. They will never allow another. ---- They won't have a choice. The constant kicking the can on mandates proves it. Enough people refuse the shot the economy will instantly collapse if they fire them all, there will be starvation and the 'elites' will all be killed. So they will back off. ---- Did you know that the television network tried to remove Linus quoting scripture from A Charlie Brown Christmas, one of the few Christmas specials that mentions Jesus specifically? Schulz, who was one of the biggest celebrities in the world at the time, Peanuts being Star Wars - Harry Potter tier in popularity, told them they'd keep it in or they could forget about having the special at all. ---- Let me explain the basic criminality of the comment system. With each new reply all prior members of the discussion are 'tagged'. If four or five people start pouring words out of their cunt mouths I am gonna have to eat every single fucking chicken in this place. ---- Hyperinflation risk is the upper bound of the ability of the atrocity mechanism to prop up its abominations. They do need your money. They do need your consent. Give them nothing. ---- Ho Ho Holden: Here it is folks. The #1 (number one) xMas™️ movie of all time. It's Stan Lee's "Eyes Wide Shut" starring Nicole Australia and Maverick as Alice and Bill in a gripping drama about a young couple in a rocky marriage, trying to navigate the tricky waters of career, sex, and parenting. In the end, they learn that they greatest gift we can give to each other is the knowledge that you are ruled by a Satanic cabal which is interested in your children, and the fact that you will unwittingly collaborate with them because their control of all major institutions sculpts your understanding of reality. It clearly shows why you need Christmas more than ever before. PS Kubrick didn't die of natural causes. ---- It happened a lot slower than people think. If the US had been founded as the Christian nation modern evangelicals think it was only Christians would have been permitted to hold elected office or serve as judges. In fact by 1750 AD churches had been disestablished in most of the colonies. Washington was a deist, not a Christian. But it was the power of television that finally tipped things over into full secularization. Schulz and Norman Vincent Peale could not compete. ---- Each time you break a coronahoax rule in real life you do more to fight evil than any number of meme posts will. ---- How to reconcile liberty with purging communists? The latter is a prerequisite for the former. Once the communists are gone you can have liberty. ---- It doesn't prove he was controlled in the sense most use that term. Trump was and is controlled - by the memes he absorbed as a 1946 boomer prime. He is controlled by the TV. ---- Stealing elections ends all considerations of fair play. Once White men consider you a cheater there is no more mercy. Big error. ---- The whole don't be divisive thing is pissing in the wind. The ability to unite the tribes is a test of leadership. It cannot be evaded by asking everyone to play nice. I postulate that Nick is too short, too feminine and too immature to lead anything bigger than an Among Us team. ---- US superiority 1800-2000 baffles fascists. They are reduced to amplifying the significance of the Erie Canal and the Post Office. ---- Essentialism is true. You can't race swap a character with any depth. Even popular entertainment like James Bond would be hopelessly warped by a race change. Notice that even in alien settings character is adjusted to fit race. Lando Calrissian is a smooth talking criminal macking on Leia within seconds of meeting her. ---- Droids need a constant source of clean electricity. In the event of a war with the machines collapse the electric grid. ---- Google Jews are building the White genocide army. That's why I never submit to captcha. ---- Please note that Hollywood Jews are now in full amok hate frenzy, to the point where only accidentally do they feature a straight White couple in a film. Only independent pickups will purposefully choose a White couple. ---- Nature and Race: When you're visiting with loved ones this Christmas, be sure truly appreciate them. Family is the most important thing on earth, and becoming rarer with each passing generation. There is an element of consent. If you work in a charnel house of total evil like Google you get what you fucking deserve. Walmart still doesn't dare enforce the mandate. I don't know if you are American. If you are not I assure you there is no possible way you can understand America, the most convoluted and gigantic clusterfuck of intentional paralysis and division imaginable. Everything has a loophole. Americans just disobey laws constantly, incessantly, with pride. It's our thing. ---- When New York inflicts endless humiliations and torments on its subjects remember that they chose to elect a hypermajority of leftists of both parties for 60 years. Do that long enough and there is no turning back. ---- Keep in mind that outside the five or six ultra-pozzed states there was never a lockdown, and mask 'mandates' were barely enforced, where they existed at all. The shot mandate is the iron test, but they keep kicking the can on that and allowing countless exceptions to release pressure. If SCOTUS upholds it and they start firing millions of people and issue a digital passport and we don't burn all of it down - then you can call us cucks. ---- I just saw the greatest Christmas movie since Scrooged. Love and Peace (2015), Japanese w/subtitles I am still thunderstruck. Don't seek out spoilers, watch it cold. ---- I maintain that these are signs and portents of the complete cultural collapse of Christianity. This immense fact must be factored into all psychohistorical calculations moving forward. Please note that a Napoleon for Christ could reverse this, provided he had the world bending intellect and iron will. ---- There's a theory that the globalists are using Australia to test how much they can get away with. If certain billionaires make a phone call they could get almost any government to do anything, including, of course, the US government. They aren't so sure about their ability to get people to obey when the government issues edicts. In this scenario Australia is providing data on the boundaries. ---- With the level of lies used to hype coronabullshit I can easily believe that deaths from this shot are 10X what even the critics are saying. Side effects must be immense because EVERYONE knows somebody who got hit. ---- Consider if you had infiltrated Hollywood. You try to make some healthy film. Executives demand you include a faggot character. What do you do? If you make a good film you signal boost faggotry. ---- If you try to work within any enemy system you won't change the system, the system will change you. We are up against a comprehesive system that has been evolving to exclude us for centuries. We need to build our own shit. ---- Good logistics are essential, ideas are optional. ---- The cards we have are a tiny remnant believes strongly, and most of them are globalists who attend megachurches and other commercialized chokepoints that want to retain credit card processing and tax exempt status. I wager 90% of Whites have no religion they'd be willing to make the slightest sacrifice for. ---- Merry Christmas except for people I hate. You 40 guys know who you are. The ones I don't hate I mean. ---- If they gain power sooner their victory is more likely. Each day more competent White men slip from their memetic grasp. A rapid Marxist victory will have a more competent ruling stratum and management class. The longer it can be delayed the more they will have to rely on trannies and black women. ---- The convoluted novelty take of the usual feds is that Trump's 'genuine' defeat is a pro-White benefit. See... Trump lost because he was not 1488 enough, so his loss is a message that the GOP had better start doing some real Nazi shit or else the podcast gang will stay home again and they'll be sorry. ---- It depends on how much that costs. I have investigated many anecdotes of towns where refugees were settled. There are two major warning signs: Massive shitlib infestation preceding invasion and extreme poverty. Our buddy Linder lives in an absolute poverty stricken hellhole. No surprise that actual Africans are getting dumped on their doorstep, where no one with any power of pull will object. Not a single refugee has been settled within my scanning radius in 20 years. ---- They're not setting up to pin the mRNA shots on Trump, they're desperately flailing trying to find some way to push shot compliance above the imaginary threshold where it won't collapse the economy to fire noncompliers. It won't work. ---- Elves are not feeling the holiday spirit. Christmas Eve is one of the few occasions when Hasidim refrain from Torah study, do not conduct weddings or go to the mikveh. But they do play chess and work on their bills. On Christmas Eve, known in Jewish circles as Nitel Night, the klipot (shells) are in total control. The klipot are parasitical evil forces that attach themselves to the forces of good. According to kabbala (Jewish mysticism), on the night on which “that man” — a Jewish euphemism for Jesus – was born, not even a trace of holiness is present and the klipot exploit every act of holiness for their own purposes. For this reason, Nitel Night, from nightfall to midnight, is one of the few occasions when Hasidim refrain from Torah study. On this horrific night, they neither conduct weddings nor do they go to the mikveh (ritual bath). An entire folkloric literature has developed around the unusual recreational activities of Nitel Night. ---- At this decadent stage it is easy to forget that America's near anarchic business conditions triggered a supernova of technological progress. ---- Imagine dentistry without technology. Imagine no air conditioning. Fuck that. ---- I will block anyone conversing about terrorism in my notifications. Untag and cease this at once. Speak softly and hide your power level. Now drop it. ---- Isle of Dogs is complicated. Japanese love animals in the same way Europeans do, so the Little Pilot is a legit Japanese character. The dogs are mostly voiced by Americans, making the film releasable in the US. ---- It took 12 hours for 60 million GOP voters to realize that the regime steals elections and means them harm. ---- Where we're going we won't need votes. ---- Technology is the White man's superpower. Why would someone worship the depraved terrorist Kaczynski who sought to deny us our unique advantage? ---- One big error undoes a host of minor insights. I suspect people who love quoting both Hitler and Kaczynski are just weirdos who want attention. Hitler was pro-technology to the extreme. I seek coherence. ---- I wonder how many of those who claim it is impossible to escape diversity have urbanite tastes so keep moving to the wrong kind of suburb? One of the early robber barons was sitting in his office in the city and someone who had a grudge relating to financial matters barged in and tried to shoot him. After that he built a large estate in the country and spent most of his time there. ---- And remember that there are White people who spend the holidays completely alone, because they have no family. Remember to spare a thought for these men and women. ---- The Christian inevitably rejects modern technological civilization, the competitor that he can't beat. That was the motivated reasoning behind Gary North hyping the Y2K bug nothingburger. Technology isn't going anywhere. Well, the center of it might move east, but there will still be powered flight, electricity, computing, painless dentistry and running water. ---- Each time the ADL shuts another thing down my hatred cubes. ---- Censorship never makes dissidents less radical. ---- FDR and Truman were essentially antifa / SJW in their policy views, but they knew there was a good chance of mass desertion or a coup if they attempted integration in the heat of an unpopular war. Oh yes, the war was unpopular. Only a tiny % of troops volunteered, most were conscripts. ---- Kamala Harris lacks the acting chops to conceal her malice, so unlike Obama all White people sense that she means them harm. ---- Noncompliance is the only thing standing between us and immediate extermination. ---- Cro_Magnon1488 On December 24, 2010, Jonathan Paul Foster was home alone, watching cartoons and playing computer games. A nigger name Mona Nelson, an acquaintance of Jonathan's mother, abducted the 12-year-old boy and took him to her apartment, where she kept her welding equipment. She tied Jonathan up with twine and burned his body beyond recognition with an oxy-acetylene torch. The exact cause of Jonathan's death, and the motive behind the murder, were never determined. Dread: This is why you don't have low class negro 'friends' Cannon Hinnant, same issue. ---- Yes. The ADL exists to defend Jews who rape and murder White children. That is its literal origin. Their evil is without limit. ---- How does saying 'White Lives Matter' 'target' Jews? Unless the fact that Whites are alive at all constitutes a threat to Jews. Hmm. ---- Not interested in Jesus. Heard it all before. Spare me. Also I will commit additional sins for each sermon that infests my notifications. Sins against other people. So you are responsible for them. Hate is my primary function. Do not think you can save me. Thousands have tried. ---- Let's say you have good reason to think your IQ is 140+. SAT conversion, for example. Some timed test. If you are engaged in a serious debate with someone and they call you stupid they are usually Jewish. It's their favorite trick. ---- Chris Esposito: Trump flew on Epstein’s jet. Trump is shown in photos with Epstein. Trump’s daughter is married to an Israeli citizen. Trump’s daughter converted to Judaism in 2009. Trump’s daughter took on the Hebrew name Yael. Trump’s son-in-law was his senior advisor. Trump gave Israel the Golan Heights. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. Trump pardoned Israeli spy Aviem Sella. Trump pardoned Charles Kushner of video taped sex blackmail. Trump pardoned Sholam Weiss who bankrupted up to 25,000 people and stolen $400 million. Trump pardoned Israeli drug dealer Ronen Nahmani. Trump didn’t stop the steal. Trump didn’t pardon Assange. Trump left the January 6 protesters for dead. Trump was compromised from the start. Trump doesn’t represent you. Move on. Dread: No year one boomer was ever going to save us. Their minds were corrupted by supersaturation exposure to unfiltered television. ---- JCBale: Your guys are tired and frustrated because Q is a shitty psyop designed to confuse you and make you feel tired and frustrated. Reality is simple: - we know who subverted us - nobody’s coming to help White people - there is no political solution If you’re White in America, cheering for politicians is like cheering for a sports team: they don’t represent you, you never win when they do, and they’re majority-jewish owned. Stop wasting your time getting emotionally involved with this shit. ---- It is in the rational self interest as well as group interest for blacks and hispanics to vote for the party of stealing shit from White men. ---- To preserve your marriage do the man's work. Carpentry, plumbing, electric, yard work, small engine repair. Leave housework to her. The more chick tasks you do the higher the chance of divorce. ---- Footdoc: Edit/update: The docs are calling it post partum myocarditis/cardiomyopathy (which of course are extremely rare and an unknown etiology....right) And she has blood clots in her lungs..... Ok guys, so this just happened an hour ago. Where to start.... My sister in law (38years old), had a baby less than 2 weeks ago. Tonight, she had a heart attack. Possible clots. The doctors are "still looking into the cause". Her mom had to do CPR on her until the EMT's came. It took a long time to get a heart beat but they did and she left conscious. She is currently intubated. This is all we know so far. Please pray for them and their family. They have 5 beautiful children now. They were planning on being done after this. We are headed to Virginia now. I forgot to mention, she just got VACCINATED during Thanksgiving time, 3 weeks ago. You see these things happen all around you, and then it happens to your family. Things get real, fast. A whirlwind of emotions. Protect your loved ones, and let them know you love them now, Bc you never know. Also, Pfizer can shove that POS vaccine directly up their ASS! And Jesus is King Dread: Jesus isn't going to save us. We have to fight. ---- A penchant for universal morality leaves nations wide open. In zero sum games you can't be fair. ---- ElwoodBlues: we are living under a government that gives billions of our tax money to the jewish ethnostate because of blackmail collected by jewish intelligence officers, that persecutes American citizens at the directive of jewish ngos and the jewish owned and run media because we're publicly expressing our doubts that we need a "vaccine" developed by jewish-run pharmaceutical companies for a virus that was developed with biological material smuggled into china by a jew but somehow pointing this out unfairly persecutes jews or paints them as a subversive monolith ---- Dread: Thanks to Freudian cultural influence in the 1950s homosexuality went from being considered evil to being considered a mental illness. Once it made that leap legalization was inevitable. Tommy Jeff: It's important to frame your arguments the correct way, and not fall into the leftist frame. This post is a great example For example: there's no such thing as gender. Yet conservatives keep saying things like "there's only 2 genders," which implies that gender is real. No, you should be saying "there's only 2 sexes." The term gender was invented by notorious rapist and pedophile John Money. Back to the original point, there's no such thing as mental illness (though there are literal mental retards with IQs under 85. That does not make you mentally ill though) Stop saying "that tranny is mentally ill! Leftists are mentally ill!" No. They're just evil. Start calling them what they are. "Mental Illness" is also used to stigmatize and demonize normal masculine childhood behavior, and excuses drugging small children with SSRIs. Pure evil ---- NPC theory explains it, which is why Twitter suppressed NPC memes harder than they suppress anti-semitism. Most Jews have nothing to do with these bad things, but most Jews, like most people of any race or ethnicity, have no influence whatsoever. They are repeater stations for whatever commands are issued from their trusted installer. At this time the ruling stratum of the Jewish community consists of Team A and Team B. Team A is represented by George Soros, who seeks the total meta-annihilation of the White race ASAP. Team B is represented by Benjamin Netanyahu, who sees us as useful idiots worth keeping around for the time being. It is that ruling class that must be... persuaded... to cease their nonsense. ---- Watching 150 IQ euroChristians attempting to retcon the pile of lies in the Bible is wearying, that I can tell you. ---- They don't necessarily claim the end is nigh, they claim 'God wins' in every engagement. It's a version of New Age thinking. Real evil only has very short victories. These are dumb people. Mostly women. But I repeat myself. ---- The 'Scottish Enlightenment' is the source of many of the deadly open society meme malware concepts that plague us. Scots are notoriously more greedy and stingy than certain more famous greedy cheap chiselers. ---- Trump op and Tel Aviv funded op are the same op. Team B, but still... ---- Hugo Weaving is fresh out of fucks to give about these shit franchises. He wouldn't come back to do the voice of the Red Skull for Avengers Endgame either. But the one who really put him off the whole thing was Michael Bay, who wouldn't even let him see the whole Transformers script when he was voicing a Decepticon. ---- Our situation is not merry olde England protected from enemies by a moat. Our situation is Minas Tirith surrounded by the hosts of Mordor. We need a hatred hotter than a planet cracking doomsday device. ---- A doctrine that preaches thousands of words of feminine love and kindness that must be overcome with retcons to spin up your army is a doctrine for losers. ---- Believing in coronahoax is its own punishment. ---- Don't post walls of Christian garbage in my comments. I'm a transhumanist faustian space imperalist. Hate is my primary function. ---- If someone seriously thinks Jesus is going to save us politically I can't abide their nonsense. I mean... 1917. In 1917 Russia was 1000X, possibly 1,000,000X more devoutly Christian than the US in 2021... and Jesus let Lenin rape them savage. ---- Coronahoax is the White genocide enabling act. It is the most important issue in the last 2000 years. ---- Twitter permits impotent libertarian objections to coronahoax because libertarianism's doctrine of total self ownership enables tranny psychosis. Now you know the rest of the story. ---- An effective church must coerce. If you can't burn heretics you can't maintain moral hegemony. This is the lesson of America's decline. ---- Religion is the ultimate health scam, claiming to cure the incurable problem of death. ---- Scam detection is very important as parasitism is common in nature. Being the smartest creatures on this planet men are capable of devising elaborate scams. Think of Alvin Plantinga as a master scammer. ---- My cynical scam detector tells me that Europeans had to import religions from less honest parts of the world because European honesty had dissolved their own. ---- You don't argue with L. Ron Hubbard about philosophy, you attack the specific nonsense he claimed. Dianetics was destroying using this method at his first big press conference. ---- Altright: Jews are liars. Also Altright: Believe this book written by Jews. ---- Consider that by age 18 over a quarter of a million dollars has been invested in you by your family. You have no right to abort their genetic line with insane self mutilating hormone treatments or surgery. ---- That is also a factor. But primarily we lacked motivation. The evil plan favored the US from 1946 to around 2005. That's why we had so much growth. It was only when we had completely outlived our usefulness that full genocide operations commenced. Obama's election signaled the end of America's last good years. ---- It is very dangerous to misinterpret things for the worse. January 6 has nothing to do with freedom of assembly. If the crowd had assembled, listened to Trump babble, then left there would be no legal issues. Trump tried to intimidate congress and some of the people he goaded got carried away and lured into a trap. It's possible several million people have gathered to watch Trump speak over the last few years. If that's all they did they are entirely safe from legal problems. ---- The Red Army won the Russian civil war and World War II. I guess gott was mitt them. ---- Jupiter Ascending and American Psycho have something in common. Few know this. ---- The Striker heresy originates in the absolute immunity of conservatives and libertarians to National Socialist ideas. Having no luck converting the usual right wing leads the cluster of weirdos surrounding Eric Striker pivot to the even less promising dirtbag left. Reality: National Socialism, like any demanding collectivist politics, is a non-starter among the descendents of the founding American rebels and always will be. ---- So Biden's speech was a complete nothingburger. I suspect the rumors of travel bans for the pureblooded and death camps had some basis but they pussed out. DO. NOT. COMPLY. Oh, and I am seeing lots of stores putting up 'wear mask plz' signs and being fucking ignored as god intended. ---- I have a legit medical reason for not getting the shot: It doesn't work. ---- If the mind is born with a suite of applications that cannot be altered by environment short of destroying the relevant sections of the brain then many forbidden ideas could be true. Spoiler alert: They are. ---- Pay attention to the word essentialism. Anti-essentialism is the logical basis of all of this. The debunked (by Richard Dawkins of all people!) notion that the brain contains no code at all, that the mind is a blank slate. As everyone knows that personality is mostly genetic everyone is a secret thought criminal, even lesbians who resist biological men declaring themselves women. Garbage in, garbage out. ---- Film existed for 20 years before it consolidated in Hollywood as a gambit to escape Edison's patent lawsuits. Movies are not a natural monopoly. You could create a complete alt-entertainment ecosystem even today. Tyler Perry and Rudy Ray Moore managed it. ---- They must have something on Romney (probably involving polygamists in the woodpile) or he would have defected already. ---- Most Republicans are zionist Team B, keep America barely functional enough to protecc Israel. That means not supporting economy killing shit like BBB. ---- The New Deal. Threatened with court packing SCOTUS ruled that an elevator inside a building constituted interstate commerce and thus the feds could regulate it. Reason? The business in question no doubt did business with other states, even if it was only in buying pencils made across a state line. Talmudic as fuck. ---- That's why they keep lying about compliance. They want people to think it's 95% in most industries. Truth be told if 5% were determined enough they could break this pig system. I maintain that 1000 men could do it... if they knew what they were doing. ---- Am I saying get out of the US military ASAP and never, ever sign up if you haven't? Yes. Yes I am. ---- There was no violent revolution or second civil war when integration was inflicted on the nation in the 1960s because the US is so big it was trivial to move. It's impossible to get people worked up about problems that are 50 years in the future. That, not some deep flaw in Americans, is why they won't rebel. Coronahoax, by making people suffer immediately, is still a far more potent wedge issue than race. White people with agency and lack of sentimental attachments to place can live in 1950s demographics if they want to even today. ---- Evolutionary theory alone strongly indicates that homosexuality must be some kind of disease or defect. A trait that reduces inclusive fitness by 2% will be bred out of the species in 50 generations. Homosexuality reduces inclusive fitness by well over 75%. ---- Everything the left says about the savage cruelty of Europeans is correct. My suggestion... tread lightly. ---- Dread: Total GOP collapse like the Whigs before the civil war would open things up for a nationalist party. So the GOP taking a stand against Biden is not exactly a win. On the other hand it will prevent immediate collapse into anarchy. FaderM:: Of course they tell you they oppose biden and the left but they have given ground over and over. No, it isn't McConnell. Whoever they appoint in his place will do the same thing. On the state level republican majorities in state houses have done nothing to address the 2020 election. Dread: That's because the people who run things murdered someone close to the one governor who was making noises like he might challenge them. Remember, Israel killed JFK via Murder Inc. All initiates know this. ---- In 2014 the radical right was a few hundred thousand guys trolling on twitter and reading blogs. On November 4, 2020 at around 4 AM the radical right grew to 60 million enraged fanatics and it ain't done. ---- Israel going all in on the shots means they are not extermination weapons at this time. They are the pretext for the digital passport. Once that exists they can give the death shots to White people and saline to Jews. If it's a GENOCIDE weapon they absolutely will not risk it. These are very fearful people. That is what drives the whole agenda. ---- The solution is to forgive all loans, not just the student ones. It's called jubilee. It's super traditional. Forgive and abolish. Abolish student loans, replace with scholarships for legit smart poor kids, stop encouraging 100 IQ nibbas to go to college. More than half of college slots are pointless and should be replaced with simple trade and specialized training. The loans are forgiven not so much to help lazy stupid yoots as to hurt bankers. Additional hurting will also be inflicted by the imperium in due course. It ends an income stream. Additional measures will also be inflicted. We did not get to this situation in a single step. With any policy do not consider 'is it the final blow that ends usury?', consider instead 'in what direction is this going?' Enough baby steps and you're talking some serious shit. Crucifixions all around. ---- The 63 plague riots that rocked British India between 1896 and 1902 are a case in point. The British officials in charge of plague control did not speak any native languages, had little respect for Hindu religious beliefs, and little knowledge of local burial customs. In their fight against the plague, male doctors would burst into local houses for inspections regardless of whether the family’s menfolk were home. Sanitation campaigns would result in the wanton destruction of Indian property; those found sick with the plague would be whisked off to segregation camps on the spot. In plague-struck areas, the disruption to daily life caused by inspections and seizures were as unnerving as they were unending. Nothing the British did, one Pune newspaper complained, “interfered so largely and in such a systematic way with the domestic, social and religious habits of the people as the enforcement of the measures adopted for stamping out the plague.” Soon, Indians were assassinating public health commissioners, attacking hospitals, and mobbing doctors. This disorder mirrored the enormous cholera riots that shut down Russian, English, Italian, and American cities earlier in the century, as well as smaller incidents of smallpox-related disorder, such as the month-long Milwaukee smallpox riot of 1894. (most of the article is good government earnest liberal drivel, so don't get your hopes up) ---- There are those who claim we have not reached peak Weimer because there are no child prostitutes walking the streets. Drag kids don't walk the streets, the groomers deliver them to the predators direct. We are beyond Weimer conditions. ---- I've been driving long distance to avoid TSA ritual humiliation for years. ---- Marxism functions as a totally malign freemasonry. The true initiate knows the plan is White genocide. I wager that as high ranking a functionary in the Marxist machine as Ocasio-Cortez is unaware that Marxists plan to kill all her boyfriends. ---- Stellar cartography of memetic space is more an art than a science. The cloud of people in the not-enemy space do not necessarily get along with each other, but they lack malign intent towards me. So I follow both Ashley Rae Goldenberg and Trevor Goodchild without generating buzz harshing dissonance. ---- Hundreds of thousands of desperate women turning to prostitution as the nation was skeletonized by parasite load an exact analogy to the Onlyfans situation. ---- I want the pandemic horseshit to crash and burn because if they get the digital passport we are fucked. Not because a large rebellion could not overcome the passport, but because a people who will comply to a digital shackle will never rebel. ---- The enemy plan gains nothing when big names tweet that despite having got all the shots they now have covid19. There's no lipstick thick enough to sell that pig. ---- My plan is: Build robust platforms, create media, convert millions, win everything. ---- The US has the most well armed civilian population in the history of the world. ---- The left revolts against logic because with a few simple logical deductions it can be proven that diversity is not just incoherent but impossible. A thing is either A or not A. You cannot reconcile two enemy religions. ---- System tools defecting when their loved ones die. Imagine a Robert Downey Jr. going on tiktok and denouncing Fauci and blaming him for the death of a loved one. Something like that becomes inevitable beyond a certain death rate. ---- 'Israel faces total annihilation!' Not my circus, not my monkeys. ---- The simple assertion of collective self interest in a coherent manner devoid of radical altruism will cause massive self deporting, if you pick up what I am puttin down. ---- Masses don't need to wake up. If 25% of workers refuse the shot the economy implodes and there are food riots and heads on pikes will not be far behind. ---- Dread: To be clear as possible: All leftist policies have a single purpose - destroy European civilization to make it easier to kill all Whites. Motive? Revenge for the Holocaust. Now you understand everything. Compeliminator: its hard to understand why they would want to destroy the country that supposedly saved then from annihilation. bottom line ,they hate white people because they are a reminder of things not complimentary to jews Dread: It's biomemetic resonance. You can sync up with a European. You can probably sync up with Paul Newman, who is more European than the average dead sea pedestrian. WeeseD55: You will never have a friend who is a super orthodox. Not only do their traditions sabotage any frenship (that is the function of the kosher diet) they are slightly off in every possible way, interpreting nonverbal cues differently causing endless connection errors. Their excuse is revenge for the holocaust. That's how they justify these actions to everyone else. Their actual motive is jealousy and hatred. Most of the people perpetrating this shit know the holohoax was just that...a hoax Without access to the psychic probe I cannot know what is in another man's mind. None of that matters in any event. There is a resonant memetic frequency that, once reached, creates a culture shatter event. Nothing can stop what is coming. I am devoid of interest in campaigning against Jews. Think of this as a memetic weather report. Category five shit is coming. Best be ready. ---- Shadowman: I give it about 6 months at most before the dam fully breaks on Heart and Stroke issues and begins to break on the stunning rates of stillbirths, miscarriages, and general fertility issues the vaxx creates. Our occupiers are on a very short timescale before people start demanding heads on pikes, and they know this. I expect them to get quite a lot more violent as 2022 progresses Dread: The elevated death rate cannot be hidden. It is already starting to break through the blockade. This, incidentally, is why social media is purging millions of valuable US based users. This is an all hands on deck memetic emergency. The cascade is so close I can taste it. Shadowman: Vox Day keeps reiterating this point and I think its worth mentioning here, this COVID psyop will end in tribunals, they know this and are now operating under the assumption that they would be summarily executed after these tribunals (good assumption) and are thus willing to do anything to stop that. There is no length they will not go to, no line they will not cross, this is a matter of life and death, and they have everything from the army to the nuclear football to protect themselves should the population get too rowdy. It's going to get a whole lot more brutal before it gets better. Dread: How did they think stealing 25%+ of the workforce's jobs would end? They will be lucky if the US Constitution still has enough life left in it to prevent the extraordinary question. ---- If you don't believe a man in a dress is a woman you are a biological essentialist. You know who else was a biological essentialist? But I've said too much already. ---- Or with the mostly peaceful dissolution of the union as states refuse to enforce federal mandates and laws. This method already all but legalized marijuana. An underestimated story. The marijuana laws began under the New Deal. Legalizing via state nullification would have brought in the literal troops under FDR. They would have massacred crowds with tommy guns if there had been any resistance. Not anymore. The feds are a shadow of what they were in 1936. I just proved that the feds are weak via the example of states nullifying federal marijuana laws. In the old days regardless of what the leftists in the bureaucracy believed they would never have tolerated any challenge to the doctrine of federal supremacy. The dissolution of the union began when the DEA didn't go in and break heads when the first marijuana dispensary opened many years ago. ---- Smart phones are very bad. Video cameras exist. Get that footage, hand the SD card to a courier and get to an uplink station. ---- This. I am very calculated in all I do. I post a shit ton of material. If someone is following and never likes any of it they are unquestionably opposed to me at a metaphysical level, and probably hate dogs. ---- If you're modeling what is known as 'red pilling' remember it is a ratchet. No one ever really switches back. ---- Any Christian claiming Jews are still the chosen people of God has more fear of 2% of the US population than they do of the creator of the universe. Pathetic. ---- In a soft dissolution of the union the right wing leaning states will prosper, lacking the cultural Marxist policies which are intended to destroy civilization - carbon restriction, affirmative action, pedofaggot and tranny freak bureaucrats and political hacks, and of course vast third world hordes on the dole. Those hordes will begin to starve as the basic structure of the economy disintegrates under the leadership of freaks and monsters, and they will start searching for food. That's when millions of them will arrive at the borders of the good states. Only hard measures will stop the deluge of useless flesh from destroying all. ---- Abolish student loans, replace with scholarships for legit smart poor kids, stop encouraging 100 IQ nibbas to go to college. More than half of college slots are pointless and should be replaced with simple trade and specialized training. ---- Anti-White is OK but I prefer to spell it out clearly at this stage of the game. 'You just hate White people.' Hate is one of their words, but it has real meaning and this is turnabout that works. Hate is the one we really need to take back. Hate is good. ---- US rating on worst nation list depends on how you weight factors. In terms of liberty we are way ahead of most European countries where habits of obedience mean shot passports can easily be imposed. In terms of demographics we are worse than anyplace but South Africa. ---- CEOs are lying to congress about shot compliance so the actual numbers must be very bad for the panopticon. Shot compliance is a lot lower than claimed, just sayin. Oh, and CDC unquestionably is lying as well. It's part of a memetic op to terrorize more people into getting the shot. If they truly imposed the employer mandate today the economy would instantly collapse, with actual hunger as food shortages kicked in. It would be revolution time, with bodies hanging from lampposts. So they are not gonna do that. But they will try the slow walk. So it is imperative to resist. The more who resist the more likely they capitulate eventually. As it is much can kicking has happened, with the mandates not overturned by courts being delayed. ---- He opted out of reality when he imagined technology will ever go away. Even if Borzoi the enemy malware infestation were to prove correct and the US technoculture falls China and Russia are nowhere near our levels of collapse. Some nucleus of computer science and biotech will exist and dominate the light cone. ---- Destroy your smartphone now and avoid the rush. Big computer only. ---- Fuck tradition, back to the future. ---- Keep in mind that 'genius' Uncle Ted was experimented on by evil psychologists and his entire environmentalist outlook is a blood libel against White European technological society devised by the usual suspects. ---- He was mostly wrong. His complaints are like those of a phototypesetter operator post-desktop publishing bitching that his lifetime high wage employment is gone and now his wife left him and he can't see his kids. Yes, it is very bad. It may even drive him to suicide. Is there a solution within possibility timelines? Nope. ---- Welp, a circuit court has reinstated the OSHA death shot mandate. Now we know why the media is in a state of total hysteria. This was planned. Obama and Dubya Bush appointed judges voted to reinstate, Trump judge dissented. The evil forces intend to shackle us with a digital passport. That machine is death. Biden rapes kids, and these decisions are made by those who provide him with victims. DO. NOT. COMPLY. ---- Imagine a scenario of ultra carbon restriction collapsing the power grid in the faggotpedo states. How will the faggotpedo states be able to project power with no... power? Florida man will retain his grill. ---- The airline CEO lying to Ted Cruz about the number of shot resisters proves the whole thing is a coordinated lie by all the top players. That CEO was couched, told to lie about this. All numbers on shot compliance are lies. We exist in vast numbers. ---- The best approach is the opposite of what the Confederacy did. Lie, obstruct, passively sabotage and jury nullify while the entire time denying that's what you're doing until the feds are forced to retreat and consolidate to the pozholes where they have a firm grip. ---- The word 'gender' is as much an enemy usage as 'racist.' Sex is the correct word. There are two sexes. Never use gender, the misuse of which was coined by the pedophile John Money to promote perversion. You can't repurpose a meme malware word like racist which has the media firehose maintaining its malign payload. Only attack it. If you call a leftist racist they have libraries of bullshit to call on to fuck with you. Reject the entire concept. Racist just means you are a White man that non-whites want to murder. Any non-white who uses the R word is expressing genocidal hate. That's the pivot. 'You just hate White people.' Don't say they are racist, say they hate Whites. Because that they cannot deny without lying. ---- TBH civil service law violates division of powers, but the Constitution is dead and has been since 1865. ---- Indeed. There will always be a deep state. The problem isn't that there's a sovereign, the problem is the sovereign is our enemy. ---- We are approaching the time when there will be so much normie concerning shit going down that these endless ritualistic humiliations for racisms and such will fall flat. That's how the moralistic frenzy of civil rights finally ended, done in by inflation, riots, and the Vietnam war. Things are so much worse now than they were in 1968. ---- Neocons (AKA right wing Jews) think Christianity keeps the dreaded goyim honest. Neocons, meet Andrew Torba... ---- Google's founders were working with the CIA and NSA in 1993. Facebook is based on the Naval Intelligence Lifelog prototype. Peter Thiel, whose Palintir data mining program serves nothing but government spooks, was a Facebook angel investor and considered total doxxing to be the solution to fags being buried in bogs, among other things. ---- The expensive human brain (consumes one fifth of caloric energy) devotes a massive amount of its processing power to facial analysis. Makes you... think. ---- Morons / NPCs follow the player characters and it's the collapse of true terror of Hell in the ruling stratum that did Christendom in. Christianity died in Europe before a single Jew was permitted to vote. Few know this. ---- Contra Moldbug the system does not get stronger when attacked. It just hasn't been attacked for real in a very long time. ---- When I post the harsh facts about American Christianity I am kicking the crutch out from under the copeposters who have lost hope in Trump and now have only their fantasy of revival to get them through life. ---- If you submit to masks you get lockdowns. If you submit to lockdowns you get mandates. If you submit to mandates you get quarantine camps. If you submit to quarantine camps you die. ---- Cuck Island ran a 1000 year negative eugenics program to cull freedom loving men by execution or exile. If I could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that 98% of members of the loosely affiliated concept cluster known as Jews were neutral or benign it would not undo the damage done by hateful fanatics like Jonathan Greenblatt who openly seek the meta-annihilation of 700 million Europeans. ---- If you believe Mark Zuckerberg, a mandroid with no social skill whatsoever, was the master meme wizard who convinced billions to self doxx I've got a $100,000 NFT to sell you. ---- NPC theory postulates that the swarm is led by the brain bugs. Those NPCs with only loose loyalty to their various groups are flotsam swept along by the swarms. As weakly aligned NPCs are flung from the core those that remain become more intense in their loyalty. This is why no matter how tepid Christianity becomes the hardcore loyalists of competing faiths still hate it. ---- Deconstructing Whiteness is meta-annihilation, the memetic transmat gun. ---- I kid you not that video game addiction creates similar dopamine problems to severe porn addiction. They're seeking the next thrill, and have to keep upping the dose. Baked Alaska's escalation to macing random people in the face being a perfect example. ---- Always liked Peter Schiff's line. 'Student loans are like having a mortage at age 22 but without the house.' ---- I have never played pokemon. D&D, now that's a man's game. Haven't played that either. ---- The reality is that when groups with divergent levels of production share a space their political interests are at odds. The more productive want minimal social insurance and handouts, the less productive want more, and those handouts effectively rob the better to help the worse. That's White and negro politics in a nutshell. ---- It worked. We happy Americans are some of the exiles. ---- Data: "When the bubonic plague raged in Geneva in 1530, everything was prepared. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The merchants contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital. But then a catastrophe happened: The plague was dying out, while the grants depended on the number of patients. For the Geneva hospital staff, there was no question of right and wrong in 1530. If the plague brought in money, then the plague was good. And then the doctors got organized. At first they poisoned the patients just to increase the mortality statistics, but they soon realized that the statistics had to be not only about mortality, but also about mortality from the plague. So they began to cut the boils out of the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar, and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. Yet somehow the plague continued to decline. Apparently, the dried buboes did not work well. The doctors went into the city and sprinkled bubonic powder on the doorknobs at night to select the houses where they could benefit from it. An eyewitness wrote of these events, "It remained hidden for a while, but the devil is more busy increasing the number of sins than hiding them." In short, one of the doctors became so insolent and lazy that he decided to stop wandering the city at night and simply throw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to heaven, and one of the girls, who happened to be just out of the hospital, discovered what that smell was. The doctor was tied up and put in the good hands of competent "workmen". They tried to extract as much information from him as possible. However, the execution took several days. The inventive hippocrats were tied to poles on carts and driven through the city. At each intersection, the executioners tore off pieces of meat with red-hot tongs. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all parts of Geneva. The only exception was the son of the hospital director, who did not attend the trial but announced that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded "to prevent the spread of evil."" François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pages 395 - 402 Via: ---- Leftists really can't meme. People think otherwise because they're attributing liberal and libertarian memes to leftists. Leftists are ugly and evil and no one likes them. Injecting leftist memes into a liberal franchise kills it. Star Wars being a perfect example. ---- Once a platform is global there are billions of pretexts to shut it all down forever. People really do not want free expression. Eventually there will be a censorship-proof decentralized video solution and it will be just like the fediverse, with people doing blacklists of the bad instances and defederating. ---- Almost every management fad for the last century was fraudulent, including the notorious 'time motion studies' that demoralized millions of factory workers. ---- Trump was consistent. He fell for every scam the traitors he appointed waved under his nose. ---- With nothing but simple math and logic it was obvious that the mortality rate was being faked from the start by undercounting infections and padding 'covid' deaths with ultra-geriatrics with multiple pre-existing conditions. That's how the dummies I blocked came up with '15 million Americans dead by December' and the rest of the stampede the retards memes. ---- Evangelicals probably think there was a Christian revival in the 70s-80s. That wasn't a revival, it was a retreat to the keep. The keep was breached and now the orcs are picking off the survivors one by one. ---- Masking increases based on the most recent fearmongering wave. Then it dissipates again. Also baseline number of mask tards differs by region. There doesn't seem to be a rising peak mask level. Peak masking was early summer 2020. Since then they need more and more hype to move the needle. ---- Stalin waited until AFTER total victory. Hitler chose not to marry for political reasons. Ambitious men who want children have them, unless they're sterile. ---- Resisting coronahoax is the most important thing you can do as a citizen. Do not mask up. Do not socially distance. Do not get the shot. Do not comply. Anyone who is trying to stay neutral on this is enemy. ---- Freemasons have no real secrets anymore because they won. If you want to delve into the mysteries read the US Constitution. A totally non-Christian legal framework that protects all heresy. ---- One reason there are almost no whistleblowers despite the fedgov having millions of employees is that most of those parasites know nothing of any significance. Jeffrey Epstein didn't have his underage prostitutes seduce Social Security administrators. ---- The pig system has a lot of power and control but it's not like a special effects camera with programmable three axis stepper motors in microsecond increments. It's more like a flock of cats being herded by a bunch of guys with cattle prods. ---- Really, anyone who thinks the corpse of White European Christianity is about to revive is not worth my time. If you're a White nationalist and a devout Christian then you have a problem. The White peoples have conclusively abandoned Christianity, so in fact we deserve all the death and destruction that is coming and you should be joining your brown allies in exterminating us for our sins. If Europe embraced the merciless cruelty of pagan Rome we could make very short work of culture distorters and other invading species. The morality of universalism is much worse than the goofy pseudoscience of creationism. ---- In 1915 Russia was a devout Christian nation. 70 years of communism hammered church attendance down to 7%. What the left can't meme they throw in a lime pit. ---- When you have an absolutely homogeneous society you don't need hard power to maintain order. That is the error of nazbols. They see the chaos of America and think 'Only the iron boot can fix this.' Real talk: It can't be fixed, it must be dissolved. ---- Transhumanism is just painless dentistry for aging. It would seem miraculous to a man 300 years ago, for us it's Tuesday. ---- The problem for the genocidal White haters is: How do you get 700 million people to willingly put the noose around their necks? That's why coronahoax. That's why Facebook. That's why Google. What does 'climate change' have to do with White genocide? If the hypothesis is correct it's White technology that murdered the world. Therefore we deserve to die. This is what leftists actually believe. ---- The original malware payload of cultural anthropology was relativizing White accomplishment down to the level of third world garbage. Only once this was done did they go all in on claiming White civilization was the most evil of all. Aside from a few lesbians all the major figures behind this demonization of Whites were Jews. ---- A fraction of a remnant is willing to do what it would take to save America, which would of course involve immense sacrifice. It's not enough so, yeah, I am gonna support zionist scum who at least won't force me to get the mRNA death shot, and I know the land of my birth will more than likely be entirely free of any of my relations in 100 years. Oh, and those relations alive today would join antifa and seek my total annihilation if they had a whisper of a hint of my real politics. Sheeeeeeeeit! To 'save America' would require an authoritarian regime composed of real Americans or a mass movement to expel the invaders. Not a man of destiny in sight, and the culture engines are finely tuned to destroy any that emerge. America exists as a warning against openness, tolerance and diversity. To save Europe expel the alien flesh. Only physical removal will do. ---- EFF is run by Jews. Anyone surprised by the abandonment of any defense of freedom by the EFF or ACLU look up how many liberal organizations defended antiwar activists during World War II. Ask libertarians what they think of the FCC's efforts to censor Father Coughlin. If they don't know your real name, that is. You can be sure that just knowing who Father Coughlin is will cause most libertarians to rush to report you to the Jews so you can be destroyed. Of course that's IF the libertarian in question has any idea who Coughlin was themselves. Weirdly enough Harlan Ellison once had a giant meltdown over a reporter who interviewed Joe Simon, co-creator of Captain America, not pouncing on Simon when Simon said a few kind words about Coughlin. ---- When the LAPD issues a statement that tourists should not come to the city because it is now like The Purge shit has got real. Antifa, BLM and the Soros Marxist prosecutors, DAs and other alien invaders have to be shut down or every city will be laid waste, and not in some Mad Max hypothetical out year, but in the next few months. ---- If I wanted to destroy a movement I'd just recruit as many clinically depressed people as possible. That's what putting a blackpill brooding body in an alt-media power chokepoint does. ---- Out of the loop GOP hacks will block shot mandates, lockdowns and a shot passport because it's an easy, safe way to win. Even most Democrats have no idea it is part of the Soros plot to exterminate the White race, so coronahoax lacks taboo protection outside the most bluechecked NPC domains. ---- The neocon / Jared Kushner cabal has no use for a failed Trump campaign and they won't attempt one. Trump fails to be nominated they will abandon him like a pimp ditches a 45 year old crackwhore. ---- Graf is risking a lot running poast so I cut him a great deal of slack. If someone takes that risk rank has its privileges. If he wants to ban anyone who grinds his gears, well, not my circus, not my monkeys. ---- If an atheist likes Christmas they are probably OK. ---- The best intel must show a serious probability of a fascist takeover, else they would have accepted a Trump second term. Or perhaps the old Jews want revenge before the last who experienced WWII era die off. Final revenge for 'the holocaust' requires White people to be reduced to absolutely helpless state. It's not gonna happen before George Soros dies. That's my best guess re: coronahoax. It was a speedrun to White genocide because George Soros wanted to see White women being raped to death and White men dissolved in lime pits with his own eyes. ---- Google used guys like Stefan Molyneux and Nick Fuentes to lure the right into the roach motel. ---- VR is a dream of my youth and I won't touch it because all systems are compromised by enemies. ---- The concept of 'normie' is not complicated. Normies exist. They are either players who have chosen to maximize their success within the game by conforming to all high priority ideological commands from panoptic control or NPCs who act as unsentient repeater stations for same. ---- When the evildoers stole the election they bypassed an important circuit breaker. Democracy as a sham and cloak for tyranny works because it gives the illusion of choice, putting the preferred false opposition with the strongest support (accounting for state representation via electoral college) in as figurehead. To make bold moves after stealing the election exceeded the design specifications of the system's suppression mechanisms. Florida is literally reactivating a state militia not beholden to the feds. They know they are on the brink, so they are easing back. That's the meaning of the Twitter doxxing ban, among other signs and portents. ---- Now is the chance for Klaus Schwab, avatar of death, to prove his perfidy. If he can defy federal courts and the sentiment of the US Senate and get his minion faggot pedo John Roberts and perhaps the useless cunt Coney Barrett to rubber stamp federal shot mandates then the proof will be manifest: The US is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rothschild bank. There is only one... solution. ---- It is quite possible that the 52 Senators who voted against the mandate are sincere, or at least sincerely shitting their pants at the prospect of a massive wave election sweeping numerous bums out of power. But they are not in the loop regarding the purpose of the mRNA passport, which is of course the extermination of the White race. ---- In 2002 there was no way to convince more than a remnant that the US Constitution and allegedly representative government were total failures, and believe me, I tried. Now it is close to a self evident truth. ---- Do not assume you can wallow in the evil of inferiors without being tainted. A swarm of rats can eat your face. ---- If you want a quality dramatization of the process of meme malware installation Rorschach's mindfuck of Dr. Malcolm Long in Chapter 6 of Watchmen will do. ---- Anyone with 'leftist priors' should be regarded with the utmost suspicion. If they have failed to purge themselves of their criminal tendencies they should be shunned. I'm looking at you, nazbols. ---- Leftism is evil in political form. No leftist is your friend. They are death incarnate. ---- At least when you surrendered to Genghis Khan you were accepting the rule of men. Now we are expected to surrender to noodle armed tranny maimed freaks. This will not stand. ---- Rereading Watchmen. Just noticed that Rorschach is trolling the man who runs the newstand saying the world is ending today and, oh, will that new issue be coming in tomorrow? ---- Your 'Democrat friend' is an enemy who has not yet revealed their treachery. ---- The attempted cancellation of Joss Whedon was the biggest own goal of the last decade. Whedon produced woke propaganda some straight White guys liked. He directed and wrote The Avengers, the best globalist propaganda film since West Side Story. ---- If you're White and you reside in North America every one of your descendents who does not escape to Europe will be exterminated if the blackpill no hope but retreating to the catacombs graph crew is correct. All your children will be raped and murdered. Only way out is total victory. ---- Oh, I find all that believable. Fauci is a deep state agent of the abomination class. He earned his bones running cover for AIDS spreading faggots in the eighties. ---- For those not in the know, India is the cheapest botfarm source. 44% of Gab's traffic, pic related. I'd blackhole China and India entirely until they got this shit under control. ---- What is the TRS plan? Patriot Front's implicit plan is obvious to me. What will obese drunks screaming nigger at Applebees accomplish? ---- Coronahoax has proved conclusively that medical tyranny is an existential threat. Coronahoax is the belief that a disease slightly more dangerous than the flu is a deadly threat justifying endless ever escalating tyranny. There is a real virus. Was it created by US gov funded gain of function research at Wuhan Lab? Possible. ---- If you embrace totalitarian oppression of regular people you will gain no following. What White Americans want is liberation from the pig system, not more mandates and restrictions. ---- The link between interest rates and the real estate market should be obvious. Government likes a thriving real estate market for reasons I will not dwell on here. So why not leave rates low forever? Well, because they're kept low via injecting fresh money into the system to buy up US treasuries paying very low rates, among other things. 25% of the money supply was generated in the last 18 months. That finally overwhelmed the various financial tricks used to keep inflation in check. If they continue to inject cash to keep interest rates low inflation will reach real 1970s levels. There is no plateau, the more they try to suppress interest rates with cash the more inflationary pressure will build. As Weimer inflation = Hitler in the minds of the feds they will back off long before it reaches that level. So real estate is going to take a hit. ---- While conservatives are a sorry lot leftists will put orders of magnitude more effort into destroying you if they get a hint of your true power level. In most cases a conservative will just classify you as nuts and move on. ---- There are two groups that have active measures in place to eradicate free expression. The first you can talk about in a few places: Muslims. Muslims have an ideological 1400 year old hegemonic swarm. If you trigger it they have assassins (ha!) who will find you and kill you. The other group originates in the same region. Pure coincidence. ---- Hitler = nationalist, therefore slit your wrists, White nations. That's the payload of any book with political salience written between 1939-1980. ---- Enemies are so gaslit on their own fumes that they don't even bother with effective propaganda anymore. ---- Mitch McConnell is a traitor but look at it from his perspective. He's in too deep now, if he went against his masters they'd kill him. ---- The fakeness of the 'Patriot Front have to be feds' narrative is starkly revealed by the feeble arguments presented. 'They aren't obese', 'They wear uniforms', 'They carry shields', 'They are too well organized.' No regular person would be convinced by such drivel, but these concepts instantly went 'viral' with at least hundreds of accounts on Gab with almost no history suddenly taking a great interest in this story. I was hammered with a spamwave of these shills. The deep state or ADL or Soros or equivalent is spending millions per day right now doing disinfo, and it is filtering down to backwaters like Gab. That's how afraid they are. ---- There are two main factions. You're right about Team A, which has the upper hand in the Biden puppetmaster cabal. Team B wants deradicalization because they aren't as nutty. ---- Trump is the rabbit they will pull out of the hat in a last ditch effort to get angry nationalists back on the cucktrain. ---- In fairness to Trump's minions there probably is no off the shelf solution for a Twitter-like social site that will have at least 10 million daily active users within a days of its rollout. ---- JohnRivers goes very hard against Jews. But then so did Ricky Vaughn... for a time. Then he pivoted to ironybro deradicalization shortly before he was exposed as a Clearview AI employee, a literal operative of a panopticon-capitalist cabal. ---- The historical analysis of US conservatism 1955-2016 is complete. It was set up by the CIA via a closeted homosexual, William F. Buckley Jr. It was always fake and gay. ---- Anyone claiming Patriot Front is a fed op is your enemy. I am as paranoid as they come and Patriot Front is the absolute last thing the feds would set up. They want their glow ops public facing actions to be pitiful cuckbox debacles or wheezing ranch gorged spokesman oozing with flop sweat blathering ice cold takes. Not glorious victories. ---- Our enemies have up to the minute models of what things mean. I can guess, they know. For example, for each well disciplined man who shows up for a demonstration there are X people who agree with him, and the nature of the man is a clue to the nature of the supporters. They were a lot less scared when the median age at Tea Party events was 60, that I can tell you. ---- The military becoming openly pro-faggot-tranny freak did more to kill Qanon than Trump cucking. ---- The Qtards have mostly moved on to 'decertify the election' windmill tilting. ---- Coronahoax belief is a leftist cult, not a right wing one. JohnRivers on Gab lost 95% of his likes and reposts pushing covid nonsense. ---- Qanon is on its last legs because it had no real leader. Its followers were devoted to Trump, and he threw them under the bus for four years then abandoned the field entirely to work on his golf game. With nothing to rally to they've wandered on to new grifts. ---- If the 50 state union survives with current levels of hegemomic domination it will hunt down and exterminate Whites before 2045. It has to be dissolved or hobbled. Use every strategem to reduce federal power. Even opportunistic libertarianism. ---- Note I am not advocating sabotage of the illegal kind. Just walk away and this pig system will die. ---- How ironic. The evil system went mask off with mask mandates. ---- Outside California the US electrical grid is extremely reliable. The panopticon is completely reliant on steady clean power. Pull the plug and the system is blind. Notice that third world countries never have reliable electricity. California is a chilling vision of things to come. ---- Jacob Wohl: These are feds. How do I know? Look at the shape of these guys. Then look the at the BMI of any organically organized conservative gathering. Or the BMI of any gathering of the general public in America for that matter. These are likely all FBI special agents. Dread: Feds post Twitter IP machine fingerprinting traps. Patriot Front has never done that. But you just did. ---- Looks like Patriot Front managed to do a flash march without any leaks, otherwise antifa would have been waiting for them. A good sign. Also I have never seen Patriot Front spewing ice cold 'Biden won fair and square' and 'comply with coronahoax' narratives, so they got that going for them, which is nice. ---- My countermeasure concept is White strike, with passive sabotage. Corrupt Asians cannot replace the White men who kept things working. The panoptic system requires extremely high reliability and massive consent. The system you described got about 70% compliance for coronahoax... then hit the wall. Now the system is hitting a destructive resonance frequency that's shaking it apart. That's what the supply chain crisis is. The White strike has already begun. The servile Chamber of Commerce conditioned American rube worker who hates unions and loves to suffer for his employer is dead and gone, thank god. The labor shortage is the most promising revealed preference in decades and I am lovin it. I assure you this hated atrocity can and will be destroyed, and much sooner than anyone expects. USSR 1987-1991 style. Or perhaps bloodier. But it will be destroyed. ---- The fascist regime some of you guys are hoping for will not originate with dimwits who carry smartphones and originated on Facebook. The men of destiny knew Facebook was a trap the moment they had the concept described to them. ---- Josh: It's important to support free software and groups like the FSF/EFF because this is the future they want for us. 1. Your software belongs to us. 2. You pay us for the privilege to use it. 3. We can terminate this privilege at any time for any reason or no reason at all. 4. This is not up for discussion. Thread locked. Free software is the last real bulwark before total pozzing of the Internet. Once you can't even theoretically host alternatives without developing everything from the compiler up, you're fucked. Never take for granted that right now even entire programming languages are free to use, because there will come a day where the most popular languages require a annual license to compile. ---- Bowie: Christ, everything is a media manipulation. I’d love to enter politics. I will one day. I’d adore to be Prime Minister. And, yes, I believe very strongly in fascism. The only way we can speed up the sort of liberalism that’s hanging foul in the air at the moment is to speed up the progress of a right-wing, totally dictatorial tyranny and get it over as fast as possible. People have always responded with greater efficiency under a regimental leadership. A liberal wastes time saying, “Well, now, what ideas have you got?” Show them what to do, for God’s sake. If you don’t, nothing will get done. I can’t stand people just hanging about. Television is the most successful fascist, needless to say. Rock stars are fascists, too. Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars. ---- Stalin didn't hide the fact that he was in charge. That's absolute rule. We're dealing with something considerably less solid. ---- Porn sites specializing in simulated gang rape, torture, humiliation and maiming can process credit card payments, sites where criticism of Jews is permitted cannot. ---- All of these branches have been confirmed by DNA testing, so contrary to creationist belief Darwin did make falsifiable claims. Had the various phenotypically different species turned out to have unrelated novel DNA instructions ex nihilo creation would have the edge. It doesn't. ---- In retrospect the various honorless crackpots and fedposting psychopaths who motivated me to never join another private Gab chat probably saved me considerable trouble post October 27, 2018. ---- When it comes to discerning the structure of the universe and the nature of man science has the best record. Science was way ahead of Christianity in 1890. Radical Republicans who believed in absolute human equality were Christians. Darwinians begat Social Darwinism, a brutally realistic and cruel approach to the problems of society. ---- All creationists are bad faith debaters and morons. The Jew Berlinkski who promoted it in Commentary did so because they need Christian cannon fodder from the south to retain their spirit of total self sacrifice and servile obedience to the state. ---- It's complicated. The fact that the cops only do the occasional Operation PUSH firebombing or Waco immolation shows that they don't undertake such terror campaigns lightly. Also the reaction to Waco was not what they had hoped. ---- Men and women have the desire to mate year round. This is unusual. Most animals only desire sex at certain times when the female becomes receptive and the males compete for her attention. The theory about man's high sex drive is that the extended childhood essential to allow our advanced brains to mature requires two parents to provide for over a much longer period than, say, bears or rabbits need. How does nature keep men and women together? Desire. ---- The US 1st Amendment was an attempt to paper over the differences between religions by denying them state power. It didn't work. There are other means by which tiny sects can wage war on the majority. ---- Jim Kramer is as credible on mRNA shots today as he was on the value of dot com stocks in Y2K. ---- Perhaps god has better things to do than punish people for not believing in him. ---- What if we live in a world where it is almost impossible to be a Christian? I thought the Bible was obsolete due to agrarian and pastoral perspective, but it may be worse for the Christplex than that. ---- Dawkins isn't really a celebrity, though he married one. He's from the last generation of academics that believed in freedom of expression and open debate. Atheism plus was a nothingburger. The real reason for the cuckening is cancellation. ---- See, I told you all Dawkins had more backbone than 99.9% of Christians. This is my favorite bit: In April, Dawkins garnered controversy for posting a tweet that compared trans-identified individuals to Rachel Dolezal, a white former NAACP chapter leader who made headlines in 2015 for publicly identifying as black. In response to the Dolezal comparison, the American Humanist Association withdrew its Humanist of the Year Award awarded to Dawkins in 1996. “Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values,” stated the AHA. “His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient. His subsequent attempts at clarification are inadequate and convey neither sensitivity nor sincerity.” ---- Dumb. Hollywood hasn't been a good way to launder money since the vertical oligopoly was busted up by US antitrust action in the 1940s. The richest revenues are shared with movie theaters, and grosses are reported publicly. It's also way too high profile. You launder money with laundromats and convenience stores. ---- Keep in mind the panopticon successfully ignored the anti-neocon antiwar movement, the Tea Party and they are ignoring coronahoax protests. Protests don't work. Disobedience does. ---- The meme lever is delegitimization. Each person who loses faith in the moral legitimacy of the regime becomes a problem. A potential jury nullifier or snitches get stitches enthusiast. ---- All money contributed to evangelical, Catholic and mainline Christian denominations funds anti-White or irrelevant to our survival causes. It is lost to your own people forever. Cut the cord. ---- Drawing from a survey of approximately 1,000 Evangelical Protestant Americans, the report found that 51% of respondents believed that Jews were still God’s chosen people. By contrast, 19% said they were unsure, 17% said they believe Christians have replaced Jews as the chosen people, 10% said they believe Jews were never God’s chosen people, and 2% held an “other” view. There was a generational difference in this sentiment, with 59% of respondents who were 70 or older saying they believe Jews were still the chosen people, while only 44% of those aged 40 and below agreed... This part of the survey found that 48% of respondents believe that “supporting Israel and the Jewish people to be important in their own charitable behavior,” ranking the issue as a 4 or 5. The report also found that 20% of Evangelical respondents were “Israel loyalists,” which meant they not only believed Jews were the chosen people, but also placed “a very high priority on supporting them.” ---- The shot loyalists and the resistance are locked in. Will the latest hype alter the reality that imposing a shot mandate to keep your job will collapse the economy in a matter of days? Nope. So the whole thing is going to have to be made voluntary, and once it is like the mask mandates it is gonna disappear, at least in the US. ---- Hill: Remember when you said that American elites are a bunch of pedophiles that are controlled by Jews and everyone called you an anti-semite. Then Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were exposed and you reminded everyone that American elites are a bunch of pedophiles controlled by Jews, and they still called you an anti-semite lmao. ---- Seth Green worked on Santa Inc. His previous stop motion project, Robot Chicken, was non-stop funny. There is not one laugh in the Santa Inc. trailer. Not one. Sad! ---- Trevor: Brownian motion. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Free will. There is always the element of the random. Dread: Even in a deterministic world the only way to find out how it turns out is to play to the end. I remain curious. ---- Is he talking about Twitter policy? Because that's the big deradicalization move this week. Conservative Inc. newsletters have been a rounding error politically since 2006-2008 when their avatar led the GOP to total defeat. Oh, and moneyed newsletter readers are just Jews. Team big social knows what I know. While antifa + lawfare has suppressed street protests it has done nothing to stop radicalization, which is increasing due to the increasing hellscape that is Marxist run America. It turns out you don't need to hear hot takes about the holocaust to decide the fedgov is totally illegitimate after they stole the election with barely any effort to conceal it. If I'm right about the forced demobilization of BLM and free range criminals the Karen meme will be deprecated in Mouth of Sauron tier publications like the New York Times. ---- The policy was so crystal clear in targeting all antifa and BLM entrapment operations that it could have no other purpose. Twitter already deleted video that caused problems for the left, so a clear policy could only mean that they intended to move against all doxxing. ---- If civil war erupts now, with antifa and BLM terror as the trigger, they might lose. The US deep state plan was always the slow phasing out of the White majority using immigration of POC and memetics to suppress White birthrates. To go full 'kill Whitey' now, when we are 58% of the population and armed to the teeth, is most unwise. ---- Youtube has javacript tools to let it know everything about how you watch videos down to the millisecond. It knows when you pause. It knows your entire viewing history based not on cookies but on machine fingerprint, including zero day CSS exploits that no browser can block. If you use it you might as well file regular activity reports with the SPLC, ADL and FBI. ---- I can't get over how ugly the stop motion elf version of Sarah Silverman in Santa Inc. is. Reminds me of the horrid characters in the notorious R rated kid show Big Mouth that everyone was outraged at and posted endless pics from. Little known fact - all animation and character construction for the Rankin-Bass specials Santa Inc. is satirizing was done in Japan, and the female puppets have that early anime look. Also Japanese artists consider aesthetics a moral imperative. They could not live with themselves if they created something that ugly. ---- Capable servants can free themselves. ---- Knowing that each group has tendencies is situational awareness. Nothing personal, just business. ---- The enemy desire for globalism is explained by the collapsing coronahoax narrative. With multiple nations pursuing their own policies it is possible to compare and contrast the results. As the enemy intends nothing but torment and destruction on Europeans worldwide their policies will not be accepted if such objective measures can be made. ---- Ghostbusters Afterlife is not as pozzed as Santa Inc. or HBO Watchmen. Why? Less pressure is exerted when a franchise is already extremely pozzed. Ghostbusters already had 25% POC representation. The Rankin-Bass specials being dragged by Santa Inc. were 100% White and the elves were even blonde. Young Santa was a ginger. Watchmen, while written by literal antifa anarchist, was also 100% White and the most based characters were the most popular. HBO itself also has penance to do, with all its big hits before Westworld - The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones - being driven by mostly White casts. So they desperately try to foist these pozfests onto their 95% White audience to no avail. Along similar lines, Disney became hyperpozzed because it was by far the studio most hated by the left. When he died in 1966 Walt Disney was the last surviving right wing media CEO. His son in law maintained Walt's legacy until he was forced out by a hostile takeover in 1983. That's when Disney starts making typical Hollywood movies under its Touchstone label. ---- If you think a breakthrough is near here's a metric: Have you broken the 10,000 reader barrier? No less a tyrant than Stalin said that if a newspaper had 10,000 readers or less it was no threat and could be left alone. ---- Almost every eceleb will instacuck when their credit card processing is threatened. 'I did not know that this guest was a fascist - I disavow!' Remember, Mike Cernovich tweeted about White genocide... for about a week. ---- Taking enemy agents at face value is a big error. Scott Adams revealed his evil form before Trump even won in 2016. ---- Your duty is to marry a man, stay married for life and have children. If the process of pleasing your man and perpetuating the species is distasteful just close your eyes and think of the glory of the imperium. ---- Before investing in real estate see if you can find a landlord willing to let you ride shotgun for rent patrol. Once you see tenants vandalizing the property right in front of the owner you might reconsider it. ---- Even as the police hunt down escapees from the coronahoax concentration camps Australian dimwits are claiming those camps don't exist. ---- They will throw the book at a few gutter punk drug addict scum antifa and threaten a few rich ones with the same. If they don't demobilize, yes, a rich Jew kid will get 20 years and have to wait for the last day of some future Democrat president's term for his sentence to be commuted. That will end the whole racket, for the time being. ---- TN Mountain Girl: Today I am a widow, after 28 years of marriage I am a 51-year-old widow. I am heartbroken, I never knew this level of sadness existed. At the same time I’m so angry at our government, our medical community, those who concocted the Covid bioweapon, and the media liars who propped up the genocide of Americans. China and Fauxci killed my husband with their gain of function Frankenstein experiments. The U.S. government killed my husband when they restricted the use of HCQ & Ivermectin so the vaxx could get emergency approval. The medical “experts” killed my husband when they chose money instead of quality healthcare. My only saving grace is my amazing husband will be at heaven’s gate waiting for me while all the evil murderers will burn in hell. I know, as a Christian woman I’m supposed to pray for these demons, but I can’t. I don’t know if I ever can. They killed my husband and it’s all I can do to keep the hate out of my heart. Please pray for me & my children. Dread: If this woman lived in an honor culture or had adopted the ideology of same she might have better options than praying or loving. ---- 95% of the hate for Santa Inc. trailer comes from its anti-Whiteness. Anti-Christianity does not generate that much hostility on Youtube... provided the anti-Christian isn't carving out a special sacred status for his own... tribe. ---- Not that we have access to this data, but no one in the top 1000 world controllers got the mRNA shot. So that separates the men from the mice. Gavin Newsom obviously entirely out of the loop, practically a prole by their standards. ---- There are a few hundred thousand that need to be deported in the US. Worldwide a few million need exile. The core is no more than 1000, but they are all either billionaires or Rasputins who have won some billionaire's trust and weaseled their way in. ---- I suspect this is an issue where the real controllers tell their puppets (fag John Roberts for example) 'Hey, decide however you want, makes no difference to us.' We know they pulled the plug on #MeToo when it backfired. ---- SJW nonsense is more unpopular than even most right wing extremists believe it is. It's less than 1% of the US population, meaning it can't even appeal to the majority of Jews, never mind POC. ---- That not one turncoat has exposed the blackmail system shows the effectiveness of the psychologists we are up against. Or the swiftness of their assassins. ---- White genocide technics go like this Coronahoax sets the precedent of coerced medical treatment, enables mail in voting to steal all elections and justifies the digital passport. Stealing elections needed because Whites and their fellow travelers from other groups will not consent to the panoptic system required to kill off the toughest life form in the history of our world. Digital passport needed to prevent real life organizing and networking where a Jew can't delete your conversation. Coerced medical treatment required to inject you with the time delay nanotech death shot. DO. NOT. COMPLY. ---- You're so exhausted with women and their nonsense that you kick them to the curb just to have a break. Then another one comes slinking along using her wiles. Resist! ---- DeplorableGreg: There are three methods of controlling a population: Guilt, Shame, and Force. All three are effective. Antifa are done. They had one job, stop fascism, and we are closer to fascism today than at any time since peak Nixon. Their doxxing will be eradicated in order to deradicalize before a civil war erupts. ---- Jdogg: Twitter’s new video rules are designed to only let mainstream news share videos. You’ll never get to see the unedited footage from anywhere else again. And this is just the start now that Twitter has a new anti-American CEO… Dread: There are multiple purposes. Primarily this is about reasserting total narrative control. Neutralizing the most effective antifa tactic, doxxing, is considered an acceptable loss. At the strategic level antifa have failed in their mission to prevent the emergence of a grassroots nationalist movement. The power elite is going to dispense with them and use more powerful tooks to shunt it or destroy it, if they can. ---- On the upside it's the end of grifting negroes extorting White women by threatening to post 'Karen' vids, at least on the big megaplatform. They'll always have Worldstar. ---- It is very difficult to keep a radio show interesting for hours at a time. That ability is why Rush Limbaugh got the big, big bucks. If you're on the right and tried listening to Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly there was no comparison. O'Reilly in particular was wretched. Or look at Ben Shapiro, someone that big zionist cash signal boosted. That horrible whining voice. Whereas someone like Mike White of The Projection Booth (who did the audio commentary on the new Lynch Dune Bluray) or Ethan Ralph can ramble on in an engaging manner for hours at a time. And in fairness the same can be said of Nick Fuentes when he isn't harvesting his boring superchat paypigs. ---- Trannies are engaged in metaphysical rebellion. They are at war with the basic structure of the universe and the driving force of life. So yes, they are death. ---- Right wing radicalization is irreversible. This is known. Therefore the ideas that elected Trump have more supporters today than they did in July 2015. ---- Watch for signs of de-escalation. Particularly the money power pulling the plug on antifa. New Twitter policy against sharing videos of private people without their consent will stop dirty niggers from pulling any more 'Karen' doxxings. ---- One reason they won't do another lockdown is it would lead to a wave of radical congressmen being elected, quite possibly even an open White nationalist. There are districts where it could happen, given sufficient GOP implosion. ---- When Marjorie Taylor Greene makes some half hearted attempt to be pro-White and gets smacked down don't blackpill. Until Steve King, Greene and Paul Gosar made these half hearted gestures there had not been a single hint of such sentiments in congress for 30 years or more, and even back in the day Strom Thurmond had to encode them deeper than the recent outbreaks. ---- Real story behind Marjorie Taylor Greene. She is a well meaning midwit who stumbled into a grandmaster boss battle against a host of demons, and her equipped only with a broken pencil. ---- Alt-Sociology: Every Indian dudes political philosophy is “I got this fancy tech job and white women still won’t touch my pee pee. Fix this!” Dread: Indians hate White men much more than Arabs or blacks do. You may have stumbled onto an explanation... ---- I have been reading RC posts to my parents and they are truly waking up. At first they thought me completely off center but now they are seeing the patterns. That the jews are not the chosen ones and how they are hurting the US. That blacks as a group are terribly violent. How every race but ours tribes up. And anti-White messages are everywhere. So you see RC you are that smooth stone skipping across the water causing ripples and change. ---- Recently for the very first time a normal White person spontaneously raised the racial issue with me, a stranger. The savagery of BLM and antifa is awakening people alright, but not the way the lumpenproles intended. ---- India is more corrupt than China or Israel. Let that sink in. ---- If they did another lockdown you might be slightly inconvenienced by the food riots and civil war that followed. The crucifixions would be fun. Well, for me. ---- Biden said there would be no lockdown, that's a signal from the forces of evil that they're afraid to attempt one. ---- Transhumanism or White genocide. You can't have both. ---- Star Trek looks good to this day because it was developed at Lucielle Ball's Desilu which pioneered shooting television programs like mini-movies. Lucy hired movie vets for the technical jobs. The second pilot of Star Trek was shot by the cinematographer who did Gone With the Wind, who came out of retirement as a favor to the producer. ---- There is more insight into the mechanism of control in Radical Chic by Tom Wolfe than there is in all the works of George Lincoln Rockwell. Tom Wolfe was a feminine man, which gives him a lot more insight into how a feminized society works than a Chad like Rockwell could ever have. Court politics is feminine, taking place where the power to kill has been granted to schemers instead of being taken by main force by warlords. ---- If they won't back down on coronahoax in the face of open insurrection and mass demonstrations across the world by millions of people they aren't going to back down on anti-White hate in the face of 25, 250 or 250,000 demonstrators. ---- Yes. The evil fed regime is fucked. The 50 state union is finished. But the 200 million true Americans live. ---- For once Gab does something good. Communism is the worst thing that ever happened to the world. Its agents are incursions of a cosmic force of death. Stopped they must be, on this all depends. ---- I think the antifa-SJW swarm post-2010 is synthesized by massive infusions of evil Jew billionaire cash. It is as astroturf as it gets. The emergence of BLM post-Ferguson seems to be the moment when the Marxists emerged from hiding after licking their wounds post-1991. No Marxist saw the implosion of the USSR and the rapid abolition of communism worldwide coming, so they had no contingency plan. It took 23 years to get enough foreigners into the US to make BLM possible. In 1991 a previous attempt - the LA riots - triggered federal troops within three days, and it was crushed in five. ---- Orson Welles: I think Katie (Katherine Hepburn) just doesn’t like me. She doesn’t like the way I look. Don’t you know there’s such a thing as physical dislike? Europeans know that about other Europeans. If I don’t like somebody’s looks, I don’t like them. See, I believe that it is not true that different races and nations are alike. I’m profoundly convinced that that’s a total lie. I think people are different. Sardinians, for example, have stubby little fingers. Bosnians have short necks. Henry Jaglom: Orson, that’s ridiculous. O.W.: Measure them. Measure them! I never could stand looking at Bette Davis, so I don’t want to see her act, you see. I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. Lunch Conversations With Orson Welles ---- Orson Welles: I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. Henry Jaglom: I’ve never understood why. Have you met him? O.W.: Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. H.J.: He’s not arrogant; he’s shy. O.W.: He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world — a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic. Lunch Conversations With Orson Welles ---- There is no exodus to China contingency. They are scuttling the US for hate's sake, lashing out in rage that we won't lay down and die. ---- Jason Kessler and the rest are fucked, reduced to couch surfing to evade wage garnishment for the remainder of their lives. There, I just saved everyone two hours. No court will overturn the Charlottesville civil suit verdicts. They don't want to be smothered with their own MyPillow. ---- Just as fearsome as 'one who can SEE' is one who will never give up. ---- The intensity factor is how 2% of the population controls the other 98%. When they call you a fanatic it's because you are revealing you know this secret. ---- Calling the technics of White genocide 'a distraction' is peak meme malware. ---- Conventional politics is where the Marxists roll out things like The Patriot Act and 'two weeks to stop the spread' to prep you for extermination. Oh, you didn't know George W. Bush was a Marxist literal faggot? Well, he is. Marxist is just my code word for White genocide afficionado. ---- I don't really care to investigate you coronahoax shills. If your timeline indicates you think the media lies about everything else shilling for an obvious media disinfo op intended to enslave the world proves you lack the mental firepower for this war. ---- No need to redact. The word is disobeyed. No one is going to die enforcing these mandates. Most won't even risk harsh words. I've been breaking the rules since national chains imposed them 18 months ago and even when they have some minion at the door I march on by and they don't say shit. ---- Both real Ghostbusters sequels suffer from a failure of nerve. Mr. Stay Puft's appearance, along with his host of ghosts, is the most significant event in human history. Egon and Ray, by first recording then capturing ghosts, have proven that life after death, the supernatural world and demigods actually exist. You don't go from that to doing kid's birthday parties or running an occult bookshop. ---- - Guilt requires a racial predisposition to self-examination and correction. In races that do not feel guilt, this method is useless. Societal dependence upon Guilt allows for cheaters who will act in their own best interest without regard for others. - Shame requires either a genetic predisposition towards saving-face OR an understanding that authority will "frown upon" your entire family for your actions. This can be taught where Guilt cannot be taught, though those who have been taught social-guilt will also be prone to cheating; claiming adherence to the letter of the law while breaking the spirit of the law allows cheaters to "not be shamed". - Force requires a strong authority issuing effective mandates upon a populace capable of learning that disobeyal will be met with physical punishments ranging from being bodily pushed into place to public execution. Cheating is rampant and ranges from total anarchy when the authority figure is not present to inter-leadership warfare for control of the top position for the purpose of using said legal-force for personal gain. Of the three, Guilt is the best organizer of a society, as it requires the least intervention to control actions. Guilt-based social structures have clean streets because the individual will clean up his own mess, and whatever other mess happens to be there as well. But Guilt-based social structures require trust that others are also following the same moral-code and patterns of behavior. If that one individual watches others dump their garbage in the street, he will stop cleaning the street. There is no bribery in a Guilt-based social-structure, as accepting a bribe would be wrong. However, remove Trust, and the entire structure fails. The Guilty cannot be shamed into doing something Wrong, therefore the fallback control-method becomes Force. We have a lot of Force in our future if the jab kills off those who allow for Trust to exist in our society. ---- My rules for commenters are: No links, especially no Youtube links No images Don't be a retard ---- The extreme trust levels must be patched with an iron friend-enemy distinction or we will go extinct. High trust only applies to fellow high trust people. All aliens and outsiders are enemies, including those that emerge due to mutation - faggots, trannies, furries and the rest. ---- Exploring your family tree you will find grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who have idiosyncratic traits you share with them that you never knew about. Those traits are genetic. ---- Coronahoax and the massive push to impose the panoptic state certainly are a response to Trump and Brexit, but they are also a response to the array of small authoritarian right movements - Proud Boys in particular - any one of which might metastasize into the real deal. ---- I should add that, as much of a loser as Trump turned out to be, he was beaten by forces so vast and merciless it somewhat elevates Trump that they felt he was worth the trouble. I mean it took a lot more than a tweet... ---- There won't be another lockdown here because there will be a rebellion the likes of which has not been seen in the US since the civil war. This is known. ---- Remember, Caesar, Napoleon and Hitler had all risked their lives in combat before they made their bids for the throne. Not a game streamer among them. ---- Losing his god emperor destroyed Nick Fuentes. Without Trump to provide a signpost he has wandered off into the homo zone. ---- Unoptics is a very fine thing in moderation. But don't think that means you can say nigger in open court and avoid a massive judgment. The dumb thing is an optics puritan does not make holocaust jokes, full stop. One of the tricks to navigating this stuff is to know where the landmines are. You either learn to step around them or put on your Space Marine armor and wade on into the fray boltgun blazing. The various E. Michael Jones and Fuentes types have gained absolutely nothing for their diplomacy because they broke the first law of US culture: Never criticize Jews in any way. ---- The regime only sheds legitimacy. It has no path to regain it because its intent is so malign, even towards its POC clients. Jew billionaires a very, very smol demographic slice. ---- Remember, globalist Team B hates naggers too. ---- The panopticon can't control the POCs it has hyped into a murderous frenzy. The bugmen in charge of the planetary meme engines have no conception of the powers they have summoned. ---- I called it on Telegram. No one hands out free 2 GB file attachments without deep state / federal reserve subsidies. Cloudflare's numerous 'free' services, same. ---- Most ideas are window dressing but some have consequences. Allowing aliens freedom within the realm, for example. ---- Hollywood purged or deconstructed almost everything I liked. Only reason the latest Ghostbusters doesn't do that is it's done by the original director's son. ---- Once people raised by television replaced those raised outside the matrix it was over. Television 1950-1965 was mildly propagandistic, but from day one its main trick was excluding certain ideas entirely. As it replaced family and local social organizations the population shifted leftward without even knowing it. ---- The correct view of female fecklessness is amused condescension not hatred. cc: Fuentes, Anglin ---- I don't know the full background so I can't comment on motive. There are things I noticed in the streams before I tuned out for good. The entire approach of having superchat bribes dictate which questions get answered. There is the temptation to let freaks with cash into the club as paypigs to be harvested. ---- The evil regime becomes less credible by the day. Step back and let it rot a bit more. ---- I strongly favor blocking not muting. I block hundreds of people. Brigaders and griefers will devour the time of anyone who crosses them if strong defenses are not in place. Call screening is a logical extension of my iron will not to give any enemy more of my time than I have to. ---- I am old enough that I have made up my mind on most subjects. They are closed. ---- No, but it has been some time since I have been proven wrong on a major issue. I was wrong about Trump, but he was a bump in the road to the end of the US, which I was saying was doomed in 2016 for demographic reasons, Trump or no. But I will take the L on Trump if I must. But issues like the age of the universe, the fact of evolution, the falsehood of Christianity, not likely to change. ---- Don't argue with 'friends' who are angry Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted, cut them off. Do a slow fade if it will cause major disruption, but remove them from your life at best possible speed. ---- The currents of memetic space have their reasons about which reason knows nothing, kids. The tidal wave has already begun, it is too late for the minnows to take a vote. ---- 99% of hipsters are antifa. 99% of libertarians under age 40 are antifa leaning. ---- Panoptic console showing rapid increase in racial segregation 2014-2021. ---- Be very careful if you are a 'libertarian' or recently right leaning person. If you enjoy the culture here many of your 'friends' are now relentless enemies who seek your total annihilation. Cut off anyone with pronouns in their social media profiles, faggot flags or other pervert sigils and, of course, BLM sympathizers are right out. ---- Not only did Breitbart ignore the Charlottesville verdict... so did Dailystormer. You need to look at what happened to Jason Kessler et al to understand the current memetic situation. ---- All Muslims should have been expelled on September 12, 2001. Unfortunately the deep state had two candidates running in Y2K, the overt team White genocide candidate Gore and the closeted homosexual George W. Bush. ---- To save yourself you need a layered defense. Your town should be devoid of leftist influence. Your state should be as anti-left as possible, and it should have the correct demographics. Here's a handy guide. To 20 states by non-hispanic White population Rank State % 1 Maine 90.2% 2 Vermont 89.1% 3 West Virginia 89.1% 4 New Hampshire 87.2% 5 Montana 83.1% 6 Iowa 82.7% 7 Idaho 81.7% 8 North Dakota 81.7% 9 Wyoming 81.4% 10 Kentucky 81.3% 11 South Dakota 79.6% 12 Minnesota 79.4% 13 Wisconsin 78.6% 14 Ohio 75.9% 15 Missouri 75.8% 16 Nebraska 75.7% 17 Indiana 75.5% 18 Utah 75.4% 19 Pennsylvania 73.5% 20 Michigan 72.4% An unthinking commentator will look at that non-hispanic White list and note that Minnesota is ranked 12 and is a total pozzed shithole. Well, yes, that's why I suggest using at least two variables - demographic and political. Number 2, Vermont, is even worse. ---- The hellish coronahoax makes me more sympathetic to libertarian solutions for medicine. This is where the communitarian GONCERN for 'public health' ends. 'Socialized medicine, what could go wrong?' Oh, the government could declare public health its primary motive, superceding all other priorities, scuttle the economy and impose a panoptic digital passport system, no biggie. ---- The job of the state is dealing with bad actors, not providing goods and services. When a Bill Gates steps out of line you take away all his money. You don't start a state software company. ---- The left will sacrifice pawns but they will never retreat willingly. They can afford to shed any number of social media managers. They will not put antifa in prison for their crimes. Antifa are the thin black line preventing Hitler from returning... as they see it. Oh, and they're right. A Hitler will materialize the moment the conditions allow it. I'm speaking in very general terms, of course. I mean a right authoritarian leader who promises his vast following that he will use the power of the state to crush communists the way communists use their power to crush us today. ---- There are powers who can call George Soros and command him to back off. Those powers will be springing into action to grease the skids for the rapid trial, conviction and sentencing of this dirty psychotic nigger. Believe it. ---- Millions of MAGAtards are 'pressuring the authorities' to undo the stolen election. I knew what the result would be after December 8: Goose egg. The authorities intend our total extermination and they will only be stopped by methods other than petitioning them for mercy. ---- The existence of enemy is lost on the christcuck who thinks the magic blood of Jesus erases all distinctions. ---- If you go into the catacombs you're getting walled up. ---- Making impotent threats is the worst of all possible tactics. You get all the prison and none of the revenge. ---- I have always believed there are enemies. Erasing the friend-enemy distinction is the purpose of all education and media in the postwar US. Note that the unprincipled exception - the fearsome 'racist' - is an enemy because he believes that we can't all get along. ---- Once a crazed nigger decides to ram a crowd there is no practical defense. That's why all cities and towns with good schools pull these freaks over on detection and check for priors and outstanding warrants. Nothing personal, just business. ---- If your 90% White town is hiring negroes to virtue signal GET OUT. ---- 2015-2016 was a culture hack where enemy megaphones were turned against the panopticon. Attempting it in 2021 is like a boomer phone phreak with a tone generator trying to steal long distance service. ---- Zionists will give you millions and a lifetime of no-show no-work jobs for serving them for four years in Congress. If they really need your vote they might give you $50 million for just two years selling out America. ---- James Traficante was even braver and more principled than Ron Paul. That's why he's dead. How do I know Limbaugh was a piece of shit? Well, aside from the opioid addiction and suitcase full of Viagra he was caught with in the Dominican Republic there is the fact that he praised James Traficante for years right up to the day when the Jews railroaded him. And of course he never said a peep after they murdered Traficante. ---- The task at hand is for the man of destiny to breach the enemy memetic defenses and reach his people. This will require a world historic figure operating at the highest level across all domains of knowledge. Caesar and Napoleon combined with all the functions and powers of the Prime Radiant and the Visi-Sonor. ---- Honest people share honest metrics. No matter how many things irritate me about Graf and Pete, the big free speech admins on fedi, they are scrupulously honest about their metrics. Which makes sense, because the software is structured to keep people honest. Which is why Torba stripped those functions out. ---- Let me note that the TRS 'anyone who calls us feds is schizophrenic' trope is right out of the CIA playbook. You must be a paranoid schizophrenic to think people are feds... who appointed a self confessed fed as 'chief of security' Listen to The Third Jimpact tapes of Jayoh confessing to being a heroin trafficker who turned state's evidence if you don't believe me. ---- You never telegraph your intent. I act in good faith with frens. You are enemies. Learn the difference. ---- I disable all media. TRS cult does prove that my thesis about both fringe and normie NPCs: Whatever the screen tells them becomes true. ---- Three types of feds: Paid fed - FBI, CIA, glowie agents in general. Confidential informant - a criminal or dissident who the feds have flipped. Asset - an unpaid operative motivated by ideology. Jayoh is probably on the payroll. Hal Turner was a CI. Tucker Carlson is an asset. ---- Enemy infiltrators have two modes. Charging up their cred and expending it to do damage. Tucker Carlson being the perfect example. For a few years he does the occasional 'based' take to make the MAGA dead enders believe he is their guy. Most important this convinces the big orange cheese himself - Trump - who Tucker then destroys by conning him into believing coronahoax is a serious threat and he should endorse lockdowns. ---- Who cares? Those I hate eat, walk on two legs, sleep, have two eyes, two ears, and can even speak - to a degree. Hate is a human emotion. It evolved for a reason. The only hate I fault is self hate. I am not going to indulge in that to make dumb negroes feel better about their numerous failures. And that dirty nigger who rammed the crowd can fucking hang. ---- It makes a lot more sense when you realize that the conservative movement was founded by a closeted homo and CIA asset, William F. Buckley Jr. ---- Zman is an oversensitive bitch and his takes are an arctic waste. I have no idea why anyone listens to him. ---- The worse the twitter antifa-mutants behave the more positive feedback they get from inside the box. They think the box is the world. ---- The currents of memetic space can lead to only two places, right authoritarianism or communist hell. MUH CONSTITUTION has failed so completely that it's hardly worth joking about anymore. ---- Meanwhile on Twitter a bunch of loose cannon Jews can't stop smirking and spasming with orgasms over the mangled bodies. I used to go light on this issue but I am starting to get that Chris Rock OJ feeling... I understand. If some dirty Jew made a smartass comment about those kids in Wisconsin to my face I suspect I'd be in some legal trouble... all I will say. ---- 'stars' National Review, Jonah's roost for the last 25 years or so, has never turned a profit. It's a CIA front. American Spectator actually made money when it was dragging the Clintons. ---- My thesis for 2024 is a zionist cocksucker GOP shill is gonna be put out there to deradicalize and the Democrats are going to have to take the L for their Israeli masters to save the union. ---- Lasers are overrated. Mirrored surfaces, white paint, spinning the target, smoke or fog, all simple tricks to thwart them. All covered in Larry Niven stories from the 1970s. ---- Kyle is an honorary Aryan. I have spoken. ---- Lin Wood is vermin. I blocked that J21 Lin Wood asslicker who spewed four unwanted content free 'defenses' of Wood. Lin Wood preys on dumb evangelicals. ---- If Stonetoss really made $2 million selling NFTs this week just got even better. ---- I prefer they fear us than despise us. ---- I strongly suspect that Google monitors all sentiment for signs of iron will and issues constant status updates to various inhabitors of the Prague Cemetary regarding the levels of resistance that Marxist revolution would have to contend with if it were initiated. So sustain your will and signal it. I will not comply. ---- The whole 'do they fear White men?' discussion misses the point. Yes, at this time White men are enduring untold gigatons of shit with barely any kinetic pushback. But that doesn't mean we'll take it forever. And as Kyle Rittenhouse demonstrated when White men are cornered they can turn on a dime. So long as White men haven't been equipped with some kind of electronic yoke that will allow instant murder of any that step out of line the spiteful mutants live in a state of constant terror of us. That terror has been at a fever pitch since election day 2016. January 6 took it to 11. ---- Biden is a pedophile and Kamala is a whore. Yay democracy. ---- Keep chipping away at federal legitimacy. Call them pedophiles and satanists at every opportunity. It's not only effective, it's true. ---- Note that Virginia is not as bad as California, but it is lost. No serious pushback is ever going to occur against our Marxist enemies. ---- Youngkin cucking instantly validates my complete lack of interest in VA politics. ---- If anyone ever says Jews are greedy point them to Black Rifle Coffee. The Jew CEO wanted Kyle dead more than he wanted our money. ---- I would wait until things chill out a bit and support legit endeavors by Kyle. Or even invest in them. As a closely held business, of course. No public connection. ---- HOW CAN THIS BE? HE IS THE KWISATZ HADERACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---- Understand that thousands of men sacrifice their big social accounts daily to say that which must not be named. That is the tip of the spear of destiny. Motherfuckers. ---- The more you try to kill us the more you will be named. Tread lightly. ---- They're not 'liberal billionaires', they're White hating Jew billionaires who believe that White genocide is their moral duty and our just punishment for being the race that spawned Hitler, and might spawn another. ---- Do not be gracious with flesh atrocities crushed by noble Kyle's complete and absolute vindication. Be unrelenting in your gloat. Break the will of the enemies of man. Grind their faces in their defeat. Glorious. GLORIOUS! Remember, that piece of shit Donald Trump denounced Kyle Rittenhouse not 48 hours before Kyle was utterly vindicated. I'll write in Kyle's name before I vote for that prick in 2024. ---- Opposing the mRNA mandate is a billion times more important than the Charlottesville and Rittenhouse trials. Sorry, but doing pro-confederate demos in a city run by connected antifa pols like Charlottesville and terminating antifa are always gonna land you in a show trial until we completely win. mRNA shot mandate and all other coronahoax related shit we might actually beat this year. ---- Mainstream politics matters because White genocide is a logistical problem. Most normies have accepted the ideological preconditions for White genocide, but they have not accepted the logistical prerequisites for carrying it out. Do not comply. The mRNA shot mandate is your death. ---- At one time I was sympathetic to all manner of weirdos. Now that I see how they behave when they have power the bog seems reasonable. ---- The only useful Christian political activist is one who only vaguely refers to his religion. Those who say the solution is Christ are memetic hijackers more interested in evangelism than victory. ---- The blackpill is death. The catacombs are death. ---- Mainstream politics matters because White genocide is a logistical problem. Most normies have accepted the ideological preconditions for White genocide, but they have not accepted the logistical prerequisites for carrying it out. Do not comply. The mRNA shot mandate is your death. ---- All memetic signs indicate Virginia was lost to the DC parasite swarm that moved in as Bush expanded the neocon globalist control grid. Youngkin is Wall Street parasite vermin. ---- Same. I already suspected Blackrock could not be buying properties to manage them long term just based on some horrible anecdotes from those I know personally. Every so often someone falls into owning a rental property that they either don't want to manage or cannot manage for logistical reasons (distance for example.) They then hire a property manager who proceeds to either eat every penny of profit from the rental or create more problems. Just finding a reliable manager is nightmarish. Firms that are turnkey charge the maximum price the market will bear, which of course devours every penny of profit. In addition if the market shifts the property can remain vacant for months and no property manager is going to visit daily to keep the broken window theory at bay. So JCslater confirmed what I was 99% sure of already, which was nice. ---- Civil War conclusive proof that democracy fails. The fantasy civics lesson that it prevents bloodshed by allowing orderly transfer of power just skims right over that bloodbath as if it wasn't made inevitable by the machinations of electoral politics. Democracy is an endless tale of evil men scheming to steal without ever having to risk their necks. Necks need to be at risk when they rob trillions. ---- So much overthinking. ADL and similar are plotting White genocide because they want revenge on Europeans for Hitler. ---- There are laws where once they are passed everyone just starts going along. Mandating a deadly bioweapon shot is not one of those laws. This is a primorial error. ---- Biden's approval dropped another two points in as many days. Internal polls show the shot mandate is world shatteringly unpopular, with only 15-20% of the worst psychotic antifa vermin approving. ---- The mRNA shot mandate is going to collapse. Bookmark it. ---- I hate traitors more than I hate any opposing biological group. The traitor in this war is a traitor to his eternal bloodline. ---- All the feds call me paranoid. ---- Kessler is incredibly naive or pretends to be to avoid being seen as more politically incorrect. The moment you allow Jew critics into your demonstration a vast machine, with limitless fed money because Jews control banking, springs into action to annihilate you. What the fuck did he think would happen? ---- The lesson of Charlottesville is once leftists control the government you're not gonna be able to save the Confederate statues. All of them will be desecrated and destroyed. Best option is to move them somewhere else. ---- It is impossible for a financial firm to manage the rental of thousands of single family homes. The logistical problems stagger the imagination. Now flipping them can work, but the notion that Blackrock is going into the rental housing business to abolish single family home ownership and force everyone to be their serfs doesn't add up. To the degree they are buying any real estate it's to sell it for a fast profit during this period of rapid price inflation. ---- Self defense against blacks has been illegal for about seven years, in case you missed it. ---- I think it's more they are social climbing cowards looking to rack up some points with the system, foolishly not understanding that the system intends to exterminate them to the last man. So they act as repeater stations for system memes while studiously avoiding any aspect of their purported beliefs that might cross the system. ---- Two kinds of people try to use Facebook to promote right wing ideas. Idiots who have no idea of the danger and clever people who think they can game the system. Both are wrong. You can't beat an enemy on a battlefield they constructed explicitly to destroy you on. ---- You can't just skip over problems. Fed infiltration of right wing organizations is real. Fedproofing by various means too complex to elaborate on here is job one. Mike Enoch always glibly dismissed this concern, long before he was doxxed himself. ---- The first error was thinking you could limit the franchise in a system that could be revised without bloodshed. ---- Democracy does not inevitably lead to the specific White genocide regime we suffer under. It merely leads to the absolute worst outcome by elevating the most evil men to the highest power chokepoints. At this time the most evil men want White people exterminated. In another time and place they might want to bathe in blood or stage festivals of torture. ---- Memetic triage dictates that when you have a firm conclusion the discussion is ended. Move on to unresolved issues. Don't waste CPU cycles on whether Ronald Reagan could have saved us. Democracy was always going to end here. ---- The dominion of the federal government must be broken. Use any pretext. Coronahoax is excellent for this purpose. Everyone should not just hate the feds but know that they are agents of total evil. ---- Please note: We are in damage control mode as democracy DESTROYS CIVILIZATION. Democracy is the root cause. Democracy is the cancer. Not negroes. Not Jews. Democracy. ---- Here's the story on the dynamics of the death shot mandate battle. People who have no intention of getting the shot are lying low hoping the mandate will be overturned. Employers are hoping that if it is not overturned that only a vanishingly small number of vital employees will have to be kicked. If that number is large the mandate will cause immediate chaos. My suspicion is the evil forces are gathering data by various means. If they kick the can again, pushing the date beyond January 4 by more than a week or two then we'll know that freedom fighters exist in vast numbers. Then there is the fed worker mandate. That hits five days from now, unless they blink. ---- If the pedophile faggot John Roberts and that invader adopting cunt Coney Barrett line up with the Marxists to uphold the mRNA genocide shot mandate that's the point of no return. ---- The time to move is when the first negro moves in, not when it hits 20% That's the lesson of BLM. ---- The goal is disintegration of the unions - European and US. ---- OK... the feds are not going to go full psycho and start doing massive BATF style raids on moms objecting to the mRNA shot or anti-White craziness. They will use lawfare. ---- 1970s pornographers argued that their films were political, advocating sexual liberation in the most graphic way possible. In for a penny, in for a pound. I support total freedom of expression. ---- Media cartels should be regulated, shitposters should have total anarchic freedom. ---- Oh, and fascists do not approve of total draft resistance. I advocate the overthrow of any government that imposes a military draft, and I have no respect for conscripts. Also a think you can't ban porn without having a panoptic censorship state, so even if porn is meme malware (it is) it must be tolerated to maintain free expression. Plus I do not buy the notion that art is not covered by the 1st Amendment, even bad art. ---- Making money and raping kids. Well, that's what the US ruling class is into. British too, I hear. ---- If everyone had told FDR, Stalin, Churchill and Hitler to fuck off and fight their own wars 50 million lives would have been saved. ---- All memes lose power over time. No exceptions. Reboots can juice them up, but that has its limits. When a meme is completely spent you have to force people to attend rituals in its honor. That's church. ---- I have a novel extoposting deboonking based on Fermi Paradox solution game theory. It comes down to: Never tell someone you plan to kill him, and if you do kill him make sure there is zero chance others can bust you. The best way to win is not to play at all. BTW the constant holocaust jokes stink of 'we wish it happened' and everyone sees it. ---- In The Thing the alien takes over enough cells in your body and you become a thing. Feds compromise organizations to take up space and inject their memes. TRS spread the two prime enemy memes: Coronahoax was a legit threat and you should comply with mask mandates and obey lockdowns and the election was not stolen. In addition they produce absolutely impotent content. Borzoi got The Graph from the Club of Rome, literal Great Reset pioneers and advocates of ratcheting down our standard of living. All their core memes are malware. ---- Men who resisted coronahoax are men of will. ---- Understand that on January 4th Biden will create an army greater than any that has ever existed in the history of the manifold. An army of 20 million+ that blames the pedophile faggot rulers of this desolated realm for their ruin. ---- I believe Rittenhouse should be appointed to the palace guards and given the Legion of the Imperium for meritorious service, a lifetime pension and a statue in the Hall of Heroes. He is a kind hearted lad, so we will not ask him to be part of the Rectification that will cleanse the realm of abominations. ---- That which is beautiful is true. ---- Dread: You know who believed that previous mates left a genetic mark on all future offspring? Animal breeders. If you discuss animal breeding in range of a SJW they will go berserk. Trevor: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST SUCCESSFULLY BREED MULTIPLE GENERATIONS FOR EXPRESSION OF A COMPLEX POLYGENIC TRAIT WITH AN EXTENSIVE GENETIC REGISTRY OF NOTABLE INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS IT VIOLATES THE BLANK SLATERINOOOO" "Haha big fast horsey go brrrrrrrr faggot" ---- I don't argue much in detail because those truly opposed can't be persuaded or converted. My meme payload is that power is all that matters and the sole legal path remaining to gaining any is building our own media. Other methods should not be discussed on Gab. ---- Bar Barian: I think it was the fact that homos don't breed new church members, so they are bad in the long run to grow your church. Dread: Nope. That used to be my view, and it is in fact a view promoted by liberals who see anti-natalism as noble. But if you look at the language homosexuality is always associated with disease and filth. They knew. ---- Genophilia: Other than the third world invasion, one of greatest threats to Whites today is rogue judges and prosecutors who will do absolutely anything - no matter how unethical, no matter how illegal - to put dissident Whites behind bars. ---- What Pole hating group is disproportionately represented among standup comics? SCTV did a great sketch about this. When Lech Walesa's Solidarity is being hyped as a glorious anti-commie movement Bobby Bittman tells some of his Polack jokes and is booed into humiliating retreat. ---- If we can learn one lesson from Steve Bannon it's that if you take a shot at the devil don't miss. ---- Napoleon took religion so unseriously that there are letters where he sucks up to Islam designed to win support. That's similar to a letter George Washington wrote. You have a peculiar definition of Christian to include one of the greatest anti-Christian warriors who ever lived. ---- The measures that would 'save the United States' would turn it into something fundamentally different than the post-1865 version. One man - one vote - fifty states is guaranteed to become Brazil... at best. ---- So the GOP is calling for federal marijuana decriminalization. GOP started the drug war so this means it's all but over. I class the pot legalization thing as a pacification op. Keep young White men stoned so they don't notice the noose slipping around their necks. ---- It is close to impossible to make headway on extreme biological truth so long as people believe in the US government and its myriad allies in media and NGOs. Exposing coronahoax undermines faith in that vast disinformation complex. That's why fighting coronahoax is the best tactic at this time. ---- Technology, improved by science, is a powerful tool. In fact it has already eradicated vast domains of suffering. In those nations where industrialization is possible it has eradicated hunger. In medicine it has vastly reduced chronic pain. The simple knowledge, based on the germ theory of disease, that proper sanitation could prevent infection and sepsis has saved millions of lives. Science and technology thus have a better track record than any religion. That the Marxists, who are on the side of death, have used science as a pretext for their schemes does nothing to discredit real science, which disproves all Marxist doctrines. In particular human equality. ---- Was the Byzantine Empire as glorious as Rome? Nope. It was a shadow of its former self. Christianity is for losers. I have spoken. ---- My memetic triage method is easy to understand when applied to Qanon. Qanon is proven false by the failure of military tribunals to convene and drain the swamp, as well as by Trump's total failure. If a deep state good guy cabal had his back he wouldn't have failed so utterly. So Qanon can safely be dismissed as nonsense without any further investigation, saving valuable CPU cycles. Now apply that to the Bible. Global flood did not happen, so the entire memeplex can be safely dismissed as nonsense. ---- Even books written in English - Book of Mormon, Dianetics - are unreadable. It comes down to a lack of interest in falsehoods. Going in I know this is all horseshit. Hubbard and Joseph Smith were con men. Genesis is false, which takes out the monotheist big two. Buddhism is just too weird. Why would I want oblivion or merging into an egoless blob? Hinduism is the one I know the least about, but I look at India and think, 'Nope.' ---- Unless you are very lucky and get handed correct beliefs by your parents a minimum bar to being a player character is an intense desire to discover how things really work. A person so incurious that they remain unaware that 1980s creationism was completely demolished by geologists and biologists is never going to be a player. An incurious Christian boob like George W. Bush was putty in the hands of neocon Jews. Note that George W. Bush was not particularly stupid, he was just a hopelessly mundane thinker. ---- Asians are self sufficient. Their civilizations developed independently and don't require our input. The third world, particularly Africa, will suffer a massive dieoff if Europe and its colonies are wiped out. ---- It does not surprise me that as the remnant of the altright's hope of victory (which peaked on election day 2016) has dwindled away to nothing it has become more religious. The US is finished, the stolen election that installed a senile drooling pedo as president sealed its doom. How that plays out is anyone's guess. Could be USSR 1991, mostly peaceful dissolution. Could be Yugoslavia, bloodbath. Or Cambodia. 100 million dead. ---- I do admire men like Isaac Asimov who face death without cucking to Yahweh or Christ. ---- I once read a 800+ page hostile biography of William F. Buckley Jr. and not once did it even question his heterosexuality. ---- My working theory on why no one does real journalism is real journalists are killed. ---- Michael Juzwick: The Latin word Sexus is the equivalent of the Greek word porneias transliterated - fornication - in the English Holy Bible. Both words are obscene & inappropriate to use as Sex [ shortened from sexus means: separation & division, & means any kind of perverted behaviors of mankind - sodomy, Child rape, adultery, fornication, beastiality. etc. ]. The only holy Word of God for Male - Female uniting is His Word - Marriage. Just so you know. Dread: This is the kind of retarded take that made me ditch Christianity. Many such mental cases! ---- If you want revenge (and to become a legend) find some former rent boys willing to go on the record about Young Americans for Freedom's godfather William F. Buckley Jr.'s homosexuality and almost certain use of said organization to groom boytoys. ---- My observation is that maybe a woman can pivot to a normal life if she does a little of this, but a decade of screwing thousands of guys? Not a chance. There is a possible scientific reason... microchimerism. Creepiest thing I learned on Gab. ---- You won't find the solutions to new problems in old theological disputes. ---- The technical problem is enemy control over media, which gives them the power to program minds at scale. ---- 1. Oil runs out 2. TVs don't work without power 3. TOTAL ARYAN VICTORY This seems to be your basic doomer theory What's more likely is the Democrat's mismanagement of the supply chain crisis causes the string pullers to dispatch a crisis manager to get control of the situation by any means necessary. If that means handing management over to Team B cucks like DeSantis, so be it. ---- If you incessantly laugh about innocent people dying there's something wrong with you. ---- This is why I now advise everyone to move hundreds of miles away from all non-Whites. That is the only peaceful resolution. Contrary to blackpillers (ha!) they will not follow. Aside from legacy southern poor blacks the rest cannot function without urban infrastructure. Also they fear the forest. ---- Always use the word sex not gender. There are two sexes. This is a biological fact. Gender is a term promoted by the pedophile sadist doctor John Money whose child molestation experiments led to at least two suicides. His ideology leads to 40% self termination in those infected with his meme malware. ---- The left believes there is no political solution that will satisfy the right because they have no intention of allowing one. That's why all their scenarios involve an eventual right wing resistance movement that does more than talk or vote. ---- 40% of TSA employees haven't got the shot and the mandate where they will be suspended hits two days before the busiest travel day of the year. Great plan, turnip. Thanksgiving is Biden's Waterloo. Supermarket shelves bare, TSA in a shambles, American Airlines pilots walking off the job, hundreds of thousands of federal workers laid off for the holiday. He is going to beat George W. Bush's low approval records. ---- They want an economic collapse to do New Deal II, but they want it to happen in a plausibly deniable way. To have their own freely chosen policy crash the transport grid on the busiest travel day of the year paints a giant L on their foreheads and makes it nearly impossible to avoid a massive backlash, much of which can take forms impossible to counteract by vote harvesting in four or five rotten boroughs. It also risks the shot mandate, which they desperately want to impose. Judges do respond to events and public opinion. The more explosive the cultural space the more likely the feds will blink using one of their organs. In terms of inducing collapse, the obvious way to ratchet down the standard of living is to have the Fed do it. 'It's an independent body, we can't do anything about it!' ---- There is no getting around the problem of dimwit leadership. If your 'leader' believes that Noah's ark was real he is an ignorant fool. He will never be able to beat those with greater situational awareness. ---- It coincides with collapse. My thesis is that Christianity is a religion for dishonorable unmanly garbage people, and as Rome decayed more and more Roman citizens were dishonorable unmanly garbage people, feeding its growth. ---- Interesting fact - Christians came closest to developing a countermeasure to the Marxist media oligopoly. They had direct mail. Their own cable and syndicated programming, and plenty of it. They had books, magazines, newsletters, clubs, dating services, youth organizations, businesses, and of course enough churches in every tiny town and major city to saturate memetic space. It didn't work. The culture has changed. ---- You know how in the current year the entire media complex tries to hide the terrible truth about sex and race? Up until 1900 AD the media of the day were doing the same thing to hide the terrible truth about Christianity. ---- Evolution is the purpose of creation. But that's just my best guess. It may be that we exist to provide background color for GTA7000. ---- I have had my vaccinations. mRNA shot is not a vaccine. Standard vaccinations have had no negative impact. I don't get every shot that rolls out of the pharma plex. But well tested ones, sure. ---- The Bible contains references to some real things, some false things, and a lot of distortion. That is a weak foundation for the assertion that Jesus proved he can save you by rising from the dead. If that is just a metaphor, well, that's a pretty slim reed to rest your eternal hopes on. ---- I think believing that Hell exists focuses the mind. So long as the ruling stratum believed in the Bible they had different priorities. The current situation is the product of the collapse of Christianity among the natural aristocracy which preceded it. That created opportunities for enemies as well as opening the way for innovation. If Christians had retained their beliefs at full strength society could never have become 'judeo-secular' in the first place. ---- Hundreds of Christians say that non-Christians will be executed by the theocratic state they propose. Do not get involved with shit about which you know nothing, you cunt. ---- The origin of the universe is a complete mystery. None of the revealed texts claiming to explain it hold water. If the Bible is true then the Christian is gonna have absolute faith that the West cannot be entirely destroyed so long as a remnant remains faithful. A few will always remain in the catacombs to rebuild. God will not forsake his people. If I am right the globalists can utterly destroy the West to the last man, burn every trace of us from the Earth and no god will step in to stop them. I believe my view is more motivational. ---- In case you missed it I do believe in god(s). I just have only a very vague notion of their purpose. ---- I have hope because I see a critical path. Not counting on god means I will act on my hope, not pray about it. ---- The great resignation is a long term effect of corporations adopting a policy of deliberate sadism as management technique. I saw it in certain closely held companies in the before time, but now they all do it. ---- Learned Elder 1 'If we keep fucking everyone and burning the seed corn how can this go on?' Learned Elder 2 'They'll think of something. They always do.' ---- Communism's only superpower is non-Christianity, in particular in the area of morality. By being utterly devoid of Christian mercy they burned through the world like a supernova. ---- Elon Musk is not a Christian, and he is a very impressive man. Your slippery sophistry is about what I expect from Christians. The empirical falsehoods in the Genesis account discredit the entire text, as Christianity retcons the 'fall' in Eden and the rest of the really ancient nonsense into their redemption arc. No global flood, Christ is not the answer. Simple as. Elon is the chief engineer of SpaceX. In other words, he does real rocket science. Proof is in the payload. I don't care if he didn't spring from the proles like some mythical self made man. BTW, talent and intelligence is genetic, so you almost never have anyone of use emerge from the dirt people. Sorry not sorry. ---- Reality says there was no global flood. Presuppositionalism is by far the most retarded position. 'I believe because I believe.' Pure tautology. No structure, just a hijacking of the most radical skepticism (we can't know anything, therefore I need god to tell me that logic and sense evidence are valid - I've read Van Til, kiddo, none of this is new to me) to salvage the burning wreck of Christianity from the empirical fire. Darwinism provides an internally consistent answer (including an explanation for the validity of sense evidence) to all the questions religion claims to answer as it descends into irrelevance in the West with its increasingly desperate copes. Oh, and for evidence of the fail of Christianity among the sentient, check out where it is thriving. ---- I agree with that analysis of the psychological mechanisms, and of course actual propaganda requires immensely more tact than I deploy, but the most significant factor is the pre-screening process in place since the Carter administration to exclude potentially problematic men. To join the military is to go all-in on globohomo and has been since communism fell. What other kind of wars did they expect to be fighting if not internationalist crusades to inflict democracy on the unwilling? ---- Wrong on all counts, moron. The Pope wants you to kiss invader feet. Get to it, cuck. ---- The fringe is where the truth is because the core has been extremely vetted for 75 years. They began heavily purging the military during the Carter years (1977-1980) because so many neo-confederate radicals were vets and they wanted to stop giving secessionists free training in overthrowing governments. ---- OK, this is really weird. If General Flynn is into the 'Maitria' cult that is the same cult that Philip K. Dick became obsessed with just before his death. At that time (1981-82) the cult was claiming that the messiah was going to show up in a matter of months, and Dick was standing by awaiting the judgment day that would throw Ronald & Nancy Reagan into a concentration camp to harvest beans for the poor. I am not kidding. ---- Consider the practical case for Christianity, also known as the Straussian case. Christianity may not be true, but it is useful because it provides motivation for pro-social conduct. Why is some magical motivation required? Because original sin is an accurate metaphor for human nature. Well... if man seeks desperately for some excuse to sin how is Christianity supposed to hold him back when every intelligent man can easily see that it is false? The magic trick of fake religion producing real results requires extremely high plausibility within the cultural context. Now that we know there was no global flood, that the genesis creation timeline bears no relation to the history of life or the Earth, and have terabytes of proof (in the form of DNA sequencing) that common descent is true and life evolved... who is going to stop fapping because Jesus told them to? Most highly intelligent men stopped believing in it some time ago. The US Constitution was the product of an elite anti-Christian conspiracy. When you discover an accomplished man who is Christian it's invariably a hard working good natured boob like Mike Lindell or General Flynn. That's not who I refer to. Twitter bluechecks are big idiots. Darwin didn't believe any of the nonsense you refer to. The flaws in Christianity are well known. No one with a brain believes there was a global flood. No global flood, you can't believe the backstory that sets up Jesus. Done. The problem for the monotheist religions derived from the Hebrew sacred texts is they rest on a foundation of nonsense. So Christianity and Islam are done among those who respect reality. ---- White guilt is a meme engine. So long as POC are taught that their misfortunes are the fault of Whites pressure builds, pressure that drives the engine. Every so often the release valves can't keep up and you get riots. But the endgame is the infliction of death and horror on White people - unless we destroy the engine. ---- Inaccurate. Walmart's shelves were better stocked during the worst of the 2020 supply chain crisis than any supermarket catering to normal shoppers. They are showing more holes now, because things are that much worse. But they still have the fewest gaps, being a priority customer for most suppliers. ---- My position on Israel is: Israel is not significant enough for me to track the statements of every pundit, organization, business, state actor and private person regarding their positions on Israel. No US aid should be given to Israel, it is not a US ally in any substantive sense, and the USS Liberty is sufficient reason to tell them to fuck right off forever. Because the US is absolutely committed to the defense of Israel if the US is destroyed Israel will soon follow. ---- Completely different situation. Kubrick and Clarke developed the film together then parted ways and each did their own version of the story. Kubrick's is much more religious, Clarke's spells out everything - the monolith is a teaching / evolutionary machine build by biological aliens, not god. What you see is all really happening and is part of a system of creating sentient life then upgrading it periodically. ---- Veterans and current active military are psychologically the furthest from being capable of doing what must be done. This is no accident. The plan trusters are largely vets who always lived in a fantasy version of the US military which was crusading for Christ. When in fact it was a cabal of faggots working for a cabal of zionists, Christ haters all. ---- The 'flex' model of the current regime is false. All flexes are done by unreliable faggots and other mutated abominations. You flex your power after you really have it. The faggotpedo faction thinks stealing the election means they are as gods now, that soon the word will be given and they can begin raping children openly. If they do so they will be... dealt with. ---- I no longer try to help fedposting morons stop being stupid in any way. I block them instantly. I suggest you do likewise, and use a very broad definition of fedposting when doing so. ---- You say the same about the evolution for which we have terabytes of evidence, so I dismiss your Christ vomit as motivated reasoning. Now fuck off, you don't follow me and creationists aren't allowed to comment on my posts. Also please self terminate. You are life unworthy of life. ---- The globalists have almost entirely defeated the old royal families. They exist now as skinsuits for globalism, and if they step out of line they are smacked down hard. Prince Charles seems to have converted to Islam and become a third worldist, to give one example. At the very least he truckles to third world vermin like the absolute cuck he is. Old money was destroyed systematically by inheritance taxes and a wave of brutal confiscatory taxation from 1900-1978. That cleared the board for the new bioleninist pedo ruling class. That class selected neutered right figures to provide pressure release during the transition - Reagan and Thatcher served that function in the anglosphere. Regarding the numbers, you need to look at non-hispanic White. And even that classes Arabs as White, which they are not. Oh, and the only way they can wipe us out soon is if we take the mark of the GOOG beast. DO NOT COMPLY with any coronahoax measures. They are death. ---- Donnie Darko in its original theatrical release (which the director dislikes) is a great movie because it has great characters, dialogue and imagery. The mystery, once explained, is not that interesting. Which is why the director's cut sucks, he spells more of it out. He should observe how David Lynch handles these things. ---- Since we don't know how abiogenesis came about there is no way to calculate the odds. It would be like calculating the odds of a particular sportsball game outcome without knowing the rules, the players, the venue or the date. ---- I'm hearing that the shot mandate hits truckers on November 20 and airline pilots on November 25. Great timing... ---- Nothing is carved in stone. The former United States could become a Marxist prison or it could become the staging area for the Faustian Space Empire. It's all a matter of will to power. ---- What is your top priority? The Christian's overriding priority is spewing the idiocies of his false doctrine constantly and snaring more dupes for his malware brooding body. ---- Spamming filth. Most Christians have zero morality. They preach as psychopaths, breaking rules, vomiting their off topic shit everywhere. I hope you die in a fire, you scum. ---- In a droid army scenario the globalists must avoid collateral damage not only to themselves but to their POC pets. A drone massacre of blacks would be very bad optics indeed. Nation of Islam would be at the ready to explain the motives and origin of any such attack. ---- Low grade 'game of life' type tactics would be easy to beat. It's near-sentient drones that worry me. Remember, we are all larded through the globohomo pets. If you are near them they fear collateral damage. They need advanced pattern recognition for precision targeting, preferably by full phenotypic scan. ---- Dats too many blackpills. Bots require quality mechanical engineering. I doubt anyone is manufacturing millions of them on the down low. Chip shortage is coronahoax coming home to roost. ---- The left believes there is no political solution that will satisfy the right because they have no intention of allowing one. That's why all their scenarios involve an eventual right wing resistance movement that does more than talk or vote. They're laying down the surveillance grid for the day when they can automate enforcement with droids. Which for us will be killbots. I describe the goal. I believe it's too late. Things are going kinetic before the supply chain crisis is resolved unless severe self control is exercised and Biden's controllers ends the mRNA genocide shot mandate. With no droid army in place they cannot automate our extermination, and shitcunt trannies and dumb negro women don't have the right stuff to beat us in a straight up fihht. ---- What up Santa?: thank you kindly, I appreciate your perspective on this! What do you think is the threshold for that proverbial 'wake up' moment? The 'panoptic console' has assumingely been built to give them advanced perspective so I would think the calculation would be a bit more precise? Dread: No, they can't anticipate changes. The console gives them access to accurate picture of the current cultural state, something that we are denied. Google obfuscates this on purpose, as does Amazon with its shitty public facing Alexa Ratings which give only a ranking, not the specifics. The Console has it all, government data, machine fingerprints, physical movements, the whole credit card transaction record, search terms, emails, most DMs, every word spoken in range of a smartphone or IOT device and what people confess in the social media firehose. But calculating shifts in that state will generate combinatorial explosions. You can't run that many variables. So they watch for emergent threats. Also they can look at history and see how quickly things can change. That's why they're afraid. I believe Charlottesville was the moment when they decided to bring the hammer down. Before that they believed nationalistic Trumpism could be tamed. Afterwards they decided it must be utterly destroyed, along with its carriers - that is to say, all White men. ---- The threat of dangerous dog breeds is relative to the strength of who they attack. It's very rare for a young adult man to be killed. They cull the weak. Which means you have to be insane to allow them near your kids even if you personally have never been threatened by them. There is something sick about a father who gets a dangerous dog instead of a sweet Golden Retriever or Beagle that would love the entire family. Really, I consider the entire trend of ugly vicious dogs to be a sign of the end times. ---- I am much more willing to spread system annihilating memes now that the system has gone full USSR. ---- A pedo faggot is an enemy of society in a way that a mere foreigner is not. The foreigner can be sent back to his homeland. The pedo faggot is hunted as a fiend everywhere. ---- If Google had been patient they could have built a droid army in the form of household robots that could be turned on a dime, so to speak, exercising a robotic version of Order 66 every one of them slitting the throat of every straight White man in range in a few minutes. Now they can't get enough CPUs to replenish their server farms. Too late. ---- I base my cart returning policy on coronahoax policy. If you have signage requesting masking I leave the cart in a different parking lot. ---- Raise your ten sons to be fanatical enemies of the regime' is very different advice from 'be a good father.' The former could move the needle. Every evangelicuck thinks they are the latter. ---- Rittenhouse's aquittal will give antifa ground forces a 50% haircut, minimum. Not because a bunch of guys will wipe them out, but because at least that many will abandon the field when there is even a small chance that someone will fight back. ---- Tucker Carlson is in the 'charge the credibility capacitor' mode at the moment. He will discharge at a critical moment to sabotage whatever the CIA considers the most clear and present pathway to saving the White race. Don't believe his lies. ---- Yeah, Lowtax's cunt wife skeletonized his finances so he skeletonized himself. There are limits to parasite load, bitches. Divorce should be abolished. I'll go full Catholic if a crusade can establish that as law. ---- If a conspiracy theory is still allowed on Youtube it's either insignificant or false. ---- Never forget that Karl Rove, political architect of that moron's victory, is a deeply closeted faggot. I am 99.97% sure Bush is a pervert too. ---- I am a peaceful fellow and I have placed myself far, far away from the frontlines of the culture war. Even from well beyond minimum safe distance it's easy to see that the escalations of the left will lead to real war sooner not later. Not what happened in 2020, which was not a war as no one fought the left as they laid cities to waste. I foresee that the GOP will be permitted landslide wins in 2022 as a deradicalization op. It won't work. The left will go absolutely berserk, seeing it as another Trump-like disaster, and the GOP cucks will betray their voters at every turn. The trigger of the cataclysm might be very small. It's too late for the pebbles to take a vote. ---- There is not a lawyer on Earth who can stop what is coming. ---- James Fields' case was extremely weak because he was inside an armored shell and no one was coming at him with firearms. Those comparing Kyle Rittenhouse to James Fields are engaging in a subtle form of blackpill propaganda. I can easily see a neutral unaware of the political context convicting Fields. You're not supposed to ram pedestrians for any reason. ---- Already covered that. Jews see vigilantes as cossacks just one drink away from a pogrom. Also Kyle killed Jew pedophile, and that is something the ADL cannot forgive. ---- I consider my utter ignorance of the deep lore of 4chan a sign that I have not completely wasted my life. ---- The last game I played was Tetris. ---- I lack detailed info on their provenance but these documents allegedly emerged from the FBI confirming that the McMartin Preschool DID have tunnels, as the children alleging Satanic abuse claimed. The deboonking of this story was the top priority objective of plutocrat funded skeptics in the 80s and 90s. ---- Without even seeing it I am sure the griefer subhuman from the fallen nation thinks only Christians believe in demons. ---- Biden rapes kids. Lets get that chant going. ---- You can accept the Great Reset and be a degraded slave of sadistic pedophiles who worship Satan or you can deal with, at most, 10,000 demons in human form. ---- The panopticon cannot function without six sigma reliability. Become unreliable. ---- Why would a Florida man with a $500 million contract visit the Dominican Republic with a suitcase full of Viagra? In Florida he could have his pick of gorgeous escorts forever. In the Dominican Republic he can rape little boys. That's your obese opioid guzzling 'hero', Rush Limbaugh. ---- Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces. Étienne de La Boétie, The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude ---- Beware of time eating allies. Dumb people should be unseen and unheard. ---- If they absolutely refuse to budge on the mRNA death shot and keep tightening their grip states will use tactics to nullify then feds will start imposing massive fines and sending their thugs to enforce. Eventually someone snaps and you will have a disorganized militia of 100 million against the tranny faggot run army which has... a lot less. ---- I am convinced they see what I see. What I see is the most powerful viral content imaginable is, well, Trump except he really is Hitler. A hard man who will inflict merciless revenge on these smirking bluechecks. I see it in the response to posts proportionate to their intensity. The more vicious the more people love it. Oh, this is true on the other side as well. They want a Beria to rape our women and kill us all. ---- Oh, you could improve America by bringing in quality people who accord with American culture. They would all be from the British Isles and Germany, of course, just like the original colonists, and they would be subject to extreme vetting. You might be able to find 10,000 a year worthy of admission. But that's not what the spiteful mutant means. ---- Boomer patriots will suckle the cock of Karl Marx rather than be suspected of an antisemitism. ---- So here's how you bypass the shuttening. You use front organizations. There. I solved your problem. ---- Ghislaine Maxwell groomed underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein to use to seduce US politicians, plutocrats and celebrities who could then be blackmailed to do Israel's bidding. Don't believe me? Look up who Ghislaine's father was. ---- Hillsdale College is what Gab aspires to be. A big time affinity scam. 'The sordid story surrounding [Hillsdale College president] George Roche is a vivid reminder of human depravity, and the harm evil can inflict upon those close to it. Even if justice is done, as has partly been the case here, it can take a heavy toll on the innocent as well as on the wrongdoer. It is incomprehensible that a father would have an intimate relationship with his son’s wife and, when confronted with her public confession and suicide, depart a few days later on a honeymoon with a new wife, having just abandoned his wife of 44 years who is suffering from liver cancer with a $1000 check and the injunction to get out. Not even Shakespeare would have dared construct such a fictional tragedy. And, yet, such are the charges against George Roche.' Naturally Hillsdale College has started advertising on Gab. The grift must flow. Source: hillsdalegabad.png Why did everyone at Hillsdale College look the other way regarding president George Roche's constant psychopathic behavior? 'Does the $340 million in private support raised during his tenure somehow balance the scales?' 1971-1999, 28 years, $12,142,857 a year. Womp, there it is. ---- James Randi feared god because he was a faggot. Now you know the rest of the story. ---- In the current year Hal Turners end up in prison. In the wars to come Hal Turners will be lit up by 100 targeting devices as all converge to take care of them. ---- It is not enough that my enemies suffer, I must laugh at their suffering. ---- Graphtwitter is a repeater station for spiteful mutant anti-civilizational propaganda devised to smear European greatness by claiming it was killing the planet. The modern world was mostly White invented. We're keeping it. ---- Coronahoax is the technic of White genocide. If they can get the digital internal passport mandated there will be no privacy whatsoever, no ability to move freely, US becomes USSR. If blacks are gonna break shit and attack the pigs over this, more power to them. ---- It's important to disconnect from the enemy media, if only for your own well being. But do not confuse a trending meme on fringe sites with public opinion. 'Fuck Joe Biden' is significant. 'I hate the antichrist' is esoteric. ---- You must be prepared to lie about everything if you are going to prevail against the incursion. ---- I'm not saying Ted Cruz is going to start a real secession movement, but if a sitting US Senator is joking about it... someone is. ---- Sportsball fans chanting fuck Joe Biden warms my black heart. ---- Why the great resignation? How much money would you have to pay someone to keep their hand in the Bene Gesserit box if they didn't want to keep it there and there was no gom jabbar to motivate them? Now you understand the great resignation. ---- The Club of Rome decline graph is an alibi for the deliberate scuttling of civilization by Jews as a means to White genocide. ---- About the Nazi accusation. Anyone with a slightly beyond Reagan right wing worldview has been getting that shit since... 1941. If not longer. Most bystanders don't take it seriously unless they have some unironic Nazi evidence to work with. The blackpillers talking about people fired for making the OK sign are your enemies. That almost never happens. Worst case scenarios are rare. If you're a moderately good liar you can brazen this shit out. ---- The dominator in an abusive relationship knows that they must keep their victim under their thumb at all times. Coronahoax allowed 40% of the workforce to spend some time away from their abusers and they found that they liked it. ---- Tranny vermin are swarming into every community to rape kids. What planet are you on? The flesh of evil must be rectified by coercive initiated force BEFORE they rape. On detection. Psychic probe will be utilized. ---- There is no long slow struggle in the catacombs. You go into the catacombs you die like a snare rabbit. We engage the abomination directly and soon or we perish as rodents. ---- Reading about the great resignation I am discovering a whole world of corporate management consultant trickery I wasn't even aware of. These scum really do seek out gullible rubes who 'believe in' the psychopathic corporation that will throw them away like yesterday's sewage at the first opportunity. The great resignation is largely driven by a bout of sanity where workers realize their employers despise them and hurt them on purpose. ---- Any leftist still flexing is insane. They do not have Genghis Khan levels of control. Not by a long shot. ---- The supply chain collapse is not engineered. The regime really is this stupid. ---- Until you found a BASED CHURCH that says all who reject Christ burn in Hell and have the balls to say 'You are a hellbound sinner, repent of your wicked ways and come to Christ!' right to a Jew's face I am not going to take your posturing as a 'BASED CHRISTIAN' seriously. Credit to Westboro Baptist, at least they call out the fags no matter what. ---- A meme is structured to transmute enemy defeats into enemy victories is probably the work of enemies. ---- Tactical welfare statism to bring down the system is fine, but the welfare state is degenerate and has to go. Means tested handouts are dysgenic. ---- No Nut November? How about we take it up a notch? No videogames the rest of your life. ---- B lister could be the test subject. Because this is new. I am going with 'lied about her age because she was fucking producers when she was 13' ---- Now extend it further. You won't convince anyone who profoundly disagrees with you. Everyone comes to their beliefs via an emotional process. You see what you agree with long before you throw together some rationalizations to justify it. That's why I call all who disagree with me flesh enemies. ---- Imposing costs on them is good. I have seen the concept that because they control the Fed they can generate money at no cost, therefore no financial problem impacts them. Quite wrong. Monetization to prop up their sagging control grid causes inflation, and inflation is a prime cause of cascades as any student of German history can tell you. The Biden thing relates to the flaw in bioleninism. Spandrell is correct that bioleninism is the method. He does not fully explore the downsides. If your whole coalition is led by profoundly defective people reliability will be very, very low. Indeed, I postulate that if a true poz takeover occurred it would implode as quickly as the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) did, decaying into open civil war and random death in a few days. But we can't rely on them to make such an obvious mistake. The coming victory of the GOP in the midterms is the return of White Genocide Team B, the phase them out over 40 years faction. That approach has a much higher chance of success. ---- If everyone will yawn at the revelation that Biden raped his daughter then all is lost and you should just go smoke dope or fuck catboys. Do not shit up my notifications with your orgiastic masochism. ---- Anyone who doubts the memetic power of fighting coronahoax look no further than the panic moves the Biden cabal made trying to shut Project Veritas up about big pharma corruption. It's afraid. ---- The motivational engine behind it is not well understood. It's driven by the vast gulf between the first and third world. For the money we spend having a good time millions of worthless third world scum could be kept alive. Soul egalitarians are plagued by guilt at all the people they are killing by not giving everything away. Climate change is the secularized form of this malware. ---- No one attempting propaganda should underestimate the immense laziness of the typical person. Beyond that, even intelligent people want everything done for them. The complete lack of content discovery tools will always limit fedi if none are developed. ---- Christianity is about as normie as Walmart. It's even more popular worldwide. Much as you want to get into the weird club you can't. It's too boring. Far right Christians are forever seeking to make themselves out to be some kind of radical edgelord when Christianity is the product of and amplifier of the domestication of man. It is anti-edge. No Christian can say that human life is not sacred, that third world garbage are not made in god's image, they are ballast that the world would be better rid of. ---- Nope. National Socialism abolished democracy and shot Marxists. They are the absolute opposite of the Marxist Democrat party of 2021. Democrats seek to bring in as many third world vermin as possible to exterminate the White population of North America. Hitler would not approve. ---- To understand how right wing organizations are infiltrated and subverted read Revilo Oliver's account of the decline and fall of the John Birch Society. Oliver was a founder, the only non-millionaire, and was purged for the usual reasons. ---- The prequels have more memetic power even 16 years after Sith than the Disney sequels do two years after completion. General Grievous is better designed than any disneywars character. Even Kylo Ren has a terrible uniform, the actor is the only thing that gives his scenes any power. And don't get me started on the Knights of Ren. You finally have a shot at doing Sith Knights... and they don't even have lightsabers and they wear that grungy rough clunky armor? Only decent design is BB8, and he's Mickey Mouse's head with one ear. ---- You can be sure if a Rothschild rapes his daughter he has Heisenberg dissolve her in the acid bath before she ever writes a diary entry. ---- None of this is planned. The evil forces are losing control because they lost their shit in November 2020 and stole the election to install a wretched cabal of grifting pedos. Worst of all, they're STUPID grifting pedos. ---- Potential system shattering currents in memetic space November 2021 3. Stolen election 2. Coronahoax 1. Biden rapes kids ---- Undeniable proof that the ruling class consists of demonic pedophiles is number one on my list of cascade trigger events. Oh yeah, can you feel it? ---- Yet another example of the system stabbing itself in the chest while thinking its winning. While I don't think PV is some fed op, it is a deradicalizing element among the more corporatized right "oh look guys Ted Cruz name dropped us on the Senate floor BOOM WE WON" has been their rejoinder for quite a while, and it's worked to lull a lot of otherwise angry and hopeless people back to sleep. Now they are attacking them in a public and extremely scum fuck way that is going to wake even more people up to just how naked the FBI's job as the American equivalent to the STASI or KGB has become. OK, this is what happened. Project Veritas was bringing the heat down on big pharma at a critical phase in their 'you will own nothing and take endless shots or else' project so the Biden team, full of idiots, went to their Veritas dossier to find some actionable intelligence and a low level operative thought the Biden diary was the perfect pretext. O'Keefe is very careful so there probably isn't much to work with. So here we are. ---- Shadowman311: Why exactly did the FBI raid the house of a Project Veritas journalist over the release of a diary by a completely separate outlet that proved, in the words of Biden's own daughter, that he raped her in the shower? Why would they pour the oil of public attention over that bonfire again? What's the plan here? Is there a plan? Dread: There is no plan. This is the final descent. ---- Calling it. GOP is going to take the House in a landslide. All GOP cucks terrified to say a kind word about White people, but they will skew against coronahoax mandates which will face direct legislative attack. Setting the stage for DeSantis to run against the coronahoax bullshit and win. Which will quietly allow the hyperzionists to prevent the scuttling of their defense shield. ---- Why would the FBI infiltrate and keep an anti-semitic podcast network up and running? Why did they infiltrate the KKK? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If they control the opposition they can keep it impotent. Eric Striker has a strategy that Google checked with their Prime Radiant and cleared it for deployment. 'It is the dumbest strategy we ever analyzed. That guy must be the dumbest retard gorilla wignat who ever lived.' ---- Shadowman311: Idk about milk and beef but I know there's a kosher thing about hating White people with lots of children. Dread: Seriously, these weird rules matter. There is a mainstream sociological theory that dietary rules are ENTIRELY for preventing socializing with outgroups. That all the 'health' claims are retcons. I'm convinced that from these little things big things one day come. ---- The US must be destroyed. That is the shot. Underrmine the pig system every way you can. Anyone not focusing on the fact that Biden is a usurper and coronahoax is a lie to enslave you does not know the shot. ---- Unless you have some kind of 'one drop rule' there are lots of White Jews. Ol' blue eyes Paul Newman being the archetypal example. Jews have been hanging out with Europeans since the glory days of the Roman Empire, and there has been considerable fraternizing if you catch my meaning. ---- The soft power system depends on comfort. Consider the various levels of shuttening. From the power core where they subject all applicants to extreme vetting where having written a blog post praising Ron Paul in 2004 is sufficient to blackball you from the chokepoints for life all the way out to the furthest reach of the acceptable right the system uses bribes and financial penalties to maintain control. This is predicated on the good life being a live option. That has ended for many millions of men over the last 20 months, and the system has no intention of permitting those rebels access to the fruits of treason again. ---- My favorite bit of the new Westworld is how the robots can't even recognize evidence that they're robots. 'That doesn't mean a thing to me.' That is how a world simulation would work if the sentient characters not knowing they were in a sim was important to the creators. ---- If you find yourself irritated block more people. ---- Violent video games are good because they provide simulations to prepare us for the wars to come during which at least six billion upright bipeds will die. Most of you aren't going to make it. I might. ---- They won't go house to house and force it. They will get 95% compliance by excluding the unshot with a digital passport. THAT is what must be resisted now. If they get to 95% 'voluntary' compliance at the appointed time they can exterminate 95% with the bioweapon and clean up the rest with mercenaries. ---- The blackpill podcast payload, now that Biden's steal is entirely locked in and the terror of mRNA mandates is upon us, is to shunt all far right effort into marketing to leftists who want the right dead. The globalists are shit scared of the VA result causing renewed energy on the right and more crypto infiltration of the GOP. Note that the purpose of correct right wing action is consensus cracking, derailing and destabilizing the pig system. Appealing to leftists is dumping that energy into a black hole. ---- Anyone who, as an adult, has ever been a leftist is evil. No exceptions. Leftism is simply the political expression of profound evil. For those who doubt that the left is pure evil I give you two words: Trans kids ---- Many such cases! There is a libertarian to nationalist meme pathway. There is no cultural Marxist to nationalist path. Cultural Marxism is nothing like economic Marxism. All cultural Marxists are defective monsters who hate nationalism. ---- I never joke. ---- I used to hate the US fedgov for libertarian reasons. Now I hate it because I know why it does what it does. ---- A lot of people who quit their jobs have taken the shot. They're done with this pig system for other reasons. ---- Basically the mRNA shot is how they pave the way for the White genocide shot. If they proceed I go full Hitler, because what the fuck. I was trying to be a nice guy, but they left me no choice. 14/88 ---- Darth Wheatley: The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.” When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, and he went back inside the palace. “Where do you come from?” he asked Jesus, but Jesus gave him no answer. “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” John 19:7-11 The ones who handed him over to be crucified were the Jewish leaders. They convinced everyone to go along with it. Even Pilate knew he had done nothing wrong, and tried to free him. The actual Messiah was killed by the Jews, his own people, for simply telling the truth. If you think they wouldn't do it to you too, you're crazy. Dread: As a nonbeliever I can speculate that the New Testament provides mitigating circumstances to Pilate so as to minimize the perception that it is encouraging revolt against Rome, very important for a young religion whose adherents inhabit an empire with unlimited power to inflict punishment. But yeah, your explanation is what the Bible says. ---- I do at this stage preclude the robot army option. A nation that can't keep toilet paper stocked can't manufacture 10 million battle droids. ---- The White people with the correct mindset to exterminate us lack the strength of will to pull it off. What with being mincing faggots and trannies and other confused weirdos and all. The hard men who were really scary at the antifa terror riots last summer were Mossad and they will be needed back home soon. ---- I cannot emphasize enough how much all with power in the US hate the US population. I include the entirety of the population, not just the openly despised White straight men. These filth have such disdain even for their loyal black voters that they sit on their hands as the supply chains dissolve. When the food stops reaching the cities hundreds of thousands will die. Not one politician will shed a tear. After all, they rape and torture kids for kicks. They are not human. ---- If all stereotypes are true then the Bible is a lie. ---- The enemy is at odds with the structure of reality. 'Trans women are women' - it does not get any more insane than that. That causes them to make mistakes. On the other hand they have immense institutional power in the form of everything that money can buy, and that money cannot be confiscated by the existing right which is enmeshed in a libertarian fantasy web of its own. The critical path to victory is to breach the media / big social / power chokepoint control grid at scale and present the inherently glorious and irresistable option of right wing authoritarian power saving the world to the correct smart fraction. Once capable men discard the lie of democracy they can act and make a condition of their return to power the abolition of all the evils that plague us. I believe that god might help nudge things along in that direction with single point worldline alterations, but I can't make any promises. ---- Still thunderstruck that Event Horizon was done by the same hack who did endless Underworld sequels. It's like he became Ridley Scott for ten weeks and then reverted to his true form, Flowers for Algernon style. ---- The left is at odds with the way things work, that's what I mean when I call them evil. They are tampering with extremely dangerous forces, breaking hard coded moral programs by preying on kids and attacking the family. This works in both a base universe Darwinian model and in a simulation of same. ---- If you're a professional racist and you still live in a crime infested diverse neighborhood you're doing it wrong. ---- The collapse of Christianity was close to total by 1970. The few million true fans put up a good front for another 25 years or so, doing a kind of Christ-Leninism where a tiny remnant imposes its will on the feckless majority, but it couldn't last. We now have no consensus morality, no consensus metaphysics and no common culture. The downsides are obvious. Yet... nothing can make me BELIEVE that those silly Jewish fables are true. ---- The American people are weak. The merchant class is the least manly. Caesar has very little to work with, while the bioleninist swarm is driven by stark terror to endless feats of retard strength. We exist as an object lesson to Europe. To any reading, EXPEL THE ALIEN FLESH NOW BY ANY MEANS IN YOUR POWER. Else you will share our fate. ---- Men who join the military are low IQ conformists who want free healthcare and other bennies. There is absolutely no hope in them, as perusing the timeline of the typical vet with a punisher avi proves. ---- That's what the CIA created it for. To preserve the New Deal state upon which the whole apparatus of domestic terror depended. Taft isolationist anti-New Deal wing had to be crushed. Buckley the CIA asset and closeted faggot was the perfect vector. Also a subversive Catholic, to finish off the blood of the revolution once and for all. ---- Nothing within the pig system is going to work, but when they relent in their audacious evil it is a good sign nonetheless. They let GOP have VA because they are shit scared, and they should be. The reactor core has been fucked with for almost two years, and the cap can only withstand so much pressure. ---- Higher education has extremely low bandwidth, which should be a clue that it has nothing to do with educaton and everything to do with extreme vetting. You can't recruit a Satanic pedophile elite by placing an ad in the penny saver. ---- Feds spun up multiple trillions to prop up the stock market and keep treasury yields low, won't spend a dime to resolve the supply chain collapse. ---- Along with movies and liberty add one more major American institution to the coronahoax deathpile: The Work Ethic I have direct knowledge of multiple high level people who have opted for early retirement. They have no fucks left to give, and they sure as fuck won't take the shot. ---- If Facebook dies it will be because it has outlived its usefulness to the evil forces that astroturfed it up to begin with. Just expose the ad clickfraud and hundreds of millions of fake accounts in the Wall Street Journal and it's done. ---- The flaw in any 'Trump coulda got more votes' narrative is that the Democrats / globalists / Jews / conspiracy were prepared to generate as many fake votes as it took to be rid of him. My analysis, based on Trump's MUCH HIGHER vote total in 2020 vs. 2016, is that CuckTrump was more popular than BasedTrump and he did get more normie votes. Also the shift in White votes is almost entirely explained by the flip from female to male Democrat. White women went more for Trump because no first female president option, White men went less for Trump because no hated Hillary on the ballot. Exit polls show it was a wash. ---- Mating is a game of musical chairs. The good ones get snapped up fast. Then there were none. Do not delay. Even if you think you're the belle of the ball, that is going to change. ---- I stopped at a MickyDs on the highway late at night... and it was fucking closed. I have not once in my entire life wandering the CURSED EARTH encountered a highway quick on and off fast food joint which purported to be open 24 hours that was closed. In the window scrawled by hand a note: Closed due to lack of staff. ---- If transhuman technology is possible (and until something is a product third parties can buy and test there is no telling whether it works, so I make no predictions regarding the possibility of any particular superhuman power - mind-computer interface, immortality, super strength and so forth) those who possess it can win. Simple as. Therefore the ruling class doesn't have it. Minor and very expensive life extension is the only 'transhumanist' tech the ruling class might be concealing from the masses, which would explain these super geriatric living fossils like George Soros and David Rockefellar who just refuse to leave. I say minor because none of them make it past 120 years. ---- I can tell AI is going nowhere in terms of human equivalence because they can't automate big social moderation, something which has the very highest priority and endlessly fails. ---- Tucker Carlson is heir to the Swanson frozen foods fortune. He's a CIA asset, not a whore. He believes in evil. ---- If you follow me and you haven't blocked all Google domains and ditched your Android phone do not contradict me on security issues. Never give a phone number to use a service. It contributes to panoptic tyranny. Force startups to ditch that requirement if they want to purport to be 'alternatives' to Facefag. ---- There is a whole faction of White American South Korean TV fans. The claim is its more wholesome than US shows. In which case I say just watch pre-1970 American shows, which are mostly decent (morally anyway) and have American actors and comprehensible cultural mores. ---- The secret no one will admit to about 1950s US is it was the Whitest America has ever been. That's what they miss, not the 90% top marginal tax rate or peak terrorizing IRS audits. ---- If they can outlaw gasoline powered cars the electric cars will be unaffordable and reduce the car driving population, or so they hope. I suspect it won't work because the battery price will come down thanks to market forces relating to mobile devices. Electric cars, once you crack the cheap battery problem, are inherently simpler than gasoline powered cars with modern anti-pollution mitigation and automatic transmissions. ---- Bad metric. Leftists sperg out about everything to the right of Hillary Clinton. I've seen similar arguments claiming that holocaust revisionism is the master key to victory because it triggers so hard. The correct approach is finding things that appear harmless and even benign that generate rage on the left. 'It's OK to be White' being the best example. ---- By hooking their wagon to the hated coronahoax SJWs are providing an easy way to purge them from all emergent right wing movements. 'We're not excluding you for being a faggot loving tranny demon freak, we're excluding you for endorsing the deadly mRNA shot, glad you asked.' ---- I don't see why people fault Elon Musk for getting all the gibs he can get in electric car and solar subsidies. He's being a negro to the system, bigly. ---- Please. Genetically engineered catgirl concubines are not available in any store. Yet. ---- Look no further than the libertarian arguments against Obamacare to see where they are coming from. The entire approach in 2009 was 'US healthcare system is fine.' Not one word about ending medical licensing, abolishing the FDA or any of the stuff Rothbard or Mises or Rand would have called for, just 'This is fine.' ---- Torba wouldn't get rid of his iphone after Apple banned the Gab app, which he had spent tens of thousands of dollars having developed, for life. He has bought at least two new iphones since then. I, a Darwinian weirdo with no church or authority to answer to, am more fanatical in boycotting enemy companies than any Christian I know. All of them still subscribe to one or more streaming services, use Amazon and have smartphones, for example. ---- I used to see prettier black girls than that on any random day before I set out for the outer rim territories. They are selecting ugly ones just to fuck with us. ---- Christianity itself provides a powerful example in the US. Nominally a supermajority of US citizens are Christians. They mark that on the surveys, they celebrate Christmas, and they honestly see themselves as such. Most don't go to church, violate historic Christian morality (by which I mean what the demoninations used to declare forbidden, not any 'real true' essence of the faith, whatever that is), and couldn't provide a coherent summary of their faith if their lives depended on it. But still, because you have that base of 200 million+ quite a bit can be accomplished by the most dedicated, who form an activist force of several million. ---- 2005-2015 you could breach the enemy meme firewalls by socially engineering social media. That exploit has been well and truly patched. Guild navigators will have to find an alternative source of the spice if we are to escape our island universes. ---- Of course the Imperium should rectify the pharma grifters who sold the opioids. Still doesn't mean I'm gonna respect a junkie. ---- A global warming believer is a media believer. Or, if they are overeducated, an academia believer. Some men you just can't reach. ---- If you believe in global warming or coronahoax as serious danger that justifies mask mandates, lockdowns and shot mandates you are my enemy and you are gonna have to kill me to get your agenda through. Also I will not read a single word you say. You are of the devil. ---- I don't believe in dialogue. I believe in winning. ---- I once made a small government argument in the presence of a tranny and he snapped back that he needed big government because otherwise he would be lynched by townies. He wasn't wrong. ---- America is finished because by 1900 you couldn't have got majority approval for a plan to cut off all aid to Africa to assure their starvation. Only a few extreme elitists were thinking in Darwinian terms, and they were denounced by the mincing pansy clergy. ---- Trump abandoned the January 6 protesters to torture and death. He is garbage and I don't care what he does now. ---- Cultural Marxism is what Marxism evolved into to survive, the original version having generated sufficient antibodies to make the West immune. ---- If the US military loses credibility the Muslims will begin massing their forces to destroy Israel. If they have to worry about Israel being destroyed very soon there will be a lot less desire to enforce all the other politically correct bullshit. Suddenly guys like Bloomberg who oppose the pure cultural Marxism will gain a hearing, and we will gain some time. When the hypothetical becomes actual suddenly there is regret. Faced with the impossibility of bugging out to China, New Zealand, Europe or Israel trashing the US for lulz is going to look a lot less viable, even to utterly depraved filth like Tim Wise. ---- There is a chapter he wrote about the John Birch Society kicking around. Basically it was a false opposition front, part of the immense cash op funded to prevent the emergence of any nationalist opposition to the final offensive, which was won by 1965 with the immigration act. After that saving the US was going to require hard power, which wealthy fat happy people never resort to. The day LBJ signed that bill, which he was in place to do because his masters murdered JFK, he signed America's death warrant. ---- Tell them Revilo Oliver was one of the original writers for National Review and one of the founders of the John Birch Society. Tell them to look into his writings. ---- The mRNA shot isn't some extrapolation in the year 2045, it is death stalking you NOW. That's why this is the wedge to break the panopticon. ---- Based on a fairly in depth poll which probably lowballs the downside for the regime the number of 'Not just no but Hell, no!' will never get the mRNA shot under any circumstances workers that will have to be fired: 20% ---- Imagine everyone you know is a veteran of World War II, PARTICULARLY the hard as nails psychologically right leaning men. Now try and convince them that nationalism, a truly non-negotiable closed minded nationalism that regards the alien with the correct level of hatred, is the way. That was the problem. WWII vested the real men of the US in radical Marxist blank slate ideology. ---- If I sense even a hint you are not in the US I won't discuss the domestic situation with you, with only rare exceptions where proper modesty and respect are demonstrated. ---- The problem with MAGA is you can't make something great again when it's dead. The US is dead. Even a non-puppet can't repair it. A Caesar will have to create something new. ---- I used to be almost alone on the right in not believing in working hard for an employer, considering corporations to be evil enemies it was OK to fuck over, and considering all educational and credential granting institutions to be part of an enemy control grid. Things are coming along nicely... ---- Antifa barely exist outside a few very small areas so steeped in evil you should have evacuated them at the start of the long hot 2020 summer. That is metaphysically wrong on the infinite level. Antifa are absolutely terrified of the outland regions. They know that the deserts and forests are death. I've been in the outland regions for decades. Number of antifa sighted in all that time? Zero. Not even at what passes for hipster venues in the larger towns. ---- Pretty sure the guy who got arrested at the school board meeting protesting his daughter's rape by a tranny demon was a MAGA type. Or at least in the same concept cloud. The blackpiller needs to answer this: If the demons have infinite power already why doesn't Biden rape a girl to death on livestream before the Satanic congregation? Obviously because the people will slay the masters under certain memetic conditions. Slay them brutal. ---- I reiterate: The dissident right is very, very small. I base this on data gathered by the same methods I used to unearth Gab's extremely small daily active user base. Fringe movements always try and puff themselves up and conceal metrics. But livestreams on Dlive and similar tell the tale. 300 live viewers = rounding error. ---- When I refer to technology that the system will use to wipe out its worst enemies as it crashes and burns I mean assassination droids / drones. ---- There is no political pathway to authoritarian right politics in the US. Only a Caesar who assembles sufficient force to conquer can save the country, and that is a long shot. The TRS and other political shards advocating for some vague party-like or Amish-like approach are all non-starters, easy meat for the rump panopticon in a collapse scenario. The US is a dead nation walking on the green mile. Best option is to get to a state that is healthy so when the union spins apart you maximize chances of personal survival. ---- Nonsense. The system functions on power and it is damaging itself. Supply chain issues present the greatest opportunity for radical right politics in several lifetimes. ---- Anyone signal boosting 'our hope lies in real life gatherings, get vetted for the pool parties' is an arm of the FBI whether they know it or not. But I take it further. Even if I am incorrect and there is some top secret good explanation for what looks like fed infiltration (but is something else that is not in itself psychopathic) that way lies oblivion at present numbers. As things fall apart a smaller than Amish network of what the system regards as Infinite Tier Transcendental Enemies will be targeted by the most advanced technology that Google can deploy. Most projects are DOA. Businesses. Organizations. Religions. When you've seen a few thousand come and go you learn the signs. I knew Qanon was going to die out because it bears all the marks of a right wing grift. Like the black helicopter fearing 'patriot' movement of the 1990s it was bound to burn out once it spun up enough loons to start committing crimes, at which point feds step in and the grifters flee for safer pigsties. ---- Everyone staying away from pool parties and NJP is a good idea, as both are fed honey traps, and became such because of the poor character of the founding population. Sorry. ---- There have been hundreds of failed launches. If a real life organization tops out at 10,000 and it is based on something more than five years old it's not likely to evolve into a world beater. Some errors you can't come back from. If Nolan Bushnell's first hire had been Jayoh there would have been no Atari. ---- Before his brain turned to jelly Joe Biden was an even dumber less competent version of the Clintons, an influence peddler so clumsy he sent his crackhead whoremonger son on critical missions. His hires and relations are carrying out policy dictated by the malign hidden rulers. That's why everything is fucked and won't get better. ---- Trump was doomed to fail for many reasons, but until that became absolutely clear he was America's last hope. Now the US is likely to disintegrate very soon. If the Biden swarm of grifters keeps fucking up it might not make it to 2025. ---- Not a NPC. A capable man. In this case a REALLY capable man. One who has deep knowledge of the full spectrum enemy control grid and can navigate the deadly reefs of memetic space. There is a Darwinian filter. Extremely rapid growth in capable followers is one of the signs that the leader has arrived. ---- You can change player minds via the internet. Those capable men then create viable real world organizations with proper security and competent praxis across the board. None such exist at this time. If an organization is founded by obese drunkards it doesn't rise to the level capable followers are going to risk their life and career for. ---- Any analysis of power that doesn't include media is a lie. ---- When you express hatred you send a signal that you might not take just any level of abuse, while not saying anything directly actionable by law enforcement. It makes your biological enemies afraid. It makes them suffer. Hate is good. Increase the hate. ---- The hysteria of twitter bluechecks isn't all performative. Many of them live in constant quivering terror that any concept to the right of Hillary Clinton is present in any mind on Earth. Move rightward. Let them learn true fear. ---- Boomercucks are desperate to be liked and to be Boy Scouts. Boy Scouts got taken over by pedo faggots and destroyed, which should be a clue as to where niceness gets you. ---- I know more than one atheist Jew who, in private, says that the Jews in Rome brought it on themselves. 'Just pretend to believe the emperor is a god, what's the big deal, oy vey!' ---- Whereas some MAGA offshoot will simply present logistical problems of killing that many people. Same for any other IMPLICIT movement. Hypocrisy is a superpower. Learn to lie. It may save your life. ---- Weaver was basically the cartoon Nazi I was talking about, in that he was a open White separatist which is why he came to the FBI's attention in the first place and why he was approached to be a confidential informant and help them set up other White nationalists. This goes back to my meta-controversial view that things must be done in the correct order. To engage with the system in any way if you are a known WN is suicide. You must hide your power level if you want your family to be safe. I do agree that the regime might fuck up anyway and attack the wrong people. They are, after all, completely insane. ---- All the hard left cares about is faggotry and flooding the country with non-white combatants to use in their final war against White men. Biden is giving them that in spades, so they have nothing to complain about. In their grand strategy single payer health care and unlimited gibs of all kinds come when White men are exterminated, so they are not even cucking. It's part of the plan. ---- Once life gets bad enough the people will beg for a dictator to cut through the bullshit. Biden's puppet masters are working overtime on driving what's left of the US into the ditch. Presumably they intend to appoint the dictator themselves. Sometimes that works. Not always. To fix what's wrong will take a Napoleon. Does anyone on the left strike you as being that competent? ---- They will not. You are seeing signs of the system cracking already. If they do even a single act of outrageous violence against a sympathetic right wing family it could end the regime, Ceausescu style. Just don't be the cartoon Nazi character against whom they can get away with anything and you will be fine. ---- The problem isn't that right wing ideas are unpopular, it's that leftists with unlimited money hate them and will punish anyone who promotes them. The right wing sympathizing billionaires, and there are a few, will lose all their money if they try and fund any true right wing cause. Or they will lose their ability to breathe. ---- As long as 'striver class' is defined as having any material ambition whatsoever within the system where you need a bank account I suppose you're right. I expect the same lists used to exclude people from power chokepoints will soon be extended to any corporate job, including fast food line worker. On the upside heretics on race now suddenly have at least 60 million fellow outcasts, those who will not take the death shot, to unite with in a counter economy. ---- The left's fantasy of what the GOP is and the right's fantasy of what the GOP is are the same fantasy. ---- Nature and Race: AT&T has a message for you, White people: "You are the problem." And the CEO of AT&T is John T. Stankey, and he is Jewish. Everywhere you find anti-White hate, you'll find Jews orchestrating it. There is a war being waged against you, White people. Massive corporations are pouring billions of dollars into destroying you, your family, your culture, and your country. ---- He got to issue all those rules and regulations in his letters. He bent the arc of history. Don't think power hungry evil men like Paul aren't aware of their crimes as they do them, and what glory a truly immense crime can bring, even after death. ---- They combine provocation that might summon such a leader with a full spectrum panoptic interception grid. The vetting process for even the lowest of power chokepoints is absolute. It was absolute by 1960. If not 1933. ---- In the 1950s when all right wing speech had been banished from broadcasting by FCC trickery and somewhat suppressed by postal regulations liberals claimed to be for absolute free expression when they defended communists. ---- American politics is like the dead brontosaurus whose brain hasn't got the word that his heart has stopped yet. ---- Trump was elected because the anti-White left thought they had it in the bag in 2014 and escalated with Ferguson. The left has dispensed with elections so now they really do have it in the bag... if we comply. ---- Now that the evil forces have made their move against the internet workarounds are being developed, and the free internet being a lot more popular than the crippled internet once the technical barriers (which include designing systems that are easy to use, resistant to griefers and spammers and robust against DDOS without reliance of enemy funded CIA/NSA ops like Cloudflare) are overcome the skids will be greased for further sliding of the Overton Window far, far rightward among the victims of the pig system. That is why they are scuttling the world economy with coronahoax. They must prevent White people from defending themselves against their revenge genocide. Revenge for what? Why, for the holocaust, dummy. You didn't think the most revenge focused tribe that ever lived was going to just let that one slide, did ya? ---- This culture rot is reaching the furthest outposts of the periphery because of HDTV and smartphones. The immense power of high resolution screens was underestimated by everyone. I knew it was coming and didn't make that simple extrapolation. ---- My general knowledge of biotech indicates that we are many years away from highly specialized engineered organisms that can carry out a kind of special forces mission, first infiltrating, then lying dormant for a time, until they strike at a programmed attack date. So the mRNA shot is probably just badly designed. ---- The moment non-church academic analysis of the Bible was legalized in Prussian universities higher criticism annihilated it in a few short years. Christianity always depended on censorship as severe as anything imposed by communists today. ---- Once in a blue moon an astroturf spambot boosted account posts something useful. Don't repost it. Don't like it. Steal the content and present it as your own, uncredited. Thieves deserve no honor. ---- Covid19 lies created more holocaust revisionists. Also more ghost believers, 9-11 truthers, flat Earthers, assassination conspiracy theorists and anything else the system tries to suppress. The system is gushing credibility from multiple arterial wounds. ---- How to get people back to work? - Ban all coronahoax mandates - outside healthcare facilities no employer can demand masks. And no employer of any kind, including healthcare related, can mandate the mRNA shot. - Federal tax holiday. For the next year you get 100% of your income. No withholding and no obligation to pay in future. This includes Medicare and Social Security taxes. - In supply chain critical jobs the government will pay a $20,000 bonus to anyone who has been retired from the field for over a year to return to work. I am just spitballing ideas to resolve the labor shortage to draw attention to the fact that the government is proposing nothing. Aside from endless immigration, which we've had since 1970 or so and yet here we are. Nothing good will happen until the regime is replaced. I am just putting it forth as a kind of shadow cabinet proposal from the imperium of future past. ---- If the US can go from wild west to globopedo administrative state it can go from the latter to damn near anything, including its opposite. ---- 'Trump really turned out to be scum.' (liberal ears prick up) 'He should have deputized the mob and set them loose on the antifa terrorists.' (exit, stage left) ---- I will allow your crackpot theory if it makes it more likely that the pig system will die. ---- All White men and women should make it a condition of helping keep this shitty society running that they be respected. That means an end to all anti-White bullshit across the board, and playing the Jew card does not immunize you from this requirement so do not even ask. Also we command a total amnesty for all alleged collective crimes prior to 1980. The alternative is we take it all back without negotiating. Thank you for your time and attention. ---- Browsing the network, the man who hates dogs also signal boosting not giving kids Christmas presents. Hoo boy. ---- There is a moral collapse at the bottom reflecting the moral collapse at the top. The implications of OG American cynicism are finally penetrating the decision system of the normies. ---- I admire anyone who does an instance that permits hardcore speech, and does so out of pure charitable motives. Or for hate's sake. Or for revenge. Really, anything but GRIFT, which is why Torba did it. But it ain't easy. P is the perfect admin. Always calm. Only rarely snarky. Internally motivated. ---- The US government is an incursion of pure evil, possibly from some antimatter world. ---- Being bred to be submissive to kings maybe not such a great survival trait in the current year. ---- The rot is deep. The Franklin Coverup - involving a GOP pedophile ring - centers around Larry King, the 'based negro' who sang the national anthem at the 1984 Republican Convention. ---- If you're sniping angrily at the little people on the timeline you're doing it wrong. Needless to say I am entirely unsuited to that particular role! ---- People who think a man in a dress is a woman are insane. Each day the system becomes more unstable as the sane are displaced by parasite cells. The supply chain disruption is the first palpable surfacing of the rot that has been eating away at America for 70 years. It can no longer be papered over with quantitative easing and other trickery. We can take them. ---- The small government stuff the Reagan right promoted is a faint sputtering candle next to the galactic core explosion fury of what is coming. ---- 'Taxes are the price you pay for trannies to rape your kids' just doesn't have the same ring to it. ---- Altright 'intellectuals': Democracy always fails. Also altright 'intellectuals': I have more likes and reposts than you so I must be right. ---- If you do not understand that the US-UK academic-intellectual complex has been utterly corrupt since 1920 or so you will fall for one globalist op after another, based on trusting their deep lies. ---- Ashli Babbitt was more of a man than Donald Trump ever was or ever will be. ---- You can't have it both ways. Trump's memetic collapse is nowhere more evident than in his 'the mRNA shot is good, get the shot' and 'don't mandate the shot' messaging. If the shot is good it should be encouraged. It's not. It is dangerous. If Covid19 were the Black Death severe measures might be required. It's not. It's slightly worse than a bad flu season. ---- In the last week I've gone to three different retail stores to discover that they were closed because they had cut their hours due to staff shortages. ---- Project Veritas, normally useless, did a good hidden camera expose of a CNN producer where he straight up admitted that climate was the next big thing once covid wound down. The Limits to Growth , peak oil, 'Uncle Ted' and TheGraph are all part of the same obsolete Marxist initiative by spiteful mutants to discredit European civilization by claiming it is lethal. ---- 'The guilty flee where none pursueth', that's the ADL in a nutshell. ---- In a collapse many things can happen. I'd discounted the possibility because in a non-collapse scenario the US becomes a South American style multiracial society in 2035 or so, which absolutely no chance of a Nazi style regime, and if the supermarkets are well stocked it might not even break up. But they decided to go full anti-White immediately and impose this coronahorseshit, so their odds of final victory have decreased. ---- The Soviet Union had many highly capable loyal men. Also it wasn't infested with faggotry. It encouraged women to work in jobs normally held by men, but it did not degrade and insult men. I don't think a fully intersectional Marxist society will last a month. ---- We now find out if bioleninism works in a modern diverse society. That is, can it be as functional as the Soviet Union, which managed to win WWII, electrify vast territory and put the first man in orbit while spouting Marxist nonsense. Or is our just in time system too fragile to survive that much culling? ---- Leftists will now shame random people for not wearing the ineffectual mask. Even most vegans hesitated to shame people for eating meat in public. ---- The pig system is sticking with covidbullshit because it's the first bullshit that has worked for them in decades. Climate change never got to the point where you could be fired for having a big truck. ---- Imagine being kind to morons. This is why I can never be the next Hitler. ---- Dollar stores were the canary in the coalmine. Their stock started getting spotty months ago. I believe that the low quality suppliers of these discount stores are either out of business, temporarily shut down, or selling to higher end stores for higher prices to pick up the slack. Some may have gone under due to the labor shortage, as being the low end low price supplier necessitates paying very low wages. Walmart has automated just in time delivery based on sales. When any product sells the system orders to compensate with the goal of never having a single item out of stock. The morons you see in the store have nothing to do with it. Because media lies about everything it is necessary to use deductive reasoning. Walmart has less problem keeping things in stock than normal supermarkets because suppliers don't dare shortchange them for fear of retaliation in the out years, even if the supplier could make a killing selling to desperate retailers. In the lower stratum that battle is ongoing, and of course contributing to consumer price inflation. ---- VoxDay is a pathological liar so I don't read him. I can't trust that he isn't twisting the facts. ---- Media megaphones are not for sale. The entire history of media is one of consolidation into fewer and fewer hands. It's a private club and you're not allowed to join. Alt-media could be constructed. There are even some hacks that would allow you to buy small closely held existing radio and TV stations. But it won't be easy. ---- Conservative White nationalism is the stable memetic equilibrium point in any majority White nation. Whether explicit or implicit cultures find ways to exclude aliens. It takes immense and constant energy to suppress this tendency. The dirty secret is that the anti-racists are right, countless things are implicitly exclusionary and White people seek those things out to get away from diversity. ---- Coronahoax makes all other conspiracy theories more credible, as it proves that the full spectrum enemy system coordinates its lying talking points. ---- Jews are trolling about the holocaust. If you respond you lose. Their greatest fear is that everyone will get bored and stop listening. Millenials are very bored. Let it go. No revisionism, just forgetfulness. ---- Elections are over. Now only non-electoral methods will work. Dissolve legitimacy by critical analysis of the power system. This is done by screaming insults at its representatives anytime they are within earshot. 'YOU ARE FAKE NEWS!' 'FUCK YOU, BIDEN!' 'LOL, FAGGOT!' ---- The 1970s is when the culture terror really got going. You still had lots of legacy neutrals and right wingers in the media. Particularly exploitation / tabloid media, which is what In Search Of was. In a related note, people don't realize that old Hollywood was extremely conservative, if only to provide the conservative audience what they wanted - well, after they got smacked down by the Legion of Decency. ---- The parsimonious explanation for the Trump-Roy Cohn link is NY real estate is a ruthless game and Cohn was known for his hardball tactics. That would be enough to motivate Fred and Donald to hire him when dealing with obstructionist government agencies and NGO lawfare attacks. That could be the entire explanation even if Cohn was also running a blackmail ring entrapping politicians. Trump was not a politician at the time, and no credible sex scandal worse than adultery has emerged in the 35 years that the media has been looking for any excuse to take Trump down. ---- Any person or group the media respects is suspect. ---- They never engage me for long. I mean ones who engage in sophistry, I won't tolerate the spammers. I am absolutely sure they work from a playbook and arguments not in that playbook confuse them, in much the way certain other shills get confused if you're not a shill for some other brand of snake oil. ---- It's notable that shitlibs believe ALL THE THINGS that the media tells them, no matter how absurd. If those things flip their POV flips with it. Driving a wedge between player characters and the enemy media is the most effective angle of attack. ---- If you can get people to stop believing the media they will stop believing all its tropes, not just one. Strike the root. ---- Precisely my point, but none of them get it. They think if they can just post the perfect argument DEBOOOOONKING the holocaust everything will change. Like an argument is why Jews can't be criticized. Power is the real reason. ---- Why doesn't the Armenian Genocide give Armenians immense power? It's almost as if there is some other factor required... ---- I like Nick but he's very naive. My guess is he's sincere, but I would not recommend attending his events. Particularly not now. ---- The facts about communism, which are far worse than the most extreme claims about the Nazis, have absolutely no impact. Why? Because those who oppose communism have no media power. If you have your own media you get to determine what is important and what is not regardless of any facts or logic. That's why I don't debate with people on different branches of the conceptual tree. They didn't get where they are through reasoned argument. The political task at hand is to overcome the network shatter operations that have succeeded in disintegrating every right wing movement since 1932, if not earlier. The people who agree with the right POV instinctively merely need a channel. A badly run LARP is not it. ---- The pig system has lots of resources to throw at problems. When Bush I became problematic they could inject Perot into the campaign via Larry King, then blackmail Perot when he got too hot, and run endless 24/7 coverage of 'the worst economy in the last 50 years' while covering up any Hillary crimes to make sure Clinton won. Oh, they destroyed Bush I because he slightly inconvenienced Israel. Frankly they may have destroyed Bush I not so much because of the Israel thing, though he did have a little cabal of foreign policy realists (in other words men who didn't see sucking Israeli cock as their purpose in life) around him, but as a flex. 'Yeah, we took out Nixon and we can still take out anybody, even a guy who had 90% approval in late 1991, so watch your step.' ---- Explain the path from deboonking the holocaust with highly technical arguments about chemistry and political victory, because I just don't see it. ---- Thanks to George Lucas' digital revolution China and India can now produce films that rival US production quality for a fraction of the cost. Expect more nations to start excluding corrupt US media in favor of wholesome Bollywood and Chinese cinema. ---- He was duped by Tucker Carlson on coronahoax. Tucker is a deep cover enemy operative. Probably CIA, but it doesn't matter what branch of evil pays him, he serves it. Trump's administration was a disaster because he lacked the political experience to make good hires and the conceptual tools to understand what he was up against. No boomer is going to fix things. ---- Each new third world immigrant increases the chances that I will be murdered and my loved ones will be raped. There's effectively a limitless supply of these subhuman vermin, around 4.5 billion or so. I am a small, hated minority on a planet of ravening savages. The fancy language it is wrapped in - CRT, privilege, racism - is just a coded statement of 'White men are evil and they will pay for their crimes - or else' You are spreading this meme malware yourself at the very moment you wrote. As for voting, no one should be doing that. Democracy is moral syphilis. ---- I am 100% sure Anglin is not a fed. The shuttening imposed on him is without precedent. Weev is, of course, a massive troll and hacker. But he does keep the site up and running, so he's got that going for him, which is nice. But if I were to sup with him I would use a long spoon. ---- Honest guys like P of FSE give straight answers to all salient questions. That's how you earn trust. ---- I help anyone who heeds my warning to avoid destroying their lives for nothing. ---- Feds, and by that I mean the transnational pedo elite, hate people too much to give them cash money. The mRNA scam would have worked if they bribed people to get the shot. $1000 a head would have done it. ---- The great sin was greed. White Americans, many with recent immigrant background, thought FDR would tax the rich and give them cash. He was elected four times, the most evil president ever. The young New Deal saps didn't get more than a few stingy handouts and then got drafted to kill Germans and japs. ---- The feds can get away with shooting you if you do a racism. Not wearing a mask at the supermarket, not so much. ---- If I were assigned to take down my former friend, the reputed smartest man in the world, I would not go after his most pedestrian and easily proven talking point - that globalist forces seek to import as many third world vermin as possible to the West. The severed heads and corpses produced by said invaders are just too hard to hide. ---- Doing nothing is always better than doing something stupid. ---- Coronahoax is the hype. There is a virus, but no mandates, lockdowns or mandatory shots were ever required. It is the weapon of the globalists to implement the Great Reset. ---- I read lots of people I don't agree with on all issues. This is normal. ---- If they are in a demographically and politically sound state they might. The best case scenario is relatively peaceful dissolution of the union, with governance reverting to the several states. This is simple and easy. States already have legislatures, executives and courts. In the very right wing ones things will revert to sanity quickly if the federal pig system dies. ---- Only run for local office if your crypsis is total. The only useful mission is preparing for the breakup of the US. Best practice is moving out of the cities to a rural area of a state with as few antifa and shitlibs as possible. Big dark coming soon. ---- I am pretty sure Anglin denies the holocaust. Your confusion comes from thinking I am anything other than someone who has read the site on occasion. ---- The elite's power comes from money, laws and organization. The underlying ideas were pushed with massive billion dollar megaphones. Constructing internet based megaphones with similar reach comes first. And the subjects to raise with those megaphones are bread and butter issues like crime, immigration, ruling class corruption and grift. Last thing you want to do is relitigate every debate since 1932. ---- As age of consent debates are to libertarians holocaust debates are to the far right. You have no grasp of memetics. There is no winning a morbid discussion of mass graves. The entire subject is distasteful. Also it is filler to avoid the immense political tone deafness of your cult. If you're debating something no one wants to hear at least it prevents discussing the ongoing White genocide praxis of coronahoax. Which is precisely what the feds want. ---- Ugh, should have threaded back. Anglin's analysis in 2020 of coronahoax and the plot against Trump was top notch. I consider his break with TRS over Jayoh one of his finest hours. He got a pack of spiteful evil enemies in return for telling the truth. I salute him. I'm not a 'stormer', I just used to read it. Anglin has lost the script lately, he's going way overboard on the blackpills. ---- A complete alt-media stack is required. To start with independent platforms entirely disconnected from surveillance capitalism and enemy third party services. It also requires monetization, which is a harder problem. ---- It's like a lot of these historical theories. IF you could prove that the CIA killed JFK then everything would be upended. That isn't going to happen. If there was a slam dunk case WITH MEMETIC POWER it would have gone viral already. The way is shut. ---- Rush Limbaugh was controlled opposition but the left wing of the power configuration came after him anyway. It's about conditioning. Power imposes escalating punishments on the right, from the mildest slaps on the wrists for neocons to a cancer diagnosis for William Pierce. ---- By cucking completely Trump ended America. This is the 'bad emperors' phase. Trump the cuck followed by Biden the turnip. ---- Donald Trump Tucker Carlson Mitch McConnell Glenn Beck Mitt Romney... (100,000 more names) ...RickyVaughn JohnRivers Andrew Torba... (300 million more names) ...Dave getting a shot ---- Someday I will look up the specifics again, but Gary North, a WWII isolationist, discovered that the foremost isolationist historian who notoriously flip flopped on US involvement in WWII had been paid off with $40,000, which would be around half a million bucks today. The path forward is an inversion of that - subvert confidence in all the organs of the panopticon. Each time you drag Wikipedia or CNN you are chipping away at the foundations of the system. My reverse engineering method of detecting subversion is to measure the ratio of attacking the pig system to irrelevancies and outright disinfo. It is an art not a science. A single vital act of treason, as when Tucker Carlson took down Sidney Powell to gutshot Trump's effort to undo the election steal, is an instant blackball. Similarly, when anyone hypes coronahoax relentlessly as JohnRivers has been doing it is clear they have been flipped, either memetically or by direct payment. ---- Cuckservatism's funeral was held in 2016 when Jeb Bush suspended his campaign. He outspent every other candidate and lost every contest, badly. That Trump turned out to be useless in no way mitigates the decomposition of the corpse. ---- Crypsis worked for the left. At this time it is the only option. No one can withstand the power of the enemy. Maintain cover and chip away at the system using plausibly deniable issues. Coronahoax is by far the most powerful wedge issue at this time. Posting about the holocaust... not so much. ---- I am making the ballot box stuffing argument. The election was stolen. Biden the turnip did not get the most votes ever. The 'long dark winter' he promised was not a winning issue. Nor was BLM and antifa terror. But the antifa stole it for him, so they win. ---- Andrew Anglin called it right about coronahoax and the stolen election. He is a bit too depressed right now for me to deal with, but he gets points for being correct about the most significant issues of the last two years. The right is so far away from where it would be possible to influence normies at scale that it's hardly worth discussing. Normies will rally to whoever can solve their problems. They won't look too closely at what the solvers believe, provide the solutions work. ---- Coronahoax is creating the mechanism for total social control. Vaxx digital passport means they will know your every move. It also establishes the mechanism for administering the genocide shot. Once everyone has a biometric digital pass they can roll out the death shot without as much chance of killing one of their people. ---- In outline: We face a hegemonic Marxist swarm because media installs meme malware in 95% of more of the population. In such circumstances those who have broken the conditioning cannot openly promote the truth. We must strategize to undo the meta-cultural system that enables the hegemonic swarm. Building unshuttenable media is job one. ---- The FBI didn't know if they could break Trump. If Trump had so desired he could have started a civil war on January 6. Only afterwards was it clear that the best fed play was maximizing attendance and capitol storming. A real storming of the capitol is the last thing the regime wanted on January 5th. ---- I have no interest in listening to anyone who got coronahoax wrong. Alex Jones and Andrew Anglin got it right. As did I, and totally independently of those sources. I just analyzed the numbers. The discrepency between claimed 'total cases' and the likely number of infections was the key to the whole scam back when morons were claiming a 1-5% death rate. ---- Interest is such a vague word. The wokening will, if it is not stopped, destroy the US very quickly. The supply chain crisis proves that. Implement the full agenda, which includes the gutshot of global warming (a lie) carbon restrictions and all of civilization dies. Jews are as dependent on that civilization for their survival as anyone. Even more so because Israel depends on the US having a credible ability to project force. So Mr. Fink is burning down his own house and leaving his auxilliary home defenseless. Odd. ---- Infighting isn't why the right is small, enemy action is. The right is subject to constant full spectrum attack by every pillar of the Marxist world order that won World War II. ---- This is very specific. You have an individual with immense power leveraging it to bend society in directions that even other billionaires are skeptical of. My bet is he's a faggot. The Fed bought the wokening at the cost of trillions of dollars, and because it is not popular that funny money will have to keep flowing in. So massive inflation will continue for some time. ---- Maybe sitting around delving into ancient history not the best use of your time when the infrastructure for coercing you to take a bioweapon shot is being fast tracked. ---- Literal deep cover operative (O21, no history, no follows, no original posts, all sniping comments) sent by the Panopticon to destroy Langan claims there are no conspiracies. How's the weather in Tel Aviv? Edit: Holy shit, this guy KNOWS Langan. The evil forces did a little organized crime trick, they send your friend to take you out. BTW these things all work like mafias... and mafias are conspiracies. Imagine that, real conspiracies exist! Gain of function research at Wuhan was funded by the US. You seem to have two functions here, covering up the evil plot that surrounds the coronahoax (the hoax is the hype that destroyed the world economy and allowed the election steal, the virus is real and seems to have been created by evil men) and trying to tag a dangerous enemy with the old 'anti-semite' tag so they can be meta-annihilated by Jews, who have no power and are harmless, but you somehow will be destroyed and smeared for all eternity if you make a peep that they find to be a high frequency whistle that inflicts a nanogram of disrepute on any Jew who has ever lived. P.S. Leo Frank was guilty and he got what he fucking deserved. ---- 'Hey, guys, we are really sneaky, we use a burner phone to register a new Youtube channel so we can stream our racist 'podcasts' for free again, come on in!' Like Google doesn't have all your devices fingerprinted. They let you use the service so they can gather more machine fingerprints for the master kill list they'll use if the color revolution reaches its final stage. ---- It is likely that a privacy distro of Linux and PGP would work. But good luck getting dimwits who won't ditch their iphones up to that level. So yeah, the analog loophole it is. Also must ban smartphones from all get togethers. Electronic scanning will be required. ---- James Cameron's Avatar is notorious for having the worst collapse in interest of any major hit. In contrast to Titanic, Terminator and Aliens no one remembers anything about it or gives a shit about the endlessly delayed sequels. The reason? It is 100% poz propaganda, Dances with Wolves in space. The big payoff is the evil racist getting killed by the traitor after he calls him a race traitor. Please clap. ---- All venture capitalists personally support White genocide or answer to those who do. ---- And it will never have anything to fear unless we have independent means of communication. Which means not trusting shady venture capital funded fronts like Telegram. Let alone relying on Google. ---- Coronahoax seems to be a repurposed plan they had been working on to impose global medical tyranny. Instead they used it to destroy Trump via mail in voting and possibly to cover up the economic crash they knew their years of quantitative easing had made inevitable. The same scum pushing coronahoax are all in on the Great Reset, which is the plan to reduce everyone to gig economy serfdom, epitomized by 'you will own nothing.' The 'and be happy' part is a lie not even they believe. ---- The preference cascade that is most feared has yet to occur but the cascade ending the American dream happened while everyone was too busy hiding from coronabearpig to notice. No one thinks there are careers. No one believes in hard work. No one believes that these corporate pig scum care about anything other than raping you then your kids. Let it all burn. ---- Anyone who expresses support for flipping White characters to black at this late date is your enemy and cannot be saved. Cut them off. Even if they're your mother. ---- Wikipedia will prohibit you from adding things which are true to an article unless there is a journalistic source for it. Literally, to Wikipedia, that which is not discussed by the MSM did not happen. ---- Wikipedia is a weapon to spread media lies. Always has been. ---- Joe Rogan is a real problem for the panopticon, as I have been saying for a couple of years. He is smart, he has an intensely loyal fan base that will follow him anywhere, and he knows how to spin up his own media company if they fire him. He is 1000X more dangerous to the globalists than Glenn Beck, even though he agrees with maybe 30-40% of globalist premises. But it's a package deal. Globalism is the ideology of White genocide and they need the mRNA death shot conditioning to prep us for their final solution. ---- Elections ended in 2020. They will just steal them. Most people know the media lies, 45% like the lies, 55% are angrier by the day. ---- The loss of media influence over an ever growing % of the US population is going to be a major factor in starting the dissolution of the union. The enemy assumed they could maintain 1960-2000's media hegemony forever. The fact that people can talk directly to each other via cheap long distance phones and the internet has fucked them up, bigtime. ---- NPR might influence 1% of the population, but it is the part that runs everything. The delta between rulers and ruled will lead to a bloodbath. I'm just observing, here. No fedpost. ---- Thing to remember about GOP hacks and anything relating to January 6 is they are piss and shit their pants scared. They saw Trump get buck broken on January 7. It's even possible deep state assassins straight up whispered in the ears of key players that there was no helping the January 6 fall guys and anyone who tried would be detonated live on TV. I am serious as cancer. ---- Another dumb take circulating at the moment: Conservatives abandoned their posts! They retreated willingly into their subcultural ghetto and the left took over. No, the left PURGED all right wingers and even mild conservatives by 2010, or kept them out for the previous 68 years. After the New Deal the filter was in place, and even relics like Gerald Ford were forced to purge anyone who violated Marxist norms. Poor Earl Butz. ---- Women's suffrage was the enabling act for every evil. ---- Universal default on debts No making whole via taxes or monetization Let them choke on nothing ---- Read The Better Angels of Our Nature then invert all the advice given. The decivilizing process is the key to survival. ---- If you don't want 87 quadrillion dollars in reparations paid to negroes they are gonna call you racist. Get used to it. ---- The entire authority system has been hijacked. Think of the US government as the malign extraterrestrial shapeshifter from The Thing. Sometime around 1945 enough cells were replaced by enemy flesh that the entire organism became a hostile entity seeking your death. ---- Two kinds of government employees. Ones who unknowingly work to kill you, and those who want you dead. ---- February 2020 I'd have estimated the United States had at least 20 more years, with only the most negligible chance of breaking up, having a civil war or collapsing. Say one tenth of one percent. Each new crime by the regime has bumped those numbers up. ---- Each liberal propaganda franchise they kill by fagging it up makes the postwar inflicted consensus weaker. ---- The most significant divergence between the bioleninist cult and all world religions is the former has nothing to recommend it, not even accidental correspondence to some deeper truths revealed by memetic evolution. Bioleninism is the ideology of a plague. ---- The altright was a flare that burst from the sun that dissipated and faded away. The sun abides. ---- We are approaching a historic inflection point similar to the one that created the Church of England. The imbecile Catholics refused to permit the king to divorce, so he had to act as sovereign and crush the moral crusaders to save the kingdom. That's what will have to be done with the cult of human equality or civilization will fall. Not over the next century. In the next five years. ---- I call that the Overfiend Contingency. No, I won't explain it. ---- It turns out you can't replace real men with spiteful mutants without consequence. I can remain angry longer than they can remain solvent. ---- I may have to take a big L on my thesis that the forces of evil don't dare crash the economy. They are hysterical with terror. They believe, despite the utter and total meta-annihilation of the altright, that we are nanoseconds away from a Hitlerian revival. They will murder the world to prevent that. ---- It was confirmed on January 7, 2021. John Leibowitz is a very high level operative, so this is an interesting twist. Could be they are worried they've heated things up too much and want to use Trump as a cooler. ---- The definition of programmer is definitely slipping. People using what amount to animation programs that generate 'video games' call themselves programmers now. I remember when new versions of programs were better than the old ones. Now not only do the programs become worse, they become more evil (Firefox's address bar keylogger comes to mind). Good design is the key. You can take a highly confusing counter-intuitive task like selecting colors for CG work and make it hard or easy. Microsoft is, in theory, attempting that with their products. And I will say that Microsoft Word sure as hell was an improvement over MS-DOS editors. But that was a while ago. ---- The more dedicated people are to following rules and conforming the more power audacious people have to game the system. The sovereign would not be vulnerable to such methods, having the ability to rewrite the rules to deal with the ever evolving exploits of system gamers. Gaming the system is grounds for asset forfeiture and exile. ---- If turnout is normal in 2024 they can steal the election. If the economy is prosperous only a few crackpots will revolt. All these systems depend on normalcy. Things get less normal by the hour. ---- I have no political ambitions whatsoever so I can shitpost as I please. If you lead a real world organization you better be a lot more careful. ---- If you don't understand why Nick Fuentes never should have made the cookie joke you are not ready for politics. ---- Richard Nixon didn't know that his anti-Jew rants would be listened to by FBI deputy director Mark Felt, who was Jewish. Mark Felt was Deep Throat. Now you know the rest of the story. ---- Before everyone had a spy device they enjoyed the security of obscurity. The ruling class could lie to themselves that eventually everyone would come around and accept life in the pod eating bugs and allowing their kids to be raped. It took the sledgehammer to the face of Trump's victory and subsequent analysis of the panoptic console to convince them that this is a death struggle. That is to say, they only get what they want when all White men on Earth are dead. Even one White man could be the A.E. van Vogt superman, the Kwisatz Haderach, who could undo them in a single act of pure will. ---- I think Android phones are why coronahoax. The formerly cryptic views of White men are now revealed, and the ruling class does not like those views one bit. They now know White men's conditioning has been a total failure. That we wanted Trump to be Vlad the Impaler, Caesar and Warhammer 40K's emperor all rolled into one. And if they don't wipe us out soon we will find one. ---- My rule is to not do anything to help the enemy while taking all legal steps to harm them. Never feed the beast willingly. Cancel cable TV, Netflix, any other poz streaming, delete Facebook and all other namefag social media, be a parasite on the system, collect all benefits, cut off contact with all leftists. ---- I wonder if there are any more shoes to drop on Trump? He isn't quite destroyed enough to make a proper example of him to other wealthy men looking to bolster their ego by adding 'POTUS' to their resume. 2024 is theoretically wide open. Election fraud does have its limits. A wealthy man willing to structure his agenda for maximum popularity could still hack the system. They would need to use methods other than fraud to stop him. Which of course they would. That's why I think they're not done hurting Trump. He must be so utterly destroyed that no one else will even consider attempting a rerun of 2016. ---- If SJWs can oust Linus Torvalds no one is safe. Alliances must be face to face based on decades of close friendship, not documents. ---- Some grifting character took over William Pierce's organization through chicanery after Pierce died and put that fucking convicted PEDOPHILE Strom in charge. ---- SCOTUS smacking down any effort to oppose the stolen election 9-0 should have ended everyone's delusion that we live under laws that are fairly administered. The feds are ravening beasts, and it's best not to wave red flags in their direction. ---- Trump was the last great grifter, and he blew it. ---- Can a nation that can't keep commercial aviation, trucking and rail transport functional really be called a superpower? ---- If a state manages to secede all bets are off. I still doubt Israel would want to deploy troops. When the US collapses and can no longer project power Israel is going to want to have as many troops as they can muster right there to defend against the Nassar coalition reborn. ---- I postulate that there is a religious-political equivalent of 'the funnel' used by 'seminar' type grifts that exists in the organized Jewish community. The further down the funnel one goes the more one comes to resemble an A. Wyatt Mann cartoon ideologically. If you happen to live in a region where Jews live odds are not one that you meet will hold what might be called the Soros ideology. But it makes no difference, money talks, and to get access to that plutocrat money you must go all-in on White genocide. ---- Not one business decision with political implications since 2010 has been made based on customer demand. All of it comes from the sinister billionaires who seek revenge on normal White people, either because they are trannies, faggots, were bullied mercilessly or, most common, are Jews who won't forgive Europe for Hitler ---- Yes, there will be a White strike. Yes, you others will not be able to take our place. Yes, we will win and you will lose. ---- Openly replacing the real White House rooms with a set signals a new stage in total shamelessness. The regime knows they won't be called out for it. Not to make excuses for Biden, but there are advantages to having a set that are well known to anyone who watches a behind the scenes documentary on the making of a TV show or movie. You can conceal the lights, get better camera angles, and highly relevant here hide the cue cards or teleprompter. The reason even actor Ronald Reagan never attempted this is it would have invited extreme criticism at the time, 'Fake president now speaking from fake White House, how low can he go?' It is the complete eradication of any distinction between media and government that permitted this latest horror. ---- There is the radical normie faction, to coin a term, which regards all fantasy, scifi and anime related interests as childish and perverse. This is a remnant of the establishment view of a century ago, which is probably still being passed down in certain elite schools. I have run into it, though less often by the decade. ---- CPI has been transparent bullshit since imputed deflators were introduced during the first Bush administration. ---- Billionaires: 'OK, new agenda item: Trannies cutting off their penises is cool.' 99%ers: 'Yes, boss.' That's America. ---- Getting people to shut off enemy media is your best argument. ---- There is no point in reading left wing publications. Which is all of them. I get all my news from random anons on delisted sites that can't take credit cards. ---- Coronahoax is a vast sabotage of a billion block jenga tower. End the hoax or the tower falls. ---- The problem with me not hating all other races is most of them hate me regardless of my feels. So they will have to go back. ---- mRNA shot doesn't stop you from getting covid19 mRNA shot doesn't stop you from spreading covid19 mRNA shot only lasts two months mRNA shot causes life ruining side effects in some unknown number of victims Each new experimental shot will kill more Spin the wheel ---- Far right types who hate science fiction and media are losers who don't understand the modern world. The people who read science fiction in the 1920s got in on the ground floor of the media revolution of the next forty years and decided what most people believe today. Opting out is cowardice. ---- The pig system is creating enemies faster than any shitposters ever could have converted them even if we hadn't all been purged by big social. ---- There is a moment in one of the traitor Charles Murray's books where, as he wrote only for other members of the evil ruling class, he tries to warn them about how weak a grasp the 'protestant work ethic' has on the lower classes, essentially arguing that the government must cut off all benefits or else its going to create millions of people happier to take free money than to work the shit jobs a low IQ man can get - and he was writing this in the go-go 1980s! His prediction has come to pass. ---- A 1% treason rate is more than society can take. ---- If you're vulnerable to meme malware it's at least in part on you. Develop immunity or perish. ---- Kyle Rittenhouse is not on the radar for most people. It's the attempts to legalize black crime that will radicalize the average GOP voter. It wouldn't be the first time. Nixon and Reagan both rode the reaction into massive landslide victories. The difference now is we are probably below the demographic event horizon, so no voting our way out of it. ---- Neutralizing Anti-Catholic Protestant old money right wingers was William F. Buckley Jr.'s finest hour. Yeah, he did it for the Jews. ---- If we follow the 'hide in the catacombs' strategy they can finish us off with Hiroshima tech. ---- The META-SHUTTENING is my worry. The moment when they activate the NSA process killer backdoor to end crypto, among other things. Don't think 'hack BTC' think 'Blockchain software won't run on AMD or Intel devices because the kill signal was sent out from Langley.' ---- The problem with any minority survival strategy is every other group not only hates us, the full power of every organized institution supports that hatred and is working at warp speed to develop the required technics. All White redoubts will be subject to drone swarming, orbital bombardment and, if necessary, nuclear incineration. ---- If someone who hates you is willing to lose money to hurt you only SOVEREIGN POWER will solve the problem. That means initiating force against the malign plutocrat. Beatings, taking away their money, whatever is required. ---- No, we need a right authoritarian regime to remove enemy elements of the population so we can have a nice country again. Anarchism is for pedophiles and drug addicts. ---- Among our demands is a universal White amnesty. No enemy is permitted to issue charges against us for our supposed historic crimes. If you whine about colonialism or WWII you lose citizenship. Sorry not sorry. ---- The faction opposing immediate genocide is attempting to persuade the Soros extermination faction that the competence nodes are still too saturated with straight White men to commence the final annihilation of the life form known as Man at this time. Soros rationally responds that it is the annihilation of all competent men which is the purpose of the plan, so any delay is pointless. Will it render the Earth an uninhabitable cinder? Worth it, says the vengeful Jew who can never forgive Europe for Hitler. ---- Murdering Scalia telegraphed the stolen election. They are going to make their move soon. Open gloating extermination of the White race. Do not comply. ---- Maintain crypsis. That way the antifa death squads kill lists will be incomplete. ---- All governments where there is a White majority population with the possible exceptions of the former Eastern Bloc seek to exterminate their majority by engulfing them with hostile savage rapists and killers. So yeah, I don't trust the government. ---- It never occurs to liberals, leftists, moderates or other clueless dolts that the government might decide it wants to kill them all. ---- If the vaccine worked coronachan deaths would be down. ---- Every normal White man stands accused of being a combination of Hitler, Voldemort and Darth Sidious, beings of total evil whose mere existence generates a penumbra of evil that makes all other races fail. If White people aren't INFLICTING failure on other races with racism what other explanation remains? Now you know why they will defend CRT and all the rest of these lies to the death. Also, once those taboos start to fall the fact of genetic personality has implications that will lay every nation built on the fairy tales of the postwar dogma to waste. ---- The typical American evangelical imagines that if he perfects his marketing he can convert Marxist biological freaks into good people. ---- Solzhenitsyn was right, if Russia had not abandoned God communism couldn't have won. Because they would have burned every communist at the stake or impaled them on pikes upon detection. ---- We'll see how well DeSantis holds up when the full power of the abomination configuration is unleashed on him, but this is the path forward. State nullification. Remember, all feds are bastards. ---- Luddites are brooding bodies of bad ideas and delusional moralism. Particularly about transportation. Anti-technology tards avoid discussing the massive dieoff getting rid of high energy consumption technology requires. Think 50% population haircut. ---- There is a pretty good scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood where Al Pacino warns DeCaprio that if he keeps being cast as bad guys who get beaten up by the young hero it is going to destroy his career. That is what Hollywood is doing to deconstruct and dethrone White men. It's why Marvel kicked Chris Hemsworth out of The Avengers after making him an obese clone of The Dude in Endgame. The trouble is no one likes any of the diversities they're bringing in as replacement killers. ---- The long term threat to high union wages in Hollywood is the collapse of the movie star. If they can replace the above the line stars with nobodies they can dispense with SAG talent entirely. Virtual production has already shunted a lot of the labor onto non-union CG modelers. Go to a motion capture suit and virtual actors and their journey to money saving hyperreality will be complete. ---- Has it occurred to any of you that the tranny psychos are loose cannons? This isn't some carefully planned 'humiliation ritual', it's a faction spinning completely out of control. The normies hate the trannies with the galaxy detonating hatred of a billion suns. Pushing that in people's faces is suicidally stupid for any regime. ---- Technology has entirely overturned all cultures that permitted it and it's going to keep doing so and there is nothing you can do to stop it without rendering yourself entirely defenseless against those cultures willing to endure the disruption. ---- Cloudflare's glow can be easily seen from the Andromeda galaxy. ---- Nixon was in an impossible situation. From 1945 to 1980 you could not survive politically outside the deep, deep south as a conservative if you had even the slightest hint of fascist or anti-semitic ideology. All news came through three TV networks. The bypass system of direct mail was in its infancy, and even that was subject to limits. If Nixon had gone full shitlord he would have been destroyed even faster than he was. BTW I am convinced it was the content of his tapes that caused the full weight of the shuttening to come down on him, particularly his discussion with Billy Graham on Jewish media control. ---- 'The American people will eat any shit sandwich offered' assumes that we've eaten a lot of shit. In fact Americans have been enjoying immense prosperity with plenty of good food to eat for 150 years. In USA consent is manufactured with cash. ---- Anti-technology environmentalism is just another way for spiteful mutants that could never equal our greatness to libel the West. ---- Twitter is a Marxist social proof generator. It reflects the opinions of people who don't get banned from Twitter - that is to say, extreme Marxists. Normal liberals are now banned for the slightest deviation from the tranny-faggot-pedo party line. Stop reading Twitter. ---- The faction crashing the economy with coronahoax is the 'Exterminate the White race ASAP' faction, not the 'loot the system until it dies' faction. ---- Fauci is either an adept at perfectly reflecting the narrative or, my view, he is a closeted faggot pedo assigned to neutralize potential right wing reaction to AIDS and has been involved in the highest operational level ever since. There is no daylight between 'covers for AIDS fags' and 'engineers genocide bioweapons.' ---- The abomination configuration (aka globopedo) is absolutely dependent on maintaining prosperity to sustain this delicate balance. White Americans were bribed into accepting this system with a good life. When life becomes not good it's anything can happen day for the first time since 1865 or so. ---- If the Wuhan gain of function research was aimed at creating a race specific bioweapon you're not going to beat that with a Kalashnikov. ---- This. I have a history of cinema published in 1912. No one had the slightest notion of how powerful feature films were going to become in the next 30 years. Films were short, not that expensive to make and disposable, mostly being lost when the prints wore out. This is before the first blockbuster feature - Birth of the Nation - was released. When the founding American ruling class still had the power to regulate the industry they regarded it as no more dangerous than a carnival sideshow. ---- The baseline assumption on the fediverse is that all users are well versed in Linux administration and could run a webserver if needed. This is increasingly in error. My goal is for the fediverse to be usable by people who now use Twitter. This is in marked contrast to those who enjoy discussing high level technical subjects far away from non-technical users. ---- American right wing anti-secessionism reminds me of Richard Spencer endorsing the European Union. You are never going to control those institutions, the way is shut. Only dissolving them will prevent White extinction. ---- You can be lazy and have bad manners. That's your right under the 1stAmendment. But you won't be doing it in my notifications. ---- I find that I can shut down anyone shilling the mRNA shot by informing them that it is not a vaccine. That takes most people in RL by surprise. Then go into rambling discussion of RNA vs. DNA and most will find some excuse to change the subject. ---- Because it can. Hellthreads barely exist in most of the fediverse because non-free speech instances ban anyone who starts them or refuses to untag. They are a social engineering weapon to destroy free expression. Straight up spam is also used. I block anyone who claims spam is free speech. That argument is always made in bad faith. ---- Baked Alaska is vermin and if you associate with him I downgrade my estimation of your character considerably. It does not surprise me that the Baked anchor is dragging Nick Fuentes down. Attention whores make bad lieutenants. ---- Portugal may well be the most genetically rekt nation in 'Europe' We have living proof of the damage right here on FSE. ---- The good news is these scum don't know how warlordism works. They treat their servants with contempt. When there is no more law their servants will eliminate the parasites and take all the stuff for themselves no matter what hole they've dug into. ---- What I lay out is the logistical reasons why the hard right keeps failing. It's not just incompetence, it is being sabotaged. Supply chains, funding, comms and social life disrupted by constant bombardment the moment anyone sticks their head up. There are methods by which all logistical aspects can be made more robust. LYING is part of it. The Marxists lied their way into power. If you can't be like Borden in The Prestige you will lose. Watch that movie, the key scene is when they've watched the Chinese magician do the fishbowl trick and Borden is laughing at he watches the magician being escorted to his coach. 'That's the act right there.' ---- The Tea Party was a grift and a danger to the establishment. Things can be both. They are often both. The soft power regime is vulnerable to culture hacking done out of ideological and commercial motives. The latter are in many ways more dangerous as ideologues are rare, but all Americans love them some money. When a Dr. Mercola finds a niche in medical skepticism and clickbaits his way into the currents of memetic space he can be a problem when the cabal wants to inject some poison. ---- Coronahoax is a test run to see if they can spin up a crisis out of almost nothing, impose draconian measures then double down on those measures with a 'solution' that doesn't work. ---- You are GOVERNED by the product of the statewide population. The lawfare stack that will be deployed against someone who is hunted down by antifa vermin is far worse in California than it is in North Dakota. ---- Marxists hate us so much more than they hated Russians or Ukrainians in the 1920s-30s. ---- As long as nothing significant is at stake the US federal, state and local government can function as if they are legit. They do try to prevent anarchy in most parts of the country, outside a few no-go zones. If a thug rapes or kills and he's dumb enough to leave evidence he will be arrested and put away. ---- It's when anything that might interfere with the globalist plot to enslave and exterminate us comes up that the corruption surfaces. Not one power center in the US did a thing to stop or punish the stolen election. Not one power chokepoint is under the control of anyone willing to oppose coronahoax tyranny. America is dead. This is a Marxist dictatorship in its early stages of consolidating power. If it succeeds it will exterminate 200 million US citizens at minimum. ---- Karl Popper didn't want Jews declared a different species. There, I said it. ---- The mRNA shot is a full court press psychohistorical crisis. They will blow everything to drag this past the finish line: Implementation of the mandatory tracking app / passport system. Destroy everything before permitting that to be done. General strike, universal jury nullification, every imaginable strategem is your moral duty in this infinite crisis. ----